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1、M5unit1Unit 1 Great Scientists一.单词拼写1. 科学的, n.科学 ,n.科学家 2. 分析(vt.)n.分析 3. 打败,战胜vt. n.4. 熟练的,专家adj. n. 5. 出席,照顾vt. 6. 挑战 n. vt. 7. 怀疑,嫌疑犯 vt. n. 8. 严重的,剧烈的,严厉的adj. 9. 预见,预知vt.(过去式 过去分词 )10. 责备vt.n. 11. 污染,弄脏(vt.)n. 12. 处理,操纵,把手,柄vt.n. 13. 宣布,通告vt. n. 14. 捐献vt&vi. n. 15. 热情的adj. n.16. 小心的,谨慎的adj. 17.拒

2、绝 v. 18. 宇宙,世界n. adj.宇宙的 二短语填空1. 得出结论 2. 提出3. 使暴露在 4. 专心于5. 把和连接或联系起来 6. 对负责任7. 除之外,此外 8. 对严格的 9. 讲得通,有意义 10. 该受责备11. 照顾,处理,注意 12. 治愈某人(某种疾病) 13 . 怀疑某人某事 14. 捐赠,投稿15. 调查 16. 减速17. 肯定,无疑 18. 继续工作,从事 根据以上短语完成下列句子1.We are divided into 6 groups to discuss the questions _by the teacher . 2.In the end , h

3、e that the murderer was one of the four people . 3.The camera _ a computer so that the photos can be copied onto the computer .4.In fact , _ money , the old man needs more care .5.It is not the child but his parents who _ for this .6.The police _ the case for several months but didnt find any useful

4、 clues .7.The bus _ and stopped as it approached the bus station .8. He has been _ a new novel for over a year .9.The medicine _ him _ his cough .10. He must be _ _ the little girl _ this accident .11.Youd better not _ the sun too long ; it may lead to skin diseases .12.Our teacher told us that exer

5、cise _ good health .13.I cant say _ where I shall be next week .14.This sentence just doesnt _ , no matter how you read it .15.The teachers in our school _ us .16.What made you _ her _ having taken the money ?17. _ his work , Tom simply forgot food and sleep .18. He carefully _ the wounded soldiers

6、day and night 三重点词汇1.concludevt.& vi.断定,推断;使结束,终止;达成,缔结conclude sth. from从推断出;作出结论conclude sth. with/by doing sth以结束come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion得出结论come to the conclusion that得到的结论是in conclusion最后;总之 完成句子(1)我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终结论。 We will have a further discussion before we _ _ _ _. (2)总之

7、,我认为将来还有希望。_ _,I think there is hope for the future. (3)让我用一句谚语结束我的演讲:有志者,事竟成。Let me _ _ _ _ a saying:Where there is a will,there is a way.2、defeat(defeated;defeated) vt.打败;战胜;使受挫 n失败(回归课本P2)JOHN SNOW DEFEATS“KING CHOLERA”约翰斯诺战胜“霍乱王”尽管有很多困难有待克服,但她从未让她的问题把她击倒。 我们的棒球队又一次经历了失败 易混辨析defeat,beat,win这三个词都有

8、“赢”的意思,但用法不尽相同。(1)defeat和beat都可接sb.作宾语,一般可以互换,其宾语通常是“人”或“一个团体”,如a team,a class,a school,an army等。另外,defeat还可用来指在战争中“击败”敌军或入侵者。(2)win后接sth.,如game,war,prize,love,respect等;后接sb.时表示“争取某人”。用win;beat;defeat填空:(1)The army was well trained and well armed,and had little difficulty _the enemy. (2)He was so ne

9、rvous that he could feel his heart _ faster. (3)Who do you think will _ the beauty contest? (4)You _ me in the race,but Ill _ you at tennis.3.expose暴露,揭露,使曝光,使面临 expose sth / sb / oneself to显露或暴露某事物、某人、某人自己 exposed (adj. ) (指地方)无遮蔽的,不遮挡风雨的 be exposed to暴露于完成句子:1. 暴露在阳光下太久对皮肤有伤害。 2. 那辆自行车任由风吹雨打。 3. 但

10、当他一想到要帮助那些受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。 But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people 4. 泥土和整个村庄被洪水冲走,露出光秃秃的岩石。 4、absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;并入,并吞(1) absorb ones attention (2) absorbed adj.聚精会神的;专心致志的,极感兴趣的be absorbed by/into被吞并,被所吸收be absorbed/buried in 专心于工作,汤姆几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。 这家大公司逐渐把小公司并入它自己的组

11、织中。 即境活用(1)For the next two hours she was _the film,so she didnt notice what happened around her.Aengaged in Bbusy withCabsorbed in Doccupied with(2)_in her new novel,the young writer kept thinking and writing for a dozen hours in her study.AHaving deeply absorbed BDeeply absorbingCDeeply having bee

12、n absorbed DDeeply absorbed 5. blame : Vt. 责备,谴责,把归咎于 n. 过失,责备 blame sb for sth因某事而责备某人blame sth on sb把某事怪到某人头上 be to blame for应受责备,应负责任get / accept / bear / take the blame for对负责 lay / put the blame for sth on sb把某事归咎于某人身上选择练习:1. Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy , saying that he

13、was not the one _ .A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed 2. _ for the breakdown of the school computer network , Alice was in low spirits . A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame D. To be blamed 3. Dont always _ your own failure _ others . Sometimes you yourself _ . A. blaming ; on ; are to be

14、blame B. blamed ; for ; are to blame C. blame ; on ; are to blame D. blamed ; for ; are to be blamed完成句子:1 警察把那起交通事故归咎于杰克的粗心驾驶。 我不责备你做了那事。 这位司机不应承担交通事故。 6contribute vt.& vi.捐款;贡献;捐助contribute sth. to向捐献、捐助contribute to对有贡献;有助于;促成,造成make a (an) great/important/major/new/permanent contribution to sth.

15、/doing sth.对做出大的/重要的/主要的/新的/永久的贡献很多人把钱捐给那个穷孩子,这有助于他返回学校。 2 一位作家写了一篇关于此事的文章并把它投到了报社。 3 我们的老师告诉我们锻炼有助于身体健康。 4 He has to a space development program.他对太空发展计划有很大贡献。(contribution)即境活用Eating too much fat can _ heart diseases and cause high blood pressure.Aresult from Bcontribute toCattend to Ddevote to7.a

16、ttend vt.&vi. 照顾;护理;出席;参加attendance n 出席,出席的人数,伺候,照料 attend school/church/a ceremony/a lecture/a wedding上学/去做礼拜/参加典礼/听讲座/出席婚礼attend to sb./sth照料某人;处理某事;注意attend(on/upon)sb.照料/护理某人1 只有他的姐姐一人照顾他。 2 你要参加明天的结婚典礼吗? 3 他们在我们不在时管理事务。 7.cure vt.&n. 治愈,治疗;常用于“cure sb. of .”结构中The doctor cured her of a bad col

17、d.医生治好了她的重感冒It is possible to cure the sickness.治愈这种疾病是可能的易混辨析cure/treat/heal/recovercure意为“治疗;治愈”,多用于指药物治疗并治愈某种疾病或改正不良习气treat为日常用语,意为“治疗;医治”,指治疗病人的全过程或活动heal意为“治愈(伤口);医治”,指治好外伤或烧伤后的部位,使伤口愈合,不用于指治疗感冒等疾病recover意为“痊愈,复原”,主要是指从病中痊愈了,常与from连用That pill cured my headache.那种药片治好了我的头疼That will cure him of h

18、is bad habits.那将改正他的坏习惯There are only two doctors to treat more than 50 patients.只有两名医生来治疗50多个病人The wound on my arm has healed.我胳膊上的伤已痊愈了Hes now fully recovered from his bad cold.他现在已完全从重感冒中康复了。完成句子 盘尼西林治好了他的肺炎Penicillin his pneumonia.事故后卡车司机的擦伤得到了治疗After the accident, the lorry driver for cuts and

19、bruises.他手指上的伤口很快愈合了The cut on his finger quickly.四词语辨析 1). character/characteristic n. 【解释】character 性格,品质 (本身具有的);角色,人物;字体,字符characteristic 特点,特征(区别于其他事物)【练习】选择character 或characteristic 并用其适当的形式填空1) He proved himself true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with o

20、thers.2) People living in the city are different from those in the countryside in _ .3) What are the _that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?4) Chinese _ attract a great number of foreigners all over the world.5) The main purpose of a play is to let the _ speak for themselves as much as poss

21、ible.2). examine/ check /test 检查【解释】examine仔细察看或观察(以了解情况或是否有问题或毛病)check检查 (含有“校对”或“找错”的意思)test 检查,检测(以某种手段来试一试某人或某物是否达到了一定的标准)【练习】选择 check , examine 或 test,并用其适当的形式填空1)I was being _ for a driving license for the third time.2)The doctor _ him carefully.3)The interviewer always _ her facts before send

22、ing them to the editor.3) cure/ treat 治疗,【解释】cure 表示治愈的结果treat 表示治疗的过程【练习】选择cure 或treat 并用其适当的形式填空After being _ for such a long time, the wound _ at last. 4) blame/scold 责备【解释】blame 责备;谴责; 归咎于强调对某种可以解释的失误或不良行为的谴责或惩罚:scold 斥责”、“责骂”指大声呵斥,责备,唠唠叨叨地说,常用于长辈对晚辈【练习】1)Dont _ it on him, but on me.2)The parent

23、s _ the naughty boy and asked him to leave the home at once.5) reject /refuse 拒绝【解释】reject 后接名词,(含对被抛弃的东西不屑一顾)refuse 后接名词,动名词 ,可表“谢绝”【练习】选择refuse 或reject 并用其适当的形式填空1)The Christian Church _ his theory, saying it was against Gods idea.2)I cant stand working with Jane in the same office. She just _to s

24、top talking while she works.五重点短语1.put forward提出(建议),推荐,将提前 他在会上提了一个很好的建议。 那位老教授提出的计划很值得考虑。 put aside 节省,储蓄,储存 put away 放好,积蓄put down 放下,写下来,镇压 put off 延期,推迟put on 穿上,演出 put out 熄灭,生产put up 举起,张贴,公布,挂起,建造完成句子:.今日事今日毕。 Never _ _ till tomorrow what you can do today .有些钱养老是明智的做法。 Its wise to have some

25、money _ _ for old age .最近他们盖起来很多高楼大厦。They have _ _ a lot of high-rise buildings recently .选择练习:. My mother opened the drawer to _ the letters and books .A. put away B. put up C. put on D. put forward. You should _ more clothes , for its very cold outside . A. put down B. put away C. put on D. put fo

26、rward2.apart from除之外;此外 即境活用1. 除了你,我再也没有可交谈的人了。(相当于but/except) 除了有些拼写错误,这篇文章写得不错。(相当于except for) 另外,in addition to相当于介词besides,表示“除以外还”。这门课程除了对电脑有大致的介绍外,还提供实际操作的机会。 随堂训练(1)(2010杭州学军中学模拟)_its low cost,the appeal of iron as a building material lies in its strength,its resistance to fire,and its potent

27、ial to span vast areas.AOther than BApart from CExcept for DRather than(2)She knows nothing about her new neighbor _he moved into the building last Sunday.Aexcept that Bexcept Capart from Dbesides 3.make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 ,no matter how you read it.无论你怎样读这个句子,它还是讲不通。It to buy that expensive coat when

28、 these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可呢?归纳总结make sense of理解,明白 make no sense 没道理,没意义in a sense在某一方面,就某种意义来说 in no sense 决不there is no sense in doing sth. 做没道理、没意义我把这首诗又读了一遍之后才理解了它的含义。 为此生气是没有意思的。 在某方面你是正确的,但你不知道所有的事实。 _ 随堂训练Whats the central idea of the passage,Bob?Sorry,I cant m

29、ake_ of it. Its beyond my ability.Ajudgment Bunderstanding Cidea Dsense4.look into 调查;了解;研究;朝里面看联想拓展look around/round/about 环顾四周look after 照顾;照料look back 回头看look back to/upon/on 回顾;回想look down upon 俯视;轻视look for 寻求;寻找look forward to 盼望look on 旁观look on/ 把看作look out 往外看;注意;当心look through 透过看;浏览look up 抬头看;查阅温馨提示look into与ones face/eyes等连用,表示“注视”他饶有兴趣地注视着她的脸 让

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