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1、Contents1正稿论文像他一样的男人ContentsAbstract 2Original3Translation 14Comments32Bibliography37Acknowledgement 38Abstract: This fiction is taken from New Yorker May 12, 2008, written by Yiyun Li.A story talks about human beings marriage ethic problem .How to make the right choice between faithful or unfaithfu

2、l toward marriage life? Teacher Fei read an article in which a nineteen-year-old girl tried her utmost to ruin her fathers life, even sentenced her father on her blog. He decided to do something for girls father, so he met with the man who had been arrested and advised him sueing his daughter, inste

3、ad. Teacher Fei told the man about his “crime” falling in love with his girl student and got a record in his file which leads him became to a bachelor all his life.However, the two men both think he was a lucky man without marriage. No one could accuse him of being an unfaithful husband or a bad fat

4、her. Key Words: Art teachers; Teen-age Girls;adultery; Amplification; Omission;摘要:这是李伊云写的小说来自2008年5月12日的纽约客杂志. 故事讲述的是关于婚姻道德的问题.在面对忠诚的与不忠诚的婚姻生活如何正确的选择?斐老师读了一篇一个十九岁的女孩试图尽最大的努力去破坏她父亲的生活在她的博客上,即使他已经判刑了.斐老师决定为他做点什么,为此,他去会见了女孩的被拘留的父亲,并建议他去起诉他自己的女儿斐老师告诉他关于自己的道德败坏的犯罪行为,那就是斐老师自己爱上了他的女学生,这一行为被记入了他的档案,导致他将成为终身

5、光棍.至此,这两个人都认为他没有结婚是一个幸运的人.也没人指控他是一个不忠诚的丈或一个坏父亲.关键词:艺术老师;年轻女孩;通奸;扩充;省略A Man Like Himby Yiyun Li May 12, 2008The girl, unlike most people photographed for fashion magazines, was not beautiful. Moreover, she had no desire to appear beautiful, as anyone looking at her could tell, and for that reason Tea

6、cher Fei stopped turning the pages and studied her. She had short, unruly hair and wide-set eyes that glared at the camera in a closeup shot. In another photo, she stood in front of a bedroom door, her back to the camera, her hand pushing the door ajar. A bed and its pink sheet were artfully blurred

7、. Her black T-shirt, in sharp focus, displayed a line of white printed characters: “My father is less of a creature than a pig or a dog because he is an adulterer.”The girl was nineteen, Teacher Fei learned from the article. Her parents had divorced three years earlier, and she suspected that anothe

8、r woman, a second cousin of her fathers, had seduced him. On her eighteenth birthday, the first day permitted by law, the daughter had filed a lawsuit against him. As she explained to the reporter, he was a member of the Communist Party, and he should be punished for abandoning his family, and for t

9、he immoral act of taking a mistress in the first place. When the effort to imprison her father failed, the girl started a blog and called it A Declaration of War on Unfaithful Husbands.“What is it that this crazy girl wants?” Teacher Fei asked out loud before reaching the girls answer. She wanted he

10、r father to lose his job, she told the reporter, along with his social status, his freedom, if possible, and his mistress for sure; she wanted him to beg her and her mother to take him back. She would support him for the rest of his life as the most filial daughter, but he had to repentand, before t

11、hat, to suffer as much as she and her mother had. What malice, Teacher Fei thought. He flung the magazine across the room, knocking a picture frame from the bookcase and surprising himself with this sudden burst of anger. At sixty-six, Teacher Fei had seen enough of the world to consider himself bey

12、ond the trap of pointless emotions. Was it the milkman, his mother asked from the living room. Milkmen had long ago ceased to exist in Beijing, milk being sold abundantly in stores now; still, approaching ninety, she was snatched from time to time by the old fear that a neighbor or a passerby would

13、swipe their two rationed bottles. Remember how they had twice been fined for lost bottles, she asked as Teacher Fei entered the living room, where she sat in the old armchair that had been his fathers favorite spot in his last years. Teacher Fei hadnt listened closely, but it was a question he knew

14、by heart, and he said yes, he had remembered to pick up the bottles the moment they were delivered. Be sure to leave them in a basin of cold water so the milk does not turn sour, she urged. He stood before her and patted her hands, folded in her lap, and reassured her that there was no need for her

15、to worry. She grabbed him then, curling her thin fingers around his. “I have nothing to say about this world,” she said slowly. “I know,” Teacher Fei said. He bent down and placed her hands back in her lap. “Should I warm some milk?” he asked, though he could see that already she was slipping away i

16、nto her usual reverie, one that would momentarily wash her mind clean. Sometimes he made an effort, coaxing her to walk with baby steps to exercise her shrinking muscles. A few years ago, the limit of her world had been the park two blocks down the street, and later the stone bench across the street

17、 from their apartment; now it was their fifth-floor balcony. Teacher Fei knew that in time he would let his mother die in peace in this apartment. She disliked strangers, and he couldnt imagine her in a cold bed in a crowded hospital ward. Teacher Fei withdrew to the study, which had been his father

18、s domain until his death. His mother had long ago stopped visiting this room, so Teacher Fei was the one who took care of the books on the shelves, airing the yellowing pages twice a year on the balcony, but inevitably some of the books had become too old to rescue, making way for the fashion magazi

19、nes that Teacher Fei now purchased. The black-clad girl taunted him from the magazine lying open on the floor. He picked her up and carefully set her on the desk, then fumbled in the drawer for an inkpot. Much of the ink in the bottle had evaporated from lack of use, and few of the brushes in the ba

20、mboo container were in good shape now. Still, with a fine brush pen and just enough ink on the tip, he was able to sketch a scorpion in the margin of the page, its pincers stabbing toward the girls eyes. It had been six years since he retired as an art teacher, nearly forty since he last painted out

21、 of free will. Teacher Fei looked at the drawing. His hand was far from a shaking old mans. He could have made the scorpion an arthropod version of the girl, but such an act would have been beneath his standards. Teacher Fei had never cursed at a woman, either in words or in any other form of expres

22、sion, and he certainly did not want to begin with a young girl.Later, when Mrs. Luo, a neighbor in her late forties who had been laid off by the local electronics factory, came to sit with Teacher Feis mother, he went to a nearby Internet caf. It was a little after two, a slow time for the business,

23、 and the manager was dozing off in the warm sunshine. A few middle-school students, not much older than twelve or thirteen, were gathered around a computer, talking in tones of hushed excitement, periodically breaking into giggles. Teacher Fei knew these types of kids. They pooled their pocket money

24、 in order to spend a few truant hours in a chat room, impersonating people much older than themselves and carrying on affairs with other human beings who could be equally fraudulent. In his school days, Teacher Fei had skipped his share of classes to frolic with friends in the spring meadow or to ta

25、ke long walks in the autumn woods, and he wondered if, in fifty years, the children around the computer would have to base their nostalgia on a fabricated world that existed only in a machine. But who could blame them for paying little attention to the beautiful April afternoon? Teacher Fei had orig

26、inally hired Mrs. Luo for an hour a day so that he could take a walk; ever since he had discovered the Internet, Mrs. Luos hours had been increased. Most days now she spent three hours in the afternoon taking care of Teacher Feis mother and cooking a meal for both of them. The manager of the Interne

27、t caf had once suggested that Teacher Fei purchase a computer of his own; the man had also volunteered to set it up, saying that he would be happy to see a good customer save money, even if it meant that he would lose some business. Teacher Fei had rejected the generous offerdespite his mothers incr

28、easing loss of her grip on reality, he could not bring himself to perform any act of dishonesty in her presence. Teacher Fei located the girls blog without a problem. There were more pictures of her there, some with her mother. Anyone could see the older womans unease in front of the camera. In her

29、prime she would have been more attractive than her daughter was now, but perhaps it was the diffidence in her face that had softened some of the features that in her daughters case were accentuated by rage. Under the heading “Happier Time,” Teacher Fei found a black-and-white photo of the family. Th

30、e girl, aged three or four, sat on a high stool, and her parents stood on either side. On the wall behind them was a garden, painted by someone without much artistic taste, Teacher Fei could tell right away. The girl laughed with a mouthful of teeth, and the mother smiled demurely, as a married woma

31、n would be expected to in front of a photographer. The father was handsome, with perfectly shaped cheekbones and deep-set eyes not often found in a Chinese face, but the strain in his smile and the tiredness in those eyes seemed to indicate little of the happiness the daughter believed had existed i

32、n her parents marriage. Teacher Fei shook his head and scribbled on a scrap of paper the mans name and address and home phone number, as well as the address and number of his work unit, which had all been listed by the girl. A scanned image of his residents I.D. was displayed, too. Teacher Fei calculated the mans age, forty-six, and noted that on the paper. When he went to the message board on the girls Web site, Teacher Fei read a few of the most recent posts, left by

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