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1、大学英语作文全 作文范文请以 “How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作:1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切2. 其实父母应该。In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to And most children According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% and more than 85% .However, kids cannot depe

2、nd on their parents forever because Besides, being independent Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent.Parents should encourage their children to By doing so, parents In addition, parents should urge their kids to For example, 范文In recent years,

3、the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their childr

4、en to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because it is just a matter of time before their parents are too old to look after them. Besides, being independent is s

5、uch a good quality as to help kids succeed later in the world of tough competition. Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to make decisions on their own and to take responsibility for themselves. By doin

6、g so, parents actually help them develop an ability to think independently and become a responsible individual. In addition, parents should urge their kids to take care of their own business and to work for what they want. For example, if Jacks bedroom is in a mess, Jacks parents, instead of cleanin

7、g it up for him, should ask Jack to do the job himself as soon as possible. Similarly, when Jack wants a new toy, they should ask him to do some work, say memorize 100 English words, before they agree to his request.请以 “How to Prevent Energy Crisis” 为题,按照以下要点写作:1.能源危机的主要原因2.能源问题可能的解决方案The modern wor

8、ld runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: On the other hand, as economies develop fast, The two factors combined help us understand What, then, can we do to prevent energy crisis? The answer lies partly in Of course, conservation

9、 is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.范文The modern world runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: their reserves/supplies a

10、re limited, so they can be used up/exhausted. On the other hand, as economies develop fast, the worlds demand for energy is growing enormously day by day. The two factors combined help us understand why we are threatened with the approach of energy crisis.What, then, can we do to prevent energy cris

11、is? The answer lies partly in conserving energy sources. Large amounts of energy are being wasted in all sections of the modern society. We need to raise the public awareness of the importance of using energy economically and urge our governments to pass laws to ensure a rational exploration and dev

12、elopment of exhaustible resources.Of course, conservation is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. Even if the prospect that natural resources like coal and oil will run out is inevitable, many renewable sources of energy are already available, such as wind and solar power. We need to ta

13、ke measures to encourage scientists to continue developing such new sources of energy. We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.我校最近开展了学生吃早餐情况调查,假如你是校英语报记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100-120个词的新闻报道。1.情况:多数草草了事,甚至不吃早餐,少数认真对待2.分析原因3.我的看法Recently, a survey was carrie

14、d out on students attitudes to breakfast. The findings are Only a few students while the vast majority of students just Worse still, some students even go as far as to When asked , students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that Therefore, they dont bother Instead, they prefer In

15、 my opinion, skipping breakfast Not having breakfast will Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we willSo for the sake of our health and study, we should 范文Recently, a survey was carried out on students attitudes to breakfast. The findings are quite surprising to us / just what we expecte

16、d.Only a few students take breakfast seriously while the vast majority of students just eat their breakfast in a hurry. Worse still, some students even go as far as to skip breakfast. When asked how they accounted for their choices, students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that

17、 they tend to oversleep and lack enough time for breakfast. Therefore, they dont bother with breakfast. Instead, they prefer a big meal at lunch or some snacks between classes.In my opinion, skipping breakfast is really a bad habit. Not having breakfast will do great harm to our health and cause our

18、 body to malfunction. Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we will not be able to concentrate or keep up. So for the sake of our health and study, we should make sure that we eat breakfast on time every day.Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet1. 因特网给我们带来的好处2. 因特网普及可能产生的问题3. 我的结论第

19、一句已写好。The main benefits of the Internet are as follows. Firstly, thanks to various , it is no longer a tough job to (查询资料)In the second place, we can contact by , which (联系友人)Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where (交流平台)However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be igno

20、red. To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers, who (玩物丧志)Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our (有害健康)Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to , we will probably not take the trouble to . Instead we may be tempted to (剽窃答案)In conclusion, as a

21、technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages of the InternetAs every coin has two sides, the Internet, too, has both advantages and disadvantages. The main benefits of the Inter

22、net are as follows. Firstly, thanks to various kinds of search engines, it is no longer a tough job to obtain the information we need, whether it be the latest news or some historical data. In the second place, we can contact friends or business associates by email or other devices such as QQ and MS

23、N, which are cheaper and more convenient than traditional means of communication like phone calls and letters. Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where we can discuss or debate issues of common interest, and exchange or share things with others. However, the negative effects of the

24、 Internet cannot be ignored. To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers who, without enough self-control, tend to waste considerable amounts of time and energy playing online games. As a result, they have trouble concentrating in class and lag behind in learning. Secondly, sta

25、ying too long on the Internet may do harm to our physical health, in particular our eyesight. Prolonged exposure to a computer screen will lead to strained eyes. Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to a rich source of information, we, when looking for answers, will probably not take the t

26、rouble to read through reference books. Instead we may be tempted to plagiarize others answers from the Internet. In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has made information flow around the globe faster and brought people around the world closer. In other wor

27、ds, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.请以 “The Advantages of Bicycling to Work” 为题,按照以下要点写作:1. 为公共交通减压2. 有利环保3. 有利健康Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its

28、following advantages.First of all, bicycling to work helps to lighten the burden on public transportation In addition, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air.Last but not least, cycling helps improve peoples health.To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing

29、 overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving peoples health.范文Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its following advantages.First of all, bicycling to work helps to l

30、ighten the burden on public transportation, which is already too crowded. In rush hours, it often takes a lot of waiting to get on a bus and to transfer from one bus line to another, no wonder a cyclist often arrives at his workplace sooner than his colleagues who are stuck in traffic jams.In additi

31、on, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air. It benefits not only the rider himself but also everyone else of the whole community. Just imagine how much fresher the morning air would be if everyone rode a bike to work.Last but not least, cycling helps improve people

32、s health. Nowadays, with the automation of factories and offices, many people work has been reduced to button-pressing. What better exercise could such workers have than cycling to and from work?To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving peoples health.请以 Threats to Endangered Species 为题写一篇文章,内容必须包括以下几点:1. 目前许多物种面临灭绝威胁2. 举例至少一个主要威胁 (如:环境污染;过度猎杀

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