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1、小学英语六年级复习备考计划向 文档编制序号:KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08小学英语六年级复习备考计划向六年级英语复习备考计划一、复习目的 1. 对所学的内容作一个回顾和巩固; 2. 对所学的内容作归纳和总结; 3. 提高综合运用语言的能力; 二、复习方法 1. 注意复习的全面性; 2. 要特别关注后进的学生; 3. 按系统复习; 4. 注意重、难点; 5. 注意针对性 6. 注意密度、合理分配时间; 7. 以练为主、综合练习、应用性为主; 8. 重视学生的反馈信息。 9制定好复习计划贯穿整套教材的主线有三条,第一是知识主线,包括词汇、语法;第二是技能主线,包括听、说、

2、读、写;第三是话题主线,包括主题、功能。其中,第一、二主线是由第三条主线带出来的,而第三条主线中的话题和功能在教材中的编排都是呈螺旋上升模式的。以人物的日常活动、学习生活等作为主线,一些主题如“there be, time”主题。教材会在不同册次的多个模块中分别从称谓、年龄、职业、理想、外貌、性格、爱好特长、生活习惯、成长与变化等方面进行了学习,而这些模块又涉及一般现在时(含第三人称单数)、现在进行时、一般过去式等语法内容和表达喜好、描述外貌、 对比等的功能语言。因此,在制订复习计划时,一定要考虑这些线索间的相互关联,从而使复习有效。(一)复习内容的整理与划分第一部分:知识1、词汇:二、三会词

3、汇的复习(听、说、读),四会词汇的复习(听、说、读、写,其中主要体现在运用中)具体分为:不可数名词,可数名词单数、复数,动词(三单形式,ing形式,过去式),代词(人称代词,物主代词,名词性代词,形容词性代词),形容词(位置和作用,比较级 ),副词(位置和用法), 介词, 连词。 各类词类按主题又进行了进一步的划分,如名词分为职业、场所、服装、食品等;动词分为运动、休闲娱乐、家务等;形容词分为外貌、性格、情感、天气、表示“好”的形容词等类别。这样分类的目的使帮助学生整理知识,并丰富他们的积极词汇量,如学生在描述人物性格时,可以有多个不同的形容词涌入头脑,供其选择。这样说(写)出来的东西词汇和内

4、容都会比较丰富。2、语法: (1)名词:名词的单数、复数形式;(2)动词:(A) 一般式(原形),(B) 过去式(规则形式、不规则形式),(C) 现在分词,(D) 第三人称单数时动词的变化(3)代词: 单数、复数形式 第三人称单数形式(4)形容词:原级、比较级、最高级(5)副词:副词的作用(6)连词:连词的作用(7)介词:介词的作用(8)不定式(to do)(9)情态动词 can, may, must, should, 其中介词有分为了时间介词、方位介词和其他介词。主要是通过教材中选出的不同例句来对介词的用法进行对比、归类和总结。其他的语法也主要是以语境中的对比、总结为主。这部分的学习记忆不是

5、重点,重点是知道在什么语境中运用。教师在复习时用的例子要有代表性和全面,如介词for在教材中就有表示目的、时间延续、用途等的意义, 因此教师要给出相应的例子,要注意引导学生对容易弄错的内容进行对比,并给予巩固练习。回忆在学过的课文什么地方用过,表达的是怎样的意思,并能自己举出使用这些词和语法现象的例子,是复习掌握这部分的内容的有效策略。第二部分:话题、功能和任务(含阅读、写作)这个部分可在第一部分的复习完成后进行。也可与第一部分的内容结合进行。教师要将8册书中的各模块间的关系进行分析,将那些相关的内容放在一起,作为一大主题进行复习,建立起纵向的联系,而不是把他们当作孤立的模块逐一处理。每大主题


7、)按单词分类复习(二)按教材词汇总表复习(三)按字母顺序复习四、阅读的复习(一)适当讲解阅读的技巧 ,如字面、理解、归纳、总结、计算、猜测能力等(二)结合阅读教学进行(三)适当补充一些课外阅读五、短文写作的复习(一)短文写作的技巧(二)短文写作的训练(三)学生的习作要与学生日常生活联系起来(四)外国原文的欣赏六、关于听力能力的训练(一)利用课文材料进行听力训练(二)利用学生的习作进行听力训练(三)听力训练的各种形式(四)听力的内容设计七、其它(一)对学生就复习安排进行解释,以帮助制订相应的复习计划。(二)对学生进行复习策略的指导。如单词的分类记忆,用排除法全面复习单词等。(三)注意在全面复习的

8、基础上,突出重点,查漏补缺。(四)帮助学生形成综合运用语言的能力。(五)注意复习的趣味性。八、具体安排1、单词、句型和听力的复习 (1)、单词的复习安排根据本班学生的学习情况和教学现状,我对单词的复习打算采用抓重点、归类、制卡、随时随地自由识记、定时检查的方式。 (2)、句子的复习安排、陈述句和疑问句经常在我们的小学英语课本里出现的。复习中要联系课文讲透其结构方式和回答方法。特别是一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的区别和回答。要让学生清楚并牢记,在小学阶段出现得比较多的特殊疑问句是以Where(Where are you)、What(What are you doing)、How (How old ar

9、e you)开头的特殊疑问句。它们的回答都是以主语(I、he、she、it)加上be动词(am、is、are)开头来回答的。而一般疑问句,只有肯定和否定(即yes或no)两种回答。、小学阶段最难区别的是句子的时态,怎么去区分现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时呢复习教学一方面要让学生掌握不同时态动词变化的规则,熟记动词的各种形式(原形、第三人称单数形式、现在分词、规则动词的过去式及教材中出现的不规则动词的过去式。)另一方面,通过比较不同时态句子的结构、找关键词判断句子时态等方法,让学生掌握不同时态的句型。对于一些学生容易混淆的知识,教师应该重点讲解,做到查漏补缺。、学以练为贵。对句型

10、复习应当遵循精讲多练的原则,适当的练习不但能够使学生起到巩固旧知识的作用,还能方便教师检查学生的掌握情况,从而进行对症下药,加强薄弱知识的讲解和练习。练习中除了连词成句、选择填空、改写句子等还要大量设计听力练习。第一章复习备考知识点归纳一、字母及语音1、掌握26个字母大小写及读音,熟记按读音的归类表。2、了解5个元音母在单词中的基本发音。3、在老师指导下拼读典型的开音节和闭音节。二、词汇(表中标有的单词要求听、说、读、写)(四上)bag, bed, beef, book, boy, bread, brother, chair, chicken, classroom, desk, doctor,

11、 door, driver, egg, farmer, father, fish, friend, girl, home, milk, mother, nurse, pen, pencil, pencil-case, rice, room, ruler, school, sister, student, teacher, water, window.(36个)(四下)apple, are, arent, banana, big, blue, board, can, cat, Chinese, class, cold, colour, computer, cool, dog, dress, du

12、ck, eight, eleven, English, fan, fat, fifteen, five, floor, for, football, four, green, horse, how many, how much, I, is it, its, jacket, jeans, lets, light, long, math, music, my, nine, no, not, oclock, one, orange, pants, , pear, picture, pig, play, rabbit, red, schoolbag, seven, shirt, shoes, sho

13、rt, six, skirt, small, snowy, socks, sunny, teachers desk, that, ten, there, they, thirteen, this, three, time, today, T-shirt, twelve, twenty, two, wall, warm, watermelon, what, white, yellow, yes, you, your.(93个)(五上94个)active, air-conditioner, bathroom, bedroom, behind, bridge, building, but, cant

14、, clean, clean the bedroom, closet, clothes, cook the meals, curtain, day, do homework, dont , do the dishes, eggplant, end table, favorite, fish, flower, for, forest, fresh, Friday, fruit, funny, grape, grass, green, beans, have, hes, house, in kind, kitchen, lake, like, living room, lunch, make th

15、e bed, mirror, Monday, Mr near, old, on, park, path, picture, potato, quiet, read books, river, road, salty, Saturday, set the table, Shes, short, smart, sour, strict, strong, Sunday, sweep the floor, sweet, tall, tasty, theyre, thin, Thursday, tofu, tomato, too, trash bin, tree, Tuesday, under, use

16、 a computer, very, wash the clothes, watch TV, water the flowers, we, Wednesday, What about Whats, Whos, young.(五下78个)answer the phone, April, at, August, because, best, birthday, catch butterflies, clean the room, climb, climb mountains, collect leaves, cook dinner, count insects, date, December, d

17、o an experiment, do morning exercises, draw pictures, drink water, eat breakfast, evening, fall, February, fight, fly, fly kites, get up, go hiking, go shopping, grandpa, have a picnic, have English class, her, honey, January, jump, July, June, kangaroo, listen to music, make a snowman, March, May,

18、mom, noon, November, October, often, pick up leaves, plant trees, play chess, play sports, play the piano, read a book, run season, September, skate, sleep, sometimes, spring, study, swim, swing, take pictures, uncle, usually, visit grandparents, why, walk, watch insects, weekend, when, which, winte

19、r, write a letter, write a report, write an e-mail, mom, grandpa, study, fly, jump, walk, run, swim, kangaroo, sleep, climb, fight, swing, drink water, take pictures, watch insects, pick up leaves, do an experiment, catch butterflies, honey, count insects.(六上70个)by, foot, bike, bus, train, how, go t

20、o school, traffic, traffic light, traffic rule, stop, wait, get to, library, post office, hospital, cinema, bookstore, where, please, next to, turn, right, left, straight, then, next, week, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, comic book, post card, newspaper, buy, hobby, ride a bike, dive, p

21、lay the violin, make kites, collect stamps, live teach, go, watch, read, does, doesnt, singer, writer, actor, actress, artist, TV reporter, engineer, accountant, policeman, salesperson, cleaner, work, rain, cloud, sun, stream, come from, seed, soil, sprout, plant, should, then.(六下61个)taller, shorter

22、, stronger, older, younger, bigger, heavier, longer, thinner, smaller, have a fever, hurt, have a cold, have a toothache, have a headache, have a sore throat, matter, sore, nose, tired, excited, angry, happy, bored, sad, watch, wash, clean, play, visit, do, last, weekend, go to park, go swimming, re

23、ad, go fishing, go hiking, learn, Chinese, sing, and, dance, eat, good, take, climb, have, buy, present, row, boat, see, elephant, go skiing, go ice-skating, how, get, last.三、句子(一)特殊疑问句。1、Whats your nameWhats your phone numberWhats your favorite color / seasonWhats your hobbyWhats in your bagWhats y

24、our fatherWhats the weather like in BeijingWhats the matter (with you)Whats your English teacher likeWhat time is itWhat day is it todayWhat do you do on Saturdays.(on the weekend)What would you likeWhat do you have for lunch on MondaysWhat can you do at homeWhat are you / they doingWhat is he / she

25、 doingWhat are you going to do after schoolWhat is he / she going to do tomorrowWhat are you go to beWhat does your mother doWhat should you do thenWhat did you do last weekendWhat did you do thereWhat did he / she do yesterdayWhat about you(How about you)What about going hiking (How about going hik

26、ing)2、How are youHow do you do How about you(What about you)How is the weather (Whats the weather like)How do you go to schoolHow much is this dressHow many pencils do you haveHow many cows does he /she haveHow many horses are thereHow does he / she go to schoolHow can I get to Zhongshan Park (Where

27、s Zhongshan Park)How do you do thatHow old are youHow tall are youHow heavy are youHow big are your feetHow long are your legsHow do you feelHow does Anny feelHow was your weekendHow did you go there3、Where is the catWhere are my glassesWhere are Wu Yifan and AmyExcuse me, Where is the post office(H

28、ow can I go to the post office)Where are you going tomorrowWhere do they liveWhere does he / she workWhere does the rain come from(the clouds)Where did you go on your holiday4、Whos she (I have a friend.Boy or girl A girl, Whos she)Whos that boyWhos your best friendWhos your English teacherWho has a

29、birthday on October5、When do you get upWhen is your birthdayWhen are you going (to Wuhan)6、Which season do you like best7、Why do you like winter(二)一般疑问句。1、Is this a teachers desk Yes, it is.Is that a picture No, its a map.Is this your T-shirt No, its not.Is she young No, shes old.Is there a river in

30、 the park Yes, there is.Are there any tall buildings in your village No, there arent.Is he watching ants Are you having a picnicIs Kunming far from here Are we going to see elephants2、Can you make the bed No, I cant.Can you use a computer Yes, I can.Can you see the monkeys.3、Do you see any elephants

31、 Does he go to school by busDoes she teach EnglishDid you help them clean the room(三)祈使句。Look at the traffic lights.Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.Put the seeds in a pot.Water the seeds.Dont worry.四、语法(一)动词be(am, is, are)1、表陈述或判断,可译成“是”、“有”等。如:I am a doctor. (是)He is ten years old. (有)There are some monkeys in the park. (有)2、作为助动词,用来构成时态,语态。如:She is watching TV.What are you going to do next weekend3、动词be与人称或数的搭配。I am WeYou are You areHe is They She is4、There be 结构。(一)There is

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