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1、倒装句定语从句虚拟语气练习题解析倒装句练习1.So fast that it is difficult for us to imag ine its speed.A.light travelB.does light travelC.travels lightD.has light travelled2.That scientist isn t too happy with the project, and are her supervisorsB.either are her supervisorsC.n either are her her supe

2、rvisors are3. the door tha n somebody started knocking on it.A.I had closed no soonerB.I had no sooner closedC.No sooner have I closedD.No sooner I closed4.Is this beautiful? Yes, it is. .A.Rarely before have I see n thisB.Rarely I have see n this beforeC.Rarely have I see n before thisD.Rarely have

3、 I see n this before5. but he also proved himself a good athlete.A.He showed himself not only a good stude ntB.Not only did he show himself a good stude ntC.He showed not only himself a good stude ntD.Not only he showed himself a good stude nt6.Nowhere else along the coast such shallow water so far

4、from thereB.there isD.is7. did we try to persuade her to give up her pla n.A.In failureB.With no resultC.I n vai nD.With no end8. I couldn t lift the box.A.As I might tryB.Try although I mightC.As try I mightD.Try as I might9. from the tenth floor whe n the policema n poin ted his p

5、istol at him.A.Jumped dow n the burglarB.Down the burglar jumpedC.Down jumped the burglarD.Down did the burglar jump10.“ What is there around the corner? ” “ . ”A.Around the corner there sta nds two stores.B.Around the corner sta nd two stores.C.There are two stores sta nd around the corner.D.Two st

6、ores sta nd there around the corner.11. the discovery of a new compo und.A.Then followedB.The n did it beforeC.Then it followedD.The n there followed12. when China had to depend on foreign countries for oil.A.Forever gone are the daysB.Forever are the days goneC.Gone forever are the daysD.Gone forev

7、er the days are13. do we hear such fine singing from school choirs合唱团.A.RatherB.NotC.AlmostD.Seldom14. today, he would get there by Friday.A.Would he leaveB.Was he leav ingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leave15.It was not un til Mr Smith came to China what kind of country she is.A.did he knowB.does he kn

8、owC.that he knewD.that he knows16.Across the river .A.a new built bridge liesB.lies a n ewly-built bridgeC.does a n ewly-built bridge liesD.a n ewly-built bridge lies there17.mea nt.Only then what “ revoluti onA.I realizedB.I do realizeC.did I realizeD.I did realize18.“look, here . ”A.the teacher co

9、mesB.comes heC.he coming the teacher19. should one ignore his mistakes.A.To any exte ntB.In any eve ntC.In spite of allD.By no mea ns20.with whom we are familiar.A.Here the professor comesB.Here comes the professorC.Comes here the professorD.The professor comes here变为倒装句:As it is cold, the

10、 childre n play outdoors.Though I did fail, I would n ever give up.A s I respect him much, I cannot agree to his suggestio n.As the Hare could run fast, it was beaten by the Tortoise in the race.A s Mike is a teacher, he is not capable of doing all subjects.虚拟语气1.Were it not for the snowy weather, w

11、e all right.A.would beB.would have bee nC.wereD.may be2.more careful, his ship would not have sunk.A.If the captain wereB.Had the capta in bee nC.Should the capta in beD.If the capta in would have bee n3.If he me tomorrow, I would let him know.A.should callB.should not have bee n ableC.were not able

12、D.are not able4.If you asked your father you permissi on.A.may getB.might getC.should have calledD.maybe, he would get there by Friday.A.Would he leaveB.Was he leav ingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves6. I you, I would go with him to the party.A.WasB.Had bee nC.Will beD.Were7.The millions

13、of calculations invoIved, had they been done by hand, allpractical value by the time they were fini shed.A.could loseB.would have lostC.might loseD.ought to have lost8.Had Paul received six more votes in the last elect ion, he our chairma n now.A.must have bee nB.would have bee nC.wereD.would be9.If

14、 you Jerry Brown until recently, you d think the photograph on the right wasstra nge.A.should n t con tactB.did n t con tactC.were n t to con tactD.hadn t contacted10.he En glish exam in atio n I would have gone to the con cert last Sun dayA.I n spite ofB.But forC.Because ofD.As for11.Look at the te

15、rrible situation I am in! If only I your adviceA.followB.would followC.had followedD.have followed12.Had Paul received six more votes in the last electi on, he our chairma n now.A.must have bee nB.would have bee nC.wereD.hadn t contacted13.If the horse won today, it thirty races in five years.A.woul

16、d have wonB.wonC.must have wonD.did have won14.There is a real possibility that these an imals could be frighte ned, asudde n loud no ise.A.being thereB.should there beC.there wasD.there hav ing bee n15.The board deemed it urge nt that these files right away.A.had to be prin tedB.should have bee n p

17、rin tedC.must be prin tedD.should be prin ted16.Jean Wagner s most enduring contribution to the study of-Afnerican poetryis hisinsistence that it in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of to be an alyzedB.has bee n an an alyzedD.should have bee n an alyzed17.I would have

18、 gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but Ifully occupied the whole of last week.A.wereB.had bee nC.have bee nD.was18.I apologize if I you, but I assure you it was uninten ti on al.A.offendB.had offen dedC.should have offen dedD.might have offen ded19.If you hadn t taken su

19、ch a long time to get dressed, we d there by circli circli ng20.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun round the earth.A.were circli circli circli ng21.I wish that I with you last night.A.wentB.have goneC.could go

20、D.could have gone22.I wish I with her.A.would beB.amC.wasD.were23.I wish that I the con cert last ni ght.A.couldB.have atte ndedC.could have atte ndedD.atte nded24.The picture exhibiti on bored me to death. I wish I to it.A.had not goneB.have not goneC.did not goD.can not have gone25.“I wish you me

21、to put these things away, ” he said.A.will helpB.helpC.are help ingD.would help26.If the Watergate In cide nt Nixon would not have resig ned from the preside ncy.A.did not occurB.had not occurredC.was not occurri circli ng27.I hadn t expected James to apologize but I had hoped .A.him calli ng

22、 meB.that he would call meC.him to call meD.that he call me28.George would certa inly have atte nded the proceedi ngs .A.if he didn t get a flat tireB.if the flat tire hadn t happenedC.had he not had a flat tireD.had the tire not flattened itself29.The teacher suggested that her stude nts experie nc

23、es with ESP.A.write a composition on write composition about theC.wrote some compositi ons of his or herD.had written any compositions for his30.He speaks Chin ese as flue ntly as if he a Chin ese.A.wereB.had bee nC.isD.has bee n31.As usual, he put on a show as though his trip a great succ

24、ess.A.had bee nB.has bee nC.wereD.was32.Look ing round the tow n, he felt as though he away for ages.A.has bee nB.wasC.isD.had bee n33.Joh n is so stron gly built that he looks as if he as elepha lifti ngC.liftedD.could lift34.He described the town as if he it himself.A.had see nB.has

25、 see nC.sawD.sees35.At that thought he shook himself, as though he from an evil dream.A.wokeB.wakesC.would wakeD.had woke36.Most in sura nee age nts would rather you any thi ng about collect ing claims un til they in vestigate the situati on.A.doB.don tC.didn tD.didn t do37.Although most adopted per

26、s ons want the right to know who their n atural pare nts are, some who have found them wish that they the experie nee of meet ing.A.hadn tB.didn t have hadC.hadn t hadD.hadn t have38.It is important that the TOEFL office your registration.A.will con firmB.confirmC.con firmsD.must con firm39.s adva n

27、eed tech no logy .Without electr onic computers, much of todayA.will not have bee n achievedB.have not bee n achievedC.would not have bee n achievedD.had not bee n achieved40.He told her to return the book in time so that others a chance to read it .A.may haveB.will haveC.would haveD.might have41.It

28、 is time that the government measures to protect the rare birds and animals.A.takesB.tookC.has take nD.tak ing42.Some people are too particular about school records, in sisti ng that everyapplica nt all diplomas from eleme ntary school to uni versity.A.hasB.will haveC.should haveD.must have43.He was

29、 very busy yesterday, otherwise he to the meeti ng.A.would comeB.cameC.would have comeD.had come44.t be surprised if he acting for aI must say he reads very well, and I should nliv ing one day.A.had take n upB.takes upC.have taken upD.would have take n up45.If I had see n the movie, I you all about

30、it now.A.would tellB.will tellC.have toldD.would have told46.I hadn t expected Henry to apologize but I had hoped .A.him t call me upB.him calli ng me upC.that he would call me up D. that he will call me 47. I had hoped that Joh n a year in Africa, but he stayed there on ly for three mon ths. A. spe nds B. spe nt C.would spend D. will spend 48. I had hoped that Jennifer A. will become 49. I ather d ryou A. do B. did n t do B. became a doctor, but she was n t good eno ugh at scie nee. C.would become D. becomes anything about it for the

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