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1、初中英语短语汇总初中英语短语汇总1见到你很高兴 Glad/ Nice/ Pleased to meet you. 2。请坐 Sit down/ Have a seat /Take a seat 3请问,你是李明吗? Excuse me. Are you Li Ming?4您好! How do you do?5你能拼写你的名字吗? Can you spell your name?6”B”在哪儿?它在这。 Where is “B”? It is here.7你是几号? What number are you?8我在一排一号。 Im Number 1, in Row 1.9你在几年几班?我在三5班。

2、 What class are you in? Im in Class 5, Grade 3.1053=? Whats 5 minus 3? It is two.11邮政编码 postal card12大家都在这吗? Are we all here? / Is everyone here?13在家/在学校/在工作 at home/ at school / at work14给你。 Here you are.15请照顾他们。 Please look after them.16请这边走。 This way, please.17请把他们放这。 Put them here.18你的汽车执照号是多少?

3、What is your car license number?19他们的名字是Lucy and Lily. Their names are Lucy and Lily.20.看起来象 look like21她象你爸爸还象你妈妈? Is she like your dad or your mum?22在老师讲台上 on the teachers desk23Lin Tao and David在老师办公室门口。门锁着。 Lin Tao and David are at the door of the teachers room. The door is lost.24在这有个钱包。 There

4、is a purse in here.25让我们去看看。 Lets go and look.26有一张小床、桌子和一个钟表 Theres a small bed, a table and a clock.27让我帮你找到它。 Let me help you find it.28就是它。 Thats it.29让我们数一数。 Let us count.30把它涂成绿色。 Colour it green.31你的鞋是什么颜色的?浅紫色/深棕色 What colour are your shoes? Light purple./ Dark brown32看格林夫人晾衣绳上的衣服。 Look at t

5、he clothes on Mrs. Greens clothes line33几点了?5:45。 What time is it?/ What is the time? A quarter to six./ Five forty-five.34你表几点了? Whats the time by your watch?35该是我们吃饭的时间了。 Its time for us to have our meal.36把它给胡老师。 Give it to Mr. Hu.37我没有手表。 I have no watch./ I dont have a watch.38看这两副画。你能找到什么不同?Lo

6、ok at the two pictures. What difference can you find?39你认识穿红裙子的女人吗? Do you know the woman in the red skirt?40你的家里的电话号是多少/传真号/身份证号是多少? Whats your home phone number?/ fax number/ ID number?41你电子邮件地址? What is your e-mail address?42用英语(表达) in English43您身体好吗? How are you?44好,行,不错 all right45值日 on duty46中

7、学生 middle school students47家谱 family tree48让我想想看。 Let me see.49少先队员 Young Pioneer50来吧,跟着来,赶快 Come on.51看电视 Watch TV52吃早饭 have breakfast53(课间)休息一下 have a break54回家 go home55下学期见。 See you next term.56在同一个班/在不同的班 in the same class/ in different classes57一幅教室/我朋友的图画 a picture of a classroom/ my friend58

8、一个特别行政区 an SAR59来见件我的家人 Come and see my family60鱼缸 the fish bowl61穿红衣服的女人 the woman in the red coat 绿色轿车里的男人 the man in the green car骑黑色自行车的男孩 the boy on the black bike树后的女孩 the girl behind the tree62在-和-之间 between -and-631)穿衣戴帽 2)上演 jput on641)脱下 2)飞机等起飞 take off1. 想做某事 want to do 2. 把-带到- take /br

9、ing-to-3. 把-放到-里 put-in4. 充满-装满- be full of /be filled with5. 一瓶橘子汁 a bottle of orange juice6. 儿童节 Childrens Day7. 让某人做某事 let sb do / get sb to do8. 听- listen to 9. 出来 2)花等开放 come out10. 一个-另一个-(两者) one-the other11. 一个/两个-其他的-(多个)one/ two -the other(s)12. 一些-一些-其余的- (多个)some-some -others13. 许多其他的东西/

10、国家 many other things/ countries14. 把-收起来 put-away15. 下来, 把-拿下来 get down16. (-)怎么了? Whats wrong (with-)?17. 在树上 in/ on the tree18. 不要谢天谢地。谢谢李雷。 Dont thank Goodness. Thank Lily.19. 坏了 be broken20. 丢了 be lost/ missing/ gone21. 饿了/渴了 be hungry/ thirsty22. 一杯/一瓶/一袋 a bottle/ a cup / a bag of23. 一块/一张 a p

11、iece of24. 吃的/喝的东西 something to drink/ to eat25. 来自于-是那儿的人 be from26. 出去 go out27. 快,抓住球 Come on. Catch the ball28. 擅长 be good at / do well in29. 象这样/那样 like this /like that30. 骑自行车 on ones bike/ by bike31. 放风筝 fly a kite32. 打扑克 play cards33. 打排球 play volleyball34. 在校足球队 on the school team35. 整理床铺 m

12、ake the bed36. 做作业 do ones homework37. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games38. 玩溜溜球 play with a yo-yo39. 和朋友交谈 talk with/ talk to40. 谈论 talk about41. 一个明媚的周日早晨 a fine Sunday morning42. 朝树上跑 run up the tree43. 照相 take photos44. 找- look for45. 开着的/关着的 be closed/ be open46. 在白天的这个时候 at this time of day47. 还 give

13、back/ return48. 给-帮助 give -a hand 49. 课后 after class50. 放学后 after shool51. 帮助某人做某事 help -with/ help-(to)do52. 向-学习 learn-from53. 在-的家 at sbs home54. 请问,你能帮助我吗? Could you help me, please?55. 你想要什么? What would you like?56. 你想要一些吃的东西吗? Would you like something to eat?57. 一些喝的东西怎么样? What about something

14、 to drink?58. 不要那样扔。 Dont throw it like that.59. 带着它这样跑。 Run with it like this.60. 你想试一试吗? Do you want a go?61. 你最喜爱的运动是什么? Whats your favourite sports?62. 你可以象这样的传球。 You can pass the ball like this.63. 钟表没有手和脚。 A clock has no hand and no foot.A clock doesnt have a hand or a foot.64. 你能帮个忙吗? Can you

15、 give me a hand?65. 这家超市24小时营业。 The supermarket is open 24 hours.66. 我可以喝杯橘子汁吗? Could I have a glass of orange juice?67. 他们对我来说太难了。 They are too hard for me.68. 编一个类似对话。 Make up a similar dialogue.69. 彼此学习,彼此帮助。 Learn from each other and help each other70. 你来自于哪儿? Where are you from? /Where do you c

16、ome from?71. 一点点 a little72. 与-交朋友 make friends (with-)73. 你爸爸是干什么的? What is your father?/ What does your father do?74. 你爸爸长什么样? What is your father like?/ What does your father look like?75. 你爸爸喜欢什么? What does your father like?76. 你爸爸想要什么? What would your father like?77. 他很/有点喜欢做饭。 He likes cooking

17、 very much/ a lot/ a little.78. 他一点都不喜欢做饭。 He doesnt like cooking at all.79. 吃饭 have meals80. 做饭 do the cooking /cook81. 为-做饭 cook for sb.82. 读书 do the reading83. 打扫卫生 do the cleaning84. 洗衣服 do the washing85. 在农场 on the farm86. 在工厂/在学校 in a factory/ in a school87. 该你值日了。 Its your turn to be on dury.

18、88. 在晚会上 at the party89. 和你谈话非常高兴。 Nice talking to you.90. 上课 have classes91. 教课 teach classes92. 赚钱 make money93. 教我英语 teach me English94. 在白天 in the day(time)95. 在晚间 at night/ in the night96. 在上午/下午/晚上 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening97. 在上午8:30 at 8:30 in the morning98. 在中午 at noon/ in the midd

19、le of the day99. 做运动 take /do exercise have /do sports100. 上床睡觉 go to bed101. 到达 get to102. 此刻,现在;立刻,马上 right now103. 立刻,马上 at once/ right away104. 脱衣/帽/鞋 take off105. 一本关于中药的英语书 an English book on Chinese medicine106. 每周/每天 every week/ every day107. 穿校服 wear108. 别和我说话。 Dont speak to me.109. 我不喜欢迟到。

20、 I dont like to be late.110. 你怎么上学? How do you come to school?111. 乘公共汽车 by bus/ on a bus112. 乘轿车 by car / in a (ones) car113. 乘火车 by train/ on a train114. 乘飞机 by air /by plane/ on a plane115. 乘轮船 by ship/ by sea/ on a ship116. 骑自行车 by bike/ on a (ones) bike117. 打车 by taxi/ in a taxi/ take a taxi118

21、. 步行 on foot119. 难道你通常不是骑自行车上学吗?不,我是。Dont you usually come to school by bike? Yes, I do.120. 我喜欢步行。I like walking.121. 今天是散步的好天气。Its a fine day for walking.122. 今天的空气很清新。 The air today is nice and clean.123. 上学迟到 be late for school124. 我必须按时给它喂药。I must give it the medicine at the right time/ on time

22、 ones name 2. Happy Teachers Day 3. this term 4.on time5.Welcome back to school. 6.It doesnt matter. 7.Thats a good idea.8.Best wishes to you for Mothers Day. 9.have fun doing class11.Heres a card for you with our best wishes. 12.give a talk about14.Thank you for making English

23、fun. 15.think about 16.full name17.given name 18. family name many different from short for 22.think of a name23.a waste of time 24.go on a field trip/a picnic 25.hurry up26.go fishing/boating/hiking 27.go the wrong way 28. go wrong29.the day after tomorrow week 31.ha

24、ve a field trip32.many different kinds of fish 33.trip over I tripped over my shoes.34.have some problems doing sth/ with sth 35.Lets go this way.36.take -with 37.get together the open air39.on Mid-autumn Festival/ Day e over the store42. come along (一道,一起) 43. would like to do thi

25、s time of year45.on that day about their families 47.tell the story of sb48.Are you free tomorrow evening? 49.not-any longer noon51.May I have a taste? 52.have to 53.Whats up?54.-What are you going to do next Sunday? - Nothing much. 55. a dolphin show56.Good idea! 57.No problem. 58.on

26、land59.Why not a little earlier? 60. Lets make it half past nine.61.have a nice time 62.Why not-? e up to sb64.Work must come first. friendly to 66.agree the fields 68. in the country 69. in summer/ winter sb do sth 72.I think so.73.feel sorry for sb 74.go to the p

27、ark 75.go to the cinema76.have nothing to do 77.fall into the water 78.say “Hello” to sb.79.What do you think? tickets for boating 81. in the front row 82. in the back row83. at/ in the front of 84. at the back of85. in front of 86. behind87. next to /close to 88. near to / far from89. betwee

28、n -and 90. on the right of / on-right91. in the middle of the room / the day(可指时间、空 92. in the center of (在-中央,只指地点)93Asking for directions:Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? Where is the nearest post office? Is there a po

29、st office near here? How can I get to the nearest post office? Which is the way to the nearest post office?Giving directions:(1) Go straight ahead. Its about 200 metres along on the left.(2) Take the second turning on the right.Turn right at the second turning.(3) Go along the road to the end.Go on until you reach the end.(4) Go across the bridge.(5) Its between the - and the -. You can

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