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1、3套打包湘少版三年级下册英语期中检测试题含答案下学期期中考试三年级英语试题(附答案)听力部分1、听音,选出所听到的单词,涂黑字母序号(10分,每个2分)( )1.A.tall B .thin C. fat( )2.A.tiger B .lion C. monkey( ) B .basketball C. exercise( )4.A.swimming B. skipping C. riding( ) B. milk C. pear二、听音,判断,与图片相符的涂“A”,不相符的涂“B”(10分,每个2分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )

2、 5.( )三、听音,选择答语,涂黑字母序号(10分,每个2分)( )1.A.Its doll. B. Its the ABC song.( )2.A.Theyre elephants. B. Its a tiger. X( )3.A.Yes ,I do. B. Yes, he does.( )4.A.Here you are. B. Thank you.( )5.A.No,she isnt. B. No, he isnt.四、听音,标号(根据录音内容将下列图片用A、B、C、D、E标上新序号,并涂黑)(10分,每个2分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )五、听音连线(1

3、0分,每条线2分)1. Tom A. rice2. Ms Smart B. noodles3. Amy C. milk4. Mr Smart D. fish5. Sam E .meat读写部分6、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的那个单词,涂相应的字母序号(10分,每个2分)( ) 1.A. banana B. pear C . short ( ) 2.A. pencil B. book C. school ( ) 3. A. dog B. lion C. play( ) 4. A. class B. school C. pen ( ) 5. A. mother B. father C. tea

4、cher 七、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的涂A,不相同的涂B。(10分,每个2分)( )1.favourite baby ( )2.big like ( )3.does goes ( )4.colour home ( )5.ride tiger八、单项选择(18分,每个2分)( )1. Whats this? a tiger. A. Theyre B. Its C. Its( )2. Its _ elephant. A. a B. an C. the( )3. I _ apples A. like B. likes C. doesnt like( )4. This man t

5、all.A. is B. are C.on( )5. Does your Dad like rice? No, he .A. doesnt B. do C. dont( )6. I on Sundays. A. watch TV B. watches TV C. watching TV( )7. Pass the rice, please. A. me B.I C. my( )8. your favourite song? Its the ABC Song.A. What B. Whats C. Whos( )9.Ms Smart is _the phone with her friendA.

6、 at B. in C. on 九、完成对话。从方框中选择句子完成对话,涂相应的字母(10分,每个2分)A.I like basketballB. Good morningC.I like swimmingD. Its a footballE.I dont like footballPanpan : Good morning, Daming.Daming : _, Panpan. Look! Whats that?Panpan : _. I like football.Daming : But_. I like basketball.Panpan : _,too. And I also lik

7、e swimming.Daming : Great! _,too. Lets go swimming.Panpan : OK!一十、 将句子与描述的图片匹配,涂相应的序号。(12分,每个2分) A B C D E F( )1.The panda is big. ( )2.The panda is short.( )3.The panda is fat. ( )4.The panda is tall.( )5.The panda is small. ( )6.The panda is thin.十一、选择遗漏的单词,完成句子,涂相应的字母序号。(10分,每个2分) A. skipping B.

8、lions C. tall D. black E. fat1.My name is Xiaoyong . My favourite colour is_ .2.A:What are they? B: They are_. They are big.3.A: Whats this? B: Its a panda. Its_ .4. This man is short. That man is_.5.A:I like skipping. B:I like_, too.三年级英语听力原文一、 听音,选单词(10分,每个2分)1.fat 2.monkey 4.riding 5

9、.orange二、听音,判断(10分,每个2分)1.I like oranges2.I dont like bananas.3.Its a ball4.Theyre apples.5.Its an pear.三、听音,选择答语(10分,每个2分)1.Whats your favourite song?2.Whats this?3.Do you like pears?4.Here you are5.Is Sam at home?四、听音,标号(根据录音内容将下列图片用A、B、C、D、E标上新序号,并涂黑)(10分,每个2分)1.I like football2.I dont like play

10、basketball3.The boy likes riding his bike4.Do you like play table tennis?5.My family like morning exercises五、听音连线(10分,每条线2分)1、A:Do you like milk, Tom? B:Yes,I do.2、A:Do you like noodles, Ms Smart? B:No,I dont. I like rice.3、A:Do you like meat, Amy? B:Yes,I do.4、A:Do you like fish, Mr Smart? B:Yes,I

11、do.5、A:Do you like fish, Sam? B: No,I dont. I like noodles.三年级英语参考答案听力部分一十一、 听音,选单词(10分,每个2分)CCBCA一十二、 听音,判断(10分,每个2分) AAABB一十三、 听音,选择答语(10分,每个2分)BBABB四、听音,标号(根据录音内容将下列图片用A、B、C、D、E标上新序号,并涂黑)(10分,每个2分) CEBDA五、听音连线(10分,每条线2分) 1.Tom-milk2.Ms Smart-rice3.Amy-meat4.Mr Smart-fish5.Sam-noodles读写部分7、火眼金睛。找出

12、每组单词中不同类的那个单词,涂相应的字母序号(10分,每个2分)CCCCC8、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的涂A,不相同的涂B。(10分,每个2分)ABBBA八、单项选择(18分,每个2分)CBAA A AABC二、 完成对话。从方框中选择句子完成对话,涂相应的字母(10分,每个2分)BDEAC三、 将句子与描述的图片匹配,涂相应的序号。(12分,每个2分)DFAECB十一、选择遗漏的单词,完成句子,涂相应的字母序号。(10分,每个2分)DBECA期中测试卷A一、找出每组单词中画线部分法发音不同的词。( ) 1. A. shy B. why C. fifty ( ) 2. A.

13、 Friday B. kite C. big( ) 3. A. nice B. clever C. classroom( ) 4. A. Monday B. tomorrow C. mother( ) 5. A. dear B. pear C. bear( ) 6. A. mum B. Sunday C. blue二、排序。( ) OK.( ) One, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ( ) Look at the peaches on these trees. Lets count!( ) Im afraid we cant see all the peaches

14、.( ) No, we cant. I feel tried now.( ) All right! Lets go!三、翻译句子。1. Lets go home! _2. I feel tired now. _3. Ive got twelve peaches. _4. Thats a good idea! _5. On Tuesday. Ill play with my friends. _6. This is Maomao. _7. This book is about China. _8. My father is a farmer. _9. He wont fly his kite t

15、omorrow. _10. I dont like apples. _四、选择正确的回答。(1) How many apples will you pick? A. Its twenty-nine. (2) Will she go to Shanghai this weekend? B. Its a Big Ben.(3) Whats nine plus twenty? C. There are fifty-one. (4) Are you going to Xing Hai Park tomorrow? D. No, she wont.(5) What will you see at the

16、 zoo? E. Yes, I am. (6) Whats this? F. Ill see some animals.五、完成句子。1. 明天你将带着球去野炊吗?Will you _ the ball to the _ tomorrow?2. 星期一,我们将去游泳。On _, well _ _.3. 我们将摘48个苹果。Well _ forty-eight _.4. 你们七点吃早餐吗?是的。Will you _ _ at 7 am? Yes, I will.5. 现在是早晨六点钟,我们将去动物园。Now its _ am. Well _ to the _.6. 你们将看到塔桥,它很高。You

17、ll _ the _ _. Its very _.7. 他的数学不好,我要帮助他。He cant do _ well. Im going to _ him.六、阅读短文,判断正()误(),并将画线部分翻译成汉语。One day, a tiger sees a fox. He is very hungry and he wants to eat the fox. He says, “Fox, I am going to eat you today. I am very hungry now.” The fox is very scared (害怕的), but he is clever. He

18、says to the tiger, “I am strong, but you are weak (弱的). I am stronger than you. You cannot eat me.” The tiger asks, “Why?” The fox says, “Please walk after me. When the animals see me, they will run away because I am very strong and they dont want to eat me.” Then the tiger walks behind the fox. A r

19、abbit sees them. He runs away quickly. A bird sees them, and he flies away, too. A goat (山羊) sees them, and he runs away, too. Now, the tiger knows the fox is stronger than him, and he doesnt dare (敢) to eat the fox now.(1) The tiger is angry now. ( )(2) The tiger is going to eat the fox. ( )(3) The

20、 fox isnt stronger than the tiger. ( )(4) The fox is very clever. ( )(5) The tiger doesnt eat the fox. ( )(6) _七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。“George,” says his mother, “Please go to the shop and buy some eggs. But be careful (小心的), dont buy any bad ones.” Half an hour later, George comes back with a yellow plastic

21、 (塑料) basket. His mother takes the basket and looks inside (在里面). “Oh,” she says, “What is it?” “Eggs!” George says, “I break (打破) them all. No one is bad.”( ) (1) Georges mother asks George to buy some _. A. eggs B. foxes( ) (2) George comes back with a _ plastic basket. A. yellow B. red( ) (3) Geo

22、rge breaks all the eggs. The eggs are _. A. bad B. nice参考答案一、1-6 CCABAC二、621345三、1. 咱们回家吧!2. 我现在感觉累了。3. 我有12个桃子。4. 那是个好主意!5. 星期二我和朋友玩。6. 这是毛毛。7. 这本书是关于中国的。8. 我爸爸是农民。9. 明天他不放风筝。10. 我不喜欢苹果。四、(1)-(6) CDEFB五、1. take; picnic 2. Monday; go swimming 3. pick; peaches 4. have breakfast 5. six; go; zoo 6. see

23、; Tower Bridge; tall 7. Maths; help六、(1)-(5) (6) 现在老虎知道狐狸比他强,所以他不敢吃狐狸了。七、(1)-(3) AAA期中测试卷听力部分一、听录音,为下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,判断下列译文是否正确,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. 汤姆在美术教室里。( ) 2. 我们的教室在一楼。( ) 3. 你会写电子邮件吗?( ) 4. 我想去上学。( ) 5. 学校真无聊。三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. It is fun. B. This is fun.( ) 2. A. I listen t

24、o beautiful songs. B. I am listening to beautiful songs.( ) 3. A. We do activities. B. We can observe things.( ) 4. A. I have English and music. B. I have bread and milk.( ) 5. A. Its in the lake. B. Its on the plate.四、听录音,根据问句选答句。( ) 1. A. Mr Lee. B. Green.( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I cant.( ) 3.

25、A. I can play chess. B. Yes, I can play chess.( ) 4. A. He is in the computer room. B. It is on the second floor.( ) 5. A. We are going to play sports. B. They are going to sing songs.笔试部分一、根据图片把下列字母排列成正确的单词。1. d, n, c, a, e _2. w, d, a, r _3. s, s, c, e, h _4. m, o, h, e _5. b, l, l, o, o, a, t, f

26、_二、判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. A. room B. classroom( ) 2. A. hope B. hot( ) 3. A. name B. late( ) 4. A. where B. here( ) 5. A. my B. family( ) 6. A. we B. he( ) 7. A. class B. cane( ) 8. A. now B. know( ) 9. A. go B. to( ) 10. A. play B. day三、为下列图片选择合适的句子。( ) (1) A. I dont like snakes.( ) (2) B. Can you fly kites with me?( ) (3) C. I can write an email.( ) (4) D. Were going to swim on Friday.( ) (5) E. My favorite subject is science.四、连词成句。1. I, room, in, teachers, am, your, (.)_2. out, he, the, of, runs, doo

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