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1、公共英语三级无听力原文1公共英语三级-(无听力原文1(总分:110.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:2,分数:10.00)(分数:5.00)(1).What do we learn from the conversation?(分数:1.00)A.Henry doesnt like the color.B.Someone else painted the house.C.There was no ladder in the house.D.Henry painted the ho

2、use himself.解析:解析 推理题。从对话中可知Henry叫别人帮他粉刷了房子(“he had it painted”),因为他不喜欢爬梯子。因此答案是B。(2).How much does the stereo cost now?(分数:1.00)A.$1000B.$800C.$820D.$960解析:解析 本题是计算题。因为一周前是$800,而现在“go up(上升)”了20%,因此是$960。(3).What does the man mean?(分数:1.00)A.David only does half of the work.B.David gets the promoti

3、on earlier than Carol.C.Carol works more than David.D.Carol should get the promotion.解析:解析 推理题。根据对话所说“Carol在工作中比David更细心认真”,可见Carol应该升职。所以答案是D。(4).What country does Suzanne presently call her home?(分数:1.00)A.America.B.England.C.Switzerland.D.Sweden.解析:解析 细节题。从对话可知,Suzanne现在是England居民,所以她现在可以称England

4、为她的家。所以答案是B。(5).What will the woman do?(分数:1.00)A.Go to the airport anyway.B.Make a new reservation at the hotel.C.Take another plane.D.Go there by train instead.解析:解析 推理题。女士说她会给机场打电话并换飞机票,因此结果当然是她会乘坐另一架飞机走,即答案C。(分数:5.00)(1).What did the man do last weekend?(分数:1.00)A.He called up his sister.B.He we

5、nt to Shanghai.C.He visited his sister.D.He stayed at home.解析:解析 问题的关键是男方所说:I went to Shanghai instead.可知他实际上是去了上海。故答案为B。(2).What is Star Wars?(分数:1.00)A.A book about science.B.A love story.C.A good play.D.A science-fiction film.解析:解析 解答此题需要透彻理解女方所说内容。她说we could,意思就是说可以去看Star Wars,随后她又说I dont really

6、 like science-fiction films,可知她并不喜欢科幻类型的电影,可知Star Wars其实是science-fiction film。故答案为D。(3).What has happened to Bob?(分数:1.00)A.He has retired.B.He has fallen ill.C.He has gone for a business.D.He has been late for work.解析:解析 问题的对应句子是Hes gone with a bad cold. 也就是说He has fallen ill.故答案为B。(4).Who is the w

7、oman talking with?(分数:1.00)A.A waiter.B.A bus conductor.C.A shop assistant.D.A taxi driver.解析:解析 根据对话整体内容,可知对话发生在服务场所,所以男方的角色应该是waiter,故答案为A。(5).What does the woman advise the man to do?(分数:1.00)A.Repair the car himself.B.Sell the car and take a train to work.C.Sell his old car and buy a new one.D.F

8、ind a new repair shop.解析:解析 问题关键是理解短语:trading it in for a new one,意思是卖掉原来的,重新买一辆。故答案为C。三、Part B(总题数:4,分数:15.00)Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. (分数:3.00)(1).Whats the chief duty of every government?(分数:1.00)A.To protect per

9、sons and property.B.To collect taxes.C.To teach and train citizens.D.To save natural resources for future use.解析:解析 题干问:“每个政府的主要职责是什么?”听力材料的第二段“The chief duty of every government is to protect persons and property.”,指明政府的首要职责是保障人身和财产的安全。所以本题的答案选A。(2).How did the government raise money in the past?(分

10、数:1.00)A.By selling services that make life comfortable.B.By selling land containing oil.C.By selling public lands.D.By selling coal and other natural products.解析:解析 题干问:“政府在过去如何筹集资金?”听力材料的第三段“years ago the government made money from the sale of public lands.”,这与选项C的意思一致。所以本题答案选C。(3).What is the pas

11、sage mainly about?(分数:1.00)A.Environmental pollution and protection.B.Taxes and services for the public.C.Policy efforts to protect people.D.Peoples attitude toward taxes.解析:解析 题干问:“这篇文章主要讲的是什么内容?”听力材料讲述的是与公众有关的税收和服务问题,所以答案选B。Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. Questions 14 to 17

12、are based on the following passage. (分数:4.00)(1).Which of the following Presidents is not represented in this magnificent sculpture?(分数:1.00)A.Abraham Lincoln.B.Thomas Jefferson.C.Franklin Roosevelt.D.George Washington.解析:解析 该题需要考生仔细听短文原文,并做好相关关键词笔记。原文当中分别提及了:Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy

13、 Roosevelt和George Washington,但是没有提及Franklin Roosevelt。故答案为C。(2).How old was Gutson Borglum when he died?(分数:1.00)A.27 years old.B.60 years old.C.40 years old.D.74 years old.解析:解析 该题属于计算题,需要考生从原文当中仔细寻找线索。原文当中提及:Gutson Borglum spent 14 years, Borglum began this monumental task when he was sixty years

14、old,以及Upon Borglums death, his son continued the project until the funding ran out。由上述细节综合可知,他去世时的年龄应该是60+14=74岁。故答案为D。(3).How can the figures of Mount Rushmore best be described?(分数:1.00)A.They bear little resemblance to the people they represent.B.The figures are gigantic, but too serious.C.They p

15、ortray the characteristics of the people they represent.D.Because they are old and weather-beaten, the faces are disfigured.解析:解析 由文章第一句当中的the grand and life like figures of four of Americas greatest presidents可知,这些雕像刻画出了人物的特征。故答案为C。(4).Which of the following is NOT true?(分数:1.00)A.This magnificent

16、work of art is located very high in the Black Hills.B.Four American Presidents have been sculpted as a lasting memorial to their leadership.C.It took 14 years to complete the project.D.Gutson Borglum was near retirement age when he began his project.解析:解析 该题属于细节题。需要考生记住文章具体内容。其中ABD选项都可以从原文找到线索。而文中提及

17、Gutson Borglum spent 14 years,但是随后他的儿子还花费了一部分时间才完成该工程。所以C项不符合原文意思。故答案为C。Questions 18 to 21 are based on the following passage. Questions 18 to 21 are based on the following passage. (分数:4.00)(1).What are the greatest events in human life?(分数:1.00)A.Birth, education and work.B.Birth, marriage and ret

18、irement.C.Birth, marriage and death.D.Education, work and death.解析:解析 该题属于细节题。答案可以直接在听力原文当中找到。短文开头就说Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest events in human life。故答案为C。(2).In which of the three events do we have a choice?(分数:1.00)A.Work.B.Death.C.Marriage.D.Education.解析:解析 原文说到we have a cho

19、ice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry.可知我们能够选择的只有第二件事,也就是婚娴。故答案为C。(3).How do the three events differ around the world?(分数:1.00)A.The characteristics of the three events.B.The way these events are celebrated.C.The relationship among the three.D.The time to celebrate these

20、events.解析:解析 原文相关线索句子为:The only thing that differs in each society is the way these events are celebrated, but all societies share common characteristics,可知唯一的差异之处是庆祝的方式。故答案为B。(4).Which event is a time of sorrow to human beings?(分数:1.00)A.Birth.B.Death.C.Illness.D.Marriage.解析:解析 根据原文可知,出生和结婚都是人生一大喜事

21、,都值得高兴,可以排除AD,虽然生病也不是好事,但和死亡比起来,后者会更让人悲伤一些,答案选B。Questions 22 to 25 are based on the following passage. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the following passage. (分数:4.00)(1).Whose dog was Gelert?(分数:1.00)A.Of the Prince of Scotland.B.Of the Prince of England.C.Of the Prince of Ireland.D.Of the Prince o

22、f Wales.解析:解析 题干问:“盖勒特是谁的狗?”听力材料第一句“More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog, Gelert.”可知本题的答案选D。(2).What did the Prince tell his dog to do when hes leaving?(分数:1.00)A.To watch the door.B.To take care of his baby at home.C.To welcome his friends.D.To stop th

23、e strangers.解析:解析 题干问:“当王子离开的时候,他叫他的狗做什么?”材料中说“He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.”,即他叫他的狗照看他的儿子,所以本题的答案选B。(3).Where was the Prince surprised to see blood?(分数:1.00)A.On Gelerts jaws.B.On Gelerts paws.C.On Gelerts head.D.On Gelerts jaws and head.解析:解析 题干问:“这位王子吃惊地看见哪里有血?”材料中说

24、“Then the Prince saw blood on Gelerts jaws and head.”,所以本题的答案选D。(4).Which of the following is true?(分数:1.00)A.The babys calling to the dog told the prince that it was an unfaithful dog.B.At last the prince found his son in the cradle.C.In fact the dog had killed a wolf which was eating the baby.D.Ev

25、er since he realized what he had done, the prince never recovered from his sorrow.解析:解析 题干问:“下面哪项是正确的?”材料的大致意思是说,王子叫他的狗照看他的儿子,当王子回来发现狗嘴上和头上有血,且他的儿子不见了的时候,以为是狗吃了它的儿子,就把狗杀了,然而他儿子在外面的哭叫声说明他的儿子还活着,是王子错怪了狗,王子因此一直很悲伤。根据上面对文章的分析可知本题的答案D是正确的。四、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:20.00)After 20 years of marriage

26、, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a 1 for words? How can she 2 the names of a couple they met on 3 years ago? Now we know 4 to tell him: Its her brain. Although there are obviously cultural 5 for the differences in emotions and behavior, 6 breakthrough res

27、earch reveals that the 7 of many puzzling differences between men and women may 8 in the head. Mens and womens brains 9 much in common, but they are definitely not the same 10 size, structure or insight. Broadly speaking, a womans brain, like her body, is ten to fifteen percent smaller than a mans,

28、11 the regions dedicated to the language may be more densely 12 with brain cells. Girls generally speak earlier and read faster. The reason may be 13 females use both sides of the brain when they read. In 14 , males rely only on the left side. At every age, womens memories 15 mens. They have a great

29、er ability to 16 names with faces than men do, and they are 17 at recalling list. The events people remember best are those that an emotion is attached to. 18 women use more of their right brains, which 19 emotions, they may do this automatically. While we dont yet know what all these findings imply

30、, one thing is 20 : Male and female brains do the same things, but they do them differently.(分数:20.00)A.lossB.puzzleC.slipD.failure解析:解析 本题考查词语的固定搭配。loss的意思是“困惑不解,茫然失措”,a loss for words是同定搭配,意思是“茫然而语塞”,所以本题的答案选A。A.realizeB.understandC.recallD.perceive解析:解析 本题考查对词语的理解。realize意识到;understand理解,明白;recal

31、l回忆,想起;perceive认识,理解;从文章来看,这里显然是指妻子能记得多年前遇到的人的名字。故选C。A.festivalB.holidayC.occasionD.event解析:解析 本题考查对文章的理解。从四个选项来看,on holiday是固定用法,意为“在休假中(在度假)”。故选B。A.whenB.howC.whatD.where解析:解析 本题主要考查引导词的用法。从后面的“its her brain”可知,空格处应填的词引导的是名词性短语,what可以引导名词性短语或从句,所以答案C符合要求。when引导时间状语从句;how引导方式状语从句;where引导地点状语或定语从句。A.sensesB.meaningsC.purposesD.reasons

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