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1、遵义市正安县土坪镇中心小学三年级上册英语第一次模拟月考含答案2018-2019年遵义市正安县土坪镇中心小学三年级上册英语第一次模拟月考含答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、选择题1 She is Mary. She is my _. A.dadB.brotherC.sister2 I have a ruler._A.Hello!B.Me too.C.Good morning.3 _ is the dog.A.WhatB.WhereC.Here4 你想问问对方叫什么,你应该说:_ A.Whats your name?B.My name is Li Ming.5 I _ Helen. She _

2、 my friend, Yang Ling. A.are,,, is6 A.Look at the hair. Its long.B.Look at the hair. Its short.7 Whats your name? A.My names Liu Xin.B.Hello, Liu Xin.8 你想介绍姐姐给别人认识,你会说:A.This is my sister.B.This is my friend.9 放学后,要与教师和同学们说什么? A.Good night.B.Goodbye.C.Good morning.10下面几个大写字母中一笔写成的是:( )

3、 A.XB.YC.Z11Lets go to school._A.OK.B.Good morning.C.Goodbye.12I _ ten A.isB.areC.am13Whats this?_A.Oh, really?B.Its a pencil.C.Oh, its nice. I like it.14 A.whiteB.blue15I am Lingling. A.我是玲玲。B.我是丽丽。二、填空题16Show me your left arm. Wave your _ arm. 17为下列词组选择对应的图片A. B. C. D. E. (1)two dogs _ (2)five egg

4、s _ (3)four rulers _ (4)one mouth _ (5)seven pens _ 18A ball?_19选出与所给例子是同类的单词。water bread milk rice juice egg Coke fish cake noodles (1)water: _ (2)bread: _ 20your,touch,nose _ 21根据汉语意思补全单词。打开 _pen 女王 _ueen钢笔 _en 十 _en红色 _ed 萨拉 _arah 22写出下列物品数量的英文单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 23Are you a _?_, _ _.24句子仿写。例: Is it

5、a girl?It is a girl. (1) _ (2)_ (3) _ (4)_ (5)_ 25选择正确的答语的序号填在横线上。 Are you Mike? _ Good afternoon, Miss Li. _ This is my brother, Tim. _ She is my sister, Yang Ling._ Good evening. _ A. Hello, Yang Ling.B. No, Im not.C. Good evening.D. Hello, Tim.E. Good afternoon, class. 三、判断题26Its a pig.27判断下面说法是否

6、正确。Alice和Peter都是女名。 28Look, its a tiger.29desk 30Look! It is a mouse. 四、单词拼写(词汇运用)31补全单词。 (1)r_ b_ t (机器人) (2)t _ y (玩具) (3)b _ _l (球) (4)d _ _l (玩具娃娃) (5)c _ _ (小汽车) 32Hello. I a_ Amy. 33k, n, o, m, y, e_ 34根据汉语提示填空。(1)Id like some _ (水) .(2)_ (鱼肉) is great and I like it.(3)Thats a _ (蛋糕).(4)I like

7、 _(米饭).(5)Do you like _(牛奶)?35There are s_ days(天) in a week(周). 五、连词成句36for you This gift is_. 37at me Look_ 38it, a, girl, is (.)_ 六、翻译题39汉译英。 (1)出示一个球给我看。_ (2)在这儿。_ 40英汉互译 (1)课桌_ (2)椅子_ (3)窗户_ (4)黑板_ (5)小鸟_ (6)point _ (7)sit down _ (8)stand up_ (9)please_ (10)door_ 41下午好,同学们。七、选词填空(词汇运用)42This is

8、 my _(hand/pencil).43根据图片选出正确的单词。 (1)_(one two three four five) (chair chairs)(2)_(one two three four five) (desk desks)(3)_(six seven eight nine ten) (ruler rulers)(4)_(five six seven eight nine) (book books)(5)_(two three four five six) (boy boys) 八、补全对话44Are you Sam?Yes, _ _. 45Goodbye, Lingling.

9、_, Sam. 九、阅读理解46Read and choose读一读,判断对错(T、F) Hi! My names Amy. Im a girl. Im eleven. This is my brother Tom. Hes twelve. Hes tall. Im short.(1)_The girls name is Amy.(2)_Amy is Toms(的) sister.(3)_The boy is eleven.(4)_Amy is ten.47阅读短文,判断正误。 Mike has (有) a yellow pen. John has a black pencil box. Ch

10、en Jie has a blue ruler. Wu Yifan has a white flower. Bai Ling has a red bag.(1)Mike has a yellow pen.(2)John has a green pencil box.(3)Chen Jie has a blue ruler.(4)Wu Yifan has a brown flower.(5)Bai Ling has a red bag.2018-2019年遵义市正安县土坪镇中心小学三年级上册英语第一次模拟月考含答案(参考答案)一、选择题题号12345678910答案CBCACAAABC题号111

11、2131415答案ACBAA二、填空题题号16171819202122232425答案right(1)B(2)E(3No.(1)(2)Touchyourno;q;p;t;r;six;seven;doctor;Yes(1)IsitaboB;E;D;A;C三、判断题26正确 27错误 28正确 29错误 30错误 四、单词拼写(词汇运用)31(1)o;o(2)o(3)a;l(4)o;l(5)a;r 32am 33monkey 34(1)water(2)Fish(3)cake(4)rice(5)milk35seven 五、连词成句题号363738答案Itisagirl.六、翻译题题号394041答案(1)Showmea(1)desk(2)Goodaftern七、选词填空(词汇运用)题号4243答案hand(1)onechai八、补全对话题号4445答案I;amGoodbye九、阅读理解46 (1)T(2)T(3)F(4)F47 (1)1(2)0(3)1(4)0(5)1

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