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1、英语翻译练习及答案Direction:Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinesegiven in brackets1The guides play an important role in (帮助游客克服坏习惯)2It must have been the lifeguard (在危险关头给出了信号)3He spoke English SO well that (我想当然地认为他在讲母语)4Modernization and leadership is the key (提高老年人生活质量的关

2、键)5The committee will not make the decision (直到它对此事进行了调查为止)6Its high time that all the countries (都应该采取有力行动反对国际犯罪)7Website is similar to a newspaper,both (是靠销售广告来赚钱的)8Only by discovering what we do best (我们才有望达到我们的终极目标)9We appreciate your efforts to (使被盗文物回归祖国)10The young woman tries hard to (适应留学回国

3、后的新生活)11We shouldnt ignore what happens (即使人们难以接受)12According to the survey,some people insist that (美国的汽车比日本的汽车差)13According to a recent report,island nations (比其他国家更有优势)14Compared with last year, (居民们的平均收入增加了50)15Michael would have helped you but that (若不是他那时缺钱)16The stockholders hurried there (结果

4、却发现董事会议被取消了) 17. It is necessary that everyone (都要确保同样的错误不会重复出现).18. some employees in our company (宁愿听从指示也不愿自己拿主意).19After that seemed an endless wait,it was (轮到我进入人事经理的办公室).20The smugglers tried many times to sneak across the border, (结果每次都被警察抓住了)21However hard the task is,we (必须尽力准时完成任务).22. Deve

5、loping countries must (跟上世界经济迅速发展的步伐).23As the president cant come to the negotiation, (我得到受权代表他来签合同).24Some language learners find (很难在其他理科领域获得成功).25The experienced pilot felt (就在飞机起飞前引擎出了毛病).26Whenever possible,Jeff (总是炫耀自己和同事相处得多么好).27At last nights reception banquet, (女主人的热情招待给我留下了很深的印象).28I cou

6、ld not persuade David to accept the truth, (我也无法让他明白它的重要性).29. Professor Brown is said to (过去三年来已经获得了一些新突破).30Scarcely had I made a decision (我的搭档就起身表示反对).31The general manager is trying to find (解决公司污染问题的方案)32A car crashed into a smoke shop, (司机的双腿受重伤)33The young lawyer,starting up his private prac

7、tice,was (很想给他的潜在客户留下印象)34The pith of his speech was focused (为成年人开办远程教育的重要性)35Technology is the most decisive factor (决定着文明和进步的步伐)36The doctor devoted himself to (改善农村地区的卫生状况)37Technology is a necessary but (在现代生活中并不总是积极的力量)38The incessant barking of the dog outside the house (让这位老人彻夜未眠)39Tom compl

8、ains though it is well paid,(加班工作常常很繁重)401 worked so late in the office last night (以至于几乎没有时间赶上末班车)41Ross is planning another tour abroad,yet (他的护照到这个月底就要过期了)42If ever again there happens an accident like this, (我们将只能怪自己)43Only when they have realized the importance of the plan, (他们才会下定决心执行这个计划)44Ea

9、sy access to information is often(在这个高度发达的社会中是成功的关键所在)45In China,it is important to invest in education(而不是增加个人工资)46The manager demands that (新上任的秘书要对公司人员有一个全面的了解)47But for your help,he (就无法找到解决这个问题的方案了)48Were it not for you, (我就会毫不犹豫地取消我们的计划)49The result of the experiment was very good, (这是所有研究者没有意

10、料到的)50You can blame me for having let you down, (但我发誓我真的不是故意的)51In recent years much more emphasis (放在发展儿童的创造技能上)52David wishes when he was in university (自己学的是商业而不是历史)53The beauty salon couldnt guarantee to (满足所有会员的需求)54Our company can accept your order on condition (先付清所有的货款)55Niagara Falls is a g

11、reat tourist attraction, (吸引了全世界数百万的游客)56The head of our department was critical(我们工作的方式)57. It is imperative that (学生们在毕业典礼前交上毕业论文)58Only if both countries accept the agreement (这个地区才能建立起长久的和平)59Peter has Just arrived,but (直到昨天我才知道他要来)60Had you worked hard,you (就已经按时完成分配的任务了)61Only under special ci

12、rcumstances (员工才得到允许使用这些指定的资源)62It is viral that (筹集足够的钱,为这个生物工程提供资金)63I dont think it advisable that(分配他去做这项工作,因为他没有经验)64We all appreciate working with Ivan (因为他非常幽默)65Many customers complain that (该公司对产品的收费过高)66The 1ast half of the twentieth century (见证了交流工具的飞速发展)67At times this balance in nature

13、is disturbed, (可能会带来许多无法预见的结果)68If she doesnt tell him the truth now,he11 (一直问,直到她说为止)69The honorable chairman (已经受邀主持中国经济峰会)70Many a time has the child been told not to play with fire (但是他听不进去)71While the doctor is away you should keep an eye (病人身上的任何一丝变化)72. The history professor appealed in his s

14、peech to (保存中国的传统建筑)73The young man was accused (侵犯另一个公司的知识产权)74Its necessary to leave US your personal data,in case (你达到我们公司的要求)75Only when you have obtained sufficient data (你才能得出合理的结论)76On the whole,ambitious students are more likely to (在学业上比没有抱负的学生更成功)77Nowhere but in the remotest region of the

15、 country (他能找到一个安身立命之处)78Professor Harry asks his students to (阅读报纸,以跟上时事)79You will find it (和部门领导搞好关系是值得的)80Its reported that by the end of this month (该公司咖啡的产量将增加大约10)81We think it advisable that (她在行动之前好好考虑一下)82As a self-confident man,you shouldnt be suspicious (任何获得升职的机会)83Due to lack of money,

16、 这些孩子被剥夺了学习的机会)84The university plans to establish a business school (提供工商管理硕士学位)85Many old people in the cities find themselves (无法习惯快节奏的都市生活)86It is not surprised to (无论到哪你都能看到这种新产品在打广告)87. The scientist has made a wonderful discovery, (我认为这个发现对科学具有非常重大的意义)88I did not choose any of the three offer

17、ings,because (我发现没有哪个是令我满意的)89A student must team as much knowledge as he can (为将来的职业生涯打下坚实的基础)90To be frank,Id rather you (没有被卷入这场所谓的竞争)91Doing part-time jobs can (使我们视野开阔,获得新知识)92The international conference will (到结束之时将持续整整一个星期)93The manager promised to keep me (知道我们业务的进展情况)94The organization had

18、 broken no rules,but neither (负责任地行动起来)95The destruction of these cultural heritage was a loss for mankind that (多少金钱都无法弥补)96I could not persuade him to accept it,nor (无法让他明白其重要性)97Not that John doesnt want to help you, (而是这已经超出了他的能力范围)98More and more companies attach (十分重视知识和才干)99The opening of the

19、 new shopping mall will (标志着该公司一个重要的发展阶段)100Mr.John will move into his new house next week, (到那时房子将全部竣工)101The professors short but heartstirring speech on environment (深深铭刻在我记忆中)102We have done things we ought not to have done and (应该做的事情却没有做)103Cloning technology should be developed to (造福人类而不是危害人

20、类)104The minister threatened to (如果他的政策不被采纳的话就退体)105The relationship between companies and shareholders (已经得到透彻研究)106By 2020,production in the area is expected (是2006年产量的两倍)107It is a miracle that (他们能在空难中存活下来)108The research data were admitted (是通过不可靠的来源得到的)109. In no case (任何人可以出卖自己的良心)110It is re

21、ported that (这些文化遗产处于被毁坏的危险之中).111. There is little chance of winning the contest (由于运动员们的粗心大意).112. Though they hadnt seen each other for decade, (见面时杰克一肯就认出了她).113. The delegate demanded that (成立一个委员会对这起事故进行调查)114only under special circumstances (才允许员工请假)115The new arrival was (不是别人,正是那位著名的作曲家)116

22、If the whole framework of the thesis had been designed beforehand, (就会节省很多时间和精力)117You should be cautious to shop online (以防他人打你账户的主意)118A Dream of Red Chamber is said (在过去的几十年内被翻译成好几种语言)119Had the CEO kept all eye on the changing market, (我们的公司就不会陷入危机之中)120. Our department will have a travel with a

23、ll of the assigned work (在最后期限之前完成)121It is very clear that the entrepreneurs aid will contribute (使贫苦的学生摆脱贫困)122The vice manager was suspected (拿了股东的钱逍遥法外)123He proposed that we (应当出去野炊以庆祝我们获得足球比赛的胜利)124Many scientists believe that 0ur species (有朝一日会濒临灭绝).125If the project had not been planned in a

24、dvance,_ (就会浪费很多的时间和资金)126It is reported that many automobile accidents are attributed (莽撞驾车或酒后开车)127The software company stipulated that (这份合同要在三个月之内完成)128Its released that by the end of this year (该国的就业率将会升3左右)129We have to admit the fact (生命的质量和生命本身一样重要)130It is reported that (新的管理方法大大提高了该公司的竞争力)

25、131It is essential that (我们必须找到应付将会出现的问题的途径)132It is acknowledged that (因特网扮演着越来越重要的角色)133Im sure your suggestion will contribute (解决这个健康难题)134I am quite ignorant (租下一个公寓要花多少钱)135. The sight of graduates always (使我想起我的第一次工作面试)136Any government that is (无视这个社会问题将会付出沉重的代价)137Jeff stuck to his opinion,

26、just because he (深信这件事正确可靠)138In no case (员工未经允许就离开工作场所)139Last night,no sooner (我一到家就记下我所目睹的一切)140Many graduates nowadays dream of (获得一个在知名外企工作的机会)141For all his notable contributions,he is ready to (接受来自各方的建议)142Their success was attributed (不是因为能力,而是由于诸如运气之类的因素)143. It was because of his careless

27、ness (我们所有的试验数据都被毁坏了)144A good education is an asset (能让你后半生都有所依靠)145The company bought him a car (作为对他杰出业绩的报酬)146The director was ill and (由你代替他主持后天的会议)147The future will probably belong to (那些拥有和懂得怎样去利用信息的人)148To develop the economy in this region, (我们必须充分利用各种技术和创新)149Good writing is compared to f

28、ine food (因为两者对于生活而言都是基本的)150Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will (大大受益于这些新的培训计划)151To understand what true happiness is (人必须能分辨幸福和开心)152A language is a signaling system (人们出于交流的目的而使用它)153Rose has impressed me (用流利的英语向我介绍他们的公司)154Ten days ago the young man (告知老板自己辞职的打算)155Young peop

29、le tend to make mistakes (尤其是当他们匆匆忙忙时)156Since they once lived in the same community, (所以彼此之间很熟悉)157The engineers are going through with their highway project, (即使总的费用已经增加了)158The head of our department is supposed to (前天就离开去伦敦了)159With the fast development of the globalization, (不同文化间的交互影响已成为了一种必然的

30、趋势)160In view of your poor health condition,youd better (听从医生的建议把烟戒了吧)161Its released that by the end of this year (失业率将会增长大约3)162A committee of four physicists and three chemists (已经参与到有关新能源的讨论之中)163Nowhere but in the continuous research work (这位科学家才能找到自己活着的意义)164The two travelers are talking vigorously about (他们所访问过的人和国家)165. Rick emailed his resume to the employer and (赢得了这家公司销售经理的职位)166The football match,originally due to be held last Thursday, (因为糟糕的天气而最终被取消了)167But for the help of the local people, (我们的调查就不会获得成功了)168Many countries are t

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