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1、托福写作满分句式这些托福写作满分句式你都会吗?ETS 对于托福独立写作的文章有三大要求:文章的组织,文章的论证以及文章的语言。对于那些本身文章的结构和论证问题不大的童鞋,语言如果能够写的再高大上一些,毫无疑问会大大的加分的;同时对于那些经常性找不到思路或者不知道自己在说啥的亲们,如果语言能够搞得牛逼一些的话呢,很多情况下也能唬住考官拿到相对不错的分数。这也就解释了为啥我们身边经常有出分的同学说,语言不重要,文章说的清楚就行;或者有的同学说,文章逻辑不重要,语言华丽就好;当然了,如果我们能做到两者兼顾的话分数肯定会更加牛逼的。虽然语言很重要,但是我相信大部分同学都会说语言的提高根本不是短时间内可

2、以做到的。当然,如果我们想通过自己去泛读各种英文材料来提高自己的语言确实需要一定的时间,因为我们不知道我们需要读什么,也就是说我们所读的东西很难转化成我们在考场上写作文的时候能用的东西,这个过程就会变得比较痛苦。为了解决这个问题,我们在此推出写作部分易学、实用、而且拿分的句型,希望能在大家的备考过程中,对提高大家的语言实力有或多或少的帮助。托福写作句型1原文材料:The new rules should thus expose polluters to a scissor-style pressure:from above,through the central-planning system

3、,and from below,from the media and organisations such as Mr Mas.推荐句型:xxx be exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through, and from below, from.推荐理由:压力毫无疑问是一个写作和口语考试中非常常用的一个万能理由,因为它可以跟很多东西相关,比如压力的来源(生活压力,学习压力,工作压力),压力的影响(身体差,心情不爽),减压的方式和措施等等,上面的句型就可以用来描写某一个主体,比如工作的人或者学生,面临着双重压力,工作的人可能来自照顾

4、老人抚养孩子;学生可能来自父母老师以及同伴。原创例句:1. A majority of the youths today are exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through looking after the ever growing aging population, and from below, from the soaring costs of raising children.2. A multitude of teenagers at present are exposed to a scissor-style

5、pressure: from above, through their parents with ever-higher expectations, and from below, from their peers most of whom try their best to outdo each other.学以致用:1. People care more about public recognition than about money.根据上面的例句,这个题目我们可以选择不同意,那些苦逼的刚上班没几年的年轻人,怎么可能更在乎名而不是钱呢?他们压力多大啊,当然需要钱了啊;2. Younge

6、r school children should be required to study music and art in addition to language, science, and mathematics.同样,这个题目我们也可以选择不同意的立场,孩子们本来就压力特别大,父母期望高,同伴都一个比一个牛逼,学校里面的课程和辅导课都上不完呢,怎么可能有时间搞别的呢。这不是坑爹吗?托福写作句型2原文材料:While, arguably, this “finding” is as trivial as an umbrella that turns blue when its going

7、to rain, there is nothing trivial about collecting personal data, as innocuous as that data may seem.推荐句型(变体):While.seems/sounds as adj. as can be, there is nothing more adj. than.推荐理由:我们在独立写作中经常用到对比的写法。这个句型可用在具有对比意味的语境中,前半句当作让步,“尽管对比中的一个因素看起来已经很”, 后半句转折说“但是另一个因素更”.原创例句:1. While environmental protec

8、tion seems as pressing as can be, there is nothing more pressing than feeding the growing population in disadvantaged countries where the original eco-system is well preserved.2. While a secure job seems as tempting as can be, there is no job more tempting than a risky and well-paid one for the new

9、generation who are mostly avid challenge hunters.3. While playing sports with a couple of friends sounds as relaxing as can be, there is nothing more relaxing than a good book or an old movie for those manual laborers who are wearied out with strenuous physical work every day.学以致用:1. Feeding the wor

10、lds growing population is more important than protecting environment.这道题中如果我们持同意的意见,就可以用到第一个例句。尽管到处都在宣扬保护环境的重要,但是并非世界各地的环境都破坏了啊,比如美丽的非洲大草原原始生态环境保持完好,但是一些边缘小国民不聊生,人民瘦的皮包骨,你说feed population重要还是保护环境重要呢?2. It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a risky one with a high salary.根据第二个

11、例句,我们这道题可以不同意。虽然铁饭碗听起来挺诱人的,但新一代的年轻人个个都很傲娇,热衷追寻挑战,高薪高风险的工作相比之下更合他们的口味。3. To read a book or to watch a movie is a better way to relax than to do some physical exercises.第三个例句回答的就是这道题,确实约三五好友做做运动听起来不赖,但是对于那些每天做繁重体力劳动的工人来说,额外的运动会加重他们的身体负担,还是一本好书或者一部老电影更能帮他们放松。托福写作句型3原文材料:It takes very little imagination

12、 to foresee how the kitchen mood wall could lead to advertisements for antidepressants that follow you around the Web.It takes even less imagination to foresee how information about your comings and goings obtained from the Google Latitude Doorbell could be used in a court of law.推荐句型:It takes very

13、little imagination to .It takes even less imagination to .推荐理由:这个句型看起来很简单,但我们一般不会想到先用little表示极少,再用less表示比little还少。两个句子排列工整,可以用在说理部分,用来描述一个不言自明、显而易见的情况原创例句:1. It takes very little imagination to foresee how fast competition in the adulthood would turn vicious; it takes even less imagination to forese

14、e in what way vicious competition would influence friendships.2. It takes little imagination to visualize what people would be like if they do not have access to education. It takes even less imagination to visualize what a country would be like if its people are, through no fault of their own, igno

15、rant.3. It takes little imagination to foresee that peoples awareness will soon be enhanced. It takes even less imagination to foresee that governments of different countries will take joint efforts and sponsor more scientific researches against the exacerbating environment.学以致用:1. Competition betwe

16、en friends always has negative influence on their friendship.这道题简直不能同意更多,成年朋友之间一有竞争就容易友尽。用例句的话说就是,不难想象成年人之间的竞争很快就会升级成撕逼大战,更不难猜竞争变味后的朋友还能不能好好玩耍。2. Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.古话说得好,教育是国之根本,没文化真可怕。一个人没受过教育会是啥样,一个国家的人都没文化这个国家又会是啥样,敢想吗?所以这道题

17、就同意呗,改善学校是国家成功发展的最重要因素。3. The most important problems that affect our society can be solved within our lifetime.现在人类最烦心的事是什么?看看帝都人民发明的APEC blue就知道了,环境啊。那环境问题能不能在我们有生之年解决呢?当然了,都已经水深火热成这样了,人民的环保意识肯定会提高啊,过年过节放鞭炮的都少了;基层人民都行动了,各国政府还好意思围观么,当然得行动起来了。当年的伦敦雾霾一世纪就缓过来了,我们现在科技这么发达,心情这么迫切,很有可能环境问题几十年就解决了。所以这道题答y

18、es就行了。托福写作句型4原文材料:Meanwhile, cars themselves are becoming computers on wheels, with operating system updates coming wirelessly over the air.推荐句型:with+n./pron.+doing推荐理由:两个主语发出两种动作,这两种动作又几乎同时发生,你会怎么写?打赌80%的同学都是The economy is developing fast, but the environment is deteriorating. 为了增强句式变化,我们可以使用一个with

19、的复合结构,把其中一个主语和动作塞进复合结构里。原创例句:1. Urban residents find it more difficult to raise children than five decades ago, with living cost and tuition hitting all time high.2. Fresh grads in first-tier cities nowadays find themselves more pressured than ever before, with competition in the job market growing

20、increasingly stiff.3. This is due to the fact that students can retrieve information and obtain knowledge from various sources other than teachers, with new media advancing continuously these years.学以致用:1. It is easier for parents to raise children than 50 years ago.过去人们一直抱怨计划生育政策,但是开放二胎之后却没多少人生。生孩子

21、就那么分分钟的事儿,为啥没人生呢?不好养呗。奶粉贵不贵,上学贵不贵,所以就像第一个例句说的,随着生活和教育成本再创新高,城市居民发现抚养孩子比五十年前难多了。2. The rules the whole society expects young people to follow are too strict.近来找过工作的年轻人肯定都感受到了这个社会森森的恶意,随便一家很水的公司招聘都要3、5年的工作经验,这么苛刻的规则还让不让我们新毕业的菜鸟玩儿了?所以这一题我们举双手双脚赞成,如例句二所说,工作市场竞争的激烈指数一路飙升,让一线城市的小鲜肉们感受到了史无前例的压力。3. Teachers

22、 today are less appreciated and valued than in the past.身为老师我只能为这题含泪点赞,随着新媒体的发展,学生们翅膀硬了,有度娘有谷歌,哪里不会点哪里,谁还在乎老师呢。托福写作句型5原文材料:Recent revelations from the journalist Glenn Greenwald put the number of Americans under government surveillance at a colossal 1.2 million people.推荐句型:Recent . fromput the numbe

23、r ofat .推荐理由:数据论证凭借自身的通(wu)用(lai)深受男女老少欢迎,可以说是居家旅行托福雅思之必备神器。这个句式用在数据论证中,介绍某一来源中的一个具体数字再装逼不过了。原创例句:1. A recent survey jointly conducted by T and National Analysis has put the number of users of cab-hailing apps at a colossal 150 million, with only 1.8% aged over 50.2. A recent report issued by the go

24、vernment has put the number of Chinese cities blanketed by smog at an astonishing 61.3. A recent poll conducted by Shanghai University has put the number of respondents who want to live in a cheap place at a whopping 350, 000, approximately 80% of whom are under the age of 30.学以致用:1. Technologies de

25、signed to make our lives easier actually make it more complicated.科技并不是公平的,对什么都能迅速上手的年轻人来说,科技着实使生活变得简单。但是对于脑筋不够灵活视力也逐年下降的老年人来说,科技反而会使他们的生活变复杂。比如腾讯和国家分析局做的一个调查显示打车软件的用户已经高达1.5亿,但这其中只有1.8%的用户年纪超过50岁(此调查纯属虚构如有雷同纯属巧合)。大爷大妈们不会用软件,路上的车都被年轻人用打车软件预定了,你说科技是不是使老年人的生活更复杂了?2. Environmental problems are too comp

26、lex, and individuals cannot handle them.环境问题一直是近年来各种媒体上的buzzword,那为了渲染环境问题严重,我们可以一句话证明环境没救了。比如第二个例句说,近来一个中国政府报告称被雾霾笼罩的中国城市数目已经达到骇人的61个。后面再解释说pm2.5多高,污染程度之深, 来证明个人行为是无法解决这样的问题的。Nailed it3. Which place do you prefer to live in? a. a place that is not expensive. b. a place that is close to relatives c.

27、 a place with a lot of shops and restaurants around这道三选一问题非常接地气,问人们想住什么样的地方。那么上海大学的民调又可以出场了,多达350,000位受访者表示愿意住在便宜的地方,其中百分之八十左右是30岁以下的穷屌丝,那这道题的答案显然就是年轻人住便宜点,哪怕上下班山水迢迢。托福写作句型6原文材料:As human behavior is tracked and merchandized on a massive scale, the Internet of Things creates the perfect conditions to

28、 bolster and expand the surveillance state.推荐句型:As, creates perfect conditions to.推荐理由:在开头lead-in的部分,很多同学为了避免唐突尴尬会说“随着时代发展社会进步人民生活水平提高”等等废话,那么上面这个句型可以让我们的cliche变得稍稍不那么low。原创例句:1. As information technology continues to progress, social network sites create perfect conditions for malicious hackers to

29、access privacy that we have no intention to reveal to strangers.2. As peoples philosophy of education evolves, wealthy parents now create perfect conditions for their children to learn both liberal arts and science, so that they can build a well-rounded personality from an early age.3. As technologi

30、es develop rapidly, instant communication tools create perfect conditions for young people to keep in touch with their old friends, no matter how far they are apart from each other.学以致用:1. Some people record experience by sharing picture or other information on social network sites, while others don

31、t like to share. Which do you prefer?这道题在大规模好莱坞女星艳照泄漏之后出显得特别与时俱进。在社交网络上,你是一个闷骚潜水员,还是一个爱秀直播逼呢?如果选择前者,我们在引入话题时就可以用上例句一,随着信息技术不断进步,社交网站给腹黑的黑客们提供了完美的条件去窥探我们无意向陌生人透露的隐私,所以我们最好还是不作不死。2. Young school children should be required to learn art and music in addition to science, math, history and language.随着教育观

32、念的一步步革新,家长们不再是拿着鸡毛掸子逼孩子学习的角色了,他们也意识到了素质教育的重要。但是主课之外的音乐美术等等也不是谁都学得起的,于是家底厚实的爹们为他们的公子千金创造了完美的条件来学习人文和科学知识,这样就可以早早培养孩子们健全的人格。3. Moving to a new town or country is not a good thing because people will lose their friends.搬去新的国家或者城市是不好的,因为会跟朋友失联?四处浪的年轻人肯定觉得这是BS,现在沟通这么方便,怎么会失去朋友呢?所以,如例句三所说,随着科技迅速发展,即时通讯工具给年轻人与旧友交流创造了完美的平台,无论他们相隔多远。

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