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1、自制涡轮发动机蓝天的向往航模涡轮喷气发动机完全制作手册 来源: 王中扬的日志 1.发动机如何自己设计? 到哪里找材料,价钱如何?Small gas turbines are not scaled down large engines. Any attempt to do so is likely to fail. Kurt Schreckling is to becommended for his original approach to the design of small engines as set out in his book on the FD3 64.He carried ou

2、t thetherorectical considerations and came to the conclusion that a simple radial compressor and turbine wheel with a singleannular combustion chamber would produce the best results. His views have been confirmed by the rapid progress in refiningthe designs and extracting more power from the same ba

3、sic size. Spreadsheets have been developed by a number of peoplebased on the Formulas in the Schreckling and Kamps books that model the processes that go on in the engine. The GTBA hasalso commissioned burst analysis of the turbine wheel.小型燃气涡轮机不是比例缩减大型引擎。任何试图这样做很可能失败。库尔特Schreckling他最初的方法来表扬的设计已小引擎在

4、他的书放在了FD3 64。他进行了therorectical考量和得出结论:一个简单的径向压缩和涡轮方向盘,与单一环形燃烧室会产生最好的结果。他的观点已经被证实在快速进步、精制设计和提取更多的力量从相同的基本尺寸。试算表而形成的一批人基于经验公式和Kamps书籍的Schreckling模型上的过程引擎。这GTBA已经分析也任命破裂汽轮机轮。英文来自(GTBA-英国涡轮发动机制作联盟)模型用的发动机不是大的发动机的按比列缩小,任何试图这样做都很可能是失败。值得推荐的是英国人-Kurt Schreckling设计的FD3-64航模涡喷发动机的设计,开创了小型发动机设计先河,用一个简单方法制作的放射


6、mm不锈板剪口弯成,用一个小电钻配小砂轮可以打磨出翼型即可,关键的动平衡测试,记住这一点很重要!否则会导致发动机解体!是用我们的大拇指与食指来感觉振动。灵敏度相当高。足以完成涡轮的动平衡调试。3.散热与轴承问题BearingsThe compressed air in the chamber passes down the bearing tube and exits both ends to provide cooling to the bearings. Thebearings are simple ball races and they are oiled with oil mist s

7、upplied buy the pressure from the engine itself. Very low flowsof oil are better than a constant flow as the drops can cause the ball to skid in the raceways. Turbine oil or thin machine oil canbe used.轴承压缩空气在密室里经过了管两端轴承、出口提供冷却到轴承。这简单的球轴承润滑与种族和他们提供压力油雾买从引擎本身。非常低流量油比恒定流为下降会导致球打滑的详细信息。汽轮机油或薄机油泵被使用。压缩空

8、气将穿过轴套为轴承提供冷却,轴承为简单的滚珠轴承,用自身的压缩空气压油提供油雾润滑。可以用透平油,或低粘度的机械润滑油。FD3-64的设计合理的利用压气机的空气,将温度控制在600度以下,从而保证各部件的强度。在运行中我们要注意发动机的温度不能超高。4.fd3-64能推多重的模型,国内造价要多少?对于航模飞机来说,0.5的推重比完成各种特技动作都已够了,这台发动机的设计推力约3kg力,也就是说,你的航模总重达6kg在飞行中都没问题。按fd3-64r材料本身来说不值钱,不锈钢在国内100元就买齐了,主要是加工费用问题,可能是材料的数倍。Starting the engine 启动发动机All e

9、ngines require a large volume of air to start them. Some like the AMT and JPX use scuba tanks. The home-built enginesmostly are started with a fan held on the air intake. The fan can be a converted hairdryer fitted with a more powerful motor.The alternative is to use a high revving small electric mo

10、tor onto a friction cup. The supplementary gas is lighted and the fanincreases the revs . The liquid fuel is slowly fed in until the engine speed picks up and the engine self sustains. It can get hotwhen starting if too much fuel is fed in to quickly. With practice starting is simple and undramatic

11、, there should be no flamesvisible either during starting or running.所有的引擎需要大量的空气,引导他们。一些喜欢该和JPX使用呼吸器的坦克。home-built引擎的主要是开始一个风机进气上举行的。本风机可改装吹风机配有一个更强大的电机。另一种办法是使用高经济上小电动马达摩擦杯。补充气体是明亮的风扇增加的转速。液体燃料是美联储在慢慢直到发动机转速回升,引擎自我维持。它会变得炎热,当开始如果太多的燃料是美联储在快速。与实践的简单、undramatic开始,不应该有任何的火焰不论是在启动或运行可见。Controlling the

12、 speed 控制速度This is achieved by the use of a speed controller that controls the fuel pump motor. When bench testing it is more convenientto control the speed by a hand operated controller such as a minidrill speed controller rather than use a transmitter receiverand speed controller. When mounted in

13、a plane a motor speed controller is used or if available a fully programmed ECU.Overspeed should be controlled by a combination of battery power and pump pressure so that whatever happens to thereceiver or transmitter the supply of fuel is restricted.Underspeed can be controlled via a pressure switc

14、h that stops the engine if pressure drops below a pre determined point.这是取得了采用调速控制器控制油泵电机。当长凳上进行测试,更为方便来控制速度控制器由手动操作,如minidrill速度控制器,而不是用发射机接收机和速度控制器。当安装在一个平面马达调速控制器采用可编程或者一个完全控制单元(ECU)控制。超速应控制相结合的电池电源和泵压,无论发生什么事。接收和发射机的燃料供应是受限的。Underspeed可以通过压力开关控制发动机停止,如果压力降到一个预确定的观点。What is a sensible rev limit?

15、转速控制In the Kamps book there is full detail on how to calculate the critical speed for the shaft. The speed will depend on the materialthe shaft is made of and the thickness as well as the weight of the compressor and turbine and their positions. In practiceengines with a 316 or 310 stainless steel t

16、urbine should have the revs restricted to about 75,000 rpm. Above this speed thematerial will expand and cause it to bind on the housing. The Kamps engine is limited to about 103,000rpm and the newSchreckling at 117,000rpm. The higher the revs the more need there is for the engine being well balance

17、d.在Kamps书有充分的细节如何计算轴的临界转速。速度将取决于该材料轴是由厚度和重量以及涡轮和压缩机和他们的位置。在实践中引擎以316或310不锈钢涡轮转速限制应该约75000转/分钟。以上这样的速度,资料将扩大而导致它绑在住房。Kamps引擎是有限的大约103000转速与新的Schreckling在117000转/分钟。 转速越高越需要对发动机被良好的平衡。How do I balance the engine? 如何做动平衡Simple static balancing has proved to be adequate. The method in the Kamps book pro

18、duces good results. He uses a tube thatcontains 2 new bearings and the shaft to be balanced. This is laid on a flat surface such as a piece of glass and is rocked to andfro until the heavy point reaches the bottom. This is marked and a little is ground away on the heavy side. When the shaft isbalanc

19、ed the compressor is balanced. Though this is from the factory the balance has in practice found not to be accurateenough. The compressor is removed and the turbine wheel is fitted and this is balanced . The blades can be thinned or theroots can be ground away slightly to reduce the weight.简单的静态平衡已被

20、证明是充足的。该方法在Kamps书产生好的结果。他用一根管子包含了两个新的轴承和轴平衡。这是放在一个平坦的表面如一块玻璃,被摇直到重点到达走来底部。这是明显和一点点地走在重型的一面。当轴平衡的压缩机是平衡的。虽然这是来自这家工厂已经在实践中找到平衡不准确够了。压缩机去除的涡轮轮装置,这是平衡的。刀片可以变薄的或根可减少磨损轻微的重量。How do I make the turbine wheel? 如何制作涡轮The early wheels are made from sheet that is slit and twisted to the correct angle and profil

21、ed by hand minigrinder. Betterwheels can be ground from thick discs. This is time consuming but will give better results particularly with Inconel. Cast Inconelwheels are becoming available now for those that do not feel they have the skill to make one.Are the engines noisy?If you stand close to a g

22、as turbine you will find the noise level greater than a piston engine. However in the air the noise isdissipated so that it is much less obtrusive than a piston engine. Indeed if a piston engine and a turbine are flying together it isdifficult to hear the turbine at all.How do I weld stainless steel

23、? 早期的轮子是由单狭缝,是扭曲的角度和用手minigrinder异形。更好的轮子可以地从厚的光盘。这是耗时的,但会让更好的结果,尤其是因科镍合金。因科镍合金铸造轮子成为自由身现在对于那些不觉得他们有本事。是引擎吵吗?如果你站得很近,你会发现一个燃气轮机的噪音水平比活塞发动机。然而在空气噪声驱散,所以它比活塞队的一个突出的要少得多的发动机。事实上如果活塞发动机和涡轮飞在一起很难听到涡轮。我怎么焊接不锈钢?如何焊接不锈钢This is not a skill everyone can acquire. Thin stainless can be spot-welded so this cover

24、s the combustion chamber. The NGVassembly will require TIG welding. TIG sets are expensive and it may be necessary to find a specialist welder used to weldingstainless steel to do the welding for you.What instrumentation will I need?At the very least when testing you will need a vacuum gauge that ca

25、n measure up to 1 bar and a temperature gauge that canmeasure up to 1000deg C. A kitchen scales will provide thrust measurements. A rev counter can be made from the design inthe newsletter. It is helpful also to be able to measure the fuel pump pressure but this needs a scale up to 3 bar.What thrust

26、 will I get? 这不是一种技巧每个人都能获得。薄不锈钢点焊因此可以涵盖燃烧室。在NGVTIG焊接装配要求。TIG集相当昂贵,而且它可能需要找到一个专业焊机用于焊接不锈钢的焊接。我需要什么仪器吗?最起码当测试你将需要一个能够测量真空规1酒吧和温度计能达到1000度c将提供一个厨房秤推力测量。一个转速计算器可以由设计这个通讯。这是很有用的,也能测量油泵压力,但是这需要扩大到3酒吧。我能得到什么推力?推力是多大?This depends on the design that you make. The detailed specification is set out in the pag

27、es for each design but you can expectto get between 5.3lbs and 16.6 lbs.这取决于你的设计。详细规格是制定的页面,为每个设计但你可以看到到5.3磅和16.6磅之间。How much will it cost? 做涡喷的费用是多少?This will depend on how able you are to get scraps from you local welders/machine shop! The Schreckling FD3 64 is verycheap to build and would cost probably no more than 100. The other designs that have turbochargers and cast wheels willbe more expensive - perhaps 300- 400.这将取决于能得到你当地的焊工下脚料/机械店!64年的Schreckling FD3非常激动人心便宜,花费大概不超过100。其他设计有涡轮增压器和铸造轮子会变得更加的昂贵也许300 - 400。

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