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1、新人教版八年级下导学案U9(配套学案P23)(对应学生用书第54页)一、重点短语1.somewhere different 不同的地方2.take the subway 坐地铁3.have a great time 玩得愉快4.go skating 去滑冰5.lead to 导致6.put up 搭建二、重点句型1. you to a science museum? (你去过科学博物馆吗?)2.Lets go today. (1c,让我们今天去不同的地方吧。)3.Its really interesting, ? (2d,那的确很有趣,不是吗?)答案:1.Have;ever been

2、mewhere different 3.isnt it (对应学生用书第54页)探究一 辨析have/has been to与have/has gone toHave you ever been to a science museum?你去过科学博物馆吗?(P65)备选例句:1.Mr.Wang isnt here.He has gone to Qingdao.王先生不在这里。他去青岛了。2.My father has been to Beijing twice.我父亲去过北京两次。have/has been to和have/has gone to的区别:1.have/has gone to意为

3、“到某地去”,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。2.have/has been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示“去过某地(几次)”,也可和just,never,ever等连用。【即学即练】1.吉姆在哪里?他去英国了。Where is Jim?He England. 2.我从未去过长城。I never the Great Wall. 3.Neither Kate nor her cousins to America,but of them have known the country v

4、ery well.(2013绥化) A.have been;all B.have gone;bothC.has been;all答案:1.has gone to 2.have;been to 3.A探究二 neither的用法Have you ever been to a history museum?No,I havent.Me neither.你去过历史博物馆吗?不,我没去过。我也没去过。(P65)备选例句:1.I dont like this dress.Neither /Nor do I.我不喜欢这件连衣裙。我也不喜欢。 2.I will take part in neither ga

5、me.那两项比赛我都不参加。3.Which one would you like?Neither.你喜欢哪一个?两个都不喜欢。4.Neither he nor I am well educated.他和我都没受过良好教育。neither的用法:1.neither用作副词,作“也不”解释,放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。Me neither.是省略句。2.neither用作形容词,表示“(两者)都不”,置于单数名词之前。3.neither用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。4.neither用作连词,常用短语为neither.nor.,表示“既不也不”。n

6、either.nor.结构用作主语时,谓语动词必须与nor后面的名词或代词在人称及数上保持一致,即所谓的就近原则。【即学即练】1.我不吸烟。I dont smoke.我也不吸烟。 . 2.她买了两个玩具,却没有一个能让小孩高兴。She bought two toys,but can please the child. 3.Id like you to tell me something about Shen Nongjia.Im sorry,but neither Jack nor I there.(2013孝感) A.have been B.has beenC.have gone D.has

7、 gone答案:1.Me neither 2.neither 3.A探究三 反意疑问句Its really interesting,isnt it?那的确很有趣,不是吗?(P66)备选例句:1.It looks like rain,doesnt it?看起来要下雨了,不是吗?2.He doesnt need to work so late,does he?他不需要工作得太晚,对吗?3.They have to study a lot,don t they?他们必须学很多,不是吗?总结反意疑问句的用法:反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是在陈述句后,对陈述句所叙述的事实提出的疑问。其基本结构有两种:一是

8、“肯定陈述句+简略否定问句”;二是“否定陈述句+简略肯定问句”。反意疑问句后一部分的主谓与前一部分的主谓要保持人称及助动词等方面的一致。这种疑问句的回答要根据事实,一般情况下,肯定的用“Yes,”否定的用“No,”。注:当陈述句中出现never、no、none、few、hardly、seldom等表示否定的词时,附加的问句应用肯定形式。【即学即练】1.Linda ate some rice this morning, ? A.didnt she B.was sheC.did she D.wasnt she 2.They have no time to visit the museum, ? A

9、.do they B.havent theyC.dont they D.will they3.There wont be any concert this Saturday evening, ? A.will there not B.will there D.wont there4.She has never been to the city, she?(2013遂宁) A.doesnt B.hasnt C.has答案:1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C(对应学生用书第55页)根据所给汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?不,我没去过。 you ever th

10、e space museum? No,I . 2.让我们今天去不同的地方吧。Lets go today. 3.同学们和老师都不打算去远足。 students the teacher going to go hiking. 4.那的确很有趣,不是吗?Its really interesting, ? 答案:1.Have;been to;havent 2.somewhere different 3.Neither;nor;is 4.isnt it(对应学生用书第101页)【基础达标】.单项选择1.Jim likes traveling.He many places. A.has gone to B

11、.has been to C.has gone for D.has been from2.Are Tom and Mary playing outside? .They are doing their homework. A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.None3.My father isnt here.He to the airport to meet my uncle. A.go B.has beenC.has gone D.would go4.We are free today.Lets go . A.somewhere different B.different

12、 somewhereC.anywhere different D.different anywhere5.The government has many buildings for the people in Wenchuan after the earthquake. A.put down B.put upC.put off D.put on 答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B.根据汉语提示写单词6.I have never been to an (娱乐)park. 7.What do you think of the art museum?Its (太棒了). 8.How did

13、 you go to the space museum?I took the (地铁). 9.The spinning wheel(纺车) was a Chinese (发明). 10.I (野营)in the mountains with my parents last week. 答案:6.amusement 7.fantastic 8.subway 9.invention 10.camped.用所给词的适当形式填空11. you (have) your lunch yet? Yes,I have.12.Lucy (be) to the water park twice. 13.Neith

14、er of them (be) from Beijing. 14.They (go) to the water world with their friends last month. 15.Where is Sarah?She (go) to New York.And shell be back in two weeks. 答案:11.Have;had 12.has been 14.went15.has gone.完成句子16.他们两个都不说汉语。 them speaks Chinese. 17.如果他不去,我也不去。If he doesnt go, I. 18.今天的天气很好,

15、不是吗?Its a nice day, ? 19.你曾经去过四川吗?不,没去过。 you ever Sichuan? ,I . 20.我们在水上公园玩得很愉快。We at the water park. 答案:16.Neither of 17.neither do 18.isnt it 19.Have;been to;No;havent 20.had a great time【能力提升】.阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列各题 Camping in your backyard is full of fun,whatever your age is.Its great for keeping us

16、relaxed.It offers chances to check the night sky and to be noisier than usual.It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! Follow these instructions and youll have a night youll never forget!Put up your tent.Depending on the number of family members and guests,you may nee

17、d more than one tent.Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed.Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a tent on the Internet.Prepare your bedding.Youll want your guests to be able to relax in comfort.Put something soft to lie on on the floor:A blow-up air mattress

18、or thick comforters may work well.Fill the tent with soft toys and blankets (毯子).Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets.They are especially important if you live where the night temperatures drop greatly.Prepare a seating area.If you have a picnic table,that would work best.If not,set up

19、a few chairs and a small table to set out drinks and food.A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the sun,so that your friends can eat and talk.Be sure the grass isn t wet!Make memories.Plan some activities.Youre camping in the backyard,so its time to make the most of being outdoors.Have a camera

20、 nearby to take silly photos of you,your family members,and your friends.Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing.Be sure to make copies for everyone!21.Is camping in the backyard great fun? 22.What can we do to help relax our guests in comfort? 23.What is a simple choice to prep

21、are a seating area? 24.How do we make memories? 25.What is the passage mainly about? 答案:21.Yes.22.Put something soft to lie on on the floor.23.A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the sun.24.By taking photos of us,our family members and friends.25.How fun the camping is and how we have great c

22、amping.(对应学生用书第55页)一、重点短语 such a rapid way 以如此快速的方式 many 如此多的3.different kinds of 不同种类的 enjoyable as 和一样快乐5.hear of 听说6.arrive at 到达二、重点句型1.The museum Ive ever been to is the American Computer Museum. (3a,我去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国的计算机博物馆。)2.Its that technology has progressed a rapid way! (3a,科学技术以如

23、此快的方式发展,真是难以置信!)3.It also governments and social groups ways to improve toilets in the future. (3a,那也可以鼓励政府和社会团体去设法改造未来的厕所。)答案:1.most interesting 2.unbelievable;in such 3.encourages;to think about(对应学生用书第56页)探究一 辨析such与soIts unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way.科学技术以如此快的方式

24、发展,真是难以置信。(P67)备选例句:1.He gave us such good food.他给了我们这么好的食物。2.He is so foolish(a man).他是如此愚蠢(的一个人)。3.There are so many flowers in our school garden.我们学校的花园里有那么多的花。such和so的区别:1.such是形容词,用来修饰名词,名词前有无形容词都可以;so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词,形容词后可以省略名词。2.单数名词前有不定冠词与形容词时,so和such的位置不同。前者为“so+形容词+冠词+名词”,后者为“such+冠词+形容词+名词”

25、。3.so后即使有形容词,也不能修饰复数名词或不可数名词,而such则可以。4.名词前有表示“多、少”意义的many,much,few,little等修饰词时,要用so,不用such。【即学即练】1.我以前从没见过这么小的绵羊。I have never seen little sheep before. 2.它们是如此有用的书。They are useful books. 3.“Im a singer” is an interesting TV show many people like watching it.(2013泰州);that B.such;that;as D.

26、such;as答案:1.such 2.such 3.B探究二 encourage的用法It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.那也可以鼓励政府和社会团体去设法改造未来的厕所。(P67)备选例句: I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。 encourage的用法:encourage v.意为“鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进;鼓动

27、”。encourage do sth.鼓励某人做某事。【即学即练】1.事情进展不顺的时候,他鼓励我说不要放弃。When things arent going well,he encourages me . 2.你妈妈是怎样鼓励你努力学习的?How did your mother you hard? 答案:1.not to give up 2.encourage;to study探究三 辨析hear of,hear from与hearHave you ever heard of a Disney Cruise?你听说过迪斯尼游轮吗?(P68)备选例句:1.I have never h

28、eard of this place.我从未听说过这个地方。2.Have you heard from your pen pal?你是否收到过笔友的来信?3.I heard him singing in the next room.我听见他在隔壁房间里唱歌。hear of,hear from和hear的区别。1.hear of “听说,得知”,后面接名词或代词。2.hear from “收到来信”,后面常接人作宾语。3.hear v.“听见,听到”。常用于hear sb./ sth.听见某人/某物(正在)做某事。【即学即练】1.你听说过长城吧? you ever the

29、 Great Wall? 2.我听到一个女孩在唱歌。I a girl . 答案:1.Have;heard of 2.hear;singing(对应学生用书第56页)根据所给汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.我的钱很少,不能借给你。I have little money that I cant lend you any. 2.我上周收到老爸来信。I my father last week. 3.我去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国的计算机博物馆。 The interesting museum Ive ever is the American Computer Museum. 4.我看见那儿有如此多不同种类

30、的厕所。I saw different kinds of toilets there. 5.那也可以鼓励政府和社会团体去设法改造未来的厕所。It also governments and social groups about ways toilets in the future. 答案 2.heard from 3.most;been to many 5.encourages;to think;to improve(对应学生用书第102页)【基础达标】.单项选择1.Where can I find Jack?He the post office. A.has been to B.has gone toC.goes to D.went to 2.I have never her.Who

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