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1、加拿大入籍考试模拟试题3加拿大入籍考试模拟试题31. Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history? a. It allows Canada to change the Constitution without asking approval of the British Government. b. It allows Canadians more freedoms. c. It changed the immigration laws. d. The Queen became more involved

2、in Canadian Government. 选a 2. What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians? a. The British Charter of Rights and Freedoms. b. The Canadian Charter of Rights. c. The Canadian Charter of Freedoms. d. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 选d 3. Na

3、me six responsibilities of citizenship. a. Get a job, make money, raise a family, pay taxes, mow your lawn, vote. b. Vote, join a political party, get a job, obey the law, drive safely, pick up litter. c. Care for the environment, dont litter, pay taxes, obey the law, help others, respect others. d.

4、 Vote, help others, care for our heritage and environment, obey Canadas laws, respect the rights of others, eliminate injustice. 选d 4. Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community. a. Mind your own business. b. Have a party. c. Keep your property tidy. d. Joi

5、n a community group. 选d 5. Which province has the most bilingual Canadians? a. British Columbia. b. Prince Edward Island. c. Nova Scotia. d. Quebec. 选d 6. What does the Canadian flag look like? a. Red and white with provincial emblems纹章. b. Red and white with a beaver. c. White with a red border on

6、each end and a red maple leaf in the centre. d. Red with a white maple leaf. 选c 7. How are Members of Parliament chosen? a. Appointed by the Prime Minister. b. Elected by Canadian citizens. c. Appointed by the Queen. d. Elected by the Provincial Ministers. 选b 8. Which party becomes the Official Oppo

7、sition? a. The party with the second most MPs. b. The party receiving the least votes. c. Any independent candidate. d. The party the Prime Minister selects. 选a 9. What is the role of the Opposition parties? a. To assist the Prime Minister. b. To sign bills. c. To oppose or try to improve government

8、 proposals. d. To put forward bills to be passed. 选c 10. Which party is the Official Opposition at the federal level? a. The New Democratic Party. b. The Liberal Party. c. The Independent Party. d. The Conservative Party. 选b 11. Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election? a. The best speaker ru

9、nning in the election. b. A candidate they want to represent them in Parliament. c. Someone to become the Premier. d. All of the candidates in their electoral district. 选b 12. How are Senators chosen? a. By the Governor General of Canada. b. By the Premiers of all provinces. c. Appointed by the Quee

10、n. d. They are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General. 选d 13. Who are the Acadians? a. Aboriginal people of the arctic. b. French-speaking Catholics living in Ontario. c. The descendants of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604

11、. d. English speaking refugees who settled in Louisiana. 选c 14. Which of the following sentences best describes the War of 1812? a. Napoleons fleet was defeated by the Royal Navy in the war. b. The USA became independent from the British Empire after the war. c. The USA invaded Canada and was defeat

12、ed, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States. d. Canada joined the United States after the war. 选c 15. Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War? a. 7000. b. 8 million. c. About 60,000. d. More than 600,000. 选d 16. In the 1960s, Quebec experienced

13、an era of rapid change. What is this called? a. The West Movement. b. The Revolution. c. The Quiet Revolution. d. La Francophonie. 选c 17. What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize? a. Easy access to the West Coast. b. What can be achieved by working together. c. Unity. d. Ribbons of steel. 选c

14、18. What does it mean to say Canada is a constitutional monarchy? a. The Sovereign (Queen or King) is the law maker of Canada. b. Canadas Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King) who reigns in accordance with the Constitution. c. The Sovereign (Queen or King) represents Canadians in P

15、arliament. d. The sovereign (Queen or King) approves bills before becoming law. 选b 19.Who invented the snowmobile? A. Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward B. Sir Sandford Fleming C. Alexander Graham Bell D. Joseph-Armand Bombardier 选C 正确答案是D 20.What does equality under the law mean? A. to be like anyone

16、else in Canada B. To be the same as anywhere in the world C. To be protected agaginst any discrimination. D. To be discriminated against. 选D 正确答案是C 21.In Canadas justice system, what does presumption of innocence means? A. Everybody is guilty until proven innocent. B. Everyone is innocent until prov

17、en guilty. C. The judge can determine who is guilty without evidence. D. The prime Minster can determine who is innocent in a court. 选B 22.From where did the first European settlers in Canada come? A. France B. England C. Spain D. Germany 选A 23.Who do provincial members of the legislative or nationa

18、l assemblies represent? A. Federal and provincial governments. B. Everyone who lives in the federal electoral district. C. Everyone who lives in the provincial or territorial electoral district. D. Everyone who lives in the municipal electoral district. 选C 24.Which province has the most valuable for

19、est industry in Canada? A. BC B. Alberta C. Ontario D. Quebec. 选A 25.What is a polling station? A. member of Parliaments constituency. B. Place where the number of votes are counted. C. Campaign officers for candidates. D. Place where you vote. 选D 26.What was the name of the new country formed in Co

20、nfederation? A. Dominion of Canada B. Canada C. Canadian Confederation. D. Britain. 选A 27.What is the Canadian Constituion? A. The laws which govern the Territories in Canada. B. A system of laws and conventions which our country governs itself by. C. Municipal and local bylaws. D. The laws which fo

21、rmed the country. 选D 正确答案是B 28.Which document first defined the responsibilties of federal and provincial governments? A. The Constitution Act, 1982 B.The Confederation Act. C. The Federal Act. D. The British North America Act. 选D 29.What is written on an election ballot? A. The candidates running f

22、or Prime Minster listed. B. The names of the candidates in your electoral district. C. The results of the election. D. The names of Canadians eligible to vote. 选B 30.For how long did the Hudson Bay Company control the northern lands? A. 180 years. B. 220 years. C. 300 years. D. 150 years. 选A 正确答案是C

23、31.Which legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians? A. The Multicultural Act of the United Nations. B. Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms. C. Canadian Multiculturalism Act. D. British Charter of Freedoms 正确答案是C 32.Which of the following answer is NOT true about Canada/USA rela

24、tionship? A.Canada exports very little goods to USA B.They are largest trading partners C.Canada/USA relationship is closest and the most extensive in world D.They share longest undefended border 选A 33.What does the National Register of electors contain? A.Database of Canadian citizens at least 18 y

25、ears of age who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums B. Database of landed immigrants C. Database of all Canadian citizens D. Database of Canadian tax payers 选A 34.A Member of Parliament from Toronto decided to spend the weekend in his electoral district. This means he will be:

26、 A. Somewhere in USA B.Taking a tour in the province of Ontario C.In Ottawa D.In some part of Toronto where he was elected 选D 35.Which of the following are the first four provinces in the confederation? A.New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Province of Canada (Ontario & Quebec) B.New Brunswick, Newfoundland

27、, Province of Canada (Ontario & Quebec) C.New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Alberta, Manitoba D.Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Province of Canada (Ontario & Quebec) 选A 36.What are the three branches of the Canadian government? A.Executive, Police and Judicial B.Executive, Senate and Judicial C.Executive, Legislat

28、ive and Judicial D.Executive, Legislative and Monarchy 选C 37.Which of the following is role of Police in Canada? A. Responsible for providing national security intelligence to the Government B. Conduct or support land warfare, peacekeeping or humanitarian missions C. Keep people safe and to enforce

29、the law D. Resolver of disputes and interpreter of the law 38.What is the significance of Quebec Act of 1774? A.Peace, Order and Good Government B.The birth of Canada C.Canadas tolerance of religious traditions under the law D.Divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada 选C 39.What of the follow

30、ing is Canadas constitution based on? A.Peace, Order and Good government B.War, Order and Good government C.Mobility Rights, Order and Good government D.Multiculturalism. Peace and Order 选A 40.Under Canadian law, why everybody is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty? A.No person or group is a

31、bove the law B.Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression C.Men and women are equal under the law D.To guarantee the due process under the law 41.What does the Crown mean for Canadians? A. A national motto, A Mari Usque Ad Mare, which in Latin means from sea to sea B. Reflecting the Greco-Roman heritage of Western civilization in which democracy originated C. The Crown is a symbol of Government, including Parliament, legislatures, courts, police services and the armed forc

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