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1、新广州深圳版初中九年级上unit3讲解与练习Unit3 重点回顾1. share sth. with sb与某人分享某物2make a decision做出决定。decide to do sth决定去做某事。decide on/upon sth决.定某事,做出决定; 选定。3. No, Im not expected to do housework不,我不被要求做家务expect to do sth expect sth expect that + 句子I expect to have a long holiday.I expect the weather will be nice.拓展: e

2、xpect too much offrom sb 对某人期望很高4., but my dad is often abroad on business, ,但是我爸爸经常因公出国,(l)abroad adv,在国外,到国外。She has worked abroad for two years.她在国外工作了两年。固定搭配 be abroad=go aboard在国外live abroad 住在国外at home and abroad在国内外from abroad从国外来(的)(2) business起商务,公事。Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure?

3、这次去罗马是公干还是游玩 ?固定搭配 be on business出差5 mind doing sth.介意做某事。6Suppose + 句子I suppose prices will go up,我觉得物价将会上涨。be supposed to do sth应.该应当做某事。7.I have no interest in things like fashionable clothes我.对时髦衣服之类的东西不感兴趣。(1)have no interest in对没有兴趣。(2)fashionable ad,流行的,时髦的。8.(1) wash the dishes洗碗。(2)iron(用熨斗

4、)熨,熨平。9.We have a close relationship , and we always support each other .我们关系非常亲密,并且我们总是互相支持。relative 亲戚课前小练单词1v交流,沟通2v不同意3adj.方便的,便利的4adj.令人满意的短语5做某事有困难6准备做某事7对某人有耐心8另外,此外9长大10与某人交流根据题意和括号内的提示语,完成下列句子。1.We _以(为 ) him to arrive yesterday, but he didntshow up.2.Will long skirts _(过时 ) this year?3.It

5、is _(很流行的 ) to have short hair these days.4.I _(期待 ) they are right, but they just didn tdo it in the right way.5.His mum is a busy business woman and she is always _(出国 ) on business.6._(既然 ) there is nothing to do tonight, why dont we go to the movie?7.I sleep with the window open _除(非 ) it is rea

6、lly cold.8.My uncle is now in New York _(出差 ).9.I never _(感到孤独 ),as long as I have my pet dog with me.10.I have to _(制定规则 )for other people, but this time, I think itnecessary.句型翻译 expected to do sth.表示被期望去做某事父母并不期望我做家务。2.since 表示原因:由于;因为 = as; because因为我是一个好女儿,他们从不惩罚我。_3.尽管有时候会感觉到我们的小公寓很拥挤,但我们并

7、不介意。_4.go out of date 过时的新时尚很快就会过时,不是吗?_5.set rules 制定规则我认为他们对我是有规定的。_从下面每小题的 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项或正确的选项。( )1.I suppose you are right. Youd better put it in a more polite way.A doubt B agree C think D disagree( )2.He was invited to give speeches about his research in different cities.A ordered

8、B asked in a friendly wayC ask in a direct way D made( )3.Many new things will soon go out of date, because people will always look fornew things and fall in love with them.A grow old B be brokenC no longer be fashionable D be useless( )4. Jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to keep fit. In

9、addition, joggingdevelops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems(循环 ).A also B However C but D Though( )5. His parents are often abroad on business. That is why he often feels lonely.A having a trip B giving sightseeing C telling stories D work for their jobs( )6. My mom and my dad will always _

10、me, though we sometimes _ eachother on something.A support; agree with B support to; agree onC support; disagree D support on; disagree with完成句子11.海豚用声音相互沟通。Dolphins use sound toeach other.12.在城镇自行车通常比小汽车更方便。A bicycle is oftenthan a car in towns.13.他身体健康,且又聪明。to good health, he has a good brain.14.她

11、对学生特别有耐心。Shes very students.More practice 重点解析1、make +动词原形 形容词例如: Because she makes go to bed when I m wide awake, and thenmakesshe me get up when I feel tired.Remember that your parents may have to work long hours and this canmake them tired .2、go out for 出去做 .课文例句: We go out for dinner together.go

12、 out for+名词 /doinggo out for a walk 出去走走3、give you a hand 帮助某人4、have trouble communicating with 与某人交流有困难课文例句 :Many young people have trouble communicating with their parents.5、solve this problem 解决问题6、It is no good for you to require everything to go our way.7、It is convenient for 方便,便于 +人/事It is co

13、nvenient to do sth.方便做某事8、be patient with 对某人有耐心课文例句: So be patient with them. 对你的父母要有耐心。9、be ready to do sth准.备好做某事10、find out their reasons 找出理由课文例句: Talk with your parents and find out their reasons.11、allow to do 允许做某事12、at the weekend 在周末13、more than超过14、in the center在中心15、either adv.(用于否定词组后)也

14、pron.两者中的一个或另一个-I cant swim.-I cant, either表示两者都:both .and表示两者都不:neither.nor表示二者选一:either.orDid you ever work with either of them?16、辨析: lonely; alone 孤独;单独lonely 主观上的孤独,寂寞alone 客观上的单独,独自一人I feel when my parents are away from home.I was in the classroom, but I didnt feel17、Unless (conj.)= if . Not 如

15、果不;除非You will fail in English _ you work harder.18、In addition, your parents were once young like you, so they understand your situation better than you addition“另外”,可单独使用。也可用于 in addition to sth=besides“除 之外,还” (不包括 )In addition to English, she knows Japanese.19. live with 忍受Part of growi

16、ng up is learning to live with these kinds of disagreements.词汇专项训练( )1.-I didnt receive your _?-Oh, very sorry. I forgot to _you!A. invite; invitation B. invitation; inviteC. invite; invite D. invitation; invitation( )2. Her most money goes on _. Now she looks _.A. fashion ; fashionable B. fashionab

17、le ; fashionC. fashion; fashion D. fashionable; fashionable( )3. The boy is _ in the _game.But his girl friend has no _in it.A. interested; interesting; interested B. interested; interesting; interestC. interesting; interested; interest D. interest; interesting; interest( )4.The mirror _her 300 yuan

18、.She _300 yuan on the mirror.She _300 yuan for the mirrorA. cost B. spends C. paid D. took( )5.The girl _faster as a _than the others on the_.A. types; typewriter; typist B. types; typist; typewriterC. typists; typewriter; type D. typists; type; typewriter( )6.His _story is not so unique, but he is

19、a _ one can trust.A. person; personal B. person; personC. personal; person D. personal; personal( )7.She _to leave here, though it was hard to make this _.A. decided; decision B. decided; decideC. decision; decide D. decision; decision( )8.They decided to have a party for her.A. agreed B. made a dec

20、ision C. wanted D. were ready( )9.Timmy has no interest in playing football.A. is interested in B. isnt interesting in C. doesnt like D. likes( )10.Her mother shared the story with her.A. told her the story B. wrote the story to herC. made up the story for her D. listened to the story with her语法:系动词

21、系动词亦称 连系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,构成系表结构说明主语的状况、 性质、特征等情况。根据系动词的语义特点,系动词可以分为以下几类:1.状态系动词:用来表示主语状态,只有 be 一词。如:He was famous as a scholar.作为一位学者他很著名。We are anxious about his safety.我们为他的安全而忧虑。2. 持续系动词:用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有 keep,remain, stay, rest, lie, stand等。如:Would you please kee

22、p silent a minute?可以请你安静一下吗 ?This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。3. 表像系动词:用来表示“看起来像”这样的意思,主要有 seem, appear,look 等。如:He seems to be asleep他.似乎睡着了。It appears a true story. 它似乎是一个真实的故事。He looks like my brother. 他看上去好像我的哥哥。4. 感官系动词:用于表示感官的感受,主要有 feel, smell, sound, taste等。如:The rose smells sweet.玫瑰花香。T

23、he cloth feels soft. 这布摸上去很柔软。This coffee tastes bitter. 这种咖啡味道苦。The idea sounds interesting.这个想法听起来很有趣。5. 变化系动词:用于表示主语变成什么样,主要有 become, grow, turn, get, fall, go, come, run 等。如:The affair becomes serious.事态严重。As he grows older, he grows wiser. 他年纪越大越有智慧。Leaves turn brown in autumn. 叶子一到秋天就黄了。Her ha

24、ir is going grey. 她的头发日见花白。The well ran dry. 井干涸了。It s getting late时.间不早了。6.终止系动词:这类系动词主要有 prove, turn out 等,用于表示 “证实 ”“变成 ” 等意思。如:The article has proved most useful.这篇文章证明很有用。The examination turned out quite easy.结果考试相当容易。基础巩固训练一、用 smell, taste, go, get, become, grow, seem, look, feel, turn的适当形式填空。

25、1.You _ very young.2.At first those questions _ easy, but later I found them difficult.3.After the sports meeting, he _ very tired.4.My younger brother _ a student last year.5.The weather is _ colder.6.The flowers _ very sweet.7.Her face _ red.8.When we _ old, we will start to forget things.9.The mo

26、on cake _ good.10.The meat _ bad. I dontthink we canteat it now.二、从下面每小题的 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )6. It _ that he will be late for the train.A listens B turns C gets D seems( )7. These apples look _ but smell _.A beautiful; sweet B ugly; good C good; sweet D ugly; evenworse( )8. -Do you like the

27、 shirt? - Yes, it _ very soft.A feels B felt C is feeling D is felt( )9. The moment Danny went to the bed, he _ asleep.A kept B got C fell D fall( )10. When I went home yesterday, it was _ dark.A going B getting C running D coming( )11. The flowers in the garden _ sweet.A are smelling B taste C beco

28、me D smell( )12.- If you like, I could help you to type.-You can type? Oh, that _ very good. Thanks a lot.A would be B may be C can be D must be( )13. -Tim, anything I can do to help? -No, thanks, _.A I am better at this B I can manageC I dontthink so D I am afraid you cant( )14. _ he finishes all his homework, he cantgo out with his friends.A .If B Though C Unless D However四、根据汉语提示补全句子,没空一词。1. We had no _ _ his phone number.我们毫不费力地找到了他的电话号码。2. You willdeaf.have to be _ _ my

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