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人教必修5Unit 1常考单词短语写作句式.docx

1、人教必修5 Unit 1常考单词短语写作句式Unit1Great scientists. 常考单词必背1concludevt. 推断出;缔结;使结束vi. 结束;总结;作决定;作协议From what he says I conclude that he has not much interest in it.我从他所说的话来判断,他对此没有多大兴趣。快速闪记(1) conclude sthwith sth以结束conclude sth (from sth)/that. 推断出,断定to conclude 总而言之;最后(2)conclusion n. 结论;结束draw/reach/arri

2、ve at/come to a conclusion 得出结论come to the conclusion that. 所得结论是in conclusion最后2exposevt. 使暴露;使显露;使面临;揭露;揭发She exposed her unwanted baby by the roadside.她将不想要的婴儿丢弃在路边。This film has been exposed.这胶卷已经曝光了。快速闪记(1) 将暴露于expose oneself to 使自己暴露于(2)exposed adj. 暴露的;无掩盖的be exposed to 暴露于(3)exposu

3、ren.U暴露;显露;揭露3challengen. 挑战vt. 向挑战We will build our defenses beyond challenge,lest weakness invite challenge.我们要防患于未然,懈怠会带来麻烦。New competitors are emerging to challenge the old economic arrangements.新的竞争对手正在崛起,向旧的经济布局挑战。快速闪记challengingadj. 有挑战性的challengedadj. 残障的;缺少的4absorbvt. 吸收;消减;获得;学会;吸引的注意;使全神贯

4、注;占去(精力、时间等)Can your brain absorb all this information? 你的脑袋能吸收这全部信息吗?The game absorbed the boy completely.这男孩完全被游戏吸引住了。快速闪记be absorbed in 全神贯注于;一心从事于;热衷于(同义词语:be lost in,be devoted to,apply oneself to,put ones heart into.)be absorbed by 被所吸收5.suspectvt. 认为;怀疑n. 嫌疑犯;被怀疑者The police suspected him of h

5、aving taken the money.警察怀疑钱是他偷的。I suspected the same,but I kept telling myself it was my imagination.我曾这样怀疑过,但我不断地对自己说,这只是我的想象罢了。The police took the suspect to the police station.警察把这个嫌疑犯带到了警察局。快速闪记suspect that. 怀疑,认为suspect sb of (doing) sth 怀疑某人(做)某事suspect sb to be. 认为某人6.blamevt.&vi.责备;归咎于;埋怨n.U

6、责任;指责,责备Dont always blame him;he is only a little child.别老责怪他,他只不过是个孩子。There is no blame attached to his life.他的一生无可指责。快速闪记(1)blame sb/sth for sth/doing sth 因怪罪,责怪blame sth on sb/sth 把责任推给be to blame 应受谴责;应负责(2)put the blame on/upon sb 把责任推到上accept/take/bear the blame 对负责7handlen. C 柄;把手把柄;可乘之机vt. 拿

7、;触 处理;管理 运用;操纵Have you turned the handle all the way to the right?你是一直向右扳把手吗?Lots of stores,hotels,and restaurants are needed to handle the crowds.接待这么多游客需要大量的商店,宾馆和饭店。As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to handle the problem.因为没人知道机械出了什么毛病,我们必须派一个工程师来处理这

8、个问题。8linkvt.&n.连接;联系The rivers are linked by a new canal.这些河流由一条新开的运河连了起来。Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?抽烟和肺病有没有联系?快速闪记 把连接/联系起来Yellow is linked with confidence,selfrespect and friendliness.黄色一般与自信、自尊和友好相联系。9announce(接名词或从句)宣告;宣布;告知 宣布的到来/出席They announced their engagem

9、ent to the family.他们向家里宣布他们已经订婚了。The Prime Minister announced that she would resign.首相宣布她将辞职。快速闪记(1)It is announced that. 据宣布;据通知announce sth to sb 向某人宣布announce后不跟双宾语,即不能说announce sb sth,要说announce sth to sb。(2)announcement n.C &U通知;通告;布告make an announcement 发布声明;下通知10.contributevt. 捐助;投稿vi. 投稿;贡献T

10、he local government hoped that everybody living in the region contributed to the Red Cross.当地政府希望住在本区的每个人向红十字会捐款。Dont contribute after the closing date.请在截止日期前投稿。快速闪记contributionn. 贡献,捐赠,捐助;捐助物;投稿,来稿contribute to (把)捐给,投(稿)给;导致;做贡献make a contribution to 对做贡献. 高频短语必会1put forward提出More than one sugges

11、tion has been put forward at the meeting so far.到目前为止在会上不只提出了一条建议。快速闪记put aside 节省;储蓄put away 放好;积蓄put back 放回;拨回put down 记下;镇压put off 延迟;推迟2apart from除之外;此外Apart from that,there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.除此之外,上下班途中也曾发生过各种各样悲剧的事情。快速闪记tell.apart 区分take

12、 apart 拆开come/fell apart 摔碎;碎了be worlds apart 完全不同3be strict with sb对某人要求严格While he loves his students,he is very strict with them.虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。快速闪记be strict in sth 对某事严格strictlyadv. 严格地strictly speaking 严格地说4make sense讲得通;有意义;合乎情理No matter how you read it,the sentence just doesnt make sense.无

13、论你怎样读这个句子,它还是讲不通。快速闪记a sense of success 成功感common sense 常识a man with good sense 通情达理的人come to (ones) senses (昏迷后)苏醒过来in a sense 从某种意义上说in no sense 决不make sense of 弄懂的意思out of ones senses 失去理性. 写作句式必学1Neitherits causenorits cure was understood.人们既不明白它的起因,也不知道它的的治疗方式。2So many thousands of terrified pe

14、ople diedevery time there was an outbreak.每一次(霍乱)爆发,都有大量的人在恐惧中死去。3It seemed thatthe waterwas to blame.看来水是罪魁祸首。4He immediately told the astonished people to remove the handle from the pumpso that it could not be used.他立刻叫惊慌失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,这样,水泵就用不成了。5A woman liked the water from the pumpso much thatsh

15、ehad it deliveredto her house every day.有一位妇女,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里来。. 短文语法填空,然后背诵短文,熟记本单元的重点词汇。A Strange DiseaseWhen theconstructionof thefireworkfactory came to the stage ofpainting,apumpwas put in. Then, all thepaintersin theneighborhood_1_ (defeat) by aseveredisease whosecharacteristicwas al

16、ike to _2_ of a bad burn.Anexpertphysicianwasinstructedtoattendto thevictimsandhandlethis case. He wasenthusiastic, but he didntforeseethat it was _3_ hardchallenge.After simpleenquiry, heannouncedthat the _4_ (pollute) paint was toblame. But withoutpositiveevidence, peoplesuspectedandrejectedhis vi

17、ew, _5_ (say) thetheoryheput forwardmade no sense. Being much morestrict_6_ himself, hecontributedhimself to the case.Apart frommakingenquiries, he made detailed charts andanalyzedthe data _7_ (cautious). Finally,he drew ascientific_8_(conclude),linkingthe disease to theradiumin the pump. _9_ (expos

18、e) to radium, a kind ofradioactivematerial in theuniverse, peopleabsorbed radiationand got sick immediately.Spinning the pumpbackward, he took away the radium.This simple _10_(move)curedall the victims.答案1.were defeated2.that3.a4.polluted5.saying6.with7.cautiously8.conclusion9.Exposed10.movementUnit

19、5 Theme parks.常考单词必背1variousadj. 不同的;各种各样的For various reasons,we couldnt attend her wedding.由于种种原因,我们未能参加她的婚礼。快速闪记varyv.不同variety n. 品种,种类2whicheverpron. 无论哪一个;任何一个It has the same result,whichever way you do it.无论用哪一种方法做,结果都相同。3whereverpron. 无论在什么地方;各处Wherever the film star goes,there are crowds of

20、people waiting to see her.这位电影明星所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。4uniqueadj. 独一无二的;仅有的This is a problem unique to that family.这是那个家庭独有的问题。快速闪记be unique to 是特有的/独有的5preservevt. 保存;保留n.保护区They were determined to preserve the children from harm.他们决心保护他们的孩子不受伤害。快速闪记preserve sb/sth from/against. 保护某人/某物免受be well preserved

21、 保养得很好6minorityn.少数;少数民族Were in the minority;more people are against us than with us.赞成我们的居少数;我们成了少数派。快速闪记(1)in the minority 占少数in the majority 占大多数(2)majorityn. 大多数7advancevt.&vi. 前进;促进;提前advancedadj. 高级的;先进的I signed to him to keep away,but he continued to advance.我示意他离开,但他还是继续往前走。Though we used ad

22、vanced technology,we didnt find the missing airplane.尽管我们使用了先进的技术,但是我们还是没有找到失踪的飞机。快速闪记advance on/upon/towards 朝前进8admissionn.允许进入;入场费;承认On admission to hospital,you will be examined by a doctor.入院时,医生要为你做体检。admitv.许可进入;承认,供认. 高频短语必会1no wonder难怪;不足为奇No wonder he is not hungry,he has been eating sweet

23、s all day.难怪他不饿,他一整天都在吃糖果。快速闪记no wonder是it is no wonder that.的省略说法。in wonder 惊讶地it is a wonder that. 真想不到,令人惊奇的是2be modeled after根据模仿;仿造The new church is modelled after St.Peters in Rome.这座新教堂是依照罗马圣彼得教堂建造的。快速闪记model oneself on/after sb 仿效某人;以某人为榜样model sth after sth 仿造某物3in advance提前They will pay 5,

24、000yuanin advance.他们将会提前付5 000元。快速闪记in advance of 在前面;优于4get close to接近The student got close to his teacher and asked him a question.这名学生走近他的老师,问了一个问题。快速闪记be close to 离很近come close to 差一点就,几乎 a close 使终结come to a close 结束,终结5come to life活跃起来When she came to herself,she found herself in hospi

25、tal.当她苏醒过来时她发现自己在医院。快速闪记come to (oneself) 苏醒过来when it comes to. 当谈及bring sth/sb back to life 使生动;使恢复生机. 写作句式必学1Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park for you!不论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么都会有一个适合你的主题公园!2Futuroscope isnot onlyfor individuals,butisalsothe perfect mix of fun and learning for class out

26、ings.“观测未来”不仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。3If driving,Futuroscope iswithin easy reach ofthe freeway.如果你开车去,“观测未来”就在高速公路附近。. 短文语法填空,然后背诵短文,熟记本单元的重点词汇。A Unique Theme ParkAs soon as ourshuttle got close tothethemepark by thefreeway, everyone _1_(come)to lifeand put oncloth sneakers _2_advancefor anout

27、ing. Ourtranslatorpaid for the _3_(admit), and we started enjoying thevarious attractions in thesunlight.According to the travelbrochure, thisuniqueparkis famous forits well _4_(preserve)minorityculture. We experienced manydeeds of the earlysettlers, such asswinging across rivers,hunting _5_(creatur

28、e) in thejungle, or taking part inswords fightingtournaments.This park is also famous for _6_(it) woodensouvenirs.Whicheverwe bought in thecentralshop _7_(make) of wood, and _8_(where) we went we could see minoritycarpenters working. They made wooden tools, woodencartoonfigures, woodenathleticproduc

29、ts and so on.They even built a huge woodenenginewith alengthof 20 metres,_9_was modeled aftera real one.This theme park is _10_(real) afantasy amusementpark.No wonderit has become thebrandof localtourism.答案:1. came2.in3. admission4. preserved 5. creatures6. its7. was made8. wherever9. which 10. really

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