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1、英语写作审题与模板审题迅速归类,把握方向,确定结构关键词,修饰语,句子主干划定关键词和句子主干,分析修饰性成分与主干的关系,确定整个文章结构In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak itTo what extent do you agree or disagree?/what is your opinion种类一边倒关键词和句子主干learn a language w

2、ell, learn about the country as well as the culture and lifestyles of the people分析修饰性成分与主干的关系先一个命题,后一个限定语。这类题,前边的限定语和命题是关键。确定整篇文章的结构同意与否式,四段或五段 但是全好或者全不好比较好写进一步分析culture and lifestyles和language的关系。第一段:陈述背景+转述主题+表明写作目的第二段:支持或反对原因1第三段:支持或反对原因2第四段:支持或反对原因3第五段:总结+展望未来种类两边倒Technology and science have gre

3、at influence on our lives, but some people think we should also value the work of the artists such as musicians, painters and writers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?审题关键词和句子主干Technology and science, great influence on our live, but, value the work of the artists such as musicians分析修饰性成分与主干

4、的关系:双方观点是关键确定整篇文章的结构注意:一种类型的题目可以用不同种类的方式来论证,关键是看个人的观点和对题目的把握。同意与否式,四段平衡式第一段:陈述背景+转述主题+表明写作目的第二段:Technology and science have great influence on our lives第三段:also value the work of the artists such as musicians第四段:写总结+展望未来种类偏一侧(让步论证)Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be n

5、eeded because people can see historical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关键词和句子主干public museums and art galleries will not be needed, see historical objects and works by using computers分析修饰性成分与主干的关系两个命题确定整篇文章的结构偏一侧式,先是提出观点,然后做少许的让步,大量笔墨与正面论证注意:一边倒,偏一侧和两边倒

6、在一定程度上是可以进行互相转变的,关键是看观点和自己的把握。第一段:陈述背景+转述主题+表明写作目的第二段:反对 原因1第三段:支持 原因2第四段:支持 原因3第五段:总结+展望未来解释类 More people take job satisfaction as an element of individual well-being, because most of adults spend time at work. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic the expectation of job satisf

7、action for all workers?关键词和句子主干What factors contribute to job satisfactionHow realistic the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers分析修饰性成分与主干的关系一个命题+两个问题;问题是关键确定整篇文章的结构Report+argumentation第一段:陈述背景+转述主题+表明写作目的第二段:回答第一个问题第三段:回答第二个问题 第四段:总结+展望未来开头模板1 五段式完全反驳式讲述背景引述别人观点直接表明自己观点 It seems certain

8、that many people have formed an unrealistic picture of and they have been (regarding as). However, the information I have collected over the past several years make me believe that (nothing is further from the truth than this opinion)引题型开篇 Since the development of information technology in the last

9、century, various new media have mushroomed, such as TV, Internet and radio. Some people say that they will replace books and written words as the main sources of information. Personally, I agree this point because I have tasted many benefits from the electronic media.Example:Advertising is having a

10、bigger influence on our daily lives. Some people believe the effects of advertising outweigh the positive effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people think television is a good thing that is allowing us to more interesting and enjoyable lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree

11、?2开头模板:四段式完全平衡式开头模板As we all know, angels and devils are two poles apart, but (something) combines them perfectly. / Recently, the problem of the something has aroused peoples concern. On the one hand however, on the other hand As far as I concerned, there is an element of truth in both viewsExample

12、s1 Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of unisexual schools.2 The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantage outweigh its disadvantage?3开头1 五段式完全反驳式2中心型开篇 McDonalds, KFC, and Burger King: these international fast foods are full of our dai

13、ly lives. Unconsciously, many traditional foods have been replaced by fast foods. What a huge disaster it is!分析:首先,直接摆明写作目的,既反对fast foods和对traditional food的担忧。接着,通过用一些社会现象(或者是后果)来进行论证,最后通过一句感叹句结束。 给人干练简明的感觉。Examples:Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because p

14、eople can see historical objects and works by using computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people think that we must study history to understand the present. What is your opinion?4提问型开篇 As little as thirty years ago, the notion of teenagers committing crimes such as vandalism, robbe

15、ry and murder seemed almost unthinkable. Societies around that period enjoyed greater security. In modern society, however, it has become increasingly common for teenagers to be involved in serious crimes. The question is why? 在开篇设下问题,这个问题作者要用全文来回答的内容。这种提问实际是在开篇接待了文章的中心以及写作目的。以问题的方式开篇,吸引读者的好奇心。5提纲型开

16、篇 Cars bring many benefits into our daily lives, however, more and more problems have been welled up while we enjoying the convenience of cars. This essay is going to discuss issues all about cars. Firstly, the problems raised by cars will be introduced. Secondly, the reasons of those problems will

17、be discussed. Then is comes to possible solutions.在开篇明确的指出文章的大体结构与内容,像一个简明的提纲或目录。适合于解释类。是文章的框架一清二楚,结构性强,明确了写作目的,使用简单。6介绍型开篇Airplane is the most effective means of transportation, which usually employed in transporting people, munitions or urgent medicine. However, the air transport is increasingly u

18、sed to export fruits and vegetable nowadays, which has raised a big controversy.在首段将题目的内容用自己的语言重新复述一遍,或介绍性的陈述文章要讨论的内容7转折型开篇 College and university students often complain that they are placed under massive pressure to study hard and achieve high examination results. As more students get university d

19、egrees, competition become fierce, resulting in the need for students to distinguish themselves with continually higher marks. However, I feel that this development causes unnecessary stress and grief.首先陈述一种观点,然后推翻这种观点,拔出另一个对立的观点,并对其进行支持论证。斑驳类作文:在开头把两个相互某单的观点都把出来,然后表明自己所支持的一方。结尾1点睛式结尾 Considering th

20、ese points, I feel that students should be spared this type of treatment. Although we live in a competitive world, we should not push students to breaking point, as this is simply does not lead to a better or happier student.在结尾处再次强调文章的中心思想。让文章的论证更加有力,中心更加突出。2展望式结尾 Hoping it is not too late to take

21、actions to against the aggression of the international fast foods. It is a food war, a culture war, for our lives, for our children, for our decreasing delicious food, for our future world.通过对文章所讨论问题或现象的发展趋势作出展望,期待在未来有一个怎样的变化或者结果。既符合逻辑有蕴藏一定深度。3概括式结尾 As discussed above in this essay, cars cause many

22、problems including pollution, traffic jam, shortage of resources, etc. to solve these problems, we could encourage people to use bicycles and public transportations such as bus and tube. Or we can set a higher tax rate to decrease the running cars.在结尾简要的总结全文的内容和主要观点。按照文章的顺序复述文章先说了什么,然后说了什么,最后说了什么。让文

23、章的框架再次清晰地呈现,提醒读者文章的内容和主题4让步式结尾 As discussed, the electronic media is widely used nowadays. Although it has some limitations, it has brought too many benefits to us. It is reasonable to believe that the electronic media will replace books and written words as the main source of information in future.

24、在结尾的时候做一个让步的陈述。一般使用转折的方法,强调虽然出现问题,但总体是可以接受的。是结尾显得委婉,同时也表达了作者的观点。5客观式结尾 To conclude, air transport fruit and vegetables bring some benefits as well as problems. Critically speaking, if we can solve the pollution problem of airplane transport, it is a very good service.在结尾仍热保持客观的态度,陈述事物的利弊。这种方法一般适用于客观利弊法,使文章更科学和客观。

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