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1、护士英文辞职信范文护士英文辞职信护士英文辞职信范文护士英文辞职信wtt特别护士辞职信 | 辞职信模板 | 辞职信格式 | 辞职信怎么写时代在进步社会在变革人也总会往高处走当你需要辞职的时候辞职信就很重要了。wtt精心的为大家准备了护士英文辞职信欢迎阅读仅供参考如果想了解更多的相关信息请继续关注我们本站。护士英文辞职信【一】尊敬的院领导:你们好!很遗憾在这个时候向医院正式提出辞职我是怀着极其复杂的心情写下这份辞职报告的请相信我这并非一时冲动而是我经过慎重考虑所做出的决定。来到医院已经三年多了正是在这里我开始踏上了社会完成了自己从一个学生到社会人的转变。可以说我人生中最美好的时光是在这里度过的三年



4、谢谢!最后真诚祝愿医院一如既往一路飙升!领导及各位同仁工作顺利!辞职人:_x年x月x日Dear Institute Leader:How are you! It is a pity that at this time the official resignation was made to the hospital. I wrote this resignation report with extremely plicated feelings. Please believe me, this is not an impulse, but a decision that I made afte

5、r careful consideration.It has been more than three years since I came to the hospital. It was here that I started to embark on a social journey and pleted my transformation from a student to a social person. It can be said that the best time in my life was spent here. Three years of study have enab

6、led me to have a deeper understanding of the theoretical knowledge I have learned in previous books, and my business abilities are constantly improving. What is important is that I learned how to be a person here; the equality of interpersonal relationships in a hospital, the open work style, and th

7、e humanistic management gave me the feeling of finding a way to rely on me. Here I can have a happy job and a happy learning. Whenever I encounter difficulties, everyone can give a helping hand and give them care. However, there is no challenge in the nursing work. The tedious and mechanical work of

8、 the nurses and the extremely low status of the nursing staff always make themselves embarrassed. This is true. From this I began to ponder, perhaps only suffering from frustration and setbacks, learning hard in the hard work, to find their own position, is my next choice in life.I am from the count

9、ryside. I am the son of a peasant and I have suffered a lot from hardship and suffering. However, Ive been very successful since I was a child. This made me feel fortunate and I am now in deep misery, unable to extricate myself. Maybe people really want to learn to grow up. Accustomed to continuous

10、efforts, continuous learning, continuous progress, but it is difficult to adapt to the protection of the environment, and often people will tell me introverted and personality is too prominent, this is a breakthrough for the hospital to cultivate talent or my own perfect Difficulties, perhaps this i

11、s also the reason why I find it difficult to adapt to this environment; I once thought why I was forced to adapt myself to the environment. Perhaps this kind of environment can no longer adapt to the development of the times. Please forgive my mouth for madness! Although my concept is: People need c

12、ontinuous development, progress, and perfection. In fact, I have also been trying to change and bee adaptable to the environment in order to better play my role. But I think it's really hard. After considering it for a long time, I decided to leave! !Within two days of giving his resignation, I

13、will leave the hospital and leave my colleagues who have shared the pains and hardships. I am reluctant to accept the leadership of the leaders, and I cannot bear the sincerity and friendliness among my colleagues. However, it has been decided that the retention will only make it harder for me to fi

14、nally leave. Please ask the leader for approval! Thank you!Finally, sincerely wish the hospital will continue to soar! Leadership and colleagues work smoothly!Resigner: _x year x month x day护士英文辞职信【二】尊敬的领导:您好!首先感谢您在百忙中抽出时间阅读我的辞职信。我是怀着十分的心情写这封辞职信的。自我进入医院之后由于您对我的关心、指导和信任使我在护士行业获得了很多机遇和挑战。经过这段时间在医院的工作我

15、在护士领域学到了很多知识积累了一定的经验对此我深表感谢。我已准备好离职并且做好工作交接以减少因我的离职而给医院带来的不便。非常感谢您在这段时间里对我的教导和照顾。在医院的这段经历于我而言非常珍贵。将来无论什么时候我都会为自己曾经是医院的一员而感到荣幸。我确信在医院的这段工作经历将是我整个职业生涯发展中重要的一部分。再次对我的离职给医院带来的不便表示抱歉对我的申请予以考虑并批准。祝医院领导和所以同事身体健康、工作顺利!此致敬礼辞职人:_x年x月x日Dear leaders:Hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read my r

16、esignation letter.I wrote this letter of resignation with great feelings. Since I entered the hospital, I have been given many opportunities and challenges in the nurse industry because of your concern, guidance and trust in me. After this period of work in the hospital, I learned a lot of knowledge

17、 in the field of nurses and accumulated some experience. I am very grateful for this.I am ready to leave and do a good job transfer to reduce the inconvenience caused to my hospital by my departure.Thank you very much for your guidance and care for me during this time. This experience in the hospita

18、l was very precious to me. In the future, I will be honored for being a member of the hospital. I am convinced that this work experience in the hospital will be an important part of my career development.Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience caused to my departure. I will consider and approv

19、e my application.I wish the hospital leadership and colleagues good health and smooth work!SincerelysaluteResigner: _x year x month x day护士英文辞职信【三】敬爱的_x县医院:在此我首先祝_x县医院一切顺利万事如意;其次我祝各位院领导身体健康全家幸福安康!我感谢两年多来医院给我个学习进步的机会更感谢科主任对我教导感谢给予帮助过的老师们以及科室同事们对我的工作、生活中的照顾在此我非常衷心地感谢大家!我对我所做的工作以及在工作中所做的不足表示歉意由于时间的流失与俱

20、进岁月的沧桑和人间的蹉跎。这使我与远在老家年世已高逐渐苍老的父母亲多年没有团聚一起狂欢!为尽父母亲的孝道和养育之恩我打算辞职回家工作陪在老人们身边让家人安享晚年去享受美好的生活与未来!经过深思熟虑我现在决定辞职在此敬请医务科领导调备工作。望谅解请给予批准!辞职人:_x年x月x日Dear _x County Hospital:Here, I first wish _x county hospitals all the best and everything is going well. Secondly, I wish the hospital leaders good health, happ

21、y family and well-being!I thank the hospital for giving me an opportunity to learn progress for more than two years. I am also grateful to the Director for teaching me and to the teachers who have helped and the colleagues in the department for taking care of my work and life. I am very sincerely he

22、re. Thank you everyone!I apologize for what I did and what I did at work.Due to the loss of time and progress, the vicissitudes of life and the hustle and bustle of humanity. This made me and my parents, who had grown older and older in their old age, not to reunite together for many years! In order

23、 to do my parental filial piety and parenting, I intend to resign from my job and stay with the elderly to help my family enjoy their old age and enjoy a better life and future! After careful consideration, I now decided to resign, and I hereby urge medical leaders to prepare for the work.Thank you

24、for your understanding!Resigner: _x year x month x day护士英文辞职信【四】尊敬的医院领导:在递交这份辞职申请时我的心情十分沉重。现在医院的发展需要大家竭尽全力现在由于我的一些个人原因的影响无法为公司做出相应的贡献。因此请求允许离开。当前医院正处于繁忙的阶段同事都是斗志昂扬壮志满怀而我在这时候却因个人原因无法为医院分忧实在是深感歉意。我希望医院领导在百忙之中抽出时间商量一下工作交接问题。本人在20_年x月_日申请离职希望能得到医院领导的准许!感谢诸位在我在医院期间给予我的信任和支持并祝所有同事和朋友们在工作和活动中取得更大的成绩和收益!此致敬

25、礼!辞职人:_x年x月x日Dear hospital leader:When I submitted this resignation application, my mood was heavy. Now the development of the hospital requires everyone to do their best. Now, due to some of my personal reasons, I cannot make a corresponding contribution to the pany. So request permission to leave.

26、At present, the hospital is in a busy stage. The colleagues are all high-spirited and full of ambition. I am sorry for not being able to share my worries with the hospital for personal reasons at this time.I hope that the leaders of the hospital will take the time to discuss the issue of work handov

27、er. I applied for resignation on 20_, _, and _ days, hoping to get permission from the hospital leadership!Thank you for your trust and support during my time at the hospital, and I wish all my colleagues and friends greater achievements and benefits in their work and activities!Sincerelysalute!Resigner: _x year x month x day

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