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中考英语 第一部分 语法专项1 名词复习.docx

1、中考英语 第一部分 语法专项1 名词复习第一部分 语法专项一、 名词【考纲分析】1. 中考考纲 : (1) 可数名词及其单复数; (2) 不可数名词; (3) 专有名词 (4) 名词所有格2. 近5年中考名词的考点及分值分布年份题型分值考查内容2012年单项选择1可数名词: sheep完形填空2可数名词:restaurant, 不可数名词:trouble短文填空1不可数名词:homework2013年单项选择1不可数名词:chicken (鸡肉)完形填空2可数名词:coach, 不可数名词:biscuit短文填空4.5专有名词:June , 可数名词/ 不可数名词: river / water

2、 , once2014年单项选择1可数所有格:Womens完形填空2可数名词:bird, face短文填空1.5可数名词: restaurant2015年单项选择1可数名词 / 不可数名词 ; symbol , culture完形填空2不可数名词: advice , happiness短文填空1.5不可数名词: interest (名胜)2016年单项选择1不可数名词: glass (玻璃)完形填空2不可数名词: success, money短文填空1.5可数名词: feet【自主学习】一、把下列名词分类,并说明基本用法bag, news, weather, music, apple, job

3、, work, student, rice, bread, juice, game, house, English, meal, money, monkey, salt, grass, advice, week, beef, information, idea, sheep 不可数名词有: 不可数名词的基本用法:没有_ 形式, 不可以与_ 连用。可数名词有: 可数名词的基本用法:有_ 形式,可以与_ 连用。二、写出下列名词的复数形式: 1clock _ map 2. brush watch 3 piano tomato _ 4factory monkey 5knife leaf 6man Ge

4、rman 7. Chinese sheep 8. child foot _ 三、把下列短语译成英语1. 三杯牛奶 2. 一块面包 3. 许多建议 4.许多德国人 5.六个男学生 6. 五个女老师 7.LiLei的帽子 8. 学生们的桌子 9. 妇女节 10. 教师节 11.儿童节 12. Lucy 和Lily共有的单车 13 Lucy 和Tom各自的单车 14. 8天的假期 / _答案:一、略二、1.clocks , maps 2. brushes, watches 3. pianos, tomatoes 4. factories, monkeys 5. knives, leaves 6. m

5、en , Germans 7. Chinese, sheep 8. children, feet三、1. three cups of milk 2. a piece of bread 3. much/ a lot of / lots of advice 4. many Germans 5. six boy students 6. five women teachers 7. Lileis hat 8. students desks 9. Womens Day.10. Teachers Day. 11. Childrens Day 12. Lucy and Lilys bike 13. Lucy

6、s and Toms bikes 14. eight days holiday / an eight-day holiday【教师点拨】名词的种类专有名词普通名词国名、地名、人名、 团体、机构名称可数名词不可数名词个体名词、集体名词抽象名词、物质名词 考点1:可数名词一、基本用法(1)可数名词后可以加s或es构成复数形式,用于表达超过“一个”的数的概念。(2)只与可数名词复数连用的单词:few(几乎没有),a few(一些), many/a great many(许多)(3)既能与可数名词连用也能与不可数名词连用的单词:some, any, a lot of/lots of, plenty o

7、f。例如:There is some/a lot of milk in the bottle.There are some/a lot of flowers in the garden.二、 名词单复数规则变化规 律例 词 一般在词尾直接加sbookbooks chairchairs 以s, x,o, sh, ch结尾的单词通常在词尾加esclassclasses boxboxes brushbrushes watchwatches 以辅音字母y结尾的词,把y改i,再加es 但以元音y结尾的词,则直接在词尾加sfamilyfamilies factoryfactories keykeys mo

8、nkeymonkeys 以o结尾的词,有生命的名词加es但无生命名词则直接加s,如:potatopotatoes tomatotomatoes heroheroes radioradios zoozoos 以f或fe结尾的词,改f或fe为v 加esleafleaves thiefthieves三、 名词复数的不规则变化规律例词 变中间的元音字母manmen, womanwomen,footfeet, toothteeth, childchildren, mousemice表示“某国人”的名词单复变化( 记忆口决:中日不变英法变,其余s 加后面。)ChineseChinese JapaneseJ

9、apaneseFrenchmanFrenchmenEnglishmanEnglishmenGermanGermans AmericanAmericans IndianIndians AustralianAustralians 单复数一样的名词Chinese and Japanese 吃 sheep , deer and fish 如:a Chinese - two Chinese , a sheep - many sheep 有的名词只有复数形式people, police, clothes, trousers , pants , jeans , scissors, shorts 有的名词即可

10、表整体,也可表成员family, class, team, group 由两个名词组成的名词词组,通常只变后面一个名词为复数;注意:但如果前面名词是man或woman时,则两个名词都要变成复数an apple treetwo apple trees a girl studentmany girl students a man teachersome men teachers a woman doctorten women teachers【课堂检测】( ) 1. When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a .A. notice B. message

11、C. sentence D .information()2 .If you work harder, youll have another to play the violin at a concert.A. sleep B. chance C. mistake D. problem()3.Lily, could you please pass me the? I want to cut the apple.Sure, here you are. A. pen B. pencil C. book D. knife()4. . Eating more and is good for our he

12、alth . A. vegetables, tomatoes B. meat, fishC. vegetable, potatoes D. photos, tomatoes()5.What a good youve given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure. A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice 考点2:不可数名词一、基本用法(1) 不可数名词没有复数形式,不能与a/an或具体数字连用,但特指某物时可以与定冠 词the连用。(2) 要表示一定的数量时,常与a cup of, a bottle of, a pie

13、ce of 等量词连用,如a cup of tea 一杯茶; two bottles of water两瓶水 注意:区别two boxes of chalk与two boxes of apples。(3) 只能修饰不可数名词的词有:a little(一点),little(几乎没有),much/a great deal of(许 多) (4) 常考的不可数名词有: food, drink (饮料), orange(橙汁), milk, rice, bread, meat(肉), chicken (鸡肉), pork(猪肉), beef(牛肉),work, homework, news(新闻) a

14、dvice (建议), information(信息), weather(天气), Chinese(汉语), knowledge(知 识) 等【课堂检测】()1. After P.E., I often feel very thirsty.Why not buy some to drink? A. bread B. noodles C. apple juice D. teas() 2. .I want a sweet milk. Put some in my cup, please. A. ice B. soup C. salt D. sugar()3 . Good morning, mada

15、m. Can I help you?Sure, Id like . A. two cups of tea B. three pieces of bread C. one bowl of dumplings D. a kilo of oil() 4. Can I help you ? Yes. I want to get some _ about the trip to America. A. news B. information C. help D. advice () 5. Your mother cooks nice _. I like it very much. A. bread B.

16、 beef C. eggs D. dumplings 考点3:名词所有格在英语中,有生命的名词及表示时间、距离、国家、城市的名词,常在词尾加s 表示所属关系,叫做名词的所有格。翻译成:“的”。如:Toms bike (汤姆的单车)名词的所有格例词、例句 直接在词尾加s.Kates bag, Childrens Day, Womens Day 以s结尾的名词所有格,在词尾加 Teachers Day, students books 表示两人共同拥有的人或物,在后一个人名后加sLucy and Lilys mother (共同的妈妈) 表示两人分别拥有的人或物,则两个人名后都要加sToms and

17、 Jims rooms (各自的房间) 表某人的家、店铺、住宅、公共建筑等地名时,所有格后面的名词常常省略:at the doctors(在医务室); at Toms (在汤姆的家) 表示无生命名词的所有格,用of 表达the door of the room, the color of the clothes 双重所有格:用s所有格/ 与 of 所有格相结合。A friend of my fathers a book of mine注意:但是有些表示时间、距离、重量、价值、国家和城市等无生命的名词,也可加s构成所有格: 如: todays newspaper今天的报纸 eight days

18、holiday an 8-day holiday八天的假期 five minutes walk a five-minute walk 五分钟的步行路程 【课堂检测】()1.How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha?It is a flight from Tianjin to Changsha.A. 2-hour-long B.2-hours-long C.2 hours long D.2 hour long()2.Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No, its my . He left it there just

19、now. A. brother B. brothers C. brothers D. brothers()3. Mr. Black is a teacher of. She and her classmates like him very much.A. my sister B. my sisters C. my sisters D. my sisters()4. well have_ holiday. What about going to Shaoshan? Good idea!A. 3 days B. 3 days C. a 3-days D. 3-day ()5. 1A friend

20、of my _ and I are going to visit_ next week. A. father; Browns B. fathers; the Browns C. father; the Browns D. fathers; Browns【易混词辨析】(1) sound,voice,noise sound “声音”,指耳朵能听到的各种声音。I heard the sound of the bell. voice “声音”,主要指人的声音。She has a beautiful voice. noise 指“噪音”。词组有:make a noise等。练习:1.The made m

21、e feel annoyed. I want to be in a quiet place.2.The teacher said in a loud,“Please keep silent.”3.At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the of the running water.(2) job, work job “工作”,是可数名词。work “工作”,可以作名词或动词;作名词表示“工作”时是不可数的;作名词表示“著作”时是可数的。练习:1.He has lost three , because he doesnt hard

22、.2.Do you want to late? We will have a for you as a waiter. (3) a number of, the number of a number of 表示“大量的;许多”,谓语动词用复数。如:A number of persons are playing chess. the number of 表示“的数量”,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of people in the room is 50.练习:1.of foreign students are studying in this college.2. of Americ

23、an students is over 30.(4) idea, advice idea 表示“主意”,是可数名词。 如:a good idea 一个好主意 advice表示“建议;忠告”,是不可数名词。如:a piece of advice 练习:1. Can you give me some on how to learn English well?2. He has got a good to deal with his old books.(5) news, information, message, instruction news 表示“新闻;消息”,是不可数名词。如:two pi

24、eces of news information 表示“信息;资料”, 侧重信息的价值,是不可数名词。如: some information message 表示“消息;音信”,侧重信息的简短,是可数名词。 常用词组:leave a message(留言); give a message to(捎口信给) instruction 表示“说明;须知;教导”, 是可数名词。如:some instructions练习:1.What bad ! The school trip will be put off because of the sports meeting.2.I dont know how

25、 to use this machine. It doesnt matter. Here is the.3.Would you please give a to Li Lei? He is not at school.4.Can you provide me with some about the trip?(6) house, family, home house 表示“住宅”,指的是具体的房子或建筑物。 family 表示“家;家庭”,也可指全体家庭成员。 home 意为“家”,带有眷恋等感情色彩。练习:1.I bought a new in Zhongshan.2.Tom has a b

26、ig . There are six people in his .3.She has been in Shenzhen for 10 years. Shenzhen has become her second .(7) 部分单词作可数名词和不可数名词时的含义不同: room 房间(可数);空间(不可数)。 glass玻璃杯(可数);玻璃(不可数)。 orange橙子(可数);橙汁(不可数)。 chicken小鸡(可数);鸡肉(不可数)。 time 次数(可数); 时间(不可数)。 练习:1.Oh! There isnt enough for us in the bus.No hurry. L

27、ets wait for the next.(room)2. Mother wants to buy a piano in my , but there is little in it. (room)3.How many have you been to Shanghai? Never. I have no .(time)4.These are made of .(glass)5.There are some and two bottles of on the desk.(orange)练习答案(1)noise,voice,sound(2)jobs,work,work,job(3) A num

28、ber,The number(4) advice,idea(5) news,instruction,message,information (6)house,family,family,home(7)room,room,room,times,time,glasses,glass,oranges,orange【课堂检测】( )1. Listen . Can you hear anything ? Yes, Thats the _ of the running water A. sound B. voice C. noise D. shout( )2. There are _ foreign st

29、udents in the university. _ if it is 200 A. the number of ; a number of B. a number of ; the number of C. a number of ; a number of D. the number of ; the number of ( )3. I found a new_ in this city. Im very busy and have a lot of _ to do every day. A. job, works B. work , job C. work , jobs D. job , work( )4. I dont know how to study English. Can you give me some _? My _ are speaking more and listening more. A

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