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1、SurprisingBenefitsofColdShowersSurprising Benefits of Cold ShowersYou probably see cold showers as dreadful things that youve never put yourself through of your own free will; rather, theyre forced on you by circumstances beyond your control. The jerks in your dorm or apartment used up all the hot w

2、ater or some inconsiderate person may have flushed the toilet before you were finished bathing.你可能会认为用冷水洗澡是件很可怕的事情,那是因为你从来没有那样做过.但如果有人在你不知道的情况下,迫使你试一次呢。比如,你的室友用光了所有的热水,或者一个考虑事情不甚周全的人在你还没洗完澡就把热水冲进了下水道呢。Ticked off and uncomfortable, you become irate at these people for making you have to endure this t

3、errible thing but what if I told you that you should thank them instead? If a person makes your shower go from hot to cold, they are doing a solid favor for your health and waistline. I invite you to consider five surprising benefits of cold showers!为了这事生气,不舒服,对那些让你遭罪的人大发雷霆.但如果我现在告诉你,你反而应该谢谢那些人呢?如果某

4、人将你洗热水澡的习惯改为洗冷水澡,其实他们做了一件对你健康很有帮助的事情。现在我想让你明白用冷水洗澡的益处。There is nothing special about hot showers洗热水澡也没什么特别的。Before we get into the actual benefits of cold showers, lets establish the simple fact that hot showers are a luxury and not a necessity. Throughout most of human history, people had to bathe

5、in whatever water was available to them. If youve ever swum in a lake, you can probably remember that said water often happened to be cold. The Greeks invented heating systems for public baths in the 1st century BC, but interestingly enough, many Greeks chose to continue bathing in cold water due to

6、 the health benefits.在深入了解用冷水澡的益处前,我们得知道一个很简单的道理:用热水是比较奢侈的,也是比较没必要的。纵观历史,无论是热水还是冷水,只要足够方便,人们都会用来洗澡。如果以前在湖里游过,也许还记得,经常都是冷水。在公元前1世纪,希腊人就在澡堂使用加热系统,但有趣的是,大多数的希腊人考虑到健康问题依旧会用冷水洗澡。Cold showers burn fat有助于燃脂There are two kinds of fat in your body: white fat and brown fat. White fat is the bad guy (think the

7、 Joker) and brown fat is the good guy (think Batman). White fat is the body fat we all know and struggle to get rid of. When we consume more calories than our body needs to function and we dont burn those calories for energy, they are stored as white fat, which tends to accumulate at your waist, low

8、er back, neck, and thighs. Brown fat is the good guy you might have never even heard of, and its function is to generate heat to keep your body warm.人体类有两种脂肪:白色脂肪和棕色脂肪。白色脂肪对人体有害,而棕色脂肪才是有利于身体健康的。白色脂肪都为人所熟知,而且我们总在试图摆脱掉它。当我们的身体需要消耗更多的热量来维持身体运转的时候,这部分脂肪也不会转化成热量供能,而是储存起来形成白色脂肪,通常都长在腰部、背部、颈部、大腿处。棕色脂肪对人体是有

9、益的,但也许你都没听说过,它的作用就是缠身产生热量,维持身体的温度。when brown fat is activated due to extreme cold, it burns calories to keep you warm, which could provide a helpful assist in your weight loss plan. How much of an assist?Scandinavian researchers found that exposure to cold temperatures increased the metabolic rate o

10、f brown fat by fifteen fold, which could help a person drop nine pounds in a year if sustained.在我们感到特别冷的时候,棕色脂肪会特别的活跃,消耗卡路里来维持体温,这也会对你的减肥计划有些帮助。到底会起到多大的用处呢?斯堪的纳维亚人 研究发现在温度较低时棕色脂肪代谢率会增加15%,如果坚持下来,这个方法可以帮我们每年减掉9磅。Cold showers boost recovery after exercise有助于锻炼后身体的恢复Athletes often take ice baths after

11、vigorous training do reduce soreness. You dont have to take it that far, but you can obtain a similar benefit with a quick cold shower after your training sessions. Maybewalking upstairs wont be quite so agonizing with a little dose of cold after all of that running.运动员在做完强度训练后通常都会用冰水来洗澡,以减少身体的酸痛感。我

12、们不必像他们那样用冰水洗,但在锻炼后快速的洗个冷水澡也一样对身体有益。跑完步后洗点冷水也许也不会那么痛苦。Cold showers increase mood and alertness有助于调节心情,提高警觉性Who doesnt feel a bit groggy when they take that first step out of bed? This is something everyone struggles with, but if youd like to put some pep in your step first thing in the a.m., take a c

13、old shower before you go to work. When cold water pours over your body, your breathing deepens in response to the shock of the cold (this is your body trying to keep you warm by increasing overall oxygen intake). Your heart rate will also increase, resulting in a rush of blood through your body that

14、 will help you get energized for the day.起床的时候,谁不会觉得无力?这也是我们大多数人都会纠结的事情,但如果你在早上就做点某事呢,比如在上班前洗个冷水澡。冷水浇到身上,冷得直打颤的时候深吸一口气(身体自然地通过增加氧气的摄入来维持体温),心跳的速率也会增加,从而引起体内血液上涌,让你精神一整天。Cold showers strengthen immunity and circulation有助于增强免疫系统,加强血液循环Remember how I mentioned that cold showers speed up your metabolic

15、rate, which helps you lose fat? The increase of this rate activates your immune system, which releases virus-fighting white blood cells that will help you get sick less frequently. Cold showers also increase your overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and the hardening of a

16、rteries.还记得我是如何解说冷水浴加快脂肪代谢率,帮助减体重的吗?增加代谢率会增强免疫系统,有助于减少病毒对血细胞的侵害,少生病。冷水浴还会增加血液的总循环量,有利于避免高血压和动脉硬化。Cold showers give you attractive hair and skin有助于改善皮肤和发质If youd like to reduce the appearance of acne, cold showers could do the job. Hot water dries out your skin, while cold water tightens your cuticle

17、s and pores, preventing them from getting clogged. You can also use cold showers for shinier. Cold water will close your cuticle, making it less likely dirt can accumulate in your scalp.冷水浴可以帮你减少脸上的痤疮。热水会带走皮肤的水分,但是冷水会收紧皮肤的角质层和气孔,防止毛孔堵塞。头发也会因洗冷水变得光亮,收紧头皮角质层,防止脏东西堵塞毛孔。Put it in Practice 试试吧!Surprising

18、 Benefits of Cold ShowersYou probably see cold showers as dreadful things that youve never put yourself through of your own free will; rather, theyre forced on you by circumstances beyond your control. The jerks in your dorm or apartment used up all the hot water or some inconsiderate person may hav

19、e flushed the toilet before you were finished bathing.你可能会认为用冷水洗澡是件很可怕的事情,那是因为你从来没有那样做过.但如果有人在你不知道的情况下,迫使你试一次呢。比如,你的室友用光了所有的热水,或者一个考虑事情不甚周全的人在你还没洗完澡就把热水冲进了下水道呢。Ticked off and uncomfortable, you become irate at these people for making you have to endure this terrible thing but what if I told you that

20、 you should thank them instead? If a person makes your shower go from hot to cold, they are doing a solid favor for your health and waistline. I invite you to consider five surprising benefits of cold showers!为了这事生气,不舒服,对那些让你遭罪的人大发雷霆.但如果我现在告诉你,你反而应该谢谢那些人呢?如果某人将你洗热水澡的习惯改为洗冷水澡,其实他们做了一件对你健康很有帮助的事情。现在我想

21、让你明白用冷水洗澡的益处。There is nothing special about hot showers洗热水澡也没什么特别的。Before we get into the actual benefits of cold showers, lets establish the simple fact that hot showers are a luxury and not a necessity. Throughout most of human history, people had to bathe in whatever water was available to them.

22、If youve ever swum in a lake, you can probably remember that said water often happened to be cold. The Greeks invented heating systems for public baths in the 1st century BC, but interestingly enough, many Greeks chose to continue bathing in cold water due to the health benefits.在深入了解用冷水澡的益处前,我们得知道一

23、个很简单的道理:用热水是比较奢侈的,也是比较没必要的。纵观历史,无论是热水还是冷水,只要足够方便,人们都会用来洗澡。如果以前在湖里游过,也许还记得,经常都是冷水。在公元前1世纪,希腊人就在澡堂使用加热系统,但有趣的是,大多数的希腊人考虑到健康问题依旧会用冷水洗澡。Cold showers burn fat有助于燃脂There are two kinds of fat in your body: white fat and brown fat. White fat is the bad guy (think the Joker) and brown fat is the good guy (th

24、ink Batman). White fat is the body fat we all know and struggle to get rid of. When we consume more calories than our body needs to function and we dont burn those calories for energy, they are stored as white fat, which tends to accumulate at your waist, lower back, neck, and thighs. Brown fat is t

25、he good guy you might have never even heard of, and its function is to generate heat to keep your body warm.人体类有两种脂肪:白色脂肪和棕色脂肪。白色脂肪对人体有害,而棕色脂肪才是有利于身体健康的。白色脂肪都为人所熟知,而且我们总在试图摆脱掉它。当我们的身体需要消耗更多的热量来维持身体运转的时候,这部分脂肪也不会转化成热量供能,而是储存起来形成白色脂肪,通常都长在腰部、背部、颈部、大腿处。棕色脂肪对人体是有益的,但也许你都没听说过,它的作用就是缠身产生热量,维持身体的温度。when br

26、own fat is activated due to extreme cold, it burns calories to keep you warm, which could provide a helpful assist in your weight loss plan. How much of an assist?Scandinavian researchers found that exposure to cold temperatures increased the metabolic rate of brown fat by fifteen fold, which could

27、help a person drop nine pounds in a year if sustained.在我们感到特别冷的时候,棕色脂肪会特别的活跃,消耗卡路里来维持体温,这也会对你的减肥计划有些帮助。到底会起到多大的用处呢?斯堪的纳维亚人 研究发现在温度较低时棕色脂肪代谢率会增加15%,如果坚持下来,这个方法可以帮我们每年减掉9磅。Cold showers boost recovery after exercise有助于锻炼后身体的恢复Athletes often take ice baths after vigorous training do reduce soreness. You

28、 dont have to take it that far, but you can obtain a similar benefit with a quick cold shower after your training sessions. Maybewalking upstairs wont be quite so agonizing with a little dose of cold after all of that running.运动员在做完强度训练后通常都会用冰水来洗澡,以减少身体的酸痛感。我们不必像他们那样用冰水洗,但在锻炼后快速的洗个冷水澡也一样对身体有益。跑完步后洗点

29、冷水也许也不会那么痛苦。Cold showers increase mood and alertness有助于调节心情,提高警觉性Who doesnt feel a bit groggy when they take that first step out of bed? This is something everyone struggles with, but if youd like to put some pep in your step first thing in the a.m., take a cold shower before you go to work. When co

30、ld water pours over your body, your breathing deepens in response to the shock of the cold (this is your body trying to keep you warm by increasing overall oxygen intake). Your heart rate will also increase, resulting in a rush of blood through your body that will help you get energized for the day.

31、起床的时候,谁不会觉得无力?这也是我们大多数人都会纠结的事情,但如果你在早上就做点某事呢,比如在上班前洗个冷水澡。冷水浇到身上,冷得直打颤的时候深吸一口气(身体自然地通过增加氧气的摄入来维持体温),心跳的速率也会增加,从而引起体内血液上涌,让你精神一整天。Cold showers strengthen immunity and circulation有助于增强免疫系统,加强血液循环Remember how I mentioned that cold showers speed up your metabolic rate, which helps you lose fat? The incre

32、ase of this rate activates your immune system, which releases virus-fighting white blood cells that will help you get sick less frequently. Cold showers also increase your overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and the hardening of arteries.还记得我是如何解说冷水浴加快脂肪代谢率,帮助减体重的吗?增加代谢率会增强免疫系统,有助于减少病毒对血细胞的侵害,少生病。冷水浴还会增加血液的总循环量,有利于避免高血压和动脉硬化。Cold showers give you attractive hair and skin有助于改善皮肤和发质If youd like to reduce the appearance of acne, cold showers could do the job. Hot water dries out your skin, while cold water tightens

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