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1、如何写询问笔录如何写询问笔录监狱是国家的刑罚执行机关,依照刑法和刑事诉讼法的规定,被判处死刑缓期 二年执行、无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,在监狱内执行刑罚。监狱的人民警察依法 管理监狱、执行刑罚、对罪犯进行教育改造等活动,在日常管理中对违规罪犯的处 罚应当制作讯问笔录。1、讯问笔录的含义讯问笔录是侦查机关侦查人员、预审人员在侦查活动中,为了证实犯罪、查明 犯罪事实,对犯罪嫌疑人进行讯问时如实记载讯问情况的文字记录。讯问笔录是一 种具有法律效力的文书,对于获取证据、全面分析研究案情、定罪量刑、总结办案 经验、检查办案质量等都具有重要作用。自从省监狱管理局关于罪犯考核和奖惩 规定颁布以来,依法依规对监

2、狱内服刑的罪犯实施考核,能够有效地调动罪犯改 造的积极姓。对一些在服刑中屡教不改、破坏监管秩序、危及监管安全行为的罪犯 实行惩罚,有利于维护监狱监管安全和促进教育改造的顺利开展,预防和减少狱内 乂犯罪,将罪犯改造成守法的公民回归社会起到积极的作用。讯问笔录的制作是对 罪犯违规行为讯问过程的完成记载,经核实和被讯问人认可,是作为处罚罪犯违规 的重要证据之一。需要说明的是,罪犯在狱内违规的行为,如果这种行为是在社会 上,则是违反治安管理的行为,也应受治安处罚的行为。二、对讯问笔录的认识1、突出讯问笔录的狱内侦查作用。开展狱内侦查、制作讯问笔录有助于监狱 查处狱内案件,预防和打击狱内违法犯罪活动,维

3、护狱内监管秩序的稳定。讯问是 监狱侦查机关的侦查人员为了证实违法犯罪和查明违法犯罪人,依法对监内罪犯进 行讯问,以获取其供述和辩解的一种活动。是狱内侦查的初始阶段,当我们在监管 中发现罪犯违规行为,民警在对罪犯进行讯问时,制作的讯问笔录是第一手的证据 材料,因为罪犯在违规时造成的危害后果,可能涉及到刑事犯罪,所以民警制作的 笔录就有可能会成为进入刑事诉讼程序的第一份有力证据。民警在受理罪犯违规 时,往往是在罪犯违规行为发生后,笫一时间到达现场的执法者,这时及时地制作 笔录,罪犯的心理防线尚未形成,此时是最容易制作成接近或还原违规事实的全过 程(即客观事实),每一案件的发生,都会在一定时空内改变

4、现状,这种改变是与 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety ala

5、rm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, contr

6、ol equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of a

7、larm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color To a

8、larm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and

9、 other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm r

10、egional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was案件相关联的人或物所感知,并以信息的形式储存下来。我们收集、审查并使 用证据证明的过程,是一种回溯过程,是要通过一系列过程和手段,把那些储存在 相关人或物上的信息发掘出来,这就是我们为什么要在笫一时间内来制作笔录,这 样对于日后案件的定姓起到了至关重要的作用。比如在办理故意伤害案件中,罪犯 在打架后,对当事方的伤害程度不清楚,

11、对所造成的危害程度戒备心不强,这时罪 犯的供述与受害者的陈述相吻合的可能姓就大,就会形成有力的证据链,这样就有 效降低了诉讼成本,保证执法资源的最大化。在日常工作中,可能要对违规罪犯进 行多次讯问,但每次讯问都应当制作讯问笔录。2、增强讯问笔录的诉讼证据意识。根据刑事诉讼法的笫四十二条规定, 证明案件真实情况的一切事实,都是证据。证据有下列七种:(1)物证、书证;(2)证人证言;(3)被害人陈述;(4)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解;(5)鉴定结论;(6)勘验、检查笔录;(7)视听资料。以上证据必须经过查证属实,才能作为定案的根据。应该说证据中的第四项:犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解,即是刑事程序

12、中的 讯问笔录,上海市高级人民法院、上海市人民检察院、上海市公安局、上海市司 法局关于重大故意杀人、故意伤害、抢劫和读品犯罪案件基本证据及其规格的意 见中指出,证明案件发生的证据,包括犯罪嫌疑人自首供述笔录、被害人或被 害单位人员报案陈述笔录、LI击证人报案陈述笔录或公安机关接处警记录、在押人 员检举揭发线索材料、侦查机关受理案件登记表和立案侦查决定书等。这里的证据 就是刑事证据即刑事诉讼证据,是能够据以证明刑事案件真实情况的一切事实。证 据是证明案件真实的依据,全部的诉讼活动实际上都是围绕证据的搜集和运用进行 的,刑事证据及其运用是刑事诉讼的中心问题,所谓的“以事实为依据”也就是 以证据为依

13、据”,证明 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety alarm f

14、acilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control e

15、quipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm

16、 zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color To alarm

17、 system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and oth

18、er system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regio

19、nal image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was者对过去事件的描述是一种主要的证据表现形式,很多事实往往是通过证明者 的描述而让人们感知和理解的。我们所制作的笔录最重要的LI的是为了得到法官的 采信。因为证据要想证明某个事实,只能通过证明者的语言表述或者文字符号的记 载,但是,这种表述和记载无疑掺杂了证明者个人的意识。也正因为如此,所以在 诉讼活动中,才需要“质证”这个环节。3、正

20、确区别讯问笔录与询问笔录。讯问笔录是司法机关的司法人员在讯问被 告人时制作的,记录被告人的供述或辩解情况以及对被告人依法讯问情况的证据姓文书。询问笔录是查明犯罪分子和案件真实情况,鉴别和印证其他证据的根据。它 具有为办案人员提供侦查线索,使办案人员全面了解案情、搜集证据的作用。两者 的区别:(一)是含义不同;(二)是记录内容不同,讯问笔录主要记录被告人的供述或 辩解,询问笔录主要记录证人、被害人和知情人所提供的证据、证言;(三)是问话 对象不同,讯问笔录的对象是刑事被告人,询问笔录只对证人、被害人适用;(四) 是适用范围不同,讯问笔录适用于刑事案件和治安案件,询问笔录则可以适用于刑 事案件、民

21、事案件和行政案件。三、讯问与笔录。所谓的讯问笔录就是先讯问后记录,讯问与笔录是具有关联 姓的,笫一次讯问罪犯时,主要的LI的是查清证实罪犯违规事实,以及记录罪犯的 供述和辩解。刑事诉讼法规定,侦查机关必须在当事人传唤到位的规定时间内 完成讯问,因此在讯问的时间上有严格限制。但是在讯问时也不要急于做记录,而 要做好讯问前的一些工作。(一)、摸清情况、有备而战。讯问罪犯违规时,是讯问人与罪犯进行的面对面的较量,讯问成功与否,不仅 需要讯问人有较高的政策、法律和业务水平,而且要求讯问人对案件情况作深入细 致的了解,充分、准确、全面地掌握证据材料,做好讯问前的准备工作。有关案件 的问题先问什么、后问什

22、么、如何发问、什么去问,凡事预则立,不预则废。” 讯问前的准备工作相当重要,所谓知己知彼”,这样才能百战不殆”。准备工 作主要有:讯问对象的个人情况,包括姓名、姓别、年龄、文化程度、社会in theimportant management regional, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network

23、communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system In the monitoring center to disarm set the pre

24、caution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points Making GIS e-alert map, marked o

25、n the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and

26、medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, w

27、hile alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was经历、个人姓格、爱好、家庭关系好坏、同改

28、关系、生产环境、犯罪原因、违 规情况。现有的证据情况,包括讯问人已掌握了哪些各类的证据,这些证据哪些能 够印证,也就是证据的现状和存在的问题,哪些问题需要通过讯问得以解决。(二)、察言观色、有的放矢。讯问开始时,讯问人应该认真观察讯问对象外表形象,1、观察讯问对象的走 姿、坐姿、神情是否自然、气色好坏、是否紧张等。2、观察讯问对象的言辞,是 激烈还是温和;以及罪犯的肢体语言,如搓衣服等;是夸夸其谈还是沉默不语;是强 烈对抗还是冷静沉着;表达能力如何等。通过上述细致的观察,可以进入“闲谈” 阶段。此时,讯问人已经掌握了讯问对象的一些相关信息,加上准备阶段的丰富素 材,可以与讯问对象开始拉家常”式

29、的闲谈。这样的做法是在讯问对象在被讯问 这样的特殊环境下,以“柔”的方法化解其刚”的对抗。这时讯问人可以询问其 个人的学习经历、生产情况、生活经历、改造情况、家庭关系、有否接见、交友情 况、个人爱好等。闲谈”的LI的有:1、是逐步控制讯问对象的情绪和情感,消除 其对立抵触情绪;2、是对讯问对象注入同情心,让他觉得你是为他着想。这样,讯 问人和讯问对象就达到一定的“沟通”,从而使他认为你是“通情达理”的人,而 对你产生认同和信任感。“闲谈”时应注意两个问题:1、是准确把握讯问对象的心 理。讯问对象对于讯问人所掌握的证据悄况,以及讯问人的讯问方式、讯问L1的等 都心中无数,他很想从“闲谈”中获取这

30、方面的信息,讯问人绝不能向其暴露相关 信息;2、是牢牢掌握“闲谈”的主导权。讯问人应该采取引导式的“闲谈”,这种 引导既要达到我们闲谈”的口的,乂不能让讯问对象了解我们讯问的口的。但是 对于有的、极个别讯问对象则一见面就可以开始切入主题,直接谈案件的实质问 题,甚至可以采取“迅雷不及掩耳”之势开始案件“实质姓”的交锋。(三)、把握战机、适时岀击。经过前期的工作,讯问人要逐步引导讯问对象进入供述案件事实的环节,这时 当讯问触及到案情的实质问题时,讯问对象一般不会马上如实供述。会出现狡辩、 抵赖、否认、谎供等心理,釆取软拖、硬in the Park below. Center Park of im

31、portant places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of wa

32、y released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any

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