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1、最经典的英文句子最经典的英文句子导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。什么是陪伴,什么是心安,你就是答案。In fact, I am very sad, but proud not to let me say. What is companionship, what is peace of mind, you are the answer.2、我还记得第一次看到你的场景,那时的我并没想到现在你对我是那么重要。I remember seeing you for the first time. I didnt realize how i

2、mportant you were to me now.3、她没有你漂亮没有你聪明没有你细心,可是她是我这辈子都不愿放开的人。Shes not as beautiful as you, not as smart as you are, not as careful as you are, but shes the one Ive been reluctant to let go all my life.4、其实孩子气,也没什么不好。人总有一天会长大,何必成熟太早,失去太早。In fact, childish, there is nothing wrong with it. People wil

3、l grow up one day. Why mature too early and lose too early?5、你不开心,我也不会好受到哪儿去,这种程度上的心灵感应,算不算默契。If you are unhappy, I wont be easy to get anywhere. This kind of telepathy is not tacit agreement.6、时光不老,我们不散,天不会不蓝,我不会不在,致我最爱的那群二逼。Time is not old, we are not separated, the sky will not be blue, I will no

4、t be absent, to my favorite group of two forced.7、世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我隐身你在线,我在线却你隐身了。The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I hide you online, I hide you online.8、我想换个舒服的睡眠姿势,换来换去却发现最舒服的姿势就是拥着你睡。I want to change a comfortable sleeping position, but I find that the mo

5、st comfortable position is to sleep with you.9、其实我一直都爱着你啊!你能给我个机会么?让我用一辈子的时间守护你。In fact, I have always loved you! Can you give me a chance? Let me spend my life guarding you.10、据说两个人在一起久了,就会象左手和右手,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。It is said that two people together for a long time, will be like the left hand and right

6、hand, even if no longer in love will choose to stay together.11、我想人生中最难过的事情不是一直遇不见,而是遇见了,得到了,又被拿走。I think the saddest thing in life is not always missing, but meeting, getting, and being taken away.12、也许在未来的某一天我离开了你,也许在未来的某一天我们牵着手却白了头。Maybe one day in the future I left you, maybe one day in the futu

7、re we hold hands but white head.13、我喜欢你的时候,你说什么就是什么,我不喜欢你的时候,你说你是什么!What do you say when I like you? What do you say when I dont like you?14、有一颗流星在夜空里划出银亮的线条,就像在探寻着世界里最美好的未来。There is a meteor in the night sky to draw a bright silver line, as if in the search for the best future in the world.15、我们说好要

8、在下个路口和平分手,为什么还没有到路口我们就已经分手了。We agreed to break up peacefully at the next intersection. Why did we break up before we reached the intersection?16、一个不确定的明天,一个不知道的未来。突然好迷茫,但是要学会坚持。An uncertain tomorrow, an unknown future. Suddenly confused, but to learn to persevere.17、你驾着航船,不断追寻着人生的终点,路边的风景那么美,你却视而不见。

9、You are driving a boat, constantly pursuing the end of life, roadside scenery is so beautiful, but you turn a blind eye.18、我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如,冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。I like those shining things, such as winter snowflakes, stars in the sky, and your eyes.19、因为我爱你所以我拒绝了所有的人,我不希望到最后你会让我遍体鳞伤。Because I love you, I

10、 reject everyone. I dont want you to bruise me in the end.20、沉默是一个女孩子最大的哭声,当她不理人的时候,其实是受伤最深的人。Silence is the biggest cry of a girl. When she ignores others, she is actually the most injured person.21、回忆就像一根紧绷的弦,极力追忆过去,稍一不留神,就又回到了现实。Memory is like a tight string, trying to recall the past, a little i

11、nattentive, and then back to reality.22、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。The things we thought we would never forget were forgotten in the process of remembering them.23、对你的思念是一天又一天,美丽的梦何时才能出现,亲爱的:好想再见一面。I miss you day after day. When can a beautiful dream come true? Dear: I want to see you again.24

12、、我喜欢下雨。喜欢站在雨里淋湿了自己,因为这样就算你哭了也没人知道。I like rain. I like standing in the rain and getting wet, because nobody knows if you cry.25、乐观的生存,乐观的奋斗,只问耕耘,不问收获,这才是洒脱而坦荡的人生。Optimistic survival, optimistic struggle, only ask for cultivation, do not ask for harvest, this is a free and open life.26、一天一封写下的真心,隐藏在,最

13、后一句的爱意,却寄不到,你心的距离。One day a letter written down the sincerity, hidden in the last sentence of love, but can not send, the distance between your heart.27、从一出生就是这样一条不会回头的路。身边的都是过客。完整的只有自己。From birth is such a road that will not turn back. Passengers are all around. Its only yourself thats complete.28、

14、只要有一点点关于我的记忆就好,真的只要一点点就好,对不起,我爱你。Just a little bit about my memory, really just a little bit, Im sorry, I love you.29、每一天都想放弃,但每一天又都坚持下来了。没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑。Every day I want to give up, but every day I stick to it. Children without umbrellas must run hard.30、过去就像回形针,把青春一页页的固定,然后变成了一本不被出版的书。It used to be

15、like a paper clip, fixing a page of youth, and then turning it into an unpublished book.31、我们都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。We all have unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, untouchable dreams, and unforgettable love.32、你来的时候,风变成了四月的风,你走的时候,四月的风就成了化了的雪。When you come, the wind turns into April w

16、ind, and when you go, April wind becomes melted snow.33、我一直都相信,会在一起的两个人,不管绕了多大一圈,始终都会在一起。I have always believed that the two people who will be together, no matter how big a circle, will always be together.34、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。I love you not because of who you are, but because of who

17、 I am when I am with you.35、当你奇怪他为什么对你忽冷忽热的时候,因为他在为另一个人赴汤蹈火。When you wonder why he turns cold and hot to you, because he goes through fire and water for another person.36、一个人如果爱你,不会对你有诸多的要求,唯一想要的,不过是你也爱他。If a person loves you, he will not have many requirements for you. The only thing he wants is th

18、at you love him too.37、很多事先天注定,那是“命”;但你可以可以决定怎么面对,那是“运”!Many days in advance, that is fate; but you can decide how to face it, that is luck!38、一眼回眸,三生缘,等待三生只为你。擦肩而过,一世情,等待一世终相守。Looking back, Sansheng, waiting for Sansheng only for you. Passing by, life, waiting for the end of life.39、我们多久没联系,没有忘记,只有

19、越来越深的想念,深知你以扎根在我心里。How long have we not been in touch, not forgotten, only more and more deep miss, know you to take root in my heart.40、每一阵风过去,感觉微微湿润的凉意,待我要捕捉,它已倏的掠出了好远。Every gust of wind passed, feeling slightly wet and cool, waiting for me to capture, it has swept away a long way.41、突然发现现在的季节开始变得

20、和人一样,走的那么彻底。叫人措手不及。Suddenly found that the current season began to become like people, walking so thoroughly. Its a surprise.42、用自己去惩罚别人,是最愚蠢的做法,因为除了伤害自己,再没有任何作用。Punishing others by oneself is the most foolish thing to do, because it has no effect except to hurt oneself.43、时间可以改变很多人或事,所谓的沧海桑田其实不过就是弹

21、指一挥间而已。Time can change a lot of people or things. The so-called vicissitudes of life are just a flick of the finger.44、陪伴我身边的只有文字,再多说一点还有手机和电脑,唯独没有活生生的人。I am accompanied by only words, and to say more, mobile phones and computers, but there are no living people.45、没有任何动态还会反复进你空间的人,那一定是深爱你的人春风十里不如你。T

22、here is no dynamic will repeatedly enter your space, it must be the people who love you more than ten miles of spring breeze.46、听多了情话,以至于之后真心的不真心的都觉得虚假,但开心总还是有的。Listen to more love words, so that after the sincere and insincere feel false, but there is always some happiness.47、喜欢一个人,就是在一起很开心;爱一个人,就是

23、即使不开心,也想在一起。Like a person, is happy together; love a person, even if not happy, also want to be together.48、不管多忙多累,也要在有人来访的时候看到房间干净整洁清新,食物充足。No matter how busy and tired you are, you should also see the room clean and fresh and the food is plentiful when someone visits.49、一座城,终于明白了一座城的意义。如果不在一座城里,生活

24、的意义何在?A city, finally understand the meaning of a city. Whats the meaning of life if youre not in a city?50、有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people, choose to hurt themselves.51、如果想念是可以人为控制的话,那么这个世界上就会少许多为情所困的人。If mi

25、ssing can be controlled artificially, there will be fewer people trapped by feelings in the world.52、当我们年华老去,还能有人天天陪着一起闲扯,那将是一件多么幸福的事啊!What a happy thing it would be to have people chatting with us every day when we are old!53、尝一时苦果,晕染苦涩;品一缕甘甜,握紧流年;记一眼空颜,轻画思念。Taste the bitter fruits for a while, diz

26、zy and bitter; taste a wisp of sweetness, hold tight the fleeting years; remember an empty face, light painting miss.54、人总是想找自己喜欢的,而不是喜欢自己的,所以受伤的永远都是自己!People always want to find what they like, not what they like, so the injured are always their own!55、离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。Leave, make th

27、ings simple, people kind, like a child, we start again.56、你要敢把以后的幸福都搁我身上赌,我就敢豁了命陪你到最后不让你输。If you dare to bet on me all the happiness in the future, I dare to spare my life to accompany you to the end not to let you lose.57、任何一种环境或一个人,初次见面就预感到离别的隐痛时,你必定爱上了他。In any environment or person, you must fall

28、 in love with him when you first meet with him and feel the pain of parting.58、每当下雨的时候,我还是会想起你,想起那些连呼吸都觉得心痛的画面。Whenever it rains, I still think of you and the pictures that even breathe painfully.59、你不知道,我多希望你能懂我,懂我的方式,然后体谅我的粗糙的关心。You dont know, I hope you can understand me, understand my way, and t

29、hen understand my rough concern.60、有些记忆被焚烧掉,有些记忆被埋在心底,纯真年代如流水划过金色年代。Some memories are burned, some are buried in the bottom of my heart, the age of innocence is like a flowing water past the golden age.61、每次劝别人的时候好像什么大道理都懂,等到了自己的时候还是一样会哭。Every time I try to persuade others, I seem to understand all

30、the main principles. When I wait for myself, I still cry.62、人生何必求那么多呢!有遗憾,才会有珍惜。只要记住前方风景正等待你去。Why do you want so much in life? Regret is what counts. Just remember that the scenery ahead is waiting for you.63、你知道的,我一直都很主动,如果在爱情里我不够主动,那说明我不够爱你。You know, I always take the initiative. If I dont take th

31、e initiative in love, it means I dont love you enough.64、自己的意中人儿,若能成终身的伴侣,犹如从大海底中,得到一件珍宝。My beloved, if he can be a lifelong companion, is like getting a treasure from the bottom of the sea.65、大地渐渐从沉睡中苏醒过来,冰融雪化,草木萌发,各种鲜花次第开放。The earth gradually wakes up from its slumber, the ice melts and snow melts, the plants germinate and the flowers blossom in turn.66、如果真的有人让你难以忘记,去找他,一颗心吊着,比一颗心死了还要难受。If someone really makes you unforgettable, go and find h

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