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1、铁路英语专业词汇铁路英语专业词汇铁路;铁道 railway railroad 铁路线 railway line; railroad line 铁路网 railway network; railroad network 铁道科学 railway science 铁路技术 railway technology 铁路等级 railway classification 国有铁路 national railway; state railway 地方铁路 local railway; regional railway私有铁路 private railway 合资铁路 joint investment ra

2、ilway; jointly owned railway 标准轨铁路 standard-gage railway 窄轨铁路 narrow-gage railway 米轨铁路 meter-gage railway 宽轨铁路 broad-gage railway 单线铁路 single track railway 双线铁路 double track railway 多线铁路 multiple track railway 重载铁路 heavy haul railway 高速铁路 high speed railway 电气化铁路;电力铁路 electrified railway; electric r

3、ailway 干线铁路 main line railway; trunk railway 市郊铁路 suburban railway 地下铁道;地铁 subway; metro; underground railway 工业企业铁路 industry railway 矿山铁路 mine railway 轻轨铁路 light railway; light rail 高架铁路 elevated railway 单轨铁路;独轨铁路 monorail; monorail railway 磁浮铁路 magnetic levitation railway; maglev 森林铁路 forest railw

4、ay 山区铁路 mountain railway 既有铁路 existing railway 新建铁路 newly-built railway 改建铁路 reconstructed railway 运营铁路 railway in operation; operation; operating railway 专用铁路 special purpose railway 干线 trunk line; main line 支线 branch line 铁路专用线 railway special line 货运专线 railway line for freight traffic; freight sp

5、ecial line; freight traffic only line 客运专线 railway line for passenger traffic; passenger special line; passenger traffic only line 客货运混合铁路 railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic 铁路运营长度;运营里程 operation length of railway; operating distance; revenue length 列车运行图 train diagram 铁路建筑长度 const

6、ruction length of railway 区间 section 区段 district 轨距 rail gage; rail gauge 轮重 wheel load 轴重 axle load 最大轴重 maximum allowable axle load 限制轴重 axle load limited 限界 clearance; gauge 限界图 clearance diagram 铁路建筑限界 railway construction clearance; structure clearance for railway; railway struction gauge基本建筑限界

7、 fundamental construction clearance; fundamental structure gauge 桥梁建筑限界 bridge construction clearance; bridge structure gauge 隧道建筑界限 tunnel construction clearance; tunnel structure gauge 铁路机车车辆限界 rolling stock clearance for railway; vehicle gauge 机车车辆上部限界 clearance limit for upper part of rolling st

8、ock 机车车辆下部限界 clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock 装载限界 loading clearance limit; loading gauge 阔大货物限界 clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimension; clearance limit for oversize commodities 接触网限界 clearance limt for overhead contract wire; clearance limit for overhead catenary syst

9、em; overhead catenary system gauge 列车与线路相互作用 track-train interaction 轮轨关系 wheel-rail relation; wheel-rail interaction 粘着系数 adhesion coefficient 车轮滑行 wheel sliding; wheel skid 车轮空转 wheel slipping 牵引种类 kinds of traction; category of traction 牵引方式 mode of traction 牵引定数 tonnage rating; tonnage of tracti

10、on 装载系数 loading coefficient 速度 speed 持续速度 continuous speed 限制速度 limited speed; speed restriction 均衡速度 balancing speed 构造速度 construction speed; design speed 最高速度 maximum speed 临界速度 critical speed 重载列车 heavy haul train 高速列车 high speed train 超长超重列车 exceptionally long and heavy train 列车正面冲突 train collis

11、ion 列车尾追 train tail collision 列车尾部防护 train rear end protection 伸缩运动 fore and aft motion 蛇行运动 hunting; nosing 列车压缩 train running in 列车拉伸 train running out 列车分离 train separation 列车颠覆 train overturning 列车动力学 train dynamics 列车空气动力学 train acrodynamics 机车车辆振动 vibration of rolling stock 纵向振动 longitudinal v

12、ibration 横向振动 lateral vibration 垂向振动 vertical vibration 摆滚振动 rock-roll vibration 浮沉振动 bouncing; vibration 测滚振动 rolling ; vibration 测摆振动 swaying; vibration 点头振动 pitching; nodding 摇头振动 yawing; hunting 机车车辆共振 resonance of rolling stock 机车车辆冲击 impact of rolling 纵向冲击 longitudinal impact 横向冲击 lateral impa

13、ct 垂向冲击 vertical impact 货运站综合作业自动化 automation of synthetic operations at freight station 行车指挥自动化 automation of traffic control 编组场综合作业自动化 automation of synthetic operations in marshalling yard 铁路运营信息系统 railway operation information system 铁路数据交换系统 railway data exchange system 运营系统模拟 simulation of op

14、eration system 铁路法 railway law 铁道法规 railway act 铁路条例 railway code 铁路技术管理规程 regulations of railway technical operation 综合运输 comprehensive transport; multi-mode transport; intermode transport 国际铁路联运 international railway through traffic 大陆桥;洲际铁路 transcontinental railway; intercontinental railway; land

15、-railway 国际联运协定 agreement of international through traffic 国际联运议定书 protocol of international through traffic 国际铁路联运公约 convention of international railway through traffic 铁路新线建设 newly-built railway construction 铁路技术改造 technical reform of railway; technical renovation of railway; betterment and improv

16、ement of railway 铁路主要技术条件 main technical standard of railway; main techincal requirement of railway 单位工程 unit project 分部工程 part project 分项工程 item project 预可行性研究 pre-feasibility study 项目建议书 proposed task of project 可行性研究 feasibility study 设计阶段 design phase; design stage 三阶段设计 three-step design; three

17、-phase design 两阶段设计 two-step design; two-phase design 一阶段设计 one-step design; one-phase design 初步设计 preliminary design 技术设计 technical design 扩大初步设计 enlarged preliminary design; expanded preliminary design 施工图设计 construction detail design; working-drawing design 变更设计 altered design 设计概算 apporximate es

18、timate of design; budgetary estimate of design 个别概算 individual approximate estimate 综合概算 comprehensive approximate estimate 总概算 sum of approximate estimate; total estimate; summary estimate 修正总概算 amended sum of approximate estimate; revised general estimate 调整总概算 adjusted sum of approximate estimate

19、 投资检算 checking of investment 预算定额 rating of budget; rating form for budget 概算定额 rating of approximate estimate; rating form for estimate 投资估算 investment estimate 估算指标 index of estimate 机械台班定额 rating per machine per team; rating per machine-team 工程直接费 direct expense of project; direct cost of project

20、 工程间接费 indirect expense of project; indirect cost of project 工程预备费 reserve fund of project 设计鉴定 certification of design; appraisal of design 竣工决算 final accounts of completed project 铁路用地 right-of-way 铁路勘测 railway reconnaissance 调查测绘 survey and drawing of investigation; investigation survey; investig

21、ation surveying and sketching地形调查 topographic survey 地貌调查 topographic feature survey; geomorphologic survey 地质调查 geologic survey 经济调查 economic investigation; economic survey 水文地质调查 hydrogeologic survey 土石成分调查 survey of soil and rock composition 土石物理力学性质 physical and mechanical properties of soil and

22、 rock 土石分类 classificaion of soil and rock 地基承载力 bearing capacity of foundation; bearing capacity of ground; bearing of subgrade 隧道围岩分级 classification of tunnel surrounding rock 地质图测绘 survey and drawing of geological map; surveying and sketching of geological map勘探 exploration; prospecting 挖探 excavat

23、ion prospecting 钻探 boring; exploration drilling 物探 geophysical prospecting 室内测试 indoor test; laboratory test 原位测试 in situ test 静力触探 static sounding; static probing; cone penetration test 动力触探试验 dynamic penetration test 标准贯入试验 standard penetration test 区域地质 regional geology 工程地质 engineering geology 不

24、良地质 unfavorable geology 特殊地质 special geology 工程地质条件 engineering geologic; requirement; engineering geologic condition 气象资料 meteorological data 冻结深度 freezing depth 地震基本烈度 basic intensity of earthquake; seismic basic intensity 工程地质图 engineering geological map 地层柱状图 column diagram of stratum; graphic l

25、ogs of strata; drill log of stratum 洪水调查 flood survey 河道调查 river course survey 冰凌调查 ice floe survey; frazil ice survey 汇水区流域特征调查 survey of catchment basin characteristics 水文断面 hydrologic sectional drawing; dydrologic section; hydrologic cross-section 主河槽 main river channel 设计流速 design current veloci

26、ty 设计高程;设计标高 design elevation 河流比降 slope of river; comparable horizon of river 历史洪水位 historic flood level 最高水位 highest water level; HWL 通航水位 navigation water level; NWL 桥涵水文 hydrology of bridge and culvert 水利半径 hydraulic radius 桥前壅水高度 backwater height in front of bridge; top water level in front of

27、bridge 桥渡勘测设计 survey and design of bridge crossing 水面坡度 slope of water surface 水文测量 hydrological survey 泥石流流域 catchment basin of debris flow 分水岭 watershed; dividing ridge 汇水面积 catchment area; water collecting area; drainage area 洪水频率 flood frequency 设计流量 design discharge 设计水位 design water level 施工水位

28、 construction level; construction water level; working water level 设计洪水过程线 designed flood hydrograph 容许冲刷 allowable scour 一般冲刷 general scour 局部冲刷 local scour; partial scour 铁路测量 railway survey 线路踏勘;草测 route reconnaissance 初测 preliminary survey 定测 location survey; alignment; final location survey 导线测

29、量 traversing; traverse survey 光电导线 photoelectric traverse 地形测量 topographical survey 横断面测量 cross leveling; cross-section survey; cross-section leveling 线路测量 route survey; profile survey; longitudinal survey 既有线测量;旧线测量 survey of existing railway 线路复测 repetition survey of existing railway; resurvey of

30、existing railway 测量精度 survey precision; precision of survey 均方差;中误差 mean square error 最大误差;极限误差 maximum error; limiting error 中线测量 center line survey 中线桩 center line stake 加桩 additional stake; plus stake 外移桩 shift out stake; stake outward; offset stake 水准点高程测量 benchmark leveling 中桩高程测量;中平 center sta

31、ke leveling 曲线控制点 curve control point 放线 setting-out of route; lay out of route 交点 intersection point 副交点 auxiliary intersection point 转向角 deflection angle 分转向角 auxiliary deflection angle 坐标方位角 plane-coordinate azimuth 象限角 quadrantal angle 经纬距 plane rectangular coordinate 断链 broken chain 投影断链 projection of broken chain 断高 broken height 铁路航空摄影测量;铁路航测 railway aerial photogrammetry 铁路航空勘测 railway aerial surveying 航带设计 flight strip design; design of flight strip 铁路工程地质遥感 remote sen

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