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1、核心动词配套英语练习配套基础练习A一、根据英文解释,词性提示,拼写出正确英文单词(30分)1、 use violence on, especially with weapons (v)2、 try not to do sth; try not to go near sb or sth (v)3、 take willingly sth that is offered; say “yes” to an offer, invitation, etc(v)4、 pretend by your behaviour to be a particular type in a play or filmmovi

2、e(v)5、 recognize or acknowledge sth as true, often reluctantly; confess sth(v)6、 say why you think sth is right or wrong; provide reasons for or against(v)7、 (the act of making) a request ;a particular practical use(n)8、 let (sb) do sth, let (sth)be done; permit(v)9、 have or share the same opinion,

3、feeling or purpose; be in harmony; (v)10、 be able to buy or pay for, be rich enough to buy, have enough to spare(v)11、 say sth more, go on to say(v)12、 (written or spoken) description of sth that has happened (n)13、 cause result or change; influence ;cause feelings of sorrow, anger, love(v)14、 be pr

4、esent at; go to(v)15、 make an effort at; try to do sth, especially without succeeding(v)二、短语汉译英(40分)1、 接受挑战 2、接受聘请3、 接受邀请 4、由于,因为5、 认为自己清白 6、说明缺席的原因7、 占四分之一 8、依靠,指望9、 没有多少价值或重要性 10、实现目标11、 赢得荣誉 12、扮丑角13、 加起来总计 14、免费入场15、 许可进入(录取) 16、认输,认错17、 给机会 18、谈妥价钱19、 原则同意 20、考虑到,顾及21、 对负责 22、顶嘴23、 到场,登场 24、适应于

5、,应用于25、 申请 26、专心于某事27、 家用电器 28、为反对而辩论29、 辩护,支持 30、分组排列31、 达成协议 32、自讨苦吃33、 心脏病发作 34、上学35、 承担责任 36、作出尝试37、 批准计划 38、收养孤儿39、 使自己适应 40、改编小说三、完成句子(30分)1、她试图避而不答我的问题。She attemtped to avoid my questions2、我已经安排好了一辆出租车在十点的时候来接我们。Ive arranged a taxi to pick us up at 10 oclock.3、吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 It is generally

6、that smoking is harmful to our health.4、如果你把通货膨胀考虑进去,我们现在其实花费少了。If you take inflation into , we actually spend less now.5、光学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。Knowledge without common sense for little.6、在战争期间,感情问题对他们并不重要。Emotional matters were of no to them during the war.7、他如果不努力工作就永远不会有所成就。He will never anything if

7、he doesnt work hard.8、他什么也没做,只是增加了我们的麻烦。He did nothing but add our trouble.9、我勉强承认我对测试感到紧张。I reluctantly admitted to nervous about the test.10、She was deeply moved by the sad story. She was deeply by the sad story.11、.我想我不能忍受得了失去这个职位。I did not think I could to lose my post12、他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。He to be

8、a successful writer13、我可以用你的自行车吗?Will you me to use your bike?14、这种规定饮食可让你每天喝一杯酒。This diet you one glass of wine a day.15、你知道这道题的答案吗?Do you know the answer this question? 16、格林先生必须在委员会上出面解释他的行为。Mr. Green had to before the committee to explain his behavior .17、这项规则不是所有情况都适用。This rule cannot be to eve

9、ry case18、我们说服她参加了宴会。We her into joining us19、.我认识她。I am acquainted with her.20、我们钦佩他收集大量原始资料的远见卓识。We his intellectual providence to acquire vast stores of dry information.21、植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。Plants can carbon dioxide and release oxygen.22、闪电通常伴有雷声。Lightning usually thunder.23、.我们不能指望同时完成两件工作。We shoul

10、d not try to two tasks at once.24、他承认自己有毒瘾。He confessed to being a drug .25、我的储蓄共达2000美元。My savings to $2000.26、她以为每次都能赢,未免太自大了。 She was in arrogance to she would win every time27、当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。 Everyone was silent as he the winner of the competition28、我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地。Silently we the enemys cam

11、p.29、我们要约定好下次会面的日期。We must a day to meet again30、土地将继续增值。Land will continue to .配套基础练习B一、根据英文解释,词性提示,拼写出正确英文单词(30分)1、 consider to be true, honest, or real(v)2、 catch fire; be on fire(v)3、 ask Gods favour and protection for(v)4、 come or grow to be(v)5、 say that a certain person caused an accident or

12、a failure of some kind(v)6、 talk about the conditions of a sale, agreement (v)7、 be useful, profitable, or helpful to; gain advantage; (v)8、 (cause to) explode or be destroyed by exploding(v)9、 give birth to; bring or provide(v)10、 shape and size (of the human body) (n)11、 ask and pay for a seat for

13、 theatre, a journey ; reserve in advance to have sth(v)12、 cause sth to be out of a straight line or surface; force into a curve or angle(v)13、 give trouble to; cause inconvenience to oneself; (v)14、 arrange or plan (money, time, etc.) (v)15、 carry (a thing) to come from a more distant place to a ne

14、arer place(v)二、短语汉译英(40分)1、根据 3、从中获益 5、开始自己谋生 7、眼见为实 9、属于 11、分手 13、崩塌 15、开夜车 17、全部买下 19、上帝保佑 21、该受责备 23、消减预算 25、养育 27、带来,引起 29、凸显 31、结果实 33、记住 35、向某人下跪 37、风刮倒 39、遍体鳞伤 三、完成句子(30分)1、这部影片是根据D.H.劳伦斯的小说改编的。This film is based a novel by D.H.Lawrence.2、当你走近我的身旁,我能感觉你的心跳。When youre close to me, I can feel y

15、our heart .3、在过去五十年间,社会等级差别已经变得不那么重要了。Class distinctions have less important during the last 50 years.4、英文字母表以A开始,以Z结束。 The English alphabet begins A and ends with Z.5、广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。I have benefited a lot extensive reading. 6、中国属于第三世界。China to the third world.7、那狗咬了我一口,但是没有把皮咬破。The dog bit me but didn

16、t the skin.8、她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。 It was a great to her when her mother died.9、那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。她急于要告诉你这消息。The branch but didnt break when the boy climbed along it.10、这个衬衫真是便宜货。That shirt was a really great .11、她不应该对所发生的事情受到责备。She is not to for what happened.12、.推销员拒绝讨价还价。The salesman refused to bar

17、gain the price.13、在发生爆炸之后,警方用路障封锁了那条路。Police off the street after the explosion.14、那问题已经困扰了我几个星期。The problem has been me for weeks.15、家中有猫我受不了。I cant bear a cat in the house.配套基础练习C一、根据英文解释,词性提示,拼写出正确英文单词(30分)1、 go to. for advance or information2、 build3、 make sb feel certain; cause sb to realize4、

18、(cause to) have the form of a curve 5、 (of moving objects or people) to strike violently against sth or each other6、 express a wish that great misfortune will happen to sb; swear at 7、 praise; approval; recognition;belief; trust; trustworthiness8、 ease, leisure, relaxation, relief, rest9、 comprise;

19、include,contain10、 make right11、 resume, succeed, go on12、 be concerned about; show understanding or sympathy for; take into account13、 prove to be true or correct; make certain14、 show or find out in what ways two or more things are like each other or are different from each other15、 accuse sb of s

20、th formally in a court of a law二、短语汉译英(40分)1、 做贡献,有助于 2、赊账3、 犯错 4、随大流5、 搜集情报 6、抄近路7、 结帐退房 8、邂逅9、 登记入住 10、打电话11、 不得不(只好) 12、取消13、 索取赔偿 14、删去15、 挑三拣四 16、掩饰17、 掌管 18、把比作19、 瞥见 20、创建目录21、 捞救命稻草 22、固定成本23、 关心,在乎 24、忍住性子25、 冲走 26、失去控制27、 引起某人注意 28、自制29、 拜访某人 30、与相符31、 理解,变得流行 32、由组成33、 改变主意 34、在于,存在于35、 清

21、理餐桌 36、确认口令37、 禁猎期 38、就而言39、 保持联系 40、投诉信三、完成句子(30分)1、你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。Your argument is too weak to me.2、目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。There is still no for the common cold.3、那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 The reporter was accused of unprofessional .4、我不愿独自一人出门,带女儿作个伴。 I hate going out alone: I take my daughter for .5、他同时具有创造性想象力和真

22、正的治学谨严学风。 He creative imagination and true scholarship.6、.此事将由电视作现场报道。 This event will be live by TV7、她很大方,捐助了这么大笔钱。It was generous of her to such a large sum.8、他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。He saved his daughter from the fire but at the of his own life.9、I help thinking of my happy childhood.我禁不住想起我幸福的童年。10、Pa

23、rents cannot be patient.做父母的越有耐心越好。11、When a friend gave me a ticket,I cant help go.一位朋友送给我一张票,我只好去了。12、Hes old enough to take of himself.他大了,能照顾自己了。13、This radio station does not any advertising.这家广播电台不播送任何广告。14、Many dangerous diseases are by insects.许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的。15、I got in the heavy rain on my

24、way back home.昨天回家路上我遭遇大雨。16、You have no for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。 17、Police are investigating the causes the explosion.警方正在调查爆炸的原因。 18、How much have you got in ?你有多少零钱?19、They charged him murder.他们控告他谋杀。20、As long as youve paid in advance we wont you for delivery.只要你预先付款,我们就不收你送货费。21、He became his unc

25、les after his parents died.他在父母去世後,由叔父抚养。22、They their steps.他们突然停住脚步。23、Its up to you to where we should go.我们要去的地点,由你负责选择。 24、Did you on the insurance after your car accident?出了车祸后,你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗? 25、I made it to him that I rejected his proposal.我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。 26、The church is to the school.教堂在学校

26、附近。27、Hes (money) for famine relief.他正在为赈济饥民募捐.28、He would not himself in any way.他不愿做出任何承诺。 29、He looked around to that he was alone.他四处张望,要确定周围没人。 30、I could hardly my curiosity.我简直无法克制我的好奇心 配套基础练习D一、根据英文解释,词性提示,拼写出正确英文单词(30分)1、 say “No” (to); refuse (sth offered); go down2、 put (sth) off until la

27、ter; postpone3、 cause (sb) great satisfaction, enjoyment, or joy4、 (cause to) make a firm decision to do sth; (cause sth to) be decided5、 show clearly by giving proofs or examples ;protest6、 see, hear, recognize, understand well the difference7、 describe fully8、 break the quiet, calm, peace or order

28、 of; stop sb thinking or working well;9、 set apart for; give completely to10、 have earned by ones actions or character; be worthy of 11、 take sth to peoples houses or places of work; speak or read aloud to people12、 say strongly that you must have sth13、 say what sth is like; give a picture of in wo

29、rds14、 break to pieces; make useless; put an end to15、 split or break up ;separate二、短语汉译英(40分)1、 地震破坏 2、一言为定3、 交货 4、做了个美梦5、 打扰某人的美梦 6、区分善恶7、 在文学上出人头地 8、散发传单9、 旨在 10、忠于人民11、 殷切期望 12、抛弃妻子13、 变节 14、决心做某事15、 示威反对 16、以为乐17、 为某人的行为辩解 18、在衰退中19、 衰退曲线 20、谢绝委任21、 谢绝邀请 22、坚决拒绝23、 追溯到 24、退学25、 瓜分 26、接受挑战27、 穿上

30、盛装 28、废除,去掉29、 养成习惯 30、献身于31、 开发资源 32、平局33、 灭绝 34、进行讨论35、 依靠 36、患病37、 视情况而定 38、有意地39、 非常需要 40、为增光三、完成句子(30分)1、They said they had an important matter to discuss with you.他们说有要事与你相商2、They drew up a list of measures for increasing the output.他们订了增产的详细措施。3、I shall not attempt to give a detailed of the subject; it is above my bend.我不想费力详尽描述这个题目,这是我力所不及的。4、The class is in opinion.整个班级意见有分歧5、The boys listened breathle

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