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最新版人教版高一英语新教材Book oneUnit 5词汇串讲.docx

1、最新版人教版高一英语新教材Book oneUnit 5词汇串讲(2019最新版)人教版高一英语新教材Book one Unit 5 Languages around the world单词的记忆靠的是提高记忆的方法记忆的七大要素1、重复;2、理解要记的信息;3、一心不二用;4、把新的信息与已知的信息连接起来;5、将信息分类(每次不可超过七类);6、回忆;7、享受学习(疲劳、心情不好不学)。合理拆分 生熟联想形成脑图 长久不忘其实,背单词的方法可以有很多种,概括成一句话就是:“一读二拆三想四看五编”。“一读”就是通过单词的发音和中文中相似的发音来记忆单词,比如说chaos,中文拼音发音是“吵死”


3、料之外的”,正好与选线中的surprised(惊奇的)相对应。“五编”就是编故事记忆单词,比如说、一个人出生之后成为infant / baby,慢慢的成为一个child / kid ,13-19岁是成为一个teenager,满了18岁成为adult / grown-up,而立之年是middle-age,老年是senior / old, 所以可以顺着人生成长的几个阶段的关键词作为主线,把单词穿起来记忆。Unit 5 Languages around the world1.billion / bljn / n.十亿threebillionyears 30 亿年billionsofyears 数十亿

4、年billion用作名词的定语时复数形式仍为billion;与具体数字连用时复数形式为billion,其后不接of;与several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时复数形式可为billion(其后的of可以省略),也可为billions(其后的of不能省略);表示泛指数时(其后接of短语)复数形式是billions;表示“以数十亿计”“大批大批地”可说by billions,也可说by the billion(s)。threebillionyears 30 亿年billionsofyears 数十亿年He made two billion dollars from trading.他做买卖

5、赚了20个亿。We want several billion(s).我们需要几十个亿。There are billions of stars in the sky.天上有无数的星星。2.native / netv /adj.出生地的;本地的;土著的n.本地人native adj. 本地的;本国的;土产的;当地的;土著的 C.n. 本国人;本地人;原产动、植物be native to 是.地方特有的(be home to)be a native of 是的本地人,产于的动物或植物ones native language/tongue 母语ones native land/country 故土/祖

6、国ones native place 出生地a native speaker of English 以英语为母语的人 =a native English speaker The giant panda is native to China.The panda is a native of West China. The cherry tree is a true native of Japan.Are you a native of Texas?The tiger is native to India.3.attitude / ttju:d ;NAmEtitu:d/n.态度;看法attitud

7、e to/towards life 生活态度写作满分练依我看,决定你将来的是你对生活的态度。In_my_view,_it_is_your_attitude_to/towards_life_that_determines_your_future.1His attitude _ (indicate) that he is not happy with the optional course.答案与解析2(2019全国卷)What is Kates attitude her mothers decision?3Her failure in the competition resulted _ her

8、 casual attitude.答案与解析1.indicates从句是一般现在时,故主句用一般现在时,填indicates。3.from句意:她比赛失利的原因是她随意的态度。result from “产生于;由引起”。4.reference / refrns / n.指称关系;参考5.refer/rf:(r) /vi.提到;参考;查阅vt.查询;叫求助于refer to指的是;描述;提到;查阅单句填空/补全句子(2018浙江高考) We eventually got lost in the forest referred (refer) to by Uncle Paul.In his rep

9、ort, Dr. Smith didnt refer to setting (set) up a business in Beijing in 2019.The hospital now refers to patients by name, not case number.(2018全国卷)Wang Shu, a 49yearold Chinese architect, won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prizewhich is_often_referred_to_as (经常被称为) the Nobel Prize in architectureon

10、February 28.写作满分练(词汇升级)(2018全国卷)The short film covers the history of our school.refers_to(2018天津高考)If you want to know more about the competition, just contact me.with/in_reference_to(1)refer to . as . 把称作refer sb./sth. to sb. 把某人交给某人/把某事交给某人解决be referred to as . 被称作(2)refer to 参考;查看;查阅refer to a bo

11、ok/dictionary 查阅书/字典look up . in . 在中查阅(3)in/with reference to 关于;至于for future reference 以供日后参考for easy/quick reference 以便查阅佳句 As the situation was unusual, he referred the matter to the editor.由于情况非同寻常,他把这个问题交给编辑处理。 6.system / sstm / n.体系;制度;系统systematic adj.有系统的systematically adv.系统地theoretical sy

12、stem 理论体系solar system 太阳系佳句 We need to explore an education system which is more appropriate to the needs of the students. 我们需要探索更切合学生需求的教育制度。1There exists a system _ the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.2His success was almost entirely due to his assistants (system) hard work.3(

13、2017全国卷)Were looking at the benefits of_ (system) which control their speed as a way of preventing that.答案与解析1.where该句是定语从句。从句先行词是system,指物,指地点,从句中缺少状语,应用关系副词where引导定语从句。2.systematic设空在句中做定语,修饰名词work,应用形容词,表“有系统的”,填systematic。3. systems7.civilisation NAmE-ization /svlazen /n.文明;文明世界cradle of civiliz

14、ation 文明的摇篮Chinese civilization 中华文明ancient civilization 古代文明brilliant Chinese civilization灿烂的中华文明civil adj. 公民的;国内的;民间的civilizesvlaz vt.使开化,文明8.despite / dspat / prep.即使;尽管=in spite of意为“尽管但是”,其后一般不接从句。佳句 (朗文词典)Leo wouldnt agree, despite our efforts to persuade him.尽管我们努力说服利奥,他还是不同意。Regardless_of/D

15、espite/In_spite_of_what_happened_yesterday (不管昨天发生了什么) and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where we are.语法填空_ all the problems, several of the players produced excellent performances.答案与解析Despite句意:尽管存在所有这些问题,几个运动员还是表现很好。设空后是名词短语all the problems, 故设空处应填介词 despite “尽管,不管”。9

16、.ups and downs浮沉;兴衰;荣辱10. factor / fkt(r)/ n.因素;要素11. base /bes/vt.以.为据点;以.为基础n.底部;根据;基础12.based /beist/以(某事)为基础的;以为重要部分(或特征)的base on/upon 把建立在.上be based on/upon. 建立在基础上,以为基础/依据on the basis of 根据,在的基础上base n. 底部;根基;基地;根据地;基础basis n. 基础(抽象)(pl. bases)basic adj. 基本的;基础的basically adv.baseless adj. 无原因的

17、;无根据的the base of a building/a triangleWe camped at the base of the mountain.Our companys base is in Beijing.(总部)a naval base海军基地an air base 空军基地the economic basis 经济基础We should base our opinions on facts.The film is based on a novel by David.I like the film based on a novel by David.The basis of a g

18、ood marriage is back to .追溯到(date from) 提醒 date back to/date from一般无进行时态和被动语态;谈论现在的某一物品时,常用一般现在时态;做后置定语时,用现在分词形式。单句填空/补全句子The custom in the region dates (date) back to the 15th century. The cost of the project to date has been about $ 150 million. Looking through the newspaper dated (d

19、ate) November 23, 2003, he noticed something strange. We have decided_on_a_date (选定日期) for the music festival to be held. 写作满分练中国饮茶文化源远流长,可以追溯到1 000多年前。Chinese_tea_drinking_culture_has_a_long_history_which/that_dates_from/back_to/goes_back_to_more_than_1,000_years_ago. (定语从句)Chinese_tea_drinking_cul

20、ture_has_a_long_history_dating_from/back_to/going_back_to_more_than_1,000_years_ago. (非谓语动词)归纳拓展(1)date vt. 鉴定的年代,使写有日期;约会n. 日期;见面时间(2)up to date 时髦的outofdate/dated 过时的to date 迄今;到目前为止make a date with sb. 与某人约会/预约set a date for . 确定的日期decide on a date 选定日期(3)go back to 追溯到14.bone / bn / n.骨头;骨(质)15.

21、shell/el / n.壳;壳状物16. symbol / smbl / n.符号;象征a symbol of . 的象征17.carve / k:v / vt.& vi 雕刻18.dynasty /dnsti; dai-/王朝;朝代19.variety /vrat/ n. (植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化variety n. 变化,多样性 ,种类,品种,种种的,形形色色的various adj.形形色色的,各种各样得到,variously adv.vary不同,改变,变化a variety of. 各种各样的=varieties ofA life full of vari

22、ety 富于变化的生活a variety of butterfliesThere are a wide variety of people on the earth.A new variety of rose 新品种玫瑰representatives from various countries. 从各国来的代表们For various reasons Beijing is filled with people from various parts of China.These sweaters vary in size/colour.Opinions on this matter vary

23、from person to person.20. major / med(r) /adj.主要的;重要的;大的n.主修课程;主修学生vi.主修;专门研究major in . 主修;以为专业 matter where, who, what, etc.不论;不管佳句 Whichever (No matter which) road you take, it will lead you to the station.无论你走哪一条路都会到达车站。1No matter _ stubborn the man was, his wife could persuade him to go.2No

24、 matter _ the athletic man goes, he just attracts a number of people surrounding him.3.No matter how _ (mild) I mentioned it to her, she would be very disappointed.1.how设空后是形容词stubborn,应用 how与No matter 构成让步状语从句。2.where根据句意“无论他去哪里,他总会吸引许多他周围的人”可知,应用no matter where 引导让步状语从句,故填where。3.mildly设空在句中做状语, 修

25、饰谓语mentioned, 应用副词,填mildly。答案与解析22. dialect /dalekt/ n.地方话;方言23.means /mi:nz/ n.方式;方法;途径对比:mean adj. 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 v. 意思是;打算;导致;意味meaning n. 意义;含义;重要性;价值meaningful adj. 意味深长的;有意义的generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的be mean to sb. 对某人小气/吝啬be mean with/about sth. 对.小气/吝啬It is mean of sb. to do sth. 做某事某人真是卑鄙mean to do

26、 sth. 打算做某事mean doing sth. 意味着做某事What do you mean by? 做.你是什么意思?He is mean about money.他吝啬钱。She apologized for having been so mean to me.她因对我如此刻薄而表示歉意。It is mean to spread gossip about others.散布有关他人的流言是卑鄙的。He meant no harm.I mean to go there next year.我打算明年到那儿去。I had meant to call you, but I was so b

27、usy .我是想来看望你的,但是,我太忙了。What do you mean by not telling me the truth?你不跟我说实话,这算什么意思?24. classic / klsk /adj.传统的;最优秀的;典型的n.经典作品;名著classical adj. 古典的;古典文艺的25.regard /rg:d/n.尊重;关注vt.把.视为;看待常见用法:regard as “把看作”, as之后可接名词、代词、形容词、分词、介词短语等。in/with regard toNote: 复数表示敬意,如:give/send ones regards to 26.characte

28、r /krkt(r)/ n.文字;符号;角色;品质;特点character-n,用来描述人的性格,像是坚强、懦弱、乐观、积极;Heisfirmincharacter-他性格坚强。 characteristic n. 特征;特性(用来描述人或事物的特征、特点,并非性格) Theidealpersonforthisjobhasthese_:tenyearsexperienceandanadvanceddegree. A. charactersB. characteristics27.calligraphy / klrfi / n.书法;书法艺术 /glbl/ adj.全球的;全世

29、界的globe、global(词根glob球,球体)29.affair / fe(r) / n.公共事务复数;事件;关系固定搭配:have an affair with sb.出轨注意要点:1.affair的意思是“事,事情,事务”,含义很广,可指已经发生的、所关心的或必须做的任何事情。2.affair的复数形式(其前不加冠词)不指许多件事,而指重大的或头绪较多的事务。口语中affair(单数)可模糊地或故意模棱两可地表示“东西”“物品”或“事件”。3.affair用于委婉语时指“男女之间的事”,类似于汉语中的“那事儿”。多指不正当男女关系,也可指正常恋爱。30.appreciate /pri

30、:iet /vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会vi.增值appreciation nU欣赏;感激;感谢;鉴赏单句填空(2019北京高考)For many students, Wilsons help is not only appreciated (appreciate), its also entirely necessary for them to be able to complete their college education.The foreigners were amazed at the papercuttings and their (appreciate)of the traditional Chinese arts made us greatly proud. We di

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