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高中英语北师大版版选修6教学案Unit 18 Section Ⅷ Grammar含答案.docx

1、高中英语北师大版版选修6教学案Unit 18 Section Grammar含答案2019-2020年高中英语北师大版版选修6教学案:Unit 18 Section Grammar(含答案) 语法图解 探究发现Heused to/wouldspend every penny he earned on books.He used to/would take a walk near the forest in the evening.She is no longer what she used tobe.Wewould sit in the yard every evening and liste

2、n to his stories.There used to be a park here.Would you like me to carry it for you?我的发现(1)句都表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作, used to 与 would 可以互换。(2)句中的 used to 表示过去的行为同现在作对比,含有“过去怎么样,而现在却不这样了”的意义。(3)句中的would表示过去重复性的行为。(4)句中的used to表示过去的状态。(5)句中的would表示委婉地提出看法、请求或建议等。一、used to的用法1used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态现在已不存在,其后接动词原形。H

3、e used to play football when he was young.他年轻的时候常常踢足球。Iused to live in Beijing, but now I live in Shanghai.我过去住在北京,但是现在住在上海。2used to在句中的几种形式:(1)否定式过去我不喜欢歌剧。(2)疑问式过去你喜欢歌剧吗?(3)反意疑问式如果是there used to be .句型,附加疑问句用wasnt/werent there。You used to like opera, didnt you?你过去喜欢歌剧,是吗?There used to be a church h

4、ere, wasnt there?过去这里有座教堂,是吗?即时演练1(1)句型转换We used to go swimming in summer.(变为否定句)We didntusetogo swimming in summer.My sister used to be shy when she was at school.(变为一般疑问句)Didyoursisterusetobe shy when she was at school?(2)完成句子I dont play golf now, but I used_to (过去常常打)We didnt_use_to/usednt_to (过去

5、不常) go out to walk.There didnt_use_to_be/usednt_to_be (过去没有) so many shops.I havent_got_used_to (没习惯) the new system yet.二、would的用法1would是will的过去式,表示过去的“意志、意愿”,可用于多种人称。They said that theywouldhelp us.他们说他们愿意帮助我们。2would指的是现在的时间时,表示说话人的意愿或向对方提出请求,语气比will委婉,也可表示委婉地提出看法、请求、建议等。I wouldlike to have a try.

6、我想试一试。Would you like me to carry it for you?我帮你拿好吗?Im afraid the journey wouldbe too expensive.我恐怕这次旅行的费用太高了。3表示过去反复发生的动作或过去的一种倾向。On summer evenings they would sit out in the garden.在夏天的晚上他们经常坐在外面的花园里。4用在虚拟语气中。If you had come earlier, you would have seen him.如果你早来一点儿,你就能见到他。即时演练2完成句子On Sundays he_wo

7、uld_come_and_work_with_us on those days.在那些日子里,每当星期日他总会来和我们一起劳动。Mary would_come_to_me when she was in trouble.玛丽有困难时总是来找我。If I were to do the job, I_would_do_it_in_a_different_way.要是我来做这项工作,我会用另一种方法。三、used to和would的用法比较1相同点(1)would 与 used to 都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作,常常可以换用。When we were boys weused to/woul

8、dgo for an outing every spring.小时候,每到春天我们都要去郊游。When I was young I used to/wouldget up early.我年轻时经常早起。(2)would 与 used to 都不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或具体的一段时间。我去过法国六次。他在非洲住过二十年。2不同点(1)used to表示“过去常常”,暗含“现在不再了”的意思,强调今昔对比。would只表示过去情况,与现在无关,只表示说话人对过去事实的回顾和陈述。不含有“过去如此,现在不再这样”的意味。He would go to the park as soon as he

9、 was free.过去,他总是一有空就去公园。(现在有可能还去)(2)would表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反复就不能用would,只能用used to。He was so busy that he would work into the night.他过去很忙,以至于总是工作到深夜。(具有反复性)Iused tolive in a flat.我过去住在一套公寓房里。(没有反复性)(3)used to还可与be动词连用,表示过去的状态,而would则不可以。She used to be a quiet girl.她以前是个文静的女孩。不可以说:She would be a quiet

10、 girl.(4)used to本身就指过去的习惯性动作或状态,所以通常不与often, frequently, sometimes等连用;而would则往往带有这些状语。Often in holidays, he would go to some places of interest.过去,通常在假期期间,他会去参观一些名胜。Hewould sometimes sit alone, deep in thought.过去,有时候他独自坐着陷入沉思。即时演练3(1)选词填空: would, used toWhen working in the same office, we would/used

11、_to help each other.He is much richer than what he used_to be.He got promoted as the CEO of the firm, and therefore, he isnt what he used_to be.When he was there, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.When we were children we would/used_to go skating every winter.In Chin

12、a, women used_to/would wear jewellery on their heads.(2)对比翻译他过去常吸很多烟。(现在不吸了)He_used_to_smoke_a_lot.他年轻时,总是吸很多烟。(只陈述过去的这种习惯,与现在无关。现在可能吸也可能不吸)He_would_smoke_a_lot_when_he_was_young.选词填空: would, used to1People used_to believe that the earth was flat.2There used_to be a tall tree here.3I dont swim as of

13、ten as I used_to.4He would sit there alone, thinking.5I would/used_to go to school by bike when I was young.6Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?7I actually believe that we would be in Xian now if you hadnt been caught drunk driving last month.8“I would do anything for our country,” sa

14、id the soldier.完成句子1My daughter used_to_like_chocolates,_but now she likes fruits.我女儿过去喜欢巧克力,但现在喜欢水果。2Yet, he can not but remember China as it_used_to_be.然而,他不会不记得旧日的中国。3When she was sad, she_used_to/would_sit_in_front_of_that_mirror doing nothing.当她伤心的时候,她总是坐在那面镜子前,什么也不做。4When he was young, he_woul

15、d_sleep_late_on_Sundays,_just as he does now.他年轻的时候,总在星期天睡懒觉,就像现在一样。5I dont smoke these days, but_I_used_to.我现在不抽烟,但过去抽。6When we worked in the same office, we_would_often_have_coffee_together.我们过去在同一间办公室工作的时候,经常一起喝咖啡。单元语法项目(二)限定词 语法图解 探究发现I called on Sherlock Holmes on the second morning.There is a

16、story about that hat which will help you solve another mysterious crime.There is some dust on it and several spots.The text first mentions aman and a goose and latertheman and thegoose.He caused his parents a great deal of pain.There are a lot of faults in yourpaper.我的发现(1)数词作限定词的为句。(2)冠词作限定词的有句。(3)

17、形容词性指示代词作限定词的有句。(4)形容词性物主代词作限定词的有句。(5)形容词性不定代词作限定词的有句。一、概念限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。His new computer is very expensive.他的新电脑很昂贵。His grandfather lives in that small village.他爷爷住在那个小村庄里。二、种类冠词a, an, the形容词性指示代词this, that, these, those形容词性物主代词my, your, our, his, her, their, its形容词性不定

18、代词both, every, much, some, any, a few数词one, two .; first, second .;onethird, threefifths .特指形容词next, only, etc.Thesun rises intheeast and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。Mygrandfather is a very kind man.我祖父是一个非常友善的人。He bought somenew books for us.他给我们买了一些新书。That new house was built last year.那栋新房子是去年建的。If y

19、ou dont like this one, try another.如果你不喜欢这一个,请再试另一个。That is the only access to the cave.那是入洞的唯一通道。名师点津冠词表类指有3种情况:不定冠词a/an,定冠词the和零冠词都可泛指类。A tigeris a type of very large fierce wild cat that has yellow fur with black bands across.老虎是一种毛皮为黄色、全身长满黑色条纹、形体很大的凶猛的野生猫科动物。The car goes faster than the bike.汽车

20、比自行车跑得快。Farmers are busy harvesting and planting in autumn.农民们在秋天忙于收获和播种。即时演练1用适当的冠词填空(2015浙江高考单选)Janes grandmother had wanted to write a childrens book for many years, but one thing or another always got in the way.(2015陕西高考单选)The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually becomes.(2015四川高考单

21、选)Brian is gifted in writing music; he is very likely to be a Beethoven.A oneyearold child was reported to have been left alone for over two days.How do you like the movie?It is not a little interesting.三、用法用法例词只能限定单数可数名词的限定词another, each,neither, either,the whole, every, a/an, one .只能限定复数可数名词的限定词ma

22、ny, several, these, those, a couple of, a number of .只能限定不可数名词的限定词much, (a) little, a bit of, a great deal of, an amount of .既可限定不可数名词,又可限定单数可数名词和复数可数名词的限定词all, any, half, my, your, our . no, the rest of, the same, some, such, what, this, that, which, whose, the .既可限定不可数名词,又可限定复数可数名词的限定词enough, more

23、, most, plenty of, a quantity of, a lot of, lots of, less .既可限定单数可数名词,又可限定复数可数名词的限定词next, last, the other, first, second .There is another way of looking at the question. 还有另一种办法来看待这个问题。She clasped Helens hands in both hers. 她用双手抓住海伦的手。She hadlittle affection for him. 她对他没有什么感情。Allthe children were

24、under seven.所有的孩子都不到七岁。I have a lot ofAmerican friends.我有很多美国朋友。We spent the last days of our holiday. 我们度过了假期的最后几天。名师点津(1)another, the other, others, other用法不同:another“另一,又一,再一”,后接单数可数名词(三者或三者以上的另一个);“还,又,再”,后接复数可数名词。the other后接名词或代词,指两者中的“另一个”,常与one连用,意为“另一个”。others没有范围,指别的人或物。other “别的,其他的”,要放在量词

25、和数词之后。many other things“许多别的东西”。We walked anotherthree hundred yards.我们又走了三百码。(2)多个形容词作定语的排列顺序如果两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,常用顺序:限定词(these, those .)数量形容词描绘性形容词表大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词新旧颜色国籍材料用途被修饰的名词。those three beautiful large old red Chinese wood writing desks那三张漂亮的巨大红色中国古代旧木制写字桌即时演练2选词填空Finished?No, Ive another thre

26、e questions to do.The old couple had two sons.One son went to live in Australia and the_other one was killed in a car crash.Can you think of other ways of doing this exercise?Saying is one thing while doing is another.Shes worried because she has got some interviews next week and they always make he

27、r nervous.Any bus will take you to Kings Cross so get on the first that comes along.Theres no reason to be rude all the time.选词填空1Could I have some beer please?2One mans meat is another mans poison.3I have much pleasure in declaring the new factory open.4Some countries are rich. Other countries are

28、poor.5She ate a_small_quantity_of rice so that she could slim.6A Mr Wang came to see you this morning.7Each child will find his own personal road to success.8I have read all the books you lent me.完成句子1The_only_passenger surviving the traffic accident was a girl.这起交通事故的唯一幸存者是一个姑娘。2I spent the_whole_m

29、orning listening to a musical today.今天整个早上我都在听一部音乐剧。3Dont worry if you cant come_to_the_party. Ill save some_cake_for_you.如果不能参加聚会,你不用担心。我会为你留一些蛋糕。4He has made a lot of films, but few_good_ones.他已经制作了很多部电影,但没有几部佳作。5Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?Sorry, lets make_it_another_time.我们今天下午3点可以见面吗?对不起,我们另外约个时间吧。6I have been doing the_same_work all the time since I left school.自从毕业到现在,我一直在做同样的工作。

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