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1、X X X X X X X X 学 院 毕 业 论 文题目:论商品房消费者权益的保护系 部: 工程管理系 专 业:房地产经营与估价学 号: 学 生: 指导教师: 起止日期:22目 录中文摘要I英文摘要II引 言11 商品房消费者权益的内涵及特点21.1商品房消费者权益的内涵21.2在商品房买卖中消费者的权益的特点32 商品房消费者权益受损现象52.1商品房质量不过关52.2 商品房面积缩水52.4 商品房价格虚高62.5 房屋产权证书难办理63 商品房消费者权益受损原因63.1商品房消费者的劣势地位63.2房地产商追逐暴利74 房地产市场存在一系列问题84.1商品房一级市场发展过热84.2官商

2、结合,幕后操作84.3房地产业融资渠道相对单一85 对商品房消费者权益进行保护的必要性96 我国商品房消费者权益法律保护的现状及不足106.1商品房消费者权益法律保护现状106.2商品房消费者权益保护法律制度的不足106.3 司法解释的不足106.4 相关法律制度存在冲突106.5 立法层次低,法规、规章居多117 完善商品房消费者权益保护机制的建议12结 论20参考文献21致 谢22中文摘要论商品房消费者权益的保护摘要近年来,随着我国房地产经济的发展和住房制度改革的深入,房地产交易同趋频繁、活跃,商品房消费也成为许多人一生中较为重要的消费行为。然而我国商品房市场中种种不规范现象导致商品房消费



5、费者;权益保护;完善英文摘要Protection of Commercial Apartment Consumers Right and Interests AbstraCt With the development of chinas feal estate and the deepening of the refonIl of the housing system,the real estate trade aduaUy becomes multifarious and actiVe, and commercial apanmem consumption becomes more aIld

6、 more lmportant in peoples personal ConsumptionHowever,the various nonstandard phenomenon of merchandise building market in our country damages the fight to life and property safety and the rigllt to be fair traded of the consumersTtIle real estate market disordef has not been fundamentany resolved

7、which has a serious impact on the realization of the basic existence right of the consumers and limits the broad masses of the people to funher improve the standard of livingThis condition not only violates the existence interests of consumer but also influences the development of the real estate in

8、dustry d deepening of refbm of urban housjng systIt is so u ent that we should stren hen the protection of commefcial apanment consumer T1lis dissenation firstly studies the commercial apartment Consumers rights and interests and analvses the connotation and characteristic of commercial apanment con

9、sumers ri ts and interestsSecondlythrou obslving some concrete problems about encroaching on consumers rigllts d interests in the commercial apartment business,this dissenation analyses the reason of the problemConsumers weak persn status in the market economy,imperfection of the law the inefIectiVe

10、 supefvision and maIlagement of real estate market, housing markets own characteristicS lead to above problems len the anide put fb ard the necessity to the protection of merchandise building consumer ri ts7nle anicle points out there exist many faults in the protection of consumer ri s and interest

11、s in real estatc trmsactions, such the biguous subject d me impellfbct context of the consumers,rigllt in the law of PRC, d there cXist much deteriorate Conflict between the Law of the PRC on the ProtecItion of the Ri ts d Interests of Consumers alld the commercial house trade law and mles,and so on

12、Ill response to these circumstances, the anicle finally provides legislation protection, judicial protection, social protection as weU govemment protection to strengthen the protection of consumer ri ts,with a view to the establishment of community。wide coverage of the a11Round, threedimensional pro

13、tection system, and feduce the vioIation of legitimate rigIlts and interests of consumers in the rcaI estatetransactionsEven if the developers haVe the behaviors of Violating the legitimate rights and interests of consumers,consumers are able to protect their own legitimate ri ts and interests accor

14、ding the releVant ,and so as to promote the protection of consumer rights,and to promote the Chinas real estate and even the entire national economy haVe a healthy and orderly development.Keywords: Commercial Apartment Consumer;Protection of Right and Interest;引 言近年来,随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和住房制度改革的不断深化,商品房消


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