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1、剑桥少儿英语二级试题doc剑桥少儿英语二级试题Name: _ Score: _Listening comprehension 25%1. Sound discriminaiton. 10%( )1.A.cook B.look ( )2. ) B.boy ( )4. A.any B.many( )5.A.can B.cant ( )6. A.Thursday B.Tuesday( ) B.yesterday ( )8. )9.A.class ( ) B.wash2.

2、 Listen and choose. 5%( )1.A. I watched TV yesterday. B. I washed clothes yesterday.C. I watched a movie yesterday.( )2.A. Did you take a bath? B. Did you take a walk?C. Did you take any pictures?( )3.A. I can climb mountains. B. I can climb trees.C. He can climb mountains.( )4.A. Where are the boys

3、? B. There are the boysC. They are boys.( )5.A. Today is Tuesday. B. Today is Thursday.C. Yesterday was Tuesday.3. Listen and fill in the blanks. 12% Daisy is my 1 .She 2_ on a small farm. She is only 3_ years old, but she is tall. She 4 _ _ two big 5 and 6 small nose. We are in the 7 _ class. I lik

4、e to fly kites, but she 8_. She 9 _ 10 _ play with her little 11 . Do you know what they are? She likes 12_ very much.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 4. Listen and order these sentences. 8%1. My building does not have a lift. It only has six floors. 2. Yes, it is.3. There are 22 floors. 4. Of

5、 course, I do. What about you? 5. That is a nice building.6. Do you take a lift every day? 7. How many floors are there?8. Which floor do you live on?9. I live on the 18th floor._Writing Part 75%I.Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. 5% 1. It looks like a horse but it

6、 is black and white. _2. Animals like tigers, monkeys and lions live in this. _3. It is the biggest animal in the world. _4. It is very long and people go to the other places by this. _5. This animal can give us milk to drink. _II.Write the correct words. 20%Example: big bigger biggest1. good _ _ 2.

7、 happy _ _3. short _ _ 4. fat _ _5. hot_ _ 6. careful 7. different Example: slow - slowly1. loud 2. quiet 3. happy 4. beautiful 5. bad Example: rain - rained1. work 2. Wash 3. Like 4. try 5 Is 6. Do 7. go 8. Have . Filling the blanks with the prepositions 5%in on under in front of behind1.The hat is

8、 _ my head.2.The animals are _ the zoo.3.I am shorter than Tom, so I sit _ him.4.Wheres the cat? I cant see it.Its _ the door.5. Its very hot. Let s have a rest _ the tree.IV. Choose the correct answer. 15%1.There are many clouds now. Its going to _.A. rains B. rain C. rainy D. raining2.May has a fe

9、ver. Ill take her to the _.A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park3.This hat isnt _. Its _.A. Kates; my. B. Kate; me. C. Kate; I. D. Kates; mine5.Are you hungry now?._A.Yes, it is. B. No, Im hungry. C. Yes, I am.6.-How are you? -_.A. How are you B. Im fine, thank you C. Im seven7.-Can you climb tree

10、s? -_A. Yes, I cant B. Yes, I do C. No, I cant8. Tom is _ in our class.A. taller B. tallest C. the tallest9. Where are the boys?A. Its on the desk B. They are in the classroom C. They are boys10. There _ some coffee in the cup.A. is B. isnt C. are11.-What did you do last Sunday? -I _A. watch TV B. p

11、layed soccer C. swimming12. Did you have a good time? -_A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I can C. Yes, I did13. What did you eat for lunch?-_A. Sausages B. Yes, I did C. I didnt like it14.-_ they _ mountains yesterday morning? -Yes, they did.A. Do climb B. Did climbed C. Did climb15. where is your mother going?

12、 - She A. goes to the hospital B. is going to theh hospital C. went to the hospital . 连词成句10%1. is / supper / cooking / she / the / in / kitchen._.2. easier / than / math / is / English._.3. nine / there / in / family / are / people / my. / _.4. who / the /in / your/ class / tallest / is / ?_.5. man

13、y/ there/ children/ are/ classroom/ the/ in_. Look, read and fill in the blanks. 10% My school is very big and beautiful. It has a big _. We can _, _and _on it. In front of the school building there is a nice_ in it, there are many_ and _. Our _ is on the third floor. There are 30_ and _. Our classr

14、oom is big and clean. I love my _!. 仿照例子改写句子10%Eg: There is some bread on the table.There isnt any bread on the table.1). There are some cheese in the burger._2). There are some boys in the classroom._3). There is an apple on the desk._Eg: Tom is fat.Tim is fatter.Tim is fatter than Tom1.the dog is

15、strong.The panda is stronger_2. The train is quick. The plane is quicker._ _3. That boy is careful. This girl is more careful._ _Eg. I like windy days. We can fly big kites. I like windy days because we can fly big kites.1. I like sunny days. We can swim and ride bikes._ _2. I like rainny days. We c

16、an watch TV and eat snacks._ _3. I like snowy days. We can have a snowball fight._ _4. I like eating chocolate. It is very yummy._ _个人小结:赠送以下资料考试知识点技巧大全一、 考试中途应饮葡萄糖水大脑是记忆的场所,脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活动,大脑细胞活动需要大量能量。科学研究证实,虽然大脑的重量只占人体重量的2%-3%,但大脑消耗的能量却占食物所产生的总能量的20%,它的能量来源靠葡萄糖氧化过程产生。据医学文献记载,一个健康的青少年学生30分钟

17、用脑,血糖浓度在120毫克/100毫升,大脑反应快,记忆力强;90分钟用脑,血糖浓度降至80毫克/100毫升,大脑功能尚正常;连续120分钟用脑,血糖浓度降至60毫克/100毫升,大脑反应迟钝,思维能力较差。我们中考、高考每一科考试时间都在2小时或2小时以上且用脑强度大,这样可引起低血糖并造成大脑疲劳,从而影响大脑的正常发挥,对考试成绩产生重大影响。因此建议考生,在用脑60分钟时,开始补饮25%浓度的葡萄糖水100毫升左右,为一个高效果的考试 加油 。二、考场记忆“短路”怎么办呢?对于考生来说,掌握有效的应试技巧比再做题突击更为有效。1.草稿纸也要逐题顺序写草稿要整洁,草稿纸使用要便于检查。不

18、要在一大张纸上乱写乱画,东写一些,西写一些。打草稿也要像解题一样,一题一题顺着序号往下写。最好在草稿纸题号前注上符号,以确定检查侧重点。为了便于做完试卷后的复查,草稿纸一般可以折成4-8块的小方格, 标注题号以便核查,保留清晰的分析和计算过程。2.答题要按 先易后难 顺序不要考虑考试难度与结果,可以先用5分钟熟悉试卷,合理安排考试进度,先易后难,先熟后生,排除干扰。考试中很可能遇到一些没有见过或复习过的难题,不要 蒙 了。一般中考试卷的题型难度分布基本上是从易到难排列的,或者交替排列。3.遇到容易试题不能浮躁遇到容易题,审题要细致。圈点关键字词,边审题边画草图,明确解题思路。有些考生一旦遇到容

19、易的题目,便觉得心应手、兴奋异常,往往情绪激动,甚至得意忘形。要避免急于求成、粗枝大叶,防止受熟题答案与解题过程的定式思维影响,避免漏题,错题,丢掉不该丢的分。4. 答题不要犹豫不决选择题做出选择时要慎重,要关注题干中的否定用词,对比筛选四个选项的差异和联系,特别注意保留计算型选择题的解答过程。当试题出现几种疑惑不决的答案时,考生一定要有主见,有自信心,即使不能确定答案,也不能长时间犹豫,浪费时间,最终也应把认为正确程度最高的答案写到试卷上,不要在答案处留白或 开天窗 。5.试卷检查要细心有序应答要准确。一般答题时,语言表达要尽量简明扼要,填涂答题纸绝不能错位。答完试题,如果时间允许,一般都要

20、进行试卷答题的复查。复查要谨慎,可以利用逆向思维,反向推理论证,联系生活实际,评估结果的合理性,选择特殊取值,多次归纳总结。另外,对不同题型可采用不同的检查方法。选择题可采用例证法,举出一两例来能分别证明其他选项不对便可安心。对填空题,则一要检查审题;二要检查思路是否完整;三要检查数据代入是否正确;四要检查计算过程;五要看答案是否合题意;六要检查步骤是否齐全,符号是否规范。还要复查一些客观题的答案有无遗漏,答案错位填涂,并复核你心存疑虑的项目。若没有充分的理由,一般不要改变你依据第一感觉做出的选择。6、万一记忆 短路 可慢呼吸考试中,有些考生因为怯场,导致无法集中精神,甚至大脑忽然一片空白,发

21、生 记忆堵塞 。此时不要紧张,不妨尝试如下方式:首先是稳定心态,保持镇静,并注意调节自己的呼吸率。先慢吸气,当对自己说 放松 时缓慢呼气,再考虑你正在努力回忆的问题,如果你仍不能回想起来,就暂时搁下这道题,开始选做其他会的试题,过段时间再回过头来做这道题。第二,积极联想。你不妨回忆老师在讲课时的情景或自己的复习笔记,并努力回忆与发生记忆堵塞问题有关的论据和概念,把回忆起的内容迅速记下来,然后,看能否从中挑出一些有用的材料或线索。第三,进行一分钟自我暗示。即根据自己的实际,选择能激励自己,使自己能心情平静和增强信心的话,在心中默念3至5遍。比如: 我已平静下来,我能够考好 、 我有信心,一定能考出理想的成绩 等等。第四,分析内容,查找相关要点。借助试卷上其它试题,也许会给考生提供某些线索。因此不要轻易放弃,查看试题中的相关要点,看看是否能给考生提供线索或启发。

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