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1、外研社一起小学二年级英语全册教案Module 1单元教学目标:1.让学生感受英语课堂的活泼性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。3.通过动静结合的教学方式,使课堂教学收放自如,联系生活实际设计字母教学,营造学习英语的气氛。4.在游戏中培养学生的合作意识,引导学生主动学习,为学生的书写打下良好的根底。教学重难点:1. 使学生学唱ABC的歌。2. 学会用英语表达喜好。单元课时:2课时第一课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:Unit1 I like the ABC song.教学目标:1.通过学习字母歌,重点认读26个字母。

2、2.听懂句子 I like the ABC song. Its my favourite song.3.了解字母在字母表中的顺序。4.让学生感受英语课堂的活泼性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:I like the ABC song.Its my favourite song.2.会说唱本单元的英语童谣ABC教学难点:1.熟练掌握字母和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。2.培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。教学过程:Step 1.Warming-up1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I likeI dont lik

3、eStep2.Presentation在师生互相介绍自己喜好的根底上,教师适时呈现本课任务:你们知道我们的好朋友Daming最喜爱的活动是什么吗?他最爱的活动是唱歌。你们想知道是什么歌吗?学习完本单元之后,你就知道了!Step3.Practice开展“字母顺序接力赛活动:把两套有字母大小写的卡片分别打乱次序贴在黑板两侧,然后将全班分成男女两组。游戏开场后,各组依次上来一个学生,以接力的方式,一人移动一个字母,按字母表的顺序重新排列,看哪组最快最准确。Step 4.Summary教师和学生一起总结本单元的教学重点。Step 5.Homework1.课后和同学、家长谈一谈字母表的用处,例如它在字母

4、排序和查字典等方面的作用。2.回家当小教师,把今天学到的这首好听的英语童谣教给你们的爸爸妈妈,他们一定会为你感到快乐的。教学反思:第二课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:Unit2 I like football.教学过程:Step1 Warming up1) Greeting: Hello! How are you I am fine. Thank you. And youI am fine, too. Thank you.2) Lets chant, ok Chant and do the actions : One finger one finger, turn turn turn, tu

5、rn to a knife, cut cut cut Two fingers two fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jumpThree fingers three fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a fork, dig dig digFour fingers four fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cat, miao miao miao Five fingers five fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a ti

6、ger, growl growl growlStep 2: Lead in1) Do you remember the ABC song Lets sing the song! “ABCDEFG 2) And the teapot song, lets sing and do the actions together! “ I am a little teapot short and stout, heres my handle heres my spout, when the waters boiling hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out!

7、3) The ABC song is my favourite song. My favourite song is the ABC song. Whats your favourite song运用此句型询问学生,要求学生用所学过的My favourite song is 来答复4 My favourite song is the ABC song, that means I like the ABC song. Do you know “like呈现此新单词并教学生其正确发音。询问学生 What song do you like引导学生用I like 来答复。操练该句型。5出示两图片,一是

8、得意的女孩,另一是淘气的男孩,告诉学生:女孩是得意的,我喜欢。男孩是淘气的,我不喜欢。I like the girl, I dont like the boy.授予学生I dont like 这个句型,然后请学生根据自己的喜好来谈谈这两图片,by using “I like and “I dont like6)出示两个球,一个是笑脸球,另一个是哭脸球,告诉学生笑脸球表示的是I like, 而哭脸球代表的是I dont like,请学生跟着教师边念I like和I dont like,边做相应的笑脸或是哭脸。7出示已学过的动物单词卡片,在复习这些单词时,要求学生用刚学的新句型来表达对*种动物的喜

9、好Eg: I like monkey, I dont like tiger.8)出示已学过的颜色单词卡片,在复习颜色单词的过程中,也要求学生用I like和I dont like,来表达对*种颜色的喜好Eg: I like blue, I dont like black.Step 3: Teaching1)2008,the Olympic Games will hold in Beijing. There are so many sports will make conpatitions. Do you know “sports I will shou you something about

10、it. 画个圆圈在黑板上让学生猜猜是什么,然后再补画出完整的足球,教学生football这个新词,再依法画出basketball, table tennis, morning e*ercise,呈现了今天所要接触到的有关运动的新单词,并出示足球,篮球,乒乓球的实物进展实物教学,带读:足球足球football, football football football. 篮球篮球basketball, basketball basketball , 乒乓乒乓table tennis, table tennis table tennis,早操早操morning e*ercise, morning e*

11、ercise morning e*ercise2) 请学生运用“I like and “I dont like来谈谈对这些运动工程的喜好3现在呢我们要听一段录音,里面的Panpan是我们每个人的缩影,有时候做事常常会半途而废,所以在听完录音之后,我们要找出自己喜欢的运动工程,现在就请大家扮演好Panpan 这个角色,找出你自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动工程。4谈论自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动工程,by using “I like and “I dont like5Game: 请两名学生上来抽球,抽中笑脸球的要用“I like造句,而抽中哭脸球的则要用“I dont like造句,比比谁的反响快,造句准确

12、及声音响亮,则奖励漂亮的小贴纸。Step 4 Conclusion and homework教学反思: Module 2单元教学目标:1.学习meat,noodles,rice,sweets等有关食物的单词。2.能听懂,会读,会说Ilike,Idontlike句型。3.能运用所学自如的谈论对事物的喜好。教学重难点:培养学生的英语表达能力,表达对食物的喜好,并能延伸到对其他东西的喜好。教学课时:2课时第一课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:Unit1 I dont like meat.教学目标:A:学习meat,noodles,rice,sweets等有关食物的单词。B:能听懂,会读,会说I li

13、ke,I dont like句型。C:能运用所学自如的谈论对事物的喜好。教学重难点:重点句型:“I dont like 单词:rice,noodles ,meat ,sweet教学过程:.Warm up T: Boys and girls, do you like English songS: Yes.T: OK! Lets sing!.Lead in T: Whats your favorite animal /sport S: .T: Whats your favorite food Now lets learn something about food.板书Module 9 Unit 1

14、 I dont like meat .Look,(课件出示food的图片)结合图片教授新单词rice, noodles, meat, sweets每学一个单词都分组读一次,然后请再叫一列或两列同学接火车读。 there are so much food: noodles, rice, meat,sweets . How nice! I like food very much. Do you like food T: Who likes meat, stand up please and say: I like meat. Who likes rice, stand up please and

15、say: I like rice.Who likes noodles, stand up please and say: I like noodles.Who likes sweets, stand up please and say: I like sweets. Little game “Whats missing. New lesson1、教师通过先说自己喜欢的食物,再说不喜欢的食物,说不喜欢的食物时要结合动作,引出“I dont like 句型。2、同学们你们都喜欢这些食物。现在仔细听一听,看一看课文中那群聚餐的小朋友都喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。教师边说边放录音,让学生带着问题从录音中找寻

16、答案。(听过两遍录音之后,学生跟读录音找出答案。)3、让学生替换单“I like .“I dont like 同桌之间互相介绍自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物,教师先和几个学生做好示。4、同桌之间练习“for you . “No! I dont like然后请四组同学起来读。5、Lets play a game: Among these food, 你们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物。Ill ask some students to e here. For e*ample: I say, noodles, if you like it, show me the happy face. If you don

17、t like it, show me the sad face.(请四个同学上来) .The whole class introduce: HeShe likes T: HeShe doesnt like6、Read the test after teacher.Blackboard design Module 9 Unit 1 I dont like meat . meat noodles rice sweets I like I dont like教学反思:第二课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:I dont like ginger.教学目标:1使学生能够用“I dont like来表达自己

18、的喜好。2学会单词ginger、onion、ice-cream.教学重难点:1.I dont like这一句型2.Ginger、onion的发音教学过程:Step1. Warm-up.全班一起进展游戏:单词大比拼。教师在黑板上画一个方格。在方格中央写上“food一词,将全班分为四大组,四组轮流说出关于“food的单词,不得重复前面已经说过的单词,说对一个得1分,最后,哪个组说得最多将获胜。Step2. lead-in将所有的有关食物的小卡片放在一个盒子中,请一个学生到前面来取出一卡片后用“I like或“I dont like来表达自己的喜好.Review the words例如:学生取出单词

19、卡“apple或“I dont like apples.卡片中有“onion与“ginger当学生取出“onion时,教授新单词“onion,并对学生说:“I dont like onions.What about you同样的方法学习“ginger、ice-cream.(每个新单词卡片3,以确保学生能拿到新单词。)Step3、New-te*t.出示SBUnit 2活动1的挂图,让学生听录音,试着理解课文。听之前教师将对话中出现的食物卡片贴在黑板上,让学生听录音,在Sam喜欢的图片下打“P,不喜欢的则打“。检查学生的听力情况。Step4、Finish-task.完成运用任务2。教师放录音之前,

20、先请学生仔细观察左右两边的图,然后教师放第一遍录音,让学生认真听后独立完成,然后再放一遍录音,让全班对答案。两人一组进展练习,一个人指上面的图模仿练习2的例句向另外一个人提问,完成后,可在全班进展展示。2完成运用任务1。在听录音之前,教师先请学生自觉地去看每一幅图,然后教师放录音,要求学生认真听,并用最快的速度找出与听到的句子相对应的图,同桌两个人比一比,看谁的反响快。两人一组进展练习,学生A说句子,学生B指图,然后交换角色继续练习。3完成运用任务3。请学生依次看清每一幅图后根据自己的喜好在图的右下角画“P或“,要求学生在做的同时,自己在心中说:“I like/I dont like待所有学生

21、都做完后,请几个学生到讲台向全班汇报自己的答案。Step5. Homework.教学反思:Module 3单元教学目标:能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like 来表达自己对*种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes 有进一步的认识。能够用Do you like What about 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I dont.来答复。教学重难点:1.能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。

22、2.对名词的单复数有初步的认识。3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。4.能在交际练习中进一步稳固句型“Do you like Yes, I do. / No, I dont.。教学课时:2课时第一课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:Do you like bananas教学目标:By the end of the lesson , students should be able to :1. Say the new words of food in English .2. Practice the dialogue on the te*tbook and use it pr

23、operly in real situation .3. E*press their likes and dislike correctly and confidently.4. Inspired to use English to solve real problems.教学重难点:1.Vacabulary of food : tomatoes bananas .2.General questions :Do you/they like.Yes I do/No I dont-教学过程:Step 1 Review A. Dictation Unit 5 wordsB. Students wri

24、te the name of food they already know on paper.C. Students draw pictures of food and share them in groups.D. Students volunteer to present their pictures and words.E. Teacher summarize, and writes the words on board.Step 2 Learn the new words A. Use pictures and guestures to introduce the words.B. S

25、tudents learn to say the words with the help of pictures.C. Play a guessing game. Work in groups for four. Let student writes the name of food on a paper, and the others guess by asking questions. Teacher demonstrate first.Step3 Learn to talk about likes and dislikesA. Group work: four students make

26、 a group and talk with each other about their likes and disliks (Use the sentence structure: Do you like. Does she/he like.)B. Volunteers to present their dialogue.Step4 More practiceWork in pairs and find out your partners preference and disgust food.Teach a song Its time for lunch.Homework:a. Copy

27、 the new words and try to learn them by heart.b. Make up a dialogue about like and dislikes food, then write it down in e*ercise book.教学反思:第二课时总课时数:授课时间:课程名称:Do they like apples教学目标:能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like 来表达自己对*种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike lik

28、es 有进一步的认识。能够用Do you like What about 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I dont.来答复。教学重难点:1.能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。2.对名词的单复数有初步的认识。3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。4.能在交际练习中进一步稳固句型“Do you like Yes, I do. / No, I dont.。教学过程:Step1:Warm-up 1、Lets sing:An Apple a Day2、Lets chant: Do you like pears Ye

29、s! Yes! I do.动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛Do you like peaches No! No! I dont.动作:摇头,摆手Do you like apples Yes! Yes! I do. 动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛Do you like oranges No! No! I dont. 动作:摇头,摆手Step2:Presentation课件呈现1、导入Today, Mother Monkey, let Little Monkey go down the hill. Little Monkey is very happy. He es to the farm. Wow, so m

30、any fruits! What can you see 生说,不会的可以用中文 Little Monkeywill pick many fruits and invite us to his fruit party. But we must learn these words and pass his test. Do you have a lot of confidences Lets go ! 2、Lets learn注意多给学困生时机,并多形式表扬学apple读单词。T: Whats this Ss: Its an apple .Practise with games.用单词造句。 T: Make some sentences with “apple. 引导学生说:I have/ I likethe apple is red/Where is the/Do you like/How manycan you see(do you have)等句子。T: Look, I have (出示实物)Ss: an apple.T: Yes, I have an apple. The apple is red. I lik

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