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1、经典英语句子大全经典英语句子大全导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、想你了,想躺在你怀里,安心的趴在你身上晒太阳,想你狠狠的抱着我搂着我疼着我。Think of you, want to lie in your arms, comfortably lying on your body to bask in the sun, think of you ruthlessly hug me, hug me and hurt me.2、现在的女生不能爱,老是表面心里坏,他说爱你一辈子,其实爱你一整子。Nowadays girls cant love, they alwa

2、ys have a bad heart on the surface. He said that he loves you all his life, but in fact he loves you all his life.3、如果不想浪费光阴的话,要么静下心来读点书,要么去赚点钱。这两点对你将来都有用。If you dont want to waste your time, either settle down to read or make some money. These two points will help you in the future.4、在什么都不确定的年代,我们总

3、是爱得太早、放弃得太快,轻易付出。In an age of uncertainty, we always love too early, give up too quickly, and pay easily.5、男人思念一个人,是在酒后半醉的时候;女人思念一个人,是在深夜失眠的时候。Men miss a person when they are half drunk after drinking; women miss a person when they are insomnia at night.6、爱是一念之差,最幸福的不过是,你曾温柔呼唤,而我恰好有过应答。Love is a dif

4、ference of thought. The happiest thing is that you called softly and I happened to answer.7、当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。When fantasy and reality are faced, it is always painful. Either you are knocked down by pain, or you trample on it.8、“后来”这个词,概括了所有我们不想要改变,却又面目全非了的事。The word later sums up

5、 all the things that we dont want to change but are totally different from each other.9、我可以一直傻下去,但绝不会傻到连自己都陌生,所以,别己他人的善良,欺骗自己的智商。I can be foolish all the time, but I will never be so foolish as to be unfamiliar with myself, so dont deceive my IQ by being kind to others.10、无论是活着还是死去的人,在我心里同样都是无可取代,就算

6、时光覆盖。Whether alive or dead, in my heart is also irreplaceable, even if time covers.11、不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。Not every effort will bring gains, but every effort must be made, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.12、曾经的我爱你不留余地,付出了全部,如今的你伤我伤的彻彻底底。Once I loved you and gav

7、e everything, now you hurt me thoroughly and thoroughly.13、多少人活着却如同死去,多少人爱着却如同分离,多少人笑着却满含泪滴。How many people live as if they were dead, how many people love as if they were separated, and how many people laugh but are full of tears.14、年华消失不见,你是我猜不到的不知所措我是你想不到的无关痛痒。Years are gone, youre at a loss I ca

8、nt guess. Im an irrelevant itch that you never imagined.15、真丑恶不比假善美要漂亮什么,既是如此,就别再引以为荣挂在嘴头上了。True ugliness is no more beautiful than hypocrisy, goodness and beauty. If so, dont be proud to talk about it.16、总是在深夜时想起你,也总在阳光明媚时忘记你,不是因为不爱你,只是把你藏在了心底。Always think of you in the middle of the night, always

9、forget you in the sunshine, not because you dont love you, just hide you in the bottom of my heart.17、人间的事往往如此,当时提起痛不欲生,几年之后,也不过是一场回忆而已。This is often the case in human life, when it comes to pain, a few years later, it is just a memory.18、青春里有开心,有难过,有成功,有失败,但现在外面要和他说再见了。Youth has happiness, sorrow,

10、success and failure, but now I want to say goodbye to him outside.19、女人出不出轨,取决于她的男人。男人出不出轨,取决于有没有机会。Its up to her man to cheat on a woman. Mens derailment depends on whether they have a chance or not.20、善良并不是软弱,温柔并不是妥协,在这个嘈杂的世界中,不慌不忙地成长。Kindness is not weakness, gentleness is not compromise, in this

11、 noisy world, grow up in a hurry.21、去看你想看的人吧,趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁你还年轻,趁他还未老。Go and see the person you want to see, while the sun is shining, while the breeze is quiet, while you are young, while he is not old.22、记忆想是倒在掌心的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。Memory is the water that falls in the palm of your hand.

12、 Whether you open it or hold it tightly, it will eventually drip clean from your fingers.23、人生就像是一道多项选择题,困扰你的,往往是众多的选择项,而不是题目本身。Life is like a multiple-choice question. Its often a lot of choices that bother you, not the topic itself.24、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。Leave, make things simple, peop

13、le kind, like a child, we start again.25、朋友请你吃饭,不要觉得理所当然,请礼尚往来,否则你的名声会越来越差。Friends invite you to dinner, dont take it for granted, please courtesy, otherwise your reputation will become worse and worse.26、当你发现你有过最爱的时候,你会发现你不会再轻易爱上另外一个人。When you find that you have loved the most, you will find that y

14、ou will not easily fall in love with another person.27、为你的表面而来的人,也会为别的表面而走。只有为你心而来的人,那才会长久。People who come for your surface will go for other surfaces. Only those who come for your heart will last.28、我有没有跟你说过爱是我不变的信仰,我有没有告诉过你爱就是永远把一个人放在心上。Did I tell you that love is my unchanging belief? Did I tell

15、you that love is to always put a person in mind?29、一个男人的最大成功,就是在把家人照顾好的情况下,依旧能够实现自己的梦想。A mans greatest success is to take good care of his family and still be able to realize his dream.30、船过水无痕,世间事,看淡了,便无味了,就真的无畏了,也就无所谓了。The boat crosses the water without trace, the world affairs, see light, it is t

16、asteless, it is really fearless, it does not matter.31、每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的。Everyone is a king, in his own world domineering, you do not listen to me, but you do not let me listen to you.32、爱情是游戏,有些人玩不起,有些人就算玩旳一身伤疤还是要继续玩。Love is a game, some people can not play, some people even p

17、lay a scar or continue to play.33、喜欢可以很多个,爱只有一个。所以不要认为我很花心,其实我只爱你一个。Like can be many, love only one. So dont think Im a flower, in fact, I only love you one.34、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。You will never see me when I am most lonely, because only when you are not around me, I am most lonely.

18、35、世界这么大,人生这么长,总会有这么一个人,让你想要温柔相待。The world is so big, life is so long, there will always be such a person, let you want to treat each other gently.36、打着真性情的旗号,去做一些不顾别人感受的事,其实只是没教养且情商低。Under the banner of true temperament, to do something regardless of other peoples feelings, in fact, is not educated

19、 and low EQ.37、爱情和时光一样都是一条单行道,总是想要的很多,得到的却嫌少。Love, like time, is a one-way street, always want a lot, but get too little.38、有没有人和我一样总是到他的空间看心情,明明知道他心情写的那个人不是自己。Is there anyone like me who always goes to his space to see his mood and knows clearly that the person he writes about is not himself?39、世界上

20、的男人能够为女人做三件事情,爱她们,为她们受苦,把她们变成文学。Men in the world can do three things for women, love them, suffer for them and turn them into literature.40、很多时候,做事是没有理由的,就是要这么做,认定的一定要达成。In many cases, there is no reason to do things, that is, to do so, the determination must be achieved.41、为了你我已伤痕累累经不起你再次的打击,也许分手是最

21、好的选择。For you and I have been scarred and unable to withstand your next blow, maybe breaking up is the best choice.42、不要因为一段感情,就彻底的对爱情失去占有欲,步入黑暗的角落。Dont completely lose possession of love because of a relationship and go into a dark corner.43、有些东西,需要放弃,才能得到;有些爱,也需要放手,才看得到。Some things, need to give up

22、, to get; some love, also need to let go, to see.44、有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。Sometimes, the same thing, we can comfort others, but can not convince ourselves.45、选爱人不需要太多标准,只要这三样:不骗你,不伤害你,陪着你!There are not too many criteria for choosing a lover, as long as there are three things: dont cheat you,

23、 dont hurt you, accompany you!46、当你被别人善待时,请记住这一切;当你善待别人时,请忘记这一切。When you are treated kindly by others, remember all this; when you are treated kindly by others, forget all this.47、也许有一天,我会真的忘了你;也许有一天,我的身边会有另一个她代替你。Maybe one day, I will really forget you; Maybe one day, there will be another one besi

24、de me to replace you.48、做人最失败的莫过于唐僧,身边的人不管是敌是还是友都想送他上西天。The most defeated person in life is Tang Seng. People around him, whether enemies or friends, want to send him to the west.49、渐渐的知道了,很多东西可遇而不可求,不属于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。Gradually, I learned that many things can be met but can not be sought. They do not

25、belong to me. Why do you care about them desperately?50、我愿意消失在你的世界里,一步步徘徊,我们就相爱到这里,各奔东西。I would like to disappear in your world, wandering step by step, we love each other here, running things.51、我怀旧,因为我看不到未来。上天给我们安排了命运,却忘记了给我们说明书。Im nostalgic, because I cant see the future. God arranged our fate, b

26、ut forgot to give us instructions.52、心情不好时,要经常告诉自己,世界很大,机会很多,人生很短,不要蜷缩在一小块阴影里。When you are in a bad mood, you should always tell yourself that the world is big, there are many opportunities and life is short. Dont curl up in a small shadow.53、今生我已领略你的狠心与绝情,若有来生,我会做好准备,再寻你的心。I have appreciated your c

27、ruelty and despair in this life. If there is an afterlife, I will be ready to find your heart again.54、我们的童年充满了,关于秋千的回忆。它带着我们冲向蓝天,还没过瘾又降下来。Our childhood is full of memories of swings. It took us to the blue sky, and it came down before we had any addiction.55、最后我流着眼泪,看他抱着你的背,我的想念你看不见,你的另一个世界多美。Final

28、ly, I shed tears, see him holding your back, my miss you can not see, your other world is beautiful.56、喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。Like your smile, like looking at you quietly, my sadness like a cloud flew away.57、人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现出来。Life is like a field that has just snowed. W

29、here do you choose to walk, every footprint of you will appear.58、人的一生中总有一次令人感动的深情,就像你触碰到心底一根最美妙的琴弦。There will always be a touching feeling in ones life, just like you touch the most beautiful string in your heart.59、后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。Regret is a spiritual drain. Regret is a g

30、reater loss than loss, a greater error than error. So dont regret it.60、不要在谁爱上一个人的时候阻止,陷入爱情的人你的话终究只是梦人说痴。Dont stop when someone falls in love with you. Those who fall in love are just dreamers.61、刻意去找的东西,往往是找不到的。天下万物的来和去,都有他的时间。Deliberately looking for things, often can not be found. Everything in t

31、he world has its time to come and go.62、我以为爱情可以填满人生的遗憾。然而,制造更多遗憾的。却偏偏是爱情。I think love can fill the regret of life. Nevertheless, more regrets have been created. But its love.63、两个人在一起多久并不重要,重要的是你有没有在这个人心里待过。It doesnt matter how long two people are together. It matters whether you have been in this persons heart or not.64、所谓成熟就是,你要习惯任何人的忽冷忽热,也要看淡任何人的渐行渐远。The so-called maturity is that you have to get used to everyones cold and hot, but also look at

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