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新高考英语各地真题及模拟考试专题能力提升练 十五 321.docx

1、新高考英语各地真题及模拟考试专题能力提升练 十五 321专题能力提升练 十五记叙文限时45分钟1(2018深圳一模)I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. So I dance 1. My dining room is now a 2 ballroom. Each morning when I 3 the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on th

2、e 4, and its dance time! I dance alone to whatever is playing. Tango(探戈)is a recent enthusiasm. Its a complex and 5 dance. The first time I went tango dancing I was too 6 to get out on the floor. 7 , I stayed on edge of the dance floor when the dancing began. The fancy footwork 8 me. “Dont make a fo

3、ol of yourself. Just 9 it. ” I thought. 10 my mind, an older woman dropped out of the 11, sat down beside me, and said she had a secret for me. She 12, “If you do not join the dancing, we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you for 13. ” Inspired by her 14 words, I took

4、 up the 15of tango. A friend asked me if I was a little too 16 . “Tango? At your age? You must be out of your mind! ” On the contrary, its a deeply considered 17 I seek the sharp, scary 18 that comes from beginning something new, which 19 all my resources and challenges my body and mind. So, when pe

5、ople say, “Tango? At your age? ” I 20 answer, “Yes! ”【文章大意】年老的作者相信: 随着心跳、脉搏以及心中的音乐去跳舞是她的天性。自己现在的目标就是: 跳完所有我能跳的舞蹈, 今生不留遗憾。 1. A. crazilyB. skillfullyC. dailyD. casually【解析】选C。根据I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. 可知我

6、相信, 随着心跳、脉搏以及心中的音乐去跳舞是我的天性。所以我每天都跳。2. A. private B. formalC. temporary D. grand【解析】选A。我的餐厅现在就是一个私人舞厅。后文dance alone是提示。3. A. pass by B. walk through C. clean D. leave【解析】选B。根据on the way to make coffee可知每天早上, 在去煮咖啡的路上, 我穿过屋子。此处考查背景常识。4. A. light B. tap C. heat D. music【解析】选D。根据its dance time! 可知每天早上,

7、在去煮咖啡的路上, 我都把音乐打开。5. A. dangerous B. terrible C. difficult D. dull【解析】选C。根据complex and _dance. 可知这是一种很复杂的比较难跳的舞。6. A. scared B. excited C. foolish D. proud【解析】选A。第一次去上探戈舞蹈课的时候, 我非常害怕, 都不敢到地板上去。上一句是提示。7. A. Otherwise B. Still C. Instead D. Anyhow【解析】选C。开始跳舞时, 我却一直待在旁边不敢跳。instead表代替。8. A. amazed B. di

8、sappointedC. comforted D. confused【解析】选D。那高超的步法让我眼花缭乱。confuse使迷惑。9. A. watch B. finish C. join D. stop【解析】选A。“别做傻事了, ”我想, “就看看吧。”这是我当时的想法。10. A. Occupying B. ReadingC. Overlooking D. Entering【解析】选B。一位年龄比我还大的女士看出了我的想法, 她从舞场中退出来。read领会, 了解。11. A. class B. show C. dance D. conversation【解析】选C。根据sat down

9、 beside me可知一位年龄比我还大的女士看出了我的想法, 她从舞场中退出来。12. A. argued B. admitted C. declared D. whispered【解析】选D。根据 and said she had a secret for me. 可知因为是秘密, 她低声说。此处考查背景常识。13. A. trying B. waiting C. coming D. sharing【解析】选A。可是如果你跳了, 我们就会因为你的尝试而觉得你很棒。14. A. bitter B. brave C. wise D. familiar【解析】选C。听了这位女士的这席明智的话。1

10、5. A. talk B. challenge C. task D. duty【解析】选B。听了这席话, 我接受了探戈的挑战。16 A. careful B. humorous C. practical D. ambitious【解析】选D。朋友说我这个年龄还学探戈一定是精神不正常了, 她认为我对探戈的嗜好是不是有点儿太狂野了。17. A. decision B. suggestion C. belief D. answer【解析】选A。恰恰相反: 作者认为这是她深思熟虑之后的决定。18. A. security B. pleasure C. freedom D. relief【解析】选B。我

11、追寻那种随着新事物而产生的, 尖锐而略带惊吓的喜悦。19 A. changes B. wastes C. saves D. requires【解析】选D。我追寻那种随着新事物而产生的, 尖锐而略带惊吓的喜悦这就要求我全身心投入, 对我的身体和心智同时进行挑战。20. A. roughly B. simply C. politely D. possibly【解析】选B。当人们说, “探戈? 你这个年龄? ”我便回答: “是的! ”2I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I

12、could not feel my nose and my1formed a thick fog in the air. The biting wind was making me 2. I was fed up! I didnt want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had3me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my4in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs (一串面包屑) in the

13、 forest showing me the way5. I stopped and listened to my 6. I could7the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious 8. The once-green tree9which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a 10 blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spiders web

14、shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breath was like silky soft 11floating up into the freezing cold air. Suddenly there was Mum, 12 handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately13 my heart. “Here you are, Joe. This will keep you 14, ” she said as she placed a comforting arm arou

15、nd my shoulders and 15 her cheek against mine. I slowly took a mouthful of the hot16and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava (熔岩)17down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not 18. My breath warmed, and I was19fed up or cold. I was happy and 20. 【文章大意】文章主要叙述了作者在一个寒冷的冬天被父母

16、强迫出来散步时的所见所感, 最后作者的妈妈带来了一杯热饮再次温暖了他, 让他感觉不再寒冷。1. A. sweat B. breath C. tears D. words【解析】选B。我的呼吸在空气中形成浓雾。句中fog是提示。2. A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold D. tired【解析】选C。刺骨的风让我感觉很冷。句中biting wind是提示。3. A. forced B. forbidden C. allowed D. needed【解析】选A。force sb. to do sth. “强迫某人做某事”, 我想回家, 但是我父母却强迫我在公园里散步。4. A.

17、 shadow B. image C. shoes D. footprints【解析】选D。在雪地上肯定是看到脚印, footprints 表示“脚印”。5. A. up B. inside C. home D. there【解析】选C。就像是森林里的一串面包屑指引着我回家的路, 由于作者是从家里过来的, 所以脚印应该通往家中。6. A. surroundings B. whispersC. heartbeat D. mind【解析】选A。我停下来听听我的周围。名词 surroundings 表示“周围的事物”。7. A. see B. hear C. feel D. smell【解析】选B。

18、就像一个无家可归的小狗渴望着美味的骨头。由前面的 listened to 可知此处是 hear“听到”。8. A. chocolate B. drink C. bone D. snowball【解析】选C。就像一个无家可归的小狗渴望着美味的骨头。根据常识, 小狗对骨头比较感兴趣。9. A. roots B. branches C. trunks D. leaves【解析】选B。根据下面的描述, had become bare“变得光秃秃的”可知, 这里指的是树枝。10. A. colourful B. shabby C. plain D. white【解析】选D。由于雪是白色的, 所以仿佛给草

19、盖上了白色的毛毯。11. A. ice B. rain C. smoke D. light【解析】选C。说明我的呼吸就像轻盈的烟一样。句中floating up into the freezing cold air是提示。12. A. finally B. cheerfully C. gradually D. unwillingly【解析】选B。根据后面的 big smile “大大的微笑”可知, 此处是“愉快地”。13. A. melted B. impressed C. broke D. stopped【解析】选A。说明妈妈脸上的微笑立刻融化了作者的心。14. A. calm B. ali

20、ve C. warm D. awake【解析】选C。妈妈给我带了一杯热巧克力, 应该是能让我温暖起来。后文多次出现的warm是提示。15. A. raised B. felt C. dropped D. pressed【解析】选D。press her cheek against mine表示“把她的脸贴在我的脸上”。16. A. soup B. liquid C. meal D. cup【解析】选B。说明我慢慢地喝了一口温暖的液体。前文a big cup of hot chocolate是提示。17. A. flowing B. walking C. jumping D. squeezing【

21、解析】选A。说明温热的液体慢慢从我的喉咙滴下来像熔岩流下山坡。18. A. damaged B. abandoned C. frozen D. worn【解析】选C。此处frozen与 warm 形成对比, 说明我现在不再冷了。19. A. either B. sometimes C. no less D. no longer【解析】选D。说明我现在不再感到寒冷。20. A. surprised B. contentedC. determined D. warm-hearted【解析】选B。我现在很快乐而且很满足。and 前面的happy是提示。3世纪金榜导学号It was on a sunn

22、y Saturday afternoon in the spring of 1949 that I learned an important life lesson about judging others by their physical appearance. As a senior at a high school, I worked part time as a salesman in a 1 center. The job provided a pleasant working environment and a modest 2 . My weekly paycheck 3 a

23、base salary and commissions(佣金) earned on the 4of radios and music-related accessories(配件). For maximum 5 at acquiring commissions, especially on sales of higher-priced items, two other teenage salesmen and I used the “up” system, taking turns greeting 6entering the shop. On that 7 afternoon, a tall

24、, unshaven man walked in wearing clothing more 8 for yard work than for shopping. This slim, 9 fellow was my “up” , but after glancing at his 10, I quickly concluded my 11 would be more profitably spent with another apparently 12 customer, so I looked at my co-worker Norman and signaled that I was g

25、iving up my 13 to him. Norman 14 as this unseemly looking fellow walked to the radio display, pointed at the Trans-Oceanic and asked whether he had six in 15. Norman looked 16 at me, then turned and went into the storeroom. He immediately 17 and said that there were six. Then the buyer opened his ch

26、eckbook and waited for Norman to write the 18. And I was asked to help carry the six Trans-Oceanic boxes to the back seat of the buyers car 19 nearby. Ever since that notable afternoon some 69 years ago, I have carefully 20 judging others only by their appearance. 【文章大意】作者以自己的亲身经历说明了这样一个道理, 不要以貌取人。1

27、. A. sports B. music C. drawing D. dancing【解析】选B。由本段最后一句on the _of radios and music-related accessories, 可知我在一家音乐中心当售货员。2. A. income B. product C. pension D. profit【解析】选A。这份工作提供了令人愉快的工作环境和适度的收入。后文salary是提示。3. A. determined B. adjustedC. combined D. contributed【解析】选C。我每周的薪水是底薪和销售收音机和音乐配件收入提成的结合。4. A.

28、 spread B. focus C. sale D. record【解析】选C。我每周的薪水是底薪和销售收音机和音乐配件收入提成的结合。5. A. freedom B. purpose C. expectation D. fairness【解析】选D。为了最公平的获得奖金。6. A. farmers B. customersC. workers D. educators【解析】选B。由 I worked part time as a salesman in a _center. 可知我们轮流迎接进入商店的顾客。7. A. unbearable B. uncomfortableC. unrea

29、sonable D. unforgettable【解析】选D。由下文可知, 一个穿着看起来很贫穷的人, 却买了那么多东西, 原来那位顾客是一名隐形富豪, 所以那个下午自然很难忘。8. A. suitable B. cool C. responsible D. available【解析】选A。一个不修边幅的人走进商店, 他穿的衣服看起来更适合是做庭院修理工作的, 而不是来购物。9. A. polite B. crazy C. proud D. ragged【解析】选D。这个消瘦的、衣衫褴褛的家伙就是我的顾客。上一段是提示。10. A. status B. appearanceC. express

30、ion D. movement【解析】选B。在我扫视了他的外貌后, 我就得出结论, 我的努力花费在富有的顾客身上更有益。11. A. efforts B. rewards C. trend D. safety【解析】选A。efforts努力。12. A. wealthy B. busy C. plain D. common【解析】选A。wealthy富有的。13. A. cause B. turn C. bond D. plan【解析】选B。由 taking turns greeting _entering the shop可知选turn。14. A. approached B. compromisedC. pretended D. apologized【解析】选A。当这个外貌不适宜的家伙走到收音机陈列区时, Norman靠近了他。15. A. demand B. exchange C. advance D. store【解析】选D。他问他是否有存储的六台收音机。in stor

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