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1、初三英语测试题初三英语测试题试卷I一、听力(25分)(第一节5分,第二节6分,第三节6,第四节8分)-第一节:听对话,选图画:1 Whats he going to do this afternoon? 2.Where does the man want to go ?3.What is the date today?4.Which is the most expensive?5.Which picture is right for the dialogue?第二节:听对话,回答问题.6.What did you he for lunch?A. Some cakes , pieces of b

2、read and some milk. B. Two eggs .three pieces of bread and a bottle of orange. C. Some milk, some bread and some eggs.7.When can the man come to see the doctor this week?A. Friday afternoon. B. Every day except Friday afternoon. C .Friday morning8.Where are they talking?A. In a clothing shop B. At a

3、 library C. In a fruit shop9.What time did Kate get here?A. Ten twenty B. Nine fifty C. Nine forty10.What are they going to do on Sunday?A. Theyll go swimming B. Theyll go to the park C. Theyll go to the zoo. 11.Whats the mans family name? A. John B. Henry C. Brown第三节:听长对话,回答问题:12.How many rooms doe

4、s the man want?A. one B. two C. three13.How long will he stay there?A. One day B. Two nights C. The night of 18th 14.Which of the following is right?A .Rick Smith works in the Blue Sky Hotel.B. Rick Smith calls to book the room on the 18th.C. Rick Smith wants to stay in the hotel from the 18th.第四节:听

5、短文回答问题:15What was Tom? A. A watchmaker B. A soldier C. A student16. What did Tom begin to learn to mend watches? A. When he was a boy. 400 B. when he was 18 C. When he was 1917. How did he learn to mend watches? A. From the teacher B. By himself C. From his friend18. How did Tom mend the captains wa

6、tch? A. He didnt mend the captains watch. B. He didnt put everything back. C. He mended it very well.二、选择题:(共20小题,20分).19.We should be polite to _ old.A. an B. the C. a D./20.The PLA was founded_.A. on August 1st B. in May C. on October 1st D. July 1st21.Mary lives on the _floor.A. nine B. nineth C.

7、 ninth D. nineteen22._ a cold windy night ,it was raining _.A .on , heavily B. on, heavy C. in ,heavily D. in, heavy23.This is Lucy, this is Lily. Please look after _.A. she B. her C. them D. themselves24.She has no paper _.A. to write B. to write with C. writing on D. to write on25.-Who is the man

8、over there ? Is it our English teacher?-No, it _be our English teacher .It _be our Chinese teacher.A. mustnt ,must B. cant ,must C. cant ,can D. mustnt ,can26.-Tomorrow is Sunday. -_. A. So it is B. So is it C. So it will D. So will it27.Every year water sport attact _tourists to the island. A.thous

9、ands of B. thousand of C.thousand D. thouands28.Do you know the sign _ “No smoking”. A .read B. has C. says D. write29.Of all the players, Jim jumped _. A. longest B. the longest C. farther D. farthest30.When I got to the railway station, the train _for five minutes. A. has left B .had left C. had b

10、een away D. left31.How do you like the football match?A. Its wonderful. B. What about you?C. No ,I dont like it. D. Yes, I like it very much.32.The boy was made _to bed early. A. went B. to go C. go D. goes33.The teacher told us that December 25_Christmas Day. A .is B. was C. has been D. will be 34.

11、-Mike wants to know if _a picnic tomorrow. -Yes. but if it _,well visit the museum instead.A. you have ,will rain B. you will have, will rain C. you will have ,rains D. will you have ,rains35._heavy rain! How can I go home? A. What B. What a C. How D. How a36.-Dont you like English?- _,and Im good a

12、t it. A. No B. Yes C.OK D. I like37.Do you like tea or coffee? _,I really dont mind. A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither 38.I havent seen you for a long time .How is everything ,Lily? A. Not at all B. Not too bad C. Very well D. Im all right. 三、完形填空:(共25小题,25分) (A) It is easier to go downhill than

13、to climb uphill, so its easier to fall into bad habits(习惯) than into good _39_.Bad habits do not come _40_. They come little by little, so you dont know their _41_. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits at _42_and on the streets. When they cant do their homework, they copy from their _43_. If t

14、hey see bigger boys smoking , they _44_want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling(赌博),they want to gamble. When they get _45_, the habits become stronger and stronger. Then they can no longer give them up. From copying. they learn to _46_;from gambling, they learn to cheat(欺骗)._47_on

15、 one believe in them. How _48_ it is that we stop the bad habits at the beginning! 39. A. one B. ones C. other D. others40. A. slowly B. usually C. exactly D .suddenly 41. A. danger B. idea C .plan D. hope42. A. work B. school C. home D. night43. A. parents B .teachers C. classmate D. students44. A.

16、 still B .too C. yet D. also45. A. thinner B. fatter C. older D. younger46 A. read B .give C. write D .steal47. A. At last B. At first C. At the end of D. By the end of48. A. silly B important C. difficult D. easy (B)Books are treasures because they_49_us knowledge. Knowledge is _50_because it enric

17、hes(丰富)our life and brings us_51_.All great men in the history of mankind loved books. It is the knowledge in the books that led them _52_success.There is no genius(天才) without books,_53_books are the source(来源)of knowledge and knowledge is the source of success. A man is _54_and does not know _55_h

18、e is unable to read.Books bring us pleasure and knowledge_56_.They enable (使能够)us to see through the _57_ and to see into the future.Maculay, the famous historian_58_wrote to a little girl, “If anyone would _59_me the greatest king that ever lived with palaces and gardens and the fine dinners ,and b

19、eautiful _60_,and hundreds of servants, on condition that(条件是)I should not read books ,I would not be a king, I would like _61_a poor man in a top room with _62_books rather than a king who did not live_63_.”49. A. take B. carry C. get D. bring 50. A. necessary B. important C. worth D. used 51. A. h

20、appiness B. luck C. food D .money 52. A .in B. to C. on D. with 53. A. if B. but C. because D. though 54. A. blind B. lame C. lazy D. polite 55. A .what B. that C. when D. where 56. A. not only B .too C. but also D. either 57. A. pass B. passing C. past D. back 58. A. then B. while C. sometimes D. o

21、nce 59. A make B. choose C. let D. get 60. A. clothing B. clothes C. cloth D. clothe 61. A. to be B. to become C. be D. becoming 62 .A. few . B .much C. many a D. a number of 63. A. read B. to be reading C. to read D. reading 四、阅读理解:(共20小题,40分)AThe secretary(秘书)told me that Mr Harmsworth would see m

22、e .I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that things were very bad. He told me that the factory could not pay such large salaries(工资).Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come.“Mr Harmsworth,

23、”I said.“Listen to me.” he said.Then he smiled and told me that he would give me 100 more pounds a year.( )64.The writer felt nervous because_.A.Mr Harmsworth wanted to see him,.B. the secretary told him that Mr Harmsworth wanted to see him.C. things were very bad.D. He thought he would lose his job

24、.( )65.The writer_A. wanted to receive some more money.B. was surprised to receive some more money.C. hoped to receive some more money.D. asked for some more money( )66.Mr Harmsworth did not look up from his desk because_.A .he did not like the writer.B he was very angry.C. he did not want to say at

25、 once what he had decided.D. he wanted the man to leave at once.( )67.“My turn had come” means_.A .it was the time for me to get more money.B. It was the time when I couldnt go on working.C. That I should turn back.D. That I should turn my salary in.( )68.Which one is right?A. His salary was 100poun

26、ds a year.B. Besides his salary ,he receive another100pounds a year.C. Besides his salary ,he would get more than 100pounds a year.E. Only this year he would get 100 more pounds.BOnce upon a time the animals of the forest came together to see who was the most beautiful. All the animals were happy an

27、d excited .However, the snake was very sad because she knew she very ugly.The cock was very kind to her. He lent the snake his crown(冠).She put it on her head and felt very happy, The snake told the cock she would return the crown to him early the next morning.The snake glide along proudly, like a q

28、ueen(皇后).She wanted to show off her beautiful crown. The animals said she was the most beautiful. The snake did not see the large pool of water in front of her. She fell into the pool and dropped the crown. She searched for the crown but could not fine it. She was afraid and did not want to tell the

29、 cock. The next morning, the cock got up very early and waited for the snake. She did not appear. he cock called for her time again .Still the snake did not come.To this day, cock gets up early each morning and crows, “Cock-a-doodle-doo” He is saying, “Where are you?”( )69.The animals of the forest

30、met to see who was_A.the kindest B.the happiest C.the most beautiful D.the biggest( )70.He lent the snake his crown .This means that the cock_.A. let the snake use his crownB. gave his crown to the snakeC. asked the snake to look after his crownD. sold his crown to the snake( )71.The snake _the crow

31、n.A .liked B. didnt like C. didnt want D. didnt take( )72.She put it on her head. This means the snake_.A. wore it B. bought it C. sat on it D. dropped it ( )73.The crown dropped into_.A. the sea B. large pool C. a long river D. a big pondCSome day we may not need to have money in our pockets. Is life easier when people dont need to carry any curr

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