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1、新视野大学英语3第二版vocabulary原题翻译答案新视野大学英语3(第版)vocabulary原题翻译答案Unitl1. with his index finger,Patterson pointed towarda plain color-coded box beneath a long wooden table.帕特森用食指指着一个长木桌下 面的一个素色的盒子。2. He_ disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around. 他把自己伪 装成侍者,看着周围发生的一切3. He often whistle

2、s a tune during the morning tea break whe n his boss is not around. 当他的老板不在的时候,他经常在早上茶歇时吹 口哨4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice,word by word,with no attempt to restrain herself, “ I cannot stand any more. 她 又用一种高亢的嗓音,用一种又一种的语言喊着“我再也不能忍受了。5. There were certain people in that room,like Pe

3、ter and Joh n,who had failed to grasp what I was sayi ng.在那个房间里有一些人,像彼得和约 翰,他们没有领会我的意思6. During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.在那段时间里,我对那些天真的童年 时光充满了渴望7.I m just praying that the board of directors will take steps before it is too late.我只是在祈 祷,董事会

4、将会采取措施,直到为时已晚8.She was the director s faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute con fide nee.她是导 演的忠实助手,在这方面他绝对有信心9. these developers pledge to build low- in come housing units when the supply of affordable housing for poor people continues to shrink.这 些开发商承诺,当面向贫困人口的经济适用房供 应继续萎缩时,他们将建造保障性住房

5、10. people have bee n mobilized to build defe nses an d drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.由于暴雨持续不断,人们已经动员起来建 设防御和排水的土地1.1 hate to hear the mon itor say “ tell onyou ” whenever I did something that did not please her .我讨厌听到显示器说“我会告诉 你”,每当我做了一些不让她高兴的事2. The police have failed to track

6、 down anyof the people responsible for the attack, though they think the same group was responsible for last year attack.警方没有 追查到任何对此次袭击负责的人,尽管他们 认为同一组织对去年的袭击负有责任3. I think the father and son do have some trouble in their relati on ship, and I feel they should try to work it out. 我认为父子俩 在他们的关系中确实存在一

7、些问题,我觉得 他们应该努力解决这个问题4. I don know why he always picking on me . I haven done anything wrong; on the con trary, I e done good bus in ess for the compa ny.我不知道他为什么老是挑剔我。我 没有做错什么;相反,我为公司做了很好的生、/ :意5. No car, no house, and no wife-these are the problems to be reckoned with for the time being.没有汽车,没有房子,没

8、有老婆,这些都 是我们暂时不能考虑的问题6. When the leading lady dropped out of the movie, the producers had no choice but to call on the clea ning lady to save the day.当 女主角退出电影的时候,制片人别无选择,只 好请清洁女工来拯救这一天7. When he was a student at LU, he had a cha nee to travel around the world on his own. 当他还是一个学生的时候,他有机会独自环游世界8. I t

9、hought if we could get through the n ext year on our father in come, thi ngs would be easier as I would graduated and get a job by the n.我想,如果我们能在明年取得父亲的收入, 那就会更容易了,因为我毕业后就能找到一份工 作9. The un shave n old man in the park tur ned outto be a police officer in disguise. 那 E 个在公园里没刮胡子的老人原来是一名乔装打扮的警察10. The

10、re is nothing remarkable about then arrative, which revolves around atraditional love triangle.故事围绕着一个传统的 三角恋,没有什么值得注意的Unit2I. Church Mill,although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbors,is a delightful tow-story buildi ng of sto ne教堂,尽管相当温和的大小与一些邻国相比,是一个令人愉 快的tow-story建筑的石头。2.I

11、f your weight rema ins con sta nt you must be using up all your calories,but if you are gaining weight then some of the calories you consume are being stored as fat.如果你的体重保持不变, 你必须消耗掉所有的卡路里,但是如果你正在增 重,那么你摄入的一些卡路里就会被储存为脂 肪。3.I dont think it advisable that Tim be assig ned the job since he has no expe

12、rie nee.我认 为提姆没有经验是不明智的,因为他没有经验4. Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficial effect on the body.饮食也必须从原来的状态改 变,这样才能对身体产生有益的影响5. His face was very red,which was a clearevidenee of his fever.他的脸非常红,这是他发烧的明显证据6. Families with ehildre n tend to be restri

13、ctedas to whe n they can take their vaeati ons. 有孩子 的家庭往往是受限制的,当他们可以把他们的假 期7. They calculate that the agi ng populati on isaddi ng one perce nt yearly to health service costs.他们计算老龄化人口每年增加百分之一的医疗 服务费用8n the case of a polluted river,the remedy lies in the hands of the n ati onal gover nment. 在一条 被污染的

14、河流中,补救的办法就在国家政府的手 中9. The change in leadership will have a huge impact on government policy. 领导层的变化将 对政府政策产生巨大影响10. Given sufficient time,with other things remaining unchanged,prices and wages would eve ntually be adjusted and full employme nt may be achieved.如果有充足的时间,其他因素不变, 价格和工资最终会调整,充分就业可能会实现。11

15、. He felt depressed whe n his suggest on wasrefused, but it didn take long for him to bou nee back .当他的建议被拒绝时,他感到很沮丧,但他很快就恢复了12. At the end of the class the teacher summed up the mai n poi nts of the less on in three se nte nces在课程结束时,老师用三句话总结 了课程的要点13. Up to 1,000 people attended the opening ceremo

16、 ny.多达1000人参加了开幕式14. The children there are being put at riskevery day because many care workers still do not know how to protect them from HIV .那里的儿童每天都处于危险之中,因为许多医护人 员仍然不知道如何保护他们不受艾滋病毒感染15. The spirit of the football team went to zero after the team s third defeat.在球队第 三次失利后,足球队的精神达到了零16. The dema

17、 nd for iron goes up as people do more physical exercises随着人们进行更多的 体育锻炼,对铁的需求也会上升17. Unfortunately, your feelings about writing interfere with your ability to write. 所示。 不幸的是,你对写作的感觉会影响你的写作能 力18. These vitami ns and mi nerals, ultimately derived from food, are the necessary sources of energy for ani

18、mals.这些维生素和 矿物质,最终来源于食物,是动物所必需的能 量来源19. In general , about 70% of graduates are offered positions upon application. 所示。一般 来说,大约70%的毕业生在申请时提供职位20. It good to stand on top of the hill and take in fresh air.站在山顶上呼吸新鲜空气是件好 事Unit31. Education should aim to cultivate a child s mi nd to its utmost pote nti

19、al.教育应该以最大的 潜能培养孩子的心智。2. We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensive so that it will give us a basic idea of what you do and do not understand. 我们 试着让测试简单但全面,这样它就能给我们一个 基本的概念,知道你做什么,不理解什么3. This, controversial book was both praisedand criticized,but whether it was read by artistsI leave

20、to further research. 这本有争议的书既受 到了赞扬,也受到了批评,但它是否被艺术家们 所阅读,我还得进一步研究4. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.三家独 立日报已被勒令暂停出版5. They offered me only $5 for a whole day s work I felt really in suited. 他们只给了我 5 美元一天的工作,我觉得很受侮辱6. The lab director said that the experime

21、nt was at its preliminary stage and they would need more time to come to a final result.实验室主任 说,这个实验还处于初级阶段,他们需要更多的 时间来取得最终的结果。7. They must know how to make use ofand ,whe n n ecessary,to replace theold,convention al rules.他们必须知道如何利用和在必要时替换旧的、传统的规则8t is made quite clear in the report that Chi na wil

22、l stick to its reform and ope nin g-up policy. 报告中明确指出,中国将坚持改革开放政策 9.0ne of the things many of us hope for is a cha nee to con tribute someth ing worthwhile to the world.我们许多人希望的一件事就是为世 界贡献一些有价值的东西10.The reports have attracted considerablepublicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have

23、 been debated in the House.这些 报道引起了相当大的关注,尽管报告中只有很小 一部分在众议院讨论过21. His girlfriend father saw him as a man who could not make a liv ing. 他女朋友的父亲 把他看作一个无法谋生的人22. The course was canceled over the students will.这门课因学生的意愿而取消了23. The problem is so difficult that we cannot work it out the help of our teache

24、r.这个问 题太难了,我们不能在老师的帮助下解决24. Children tend to do their utmost when they know their parents are making similar efforts.当孩子们知道他们的父母正在做类似 的努力时,他们往往会竭尽全力25. The new teach ing program did n work wellin the school at the outset .新的教学计划在一开始就没有很好地发挥作用26. I was kind of excited when I received the letter that

25、offered me an in terview.收至 U那圭寸 给我面试的信时,我感到很兴奋27. The school is scheduled to open on September学校定于9月开学28. They appeared to offer a free computer, complete with software and a printer.他 们似乎提供了一台免费的电脑,配有软件和打 印机29. In spite of hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress tha n

26、 expected.尽管困难重重,但他们做出了实实在在 的努力,取得了比预期更多的进步30. Many people make things more difficult for themselves because they still operate on the prin ciple that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.许多人让事情变得更 加困难,因为他们仍然坚持你不应该寻求帮助 的原则,或者你看起来很软弱U nit41. This means they have been inspected by ateam

27、 of professi onal experts and the sta ndard of their work has bee n approved. 这意味着他们已 经被一组专业的专家检查过,并且他们的工作标 准已经被批准了2. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor whe n they arrived. 自由女 神像刚从巴黎来到这里,正在组装,所以当他们 到达时,它不在纽约港3. This reacti on t

28、o the eve nt is rather exaggerated but on the other hand there is something in it.这种对事件的反应有些夸张, 但另一方面也有一些东西4. Police had trouble understanding who was resp on sible for the accide nt, because every one who saw it made different versions of what happe ned.警方不能理解谁应该对事故负责,因 为每个人都看到了不同版本的发生了什么事5. It is

29、an almost universal truth that themore we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we in itially used to perform it.几乎普遍的事实是,我们在工作中得 到的提升越多,我们实际上就越少锻炼我们最初 用来执行它的技能6. His appointment has not been formally approved yet.他的任命尚未得到正式批准7. It is getting more and more difficult torecru

30、it experie need staff.招募有经验的员工变得越来越难。8. He in sisted that the idea evolved out ofwork done by British scientists. 他坚持认为,这一想法是由英国科学家所做的工作演变而来的9. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honor system was designed-people who have dedicated their lives to duty.他们是荣誉制 度设计的普通公民一一那些献身于使命的人10. His expres

31、si on became very solem n whe n we told him what had happe ned. 当我们告诉他 发生了什么事时,他的表情变得非常严肃31. The project he worked on last year fell through as it was costly.他去年工作的项目因 为成本太高而失败了32. The committee did not approve of the pla n to build a new bridge over the river. 委员 会不赞成在河上修建一座新桥的计划33. Although some m

32、embers slipped away, the meeting went ahead without them.尽管一 些会员悄悄溜走了,但会议没有进行34. There are some houses for sale in the economic development zone.在经济开发区有 一些待售的房子35. Have you come up with an idea of how to deal with test cheating?你有没有想过如何处 理考试作弊?refashioned into a rather pretty skirt.这件旧的衣服可以被改造成漂亮的裙子37. It is often the case that popular music stars rise to fame at a young age.通常情况下,流 行音乐明星在很小的时候就会成名38. What captures my att

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