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1、外研社新版六年级下册全年度教案外研社新版六年级下册全年度教案Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.教学目标:知识与技能:what do you want ? I want a hot dog ,please. How much is it ? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.过程与方法:能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱,区别美元、人民币。 情感、态度和价值观:激发学生的学习热情,了解中西方的饮食文化异同。德育目标:从中西方的饮食文化差异中,发现我国历史悠久的饮食文化,并进行文明礼仪教育。教学重点:本课新单词与句型

2、教学难点:中西方在价格表达上的异同(1美元=100美分)教具:单词卡片、录音机课时安排:2课时第一课时教学过程:(一) 导入:1、Warm up Greetings2、Free talk3、Game: Do as I say, not as I do.(二)探究新知:PresentationShow some pictures of food to the students.Stick them on the board after read.Then the teacher touches the stomach and says: “Im hungry and thirsty and th

3、irsty, now. I want some noodles cake /cola/hamburger”and write the new words on the board.Talk T: I want a hot dog .Are you hungry? What do you want?S: Im hungry, too. I want Then do this activity in pairs.New Teaching 1. (Talk) T: Now, we are all hungry .Lets go to a fast food restaurant.Ss: Thats

4、great!2. Now, look at the screen and look at these questions, then answer. a. Where are Daming, Simon and Simons dad? b. Is a hot dog really a dog? c. What does Simon want to eat? e. What does Simons dad want to eat? f. How much is the meal?3. Study in their groups. Find out new words and sentences,

5、 and then write them on the board.Explain “dollar and cent”. “1 dollar is 100 cents.”Practise them with your partner.Answer those questions.(三)巩固新知:Practice 1. Now lets make a fast food restaurant .You can buy something that you want. (Ss put their food on the teachers desk.)2. Do the activity in th

6、eir groups.(四)作业布置:单词四会(五)小结:To learn how to order in a restaurant, to differ Chinese and western food, to grasp the words about food and structures about ordering. 第二课时教学过程:(一)Warming-up 1、Greeting T:Hello,everyone!How are you today? Ss:I am fineThank you And you ? T:I am fine tooThank youAre you h

7、appy?Ss:Yes2、Listen and doT:Stand up/Turn left/turn westSs:Do the actions (二)Lead in 1、教师拿出汉堡的图片,T:What is this? Ss:汉堡。T:Yes,this is hamburger.从而引出新单词“hamburger”,教师教学生hamburger的发音,并要求学生在书桌上拼h-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-r,hamburger()教师又拿出可乐的图片,T:What is this? Ss:可乐。T:Yes,this is a cola. 教师举起汉堡和可乐的图片问:“How much is

8、 it?总共多少钱?”Ss:13.25 T:Yes,It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Ok,now enjoy your meal.又引出“cola、dollar、cent、enjoy”用同样的方法教授,通过提问的方式抽查学生掌握的情况。(三)Presentation 1、教学活动1(Listen,point and find“I want”) (1)师生互动T:Boys and girls,do you like hamburger? Ss:Yes T:I like hamburger tooDo you like cola ? Ss:

9、No(Yes) T:Ok,now lets look at activity 1. Who are they? Can you guess what are they doing? (2)教师播放第一遍录音,要求学生画出不懂的句子和单词。 (3)播放第二遍录音前,教师要求学生带着小黑板的问题去听,如: Is a hot dog really a dog? What does Daming want? How much is it? (4)教师再播放录音,每句停顿,请学生跟读并模仿语音语调,以提问的方式解决小黑板上的问题。 (5)教师教学生读SB活动1的对话。 (6)把全班分成四人一小组,分别扮

10、演Simon、Daming、Simondad 、Waitress的角色朗读课文。 2、教学重点句型 (1)引出重、难点T:(出示图片)What do you want?S1:I want a hamburgerS2:I want a colaS3:I want a hot dog.S4:I want.T:How much is it?Ss:It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents(2)Practice 教师拿出词卡“hamburger、cola、hot dog、dollar、cent 播放录音,教师带领学生朗读这几个单词。然后教师随意抽取卡片,请

11、学生朗读上面的单词。最后个别抽查,并以小贴画作为奖励。 两人一小组或同桌之间练习对话,然后请自愿表演的小组上台表演,并以小贴画作为奖励。3、看图练习句型(1)教师利用图片呈现SB part 3的图。T:What can you see? What are they doing?请学生观察并作答。(2)T:What do you want? Ss:I want ,please. T:How much is it? Ss:It is 4、Extension 把讲台布置成快餐店的柜台,邀请自愿者站到讲台后扮演服务员,再邀请几名学生上前扮演顾客,表演点餐的过程。为了鼓励下面的学生积极参与,教师可以提出

12、问题:“What does he/she want?”请全班同学抢答。(四)Homework (1)熟读课文,并完成活动手册的练习。(2)同桌之间相互练习SB part 2的对话。 教学反思: Unit 2 What do you want to eat?教学目标:知识与技能:1. What do you want? 2. I want a hot dog. 3. How much is it? 4. Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.过程与方法:To order food and ask the price, make dialogue a

13、ccording to the menu 情感、态度和价值观:了解西方饮食文化与我国饮食文化的区别德育目标:点菜时要用礼貌用语教学重点:1. What do you want? 2. I want a hot dog. 3. How much is it? 4. Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 教学难点:Ss can use: I want.please. How much is it? freely.教具:单词卡片、录音机课时安排:2课时第一课时教学过程:(一)导入:Warm up Greetings Free talk(二)探究新知

14、New Teaching:Activity 1: Look at the menu. Then ask your food and pay for your food.Show a restaurant menu to the students.Have them look at the menu and talk with their partners.Do the activity in their groups.Activity 2: Match (Race)Youll be the winner of this week if you get the flag.Activity 3:

15、Listen, say and sing Have the students look at their books and try to read the sentences of song.Read after the teacher and to know the meaning.Listen to tape twice.Sing follow it.Sing and do the actions.(三)巩固新知Game: The big dinnerPut some food on the desk.Say out the name of the food.Then ask and a

16、nswer in turns.Buy and pay for your food.Taste the food in their groups.(四)作业布置 编对话至少六句话(五)小结:通过服务员和顾客的对话能熟练地运用点菜、报价等句型的练习、增加学生的英语兴趣和信心第二课时教学过程:Step1、 Warming up1. Greetings2. 汇报家庭作业中的调查,小组表演上节课的对话。Step2、Presentation1、Learn the text(1) Lead in上节课我们了解了在美国快餐店点餐用餐的全过程,现在我们要跟随Ling ling和Lingling s dad 一起

17、学习怎样用英语在中国快餐店就餐的,瞧他们正在一家快餐店里点餐,我们先来听听吧。(2) Look and listen for What do you want .Listen to the tape.教师可以通过肢体语言来讲解“eat”和 “drink”.(3) Listen and answer播放第二遍录音,学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案。(A)What does Lingling want to eat and drink?(B)What does Linglings dad want to eat and drink?录音播放完毕后,学生进行口头表述,教师及时纠正答案。(4) Liste

18、n and repeat.“模仿秀”看看哪个同学模仿的最好。播放第三次录音。每个句子后停顿后,要求学生进行指读和跟读。并把以下句子进行板书:What do you want to eat/drink?I want 听完后集体或小组或个人进行模仿朗读。Step3、Practice1、引导学生看SB第二单元活动2 Look the menu中的菜单,要求学生能识别单词:chicken, orange juice, tea并能书写单词:rice, tea。然后教师扮演服务员来询问个别学生:“What do you want to eat/drink?”鼓励学生根据自己的喜好来点餐, 小组内练习点餐。

19、2、引导学生看SB第二单元活动3中的对话,并进一步引导学生运用How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用Its ten yuan.这类语句回答。Step4、Development1Make a Chinese fast food restaurant 学生自制菜单,自取店名来开一家中国快餐店,学生来扮演服务员和顾客进行以小组为单位的情景短剧的表演。2学了这些后我们知道了在中国快餐店吃饭点餐的一些日常用语,下面有一位非常热情的老板在招呼客人,让我们一起去看看。Step5、学习SB第二单元活动4中的歌曲,播放录音,先请学生听歌词朗读。播放歌曲,先让学生整体欣赏歌曲,并确定学生

20、在理解歌词时,是否有疑问。再次播放歌曲,每句后停顿,让学生跟唱。最后集体演唱。Step6、Summary用英语在中国快餐店就餐会用到哪些句子呢?What do you want to eat/drink?How much is it? Its ten yuan.Step7、Homework菜单设计竞赛 学生小组内,设计一份精美菜单,下节课进行评比。抄写课文,并背诵课文。教学反思: Module 2 Unit 1 Were going to have a picnic.教学目标:知识与技能:(1) Words: duck noisy (2) Sentences: When are we goin

21、g to eat? Were going to eat at half twelve. Its going to snow in Harbin.(3) Grammar: Simple future tense, be going to 过程与方法:学习本课单词和课文、简述进行时的用法 情感、态度和价值观:德育目标:野生动物也需要我们的呵护教学重点:When are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve. What are we going to do? Were going to walk around the lake.

22、 教学难点:be going to 教具:单词卡片、录音机课时安排:2课时 第一课时教学过程:(一)导入:Step1. Warming -up T: Boys and girls, lets say some rhymes. Greeting and sing.Step2.Free talk and revision T: What do you like doing in your spare time?S: I like playing football/reading booksT: What are you going to do this Sunday?S: I am going t

23、oT: When are you going to ?S: I am going to at eight /in the morning.Step3. LeadingT: Do you want to know, what did Daming, Simon and Simons mum do during the weekend?(二)巩固新知Writethesequestionsontheboard.Studyintheirgroups. Answerthese questions, and explainthenewwordsandsentences.Practiceinpairs. L

24、etsact.(四)作业布置:熟读课文5遍(五)小结:开始接触现在进行时的用法板书设计: Module 2 Unit 1 Were going to have a picnic. When are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve. When are you going to do? Im going to 教学反思 第二课时教学过程:Step1、Warm-up1. Sing an English song.2. Ask the children: What do you like doing in your spar

25、e time? Step2、Introduction1.Teach the new words in different ways: duck, noisy, picnic. Then let Ss remember the words in their own small groups.2. T: Im going to go to the park with my friends this weekend?Im going to go at nine. How about you,children? What are you going to do? Im going to.When ar

26、e you going to go? Im going to go at.3.Practice the sentences by different ways.4. Finish activity 3 of Page7. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.5.TextT:Do you want to know what did Daming, Simon and Simons mother do during the weekend? Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children

27、to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue carefully and ask several questions. Play the cassette and circle the new words. Play the cassette and ask some questions. When are they going to eat? What are they going to do? Play the cassette again and pause after each sentence for the chi

28、ldren to repeat. 6.Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.Step3、SummaryGroup work: 让生自己总结“be going to”的用法。Step4、Expanding Language Free talk: 让生创设情景,结对子用“be going to”进行对话练习,并进行展示。Step5、Homework1. Read the text in roles.2. Learn SB Activity 3 by themselves. Unit 2 Its going to snow in Harbin.教学目

29、标:知识与技能:单词:snow/sunny/rain/hot/warm/cold/windy句型:Its going to snow in Harbin.语法:What are you going to do today?过程与方法:讲授、游戏 情感、态度和价值观:让学生树立一个定计划的好习惯德育目标:用be going to句型安排好一天的行程,形成一个好的作息时间教学重点:单词:snow/sunny/rain/hot/warm/cold/windy句型:Its going to snow in Harbin.教学难点:语法:What are you going to do today?教具

30、:单词卡片、录音机课时安排:2课时 第一课时教学过程:(一)导入:Warming up: Greeting. Free talk.(二)探究新知New teaching:Activity 1: Look and talk.Look at the picture of the weather.Say the name of the weather.Look at the example, then say.Practice in pairs.Activity 2: Where am I?Put the map of China on the board. Say some famous cities of China.Put the symbols of the weather on each city.Point and say.Ask and answer.Activity 3. Listen and say, then chant.Look at the pictures and guess the meaning.Try to

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