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1、春季仁爱英语九年级下册Unit5topic2重点知识点总结及练习12017年春季仁爱英语九年级下册Unit5topic2重点知识点总结及练习(1)Unit 5 China and the WorldTopic 2 He is really the pride of China.1重要句型:Section A1. Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.孔子是教育领域的先驱。(1)pioneer 先驱,创始人,倡导人; He is a computer pioneer. 他是计算机方面的先驱。(2)in the field/ area of

2、在领域;在中国文学领域冰心以儿童作品而著名。Bing Xin is famous for childrens works_ _ _ _Chinese literature.2.He was born in the year 551B.C.他出生于公元前551年。表达“公元/ 公元前年”时,用A.D.和B.C.,A.D.表示“公元”,B.C.表示“公元前”;书写时A.D.写在年数前后均可,B.C. 应写在年数之后:“从某年到某年”应写为或是.练一练:从公元前200年到公元500,共为700年。_is seven hundred years. 3.He was also a fam

3、ous philosopher whose wise saying have influenced many people in different countries. 他也是一位著名的哲学家,他的至理名言影响了不同国家的许多人。whose wise saying have influenced many people in different countries 是由whose引导的定语从句,在从句中作wise saying 的定语,修饰先行词philosophy。由关系代词whose引导,其先行词既可指人又可指物,且不能省略。练一练:这就是那本颜色非常漂亮的书。This is the b

4、ook _is very beautiful. 4.He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。5. He tried to search for good rules of behavior. 他试图寻找良好的行为准则。(1) Try to do sth(2) Try doing sth(3) Searchfor in search of.6.In his thirties, Confucius began to teach.He

5、spent the rest of his life teaching and writing 孔子30多岁时开始讲学,他把自己的余生都奉献给了教学。(1) in ones thirties 在某人三十多岁时。 在从twenty到ninety表示整十的单词中,把单词末尾的y改成i再加es,表示约略数字。练一练:乔治布什在他四十几岁时成为美国总统。George Bush became the president of the USA_.(2)spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。 a)spend的用法:b)cost的用法: c)take后面常跟双宾语,常见用

6、法:d)pay的基本用法是:pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买 I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. pay for sth. 付的钱 I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。 pay for sb. 替某人付钱。 Dont worry!Ill pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。 pay sb. 付钱给某人 They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。 pay money back 还钱。 May I

7、borrow 12 yuan from you? Ill pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。 pay off ones money还清钱 He promised to pay off my money.他答应还清我的钱。Section B1. What a great explorer! He really is the pride of China. 多么伟大的探险家啊!他的确是中国的骄傲。 (1) pride n. 自豪,骄傲 ,形容词为proud; (2) be proud of = take pride in以为傲,为而骄傲; (3) be

8、the pride of 是的骄傲;练一练:1. 我为自己的工作而感到自豪。_.2. 万里长城是中国人的骄傲。_2.Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.不幸的是,他于1433年在从非洲返回的途中病故。A. die of死于疾病、衰老等内因(如cancer, heart trouble等);B. B. die from 死于事故等外因(如accident, earthquake等)练一练The man_ lung cancer. 这个人死于肺癌。The girl _ earthquake. 这

9、女孩死于地震。Section C1. After his graduation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1943,he traveled across the Pacific Ocean to the United States for further study.1934年毕业于上海交通大学后,他远渡太平洋去美国深造。 (1)_n. 毕业;_ v. 毕业;_ 毕业于; He_ Tsinghua University in 2003. 他于2003年毕业于清华大学。 (2) A. further study 进一步学习,深造;I want t

10、o go aboard for further study. 我想出国深造。 B. far 的 比较级是farther, further。但两者既有共性又有不同。 两者均可用来指实际的距离、空间上的距离。further还可用于比 喻意义上的距离或深度,如时间、程度和数量等,表示“更多, 更进一步”。 练一练:The problem will be _ discussed at the class meeting. A.far B.farther C.further D.farthest2. He made important contribution to the missile and sp

11、ace programs in China.他对中国导弹和航天工程做出了重要贡献。(1) make contribution to sth/ doing sth 对(做)某事做出巨大贡献3.From then now, he was in charge of developing Chinas missiles,rocket and spacecraft research programs.从那时起,他主管中国导弹、火箭和宇宙飞船的研究项目。 (1)in charge of和in the charge of都是短语介词,其后都接名词或代词作宾语。 (2)in charge of主动,主语往往是

12、人;in the charge of 被动,主语一般是物; (3)in charge of“主管,掌管” ;in the charge of “被. 管理,在.管理之下” 同时in the charge of 也可用in ones charge形式。 An experienced worker is_ the project. 一位经验丰富的工人负责这项工程。 The documents are_ Comrade Lee. 文件由李同志保管。练一练:I will be _ this company in five years. A.charge of B.the charge of C in

13、charge of D.charge4. He was a pioneer in these related fields and was honored as “The father of Chinas Missiles”.他也是这些相关领域的先驱,被誉为“中国导弹之父”。A. honor 作名词,意为“荣誉”。常用句型: Its my honor to do sth. B. honor 作动词,意为“尊敬(等于honour);给以荣誉”。 be honored as意为“被誉为”练一练:Who will be _ as a model student this term? A.regard

14、 B.consider C.honor D.honored4练习:A. 选择题。1.Mr White ,the headmaster,has made a great_ to the growth of the school. A.progress B.contribution C.invention 2.After he graduated _ HongKong University.He wants_ study in,farther B.from,farther C.from,further ,further 3._ age

15、of 8,Tim_ first prize in piano competition. A.In,win B.At, won C.On, beat D.For,lost 4.Qian Xuesen could make _ money if he stayed in the United States. A.little B.many C.much D.much more 5.Qian Xuesen _ the first research institute of rockets and missiles in 1956. A.put up B.gave up C.sent up D.set

16、 up6. Please say something about Zheng He. OK. He was the explorer in the Ming Dynasty of_ all the Chinese are proud. A.who B.whom C.whose D.that 7.Mark Zuckerberg(马克 扎克伯格 )_ the Facebook website in February of 2004.It is very popular now. A.set up up off D.set off 8. Peng Liyuan is _ Ch

17、inese people as a beautiful and popular singer. And now she is also the First Lady in China. A.known as B.proud of C.famous for D.well-known to 9.The old man is a good swimmer,and even now he often swims _ Tuo River After supper. A.over B.through D.across 10.The sailor is _ of his experiences,b

18、ecause he has been to about 30 countries. A.the pride B.afraid C.proud D.hear11. Have you seen the man _ car was stolen just now?A. its B. its C. whose D. which12. On the bus I saw a student _ I thought was your brother.A. who B. whom C. which D. whoever13. The foreigner _ visited our school yesterd

19、ay is from Canada.A. that B. which C. whom D. /14. Here is the man _ you are looking for.A. which B. whom C. what D. whereD.完形填空。Long long ago, man had only the sun and the moon for light. After they learned to 1 fire, they carried burning sticks to 2 their way. Later they learned to 3 sticks into f

20、at. The burning fat had a bright light and 4 longer. After man learned to use a wick(灯芯), they 5 candles, 6 were improved as time went by. People still use 7 today.Later man made many kinds of oil lamps. These lamps burned coal oil(煤油) and had glass chimneys(灯罩). Later the gas light which needed 8 w

21、ick nor chimneys was developed. All these lights had one thing in commonthey had to be lighted 9 a fire.In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. It can be 10 without a fire.( )1.A.make C.take D.find( ) B.have C.make D.light( )3.A.come B.go C.put D.take( )4.A.stayed B.worked C.made D.lasted( )5.A.made B.used C.invented D.did( )6.A.what B.who C.which D.why( ) B.sticks C.candles D.fat( )8.A.neither B.either C.both D.all( ) C.with D.without( ) B.lighted C.lights D.light

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