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语言分析技巧 Tips in Language Analysis 英语写作技巧.docx

1、语言分析技巧 Tips in Language Analysis 英语写作技巧语言分析技巧Tips and Techniques to make you strong in Language AnalysisHowdy guys. So, in this article, I am going to share about Language Analysis. Language is an essential aspect when it comes to assignment writing, article or essay, etc. Your language tells everyt

2、hing about your writing style and how much knowledge you have about writing. So, if you want to know what are the methods to do language analysis, then my friend keep reading. I will cover everything from a writers perspective to an analysts perspective. This article will mainly cover the following

3、points:Language analysis definition.Elements in Language analysisLanguage analysis features.Language analysis techniques.So, guys lets get started with our Language analysis.1) What is the Language Analysis?In simple words, Language Analysis means to understand what a writer is saying in his piece o

4、f writing like an essay or an article. Analysis refers to how a writer is conveying his ideas through language techniques, such as figures of speech, sentence structure, tone, word choice, etc. The analysis of language is what you call as “Language Analysis.” You have to study the article or an essa

5、y or whatever text piece you have, very carefully and hence, identify each component in it. You might get to write a language analysis assignment. So, not to worry, I will surely discuss all the aspects of language in this article to help you analyze things better.2) Elements in Language AnalysisThe

6、 following is a list of those elements whom you need to identify in the writing piece you have:Author- First of all, identify who wrote that writing piece? Get to know the Author. According to me, we also develop that curiosity that who might have written the article? So, before moving on ahead with

7、 the analysis, you note down the name of its Author. Sometimes, it also gives an impression in mind.Text type- You should know what type of writing piece you are about to study. Is it an opinion column, speech, a letter or an editorial?Publication- Check, from where did the write-up got published?No

8、w, we are about to check the elements for which we have to read the whole write-up.Audience- You need to check, for what kind of audience is that write-up going to be published? How will the audience react after reading it? Is the write-up appealing enough? You need to check all this.Contention- It

9、means, what is the main point of view which the author is trying to convey in his write-up.Arguments supporting contention- Find out whether the arguments made are negative or positive. Both can be used by an Author. Arguments influence the contention of a write-up.Title- It is the most important pa

10、rt of a write-up piece. The audience tends to bend towards winning titles. But, the titles should relate to the content. You have to check how is the title engaging and persuasive?Persuasive techniques- Find out the persuasive techniques that the author has put in his work. Find out, whether those t

11、echniques are used throughout the entire write-up or in just a few sections?Visuals- Pictures or videos or other visual items are essential to emphasize things which you write in your write-up piece. Now, you need to check whether those visuals are complimenting the authors contention or not? A good

12、 write-up will always have matching and strong visuals supporting the content in the write-up.Tone- It is the attitude of the author with which he expresses his write-up. The tone may change or remain the same throughout the write-up. The tone is expressed by the use of syntax, the point of view, di

13、ction and the level of formality in the write-up. So, you need to check the tone of the Author.3) Features of Language AnalysisWhen you start analyzing a write-up, you must know that how its written. It means for good language analysis, you first need to identify language techniques and for that, yo

14、u should have a piece of good knowledge about it. Following are some of the important language techniques which you may notice while analyzing the write-up you have:i. AlliterationWhen you use words that have the same letter and same sound at the beginning of their pronunciation like, “Betty bought

15、better butter,” is what you call as alliteration. Its a poetic device to make a chain of words which start with the same consonant sound. There should be no heavy alliteration used in the whole write-up, as sometimes it makes the write-up blur or might get you off the track too.ii. SimileAnother imp

16、ortant feature of language analysis is the usage of Simile in the write-up. Simile is a comparison made of one thing with the another. Example: “He ran as fast as a Cheetah on the ground.” Now here, the man is being compared to a fast running Cheetah because that man may be running too fast. So, the

17、 man was compared to a Cheetah, and thus this is where simile comes in.iii. OnomatopoeiaIt literary means, “the sound I make.” What I want to say is that Onomatopoeia is words which give the feel of a sound being made like, “splash, spray, sprinkle, drizzle, bang, etc.” We can easily feel the sound

18、when we pronounce these words. For example, “He banged the door and left.” Here, banged gave us the indication that the door got closed very hitting hard. So, such words give us the indication of the activity which happens at that moment. We can visualize easily.iv. MetaphorIt is again one of the in

19、teresting features of language analysis. Metaphors are words which describe a situation regarding something else. Its kind of indirect comparison. Metaphor shows that one thing is another thing. Example: “This girl is on fire.” Now, this metaphor doesnt mean that the girl has been caught in a fire,

20、rather it means that the girl is doing brilliantly in some activity.v. PersonificationIt is a comparison where a non-human thing is described in terms of human. Example: “The last piece of the blueberry cheesecake, called my name.” So, blueberry cheesecake is not a human being which is calling me, b

21、ut I have personified it, and thus it is described as if its really calling me. This means that I badly want to eat that tasty cake :pSo, these were the five important language techniques which you need to know while analyzing a write-up piece. For a detailed study on Language techniques, click here

22、. You need to identify these language techniques and then judge and write a language analysis. Now, lets talk about language analysis features. So, following are the language analysis features which will help you write a perfect language analysis essay for your assignments:i. VocabularyYou need to i

23、dentify what kind of words, is the author using in his write-up and why? You need to understand how the author is playing with words.A poet might use words in the exact way they sound or in a different way (assonance), playing with initial letters of the words. This is for different effects in the w

24、rite-up.Writers may use verbs depicting motion when they want to show some kind of emergency like running or something else.An author may also use symbolic characters and place names to make his writeup more interesting.ii. SyntaxYou have to give attention to how authors use punctuation and sentence

25、 structure. They are either used in a usual manner or an unusual manner. This trick is used to create effects at different points in a poem or novel. The author might use the following tricks to play with language:No punctuation used.Heavy or short punctuated sentencesThe author might use simple and

26、 folktale narrative languageLong lines which are not punctuated.iii. PerspectiveYou need to check the point of view that the author is keeping in his writing. He might be talking in perspective of the second person or the third person. What he is trying to portray, this you need to find out. What pe

27、rspective is the poet or the author trying to put in?iv. GrammarSometimes, writers use incorrect grammar but, that is not because they are not good at it, rather they use it deliberately. It is because the writers have their own style of writing and its up to them that how they want to use words in

28、their write up. You have to check this out whether, the writer has used the incorrect grammar deliberately or whether it was a mistake? Try to consider the effects of tenses and the rhetorical effects.v. ImageryYou need to find out what kind of picture is the writer trying to make through his writin

29、g. The words can also connect things. The write-up may be a mix up of many colours being involved which symbolize something. Then comes nature/landscape/geography. You need to be sure that what feelings the writer has. Focus on the examples that the writer has given. This puts more impact on the rea

30、ders mind.4) Language Analysis TechniquesLanguage analysis is a very useful skill. Succeeding in many academic and college courses is necessary. An excellent language analysis report tells a lot about the author. Such reports provide the reader with a detailed analysis. So, lets talk about technique

31、s used for Language Analysis:i. To Understand the FormatFirst, you need to understand the purpose of language analysis. Once, you understand the need then you are good to go.Now, you need to understand the methodology of language analysis. You must get familiarized with different kinds of rhetorical

32、 devices and persuasive techniques used by writers.Next is to understand the desired outcome of language analysis.Now, we have understood the format of language analysis. Lets get started.ii. Ready, Steady, Go! Read the material which you have. Read throughly and make notes. Do an initial scan and then move into details. This will help you do your analysis in detail.Underline or highlight key passages. This will help you to identify the aspects which you want to use. Highlighting the passages and making notes is what will make things easy for you.Identify, what is t

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