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南京市高三调研考试 英语.docx

1、南京市高三调研考试 英语2018届高三4月调研考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whoisafamoussinger?A. Mitchell. B. Mike. C. Mary. 2. Whereisthemangoingtosp

2、endthewinterholiday?A. InAmerica. B. InCanada. C. InChina. 3. Whatdoesthemanthinkoftimetravelinthefuture?A. Crazy. B. Impossible. C. Practical. 4. Whatdoesthewomancomplainabout?A. Herwork. B. Herhouse. C. Theenvironment. 5. Whatarethespeakerstalkingabout?A. Atrafficjam. B. Atrafficaccident. C. Somet

3、rafficrules. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. Wherearethedictionaries?A. Onthetopshelf. B. Atthebottomoftheshelf. C. Onthesecondshelffromthetop. 7. Whatdoestheman

4、need?A. Booksongrammar. B. Booksforreadingpractice. C. Booksforconversationpractice. 听第7段材料, 回答第8. 9题。8. Who was thesweater for?A. Theman. B. Themanswife. C. Themansdaughter. 9. Howmuchdidthemansave?A. 20dollars. B. 25dollars. C. 45dollars. 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. Whatisthemanconfusedabout?A. Howtoope

5、nabusiness. B. HowtospeakEnglishwell. C. Howtogetabettersalary. 11. Whatdoesthewomanadvisethemantodo?A. Toworkoverseas. B. Torunabusiness. C. Totravelabroad. 12. Whataretheadvantagesofthemaninthewomanseyes?A. HecanspeakFrenchverywell. B. Hehasgotsomeexperience. C. Hehaseverbeenabroad. 听第9段材料, 回答第13至

6、16题。13. Whatstheprobablerelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A. Friends. B. Couples. C. Colleagues. 14. Whereisthemangoingfirst?A. Brighton. B. Boston. C. London. 15. WhywillthewomangotoBeijing?A. Tofindajobthere. B. Tovisitherparents. C. ToseeherfriendMary. 16. WhenwillthewomanvisitLondon?A. NextMonday.

7、B. Nextmonth. C. Nextyear. 听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. WhydidPetergotoAmerica?A. ToimprovehisspokenEnglish. B. ToimprovehiswrittenEnglish. C. Tocommunicatewithalocalfamily. 18. WhoisJohnnyDenver? A. Peters friend. B. Peters teacher. C. The daughter of a local family. 19. How did Peter feel about his stud

8、y in the second week in the US?A. Disappointed. B. Excited. C. Happy. 20. How old is Peter?A. About 6 years old. B. About 16 years old. C. About 22 years old. 第二部分 阅读理解( 共两节, 满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。ASometimes our own motivation isnt enough to turn our y

9、early fitness goals into reality. Somewhere in between doing it all yourself and hiring a professional is the world of fitness apps. Below are four fitness apps actually worth buying, depending on your needs. AaptivAaptiv allows you unlimited access to over 25, 000 audio-based, music-driven fitness

10、classes led by certified personal trainers. Choose everything from seven-minute workouts to complete training, programs in running, cycling and stretching, yoga, strength training, and more. If you wont have Wi-Fi, you can download classes to listen to offline. Aaptiv, iTunes, $ 14.99/monthCouch to

11、5KThe app is designed for complete beginners and you only have to spend between 20-30minutes three times per week to get ready. You can choose different motivating virtual coaches and hear human audio cues to guide you through each workout , and you can log your workouts and share your progress on F

12、acebook if you wish. Couch to 5K, iTunes, $4.49/monthYoga StudioThanks to its versatility(多用途),Yoga Studio has something for everybody. You can participate in classes for every level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, in lengths of 10-60 minutes. The app allows you to schedule classes , which au

13、tomatically keeps track of your class history , so you can find your most recently played as well as your most frequently. Yoga Studio :Mind & body, iTunes, $ 1.99/month Vida Health CoachVida is a more involved health and fitness app than youre probably used to seeing. It matches your personal fitne

14、ss/ health goals such as losing weight ,managing stress , or overcoming a chronic condition with a certified professional to offer one-on-one health coaching. Vida Health Coach, Tunes, $69/month21. Which is the best choice if you havent access to the Internet for some time?A. Aaptiv. B. Couch to 5K.

15、 C. Yoga Studio. D. Vida Health Coach. 22. How is Couch to 5K different from the other three?A. It is the best but cheapest. B. It is designed for beginners. C. You can get a qualified professional. D. Your progress can be shared on Facebook. 23. Whats the main purpose of the text?A. To help you kee

16、p motivated to exercise. B. To instruct people who need to buy apps. C. To persuade people to purchase fitness apps.D. To introduce four ways of downloading apps. BTwo women landed in Japan Monday after their rescue from a damaged sailboat floating aimlessly in the Pacific Ocean. Jenifer Appel and T

17、asha Fuiava and their two dogs had been lost at sea for almost six months. The Navy ship USS Ashland rescued them about l,450 kilometers southeast of Ja-pan. Appel and Fuiava left Honolulu on May 3 sailing Appels 15-meter boat, the Sea Nymph. They had planned for an 18-day trip to Tahiti. However, s

18、torms flooded the engine, destroyed the boats starter and severely damaged the mast( 桅杆). The women could not use the sails effectively, as a result. They tried to return to Hawaii. In June, they got within 1,345 kilometers of Oahu. We knew we werent going to make it , Apple said. “So thats when we

19、started making distress calls( 求救呼叫). We were hoping that one of our friends who like to go deep sea fishing and taking people out might have gone past the 400-mile mark and might have cruised (巡航)near where we would be. ”Jenifer Appel, right, and Tasha Fuiava sat with their dogs on the deck of the

20、USS Ash-land Monday, Oct. 30, 2017. They were thousands of miles in the wrong direction when a Taiwanese fishing boat found them. Appel said she paddled on a surfboard to the Taiwanese boat and made an emergency call. The USS Ashland happened to be in the area at the time to avoid a storm. The ship:

21、commanding officer Steven Wasson said the Ashland traveled 160 kilometers and found the women the next day. Appel told reporters on Friday that they were beginning to feel hopeless when they saw the US Navy ship coming toward them. “When I saw the gray ship on the horizon, I was just shaking, she sa

22、id. “I was ready to cry ,I was so happy. I knew we were going to live. ”The US Navy decided the Sea Nymph needed too many repairs to make it sea-worthy. So, the sailboat was left at sea. 24. What is the main cause of the two womens being lost?A. The boats starter happened to fail. B. The boat convey

23、ed too heavy a load. C. There were strong winds for a long time. D. Storms brought too much water into the boat. 25. Which of the following best describes the two women?A. Brave and clever. B. Cautious and fearful. C. Adventurous and lucky. D. Common and hardworking. 26. Why was the final sailboat c

24、onsidered useless?A. It demanded quite a lot of repairs. B. The two dogs destroyed its mast totally. C. It had been in water long and broke up. D. The Taiwanese boat approached and crashed it. 27. What is the main idea of the text?A. Two women and two dogs were at sea. B. Storms often destroy boats

25、in the Pacific Ocean. C. A Taiwanese boat rescued a boat with two dogs. D. Two women and two pets were rescued by a ship. CIf there is one thing in this world everyone wants to have more of, its confidence. Men and women everywhere wish they could be more positive , self-assured and secure. Confiden

26、t people make it all look so easy. There is something magnetic(磁性的) and enviable about their unshakable sense of self. Many mistakenly believe that these confident people are somehow special and unique ;that they have abilities that the rest of the world dont. The truth about confidence is that its

27、an acquired skill. Very few people are born with it , and even fewer remain confident through the painful process of adolescence and entering adulthood. And Im here to tell you, confident people dont have a special gene that makes them confident. Theyre not the X-men of the self-respect world. Many

28、people try to fake confidence, and to those who are truly confident, they are easy to spot. This is not true confidence. Dependence on outside approval is not confidence. Here is what true confidence looks like :Independent from outside approval. Confident people are not afraid of criticism. They kn

29、ow that they cant please everyone, and they dont waste their time trying. Confident people never seek outside approval. They have respect for others and are always willing to listen and learn ;however, the main guiding force in their lives will always be their own internal compass. True confidence i

30、snt easy. It has to be learned , and earned , of ten through years of doubt, questioning, and mistakes. But the best things in life are rarely easy to obtain and few are worth the effort as much as confidence. Today , Im inviting you to open yourself up to true confidence , and to the amazing gifts

31、it brings with it. The choice to become a truly confident person may just be the most important one youve ever made. 28. What is unique for confident people?A. They are born confident. B. They have special abilities. C. They challenge difficulties toughly. D. They go through adolescence comfortably. 29. What does the underlined word “fake”in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Gain. B. Pretend. C. Ignore. D. Seek. 30. What can we know about truly confident

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