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1、Unit5Unit6Unit 6 There are four seasons in a yearLesson 31一、为下列单词选择正确的中文。 ( ) A.草地 B.绿色。 ( )2.little A.点燃 B.一点。二、根据要求写单词。1、warm(比较级) 2、long(比较级) 3、leaf(复数) 4、kite(复数) 5、enjoy(三单形式) 6、get(三单形式) 三、选词填空。There are (fourth ,four) seasons in a year. Spring is the (first, second)season. In China, sp

2、ringtime (begin, begins) around March. It is still (a ,an) little cold , but it (get, gets) warmer and warmer, and the days (get, gets) longer (and, or) longer.前置作业检查情况: Lesson 32一、翻译。1、farm the land 2、go on spring outings 3、fly kites 二、填序号。( )1、Trees have new green leaves. A.春天是第一个季节。( )2、Spring is

3、 the first season . B.春天是什么样子的?( )3、Whats spring like ? C.鸟儿歌唱着欢迎春天的到来。( )4、Birds sing to welcome the spring . D. 树木长出了绿色的新叶。三、连词成句。1.a .lot .flowers .of .trees .on .the. peach .there .are .(.) . do .what .people .do .spring .(?) 前置作业检查情况: Lesson 33一、按要求写单词。1、hot (最高级) 2、second (基数词) 3、class (复

4、数形式) 4、holiday (复数形式) 5、begin(三单形式) 6、they (所有格) 二、选择正确答案。 ( )1.Summer is the season of the year . A. first B. third C.two D.second ( ) 2. Summer is the season of the year .A. coldest B.coolest C.hottest D. hotter ( ) 3. Some of them go on trips their parents. A. by B. with C. and D.of ( )4. Sometim

5、es there heavy rain . A. is B. are C .have D. has ( )5.In summer.,school close and students have holidays.A. his B. her C.their D.them .前置作业检查情况:Lesson34一、为下列英文单词选择正确的中文意思,将序号写在题前的括号里。( )1.season A.春天B.季节 ( )2. begin A.开始B.关闭( )3.weatherA.天气B.夏天 ( )4.rain A.下雪 B.下雨二、将下列英文短语或词组排序。go on a trip, summer

6、 camp, summer holidays, go swimming按“去游泳 进行一次旅行暑假夏令营”的顺序排列: 前置作业检查情况:Lesson 35一、 选出正确的英文单词,将序号写在题前的括号内。( )1.棕色的A green B.yellow C.brown D.colour( )2.冬天A. winter B.spring C.summer D.autumn( )3.白色的A. red D.white( )4.农民A. worker B.farmer D.fishman二、 按要求写单词。1.cold (反义词) 2.short

7、(反义词) 3.pick (ing形式) 4.snowman (复数) 三、中英文对照连线。1.The weather gets colder and colder. A.这个农民正在摘苹果。2.The farmers are busy harvesting. B.秋天是金色的季节。3.Winter is the last season of the year. C.当下雪的时候,所有东西都是白色的。4.Autumn is the golden season. D.天气变得越来越冷。5.This farmer is picking apples. E.农民们正忙着收割。6.When it sn

8、ows,everything is white. F.冬天是一年中的最后一个季节。前置作业检查情况:Lesson36一、按要求为下列英文短语或词组排序。pick apples, cut rice, make a snowman, sweep the snow按“堆雪人割稻子扫雪摘苹果”的顺序排列: 二、根据中文意思,连词成句。1. cold, it, often ,winter, is, and, snows.(冬天很冷,还经常下雪。) 2.have, holidays, summer, we. (我们过暑假。) 3.summer, talk, lets ,about. (让我们谈谈有关夏天的

9、事吧。) 4.the, season, is, third , autumn. (秋天是第三个季节。) 前置作业检查情况:Unit5 July is the seventh monthLesson 25一、把序号填入对应的括号里。( )1.Communist Party of China A.党员( )2.the Peoples Liberation Army B.中国共产党( )3.summer holidays C. 人民解放军( ) members D. 暑假二、根据常识, 补充完整下列句子。1. is the eighth month of the year.2. is

10、the seventh month of the year.3.The Peoples Liberation Army Day is on .4. is the birthday of the Communist Party of China.5.In August ,school . Students have their 前置作业检查情况:Lesson 26一、将下列中文翻译成正确的英文1、七十 2.八月 3.月 4.年 5.七月 6.第八 二、将下列英文单词或短语排序。Army Day, Childrens Day, the Partys birthday, Labour Day按节日的

11、时间先后顺序排列: Seventh, fifth, fourth, eighth, sixth按”第八第七第六 第五第四”的顺序排列: 前置作业检查情况:Lesson27一、把下列中文翻译成正确的英文。1.第九 2.第十 3.教师节 4.国庆节 5.庆祝 二、依顺序写出下列月份的左邻右舍。 1. February 2. July 3. August 4.March 5. June 6.September 三、选择题,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. September is ninth month of the year.A.a C.the D./( ) 2.Stude

12、nts go back school.A./ ) 3.They celebrate Teachers Day September C.of D.on( ) 4.October is the month of the year.A.tenth B.eighth C.ninth D.ten前置作业检查情况:Lesson 28一、将下列英文单词或短语排序1.September , August , October, July按月份的时间先后顺序排列: 2.Teachers Day, Army Day, the Partys birthda

13、y, National Day按”党的生日建军节教师节国庆节” 的顺序排列: 二、将下列英文句子翻译成中文。1. Teachers Day is on the September 10th. 2. September is the ninth month of the year. 3. October is the tenth month of the year. 4. Chinas National Day is on October 1st. 前置作业检查情况:Lesson 29一、把下列中文翻译成正确的英文。1. 第十一 2. 十一月 3. 最后的 4. 十二月 5. 第十二 6. 礼物

14、 7. 感恩节 8. 圣诞节 9. 圣诞老人 二、根据常识,将下列句子补充完整。 1. is the last month of the year. 2. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday of . 3. Christmas is on December .三、选择题,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。 ( ) 1. this picture, the family is celebrating Thanksgiving. A. At B. On C. In D. Above ( ) 2. The children have present

15、s Santa Claus. A. from B. to C. of D. by ( ) 3. November is the month of the year. A. twelfth B. eleventh C. eleven D. 11前置作业检查情况:Lesson 30一、翻译句子: 1. 十一月是一年里的第十一个月。 2. December is the twelfth and last month of the year. 二、下列每个句子均有错误,请分别改动一处写出两个正确的句子。1. February is the first month of the year. 2. November is the last month of the year. 3. October is the ninth month of the year. 4. May is the third month of the year. 前置作业检查情况:

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