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1、计算机专业英语作业及答案计算机专业英语作业答案(供参考)计算机专业英语作业 1第1-3章作业Vocabulary(词汇)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下歹U词组的 汉语。)1.central processing unit ( CPU)中央处理器3.operating system 操作系统 bar 菜单栏 7. electronic spreadsheet 电子表格9. database _2.title bar 标题栏 4.personal computer 个人计算机

2、sk publishing 桌面排版 8. hard disk 硬盘 10. Cursor 光标 (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的(三).Translate the following Chinese into English.(根据汉语写出相应的 英语。)1 .键盘 keybord 2 .鼠标 mouse 3 .扫描仪 scanner 4.打印机 printer 5.输入 input 6.输出 output 7.显示器 monitor 8.存储器 storage 9.数

3、据库 database 10.操作系统 operating system 11. 应用软件 application software 12.字处理器 word processor 13.网络浏览器 web browser Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F判断正误。)1. As soon as you turn the computer off, the contents of RAM will disappear. (V)2. Windows XP is Microsofts most advaneed d

4、esktop operating system. (V )3.Software can be divided into two general classes: system software and applicationsoftware. (V)4.Microsoft Word XP is a member of Microsoft office 2000 . (x )5. Application software (also called end-user program) is designed to perform a specific function directly for t

5、he user. (V)6.Without systems software, applicati on software in a computer is useless. (V)7.Win Zip, Win RAR and Mi crosoft s Internet Explorer are all data compressi on software.()8.Word doesn t havbet feature to accessing to World Wide Web. (x )9.Menu bar displays the names of the application and

6、 document. (x )10.Microsoft Word can help you design and manipulate spreadsheet electronically. (x ).三. Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹 配。)1. central processing unit ( CPU)a.操作系统2. hardwareb.输入.3. RAM(ra n

7、dom access memory)c.只读存储器4. ROM(read-o nly memory)d.应用软件5. i npute.中央处理器6. outputf.系统软件7. operati ng systemg.硬件8. applicati on softwareh.随机存储器9. system softwarei.内存10. memoryj.输出1._e_ 6. j_2.g 7.-a3.8. _d_4.c9. f5.b10. i(二).1.binary systemaan in put device2.prin terba compressi on software3.Microsof

8、t Wordcan operati ng system4.Wi nzipda numbering system based onthe digits 0 and 15.Internet Explorerea part of Microsoft word in terface6.mousefan electr onic spreadsheet7.Microsoft Excellgan output device8.DOSha word processor9.title baria web browser1. d6.a2 _g_7.3. h8.c4. b9.e5. i四.Fill in the b

9、lanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以 其适当的形式填空。)p onentheartresult inspeeddeterm ineThe cen tral process ing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computersystems. Among other thin gs, its con figuratio n determines whethera

10、 computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system component , resp on sible for direct ing mostof the computer system activities based on the in struct ions provided. As one computer gen erati on has evolved to the n ext, the physical size of the C

11、PU has ofte n become smaller and smaller, while its speed and capacity have in creasedtreme ndously .In deed, these cha nges have resulted in microcomputers thatare small eno ugh to fit on your desk or your lap.2.Microsoft Wordprin ter DBMS(database man ageme nt system)docume ntSpreadsheet disk cell

12、 value Microsoft ExcelWord processor, _Spreadsheet , Database are all application software. Wordprocessor, a special program can enable a computer user to create a dobument , store it ona disk , display it on a screen, even print it on a _printer . The software such as Microsoft Word , WPS, StarOffi

13、ce are word processors. Spreadsheet is differe nt from asimple table, for whose value have predefi ned relatio nship to each other, and each ofthem sits in a cell . Among the spreadsheet applicati on s, lotus 1-2-3 and MicrosoftExcel are the most famous. To access in formatio n from a database, the

14、computer user n eeda DBMS(database man ageme nt system) .3.margin sta ndard toolbar rulertitle bar menu bar in corporate intoMicrosoft Word XP is the curre nt Window vers ion of Word, and docume nts created in WordXP can be easily incorporated into _ Excel, Power Point and Access files. In thein ter

15、face of Word, the title bar displays the n ame of the curre nt applicati on and n ame ofthe curre nt docume nt; the _menu bar_ _lists the n ames of the menus available; the _toolbar _gives the user quick access to frequently used editing functions; the _ruler_ enables the user to cha nge left and ri

16、ght margin _ .五. Translation.(翻译。)(一).Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。)1.Most microcomputer printers print one character at a time, usually at rates varying from 30 to perhaps 180 characters per sec on ds.大多数的微型计算机打印机一次打印一个字符,通常以每秒 30180个字符的速度打印。2.Windows XP has a wide ran

17、ge of entertainment features and multimedia support designed to fully in tegrate digital media into the PC.Windows XP具有很多娱乐性能,并支持多媒体技术,将数字媒体集成于 PC之中。3.An application software is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application progr

18、am.软件。4.A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it on a scree n, modify it by en teri ng comma nds and characters from the keyboard, and print it on a prin ter.字处理器使你能够创建文档, 并将它存在磁盘上, 在显示器上显示, 通过从键盘输入命令和字符进行修改,并在打印机上输出。5.There are several applica

19、tions called Web browsers that make it easy to access the World WideWeb, two of the most popular being Net scape Navigator and Microsoft s Internet Explorer.有一些叫做网络浏览器的应用软件可以使我们访问万维网, 其中两个比较流行的是 NetscapeNavigator 禾口 Microsoft Internet Explorer.6 . Spreadsheet applications are computer programs that

20、let you create and manipulate spreadsheets.电子表格软件(有时简称为电子表格)是能够使你创建和操纵电子表格的计算机程序。7.Word offers many features, including desktop publishing and access to the World Wide Web.Word提供很多功能,包括桌面排版和访问万维网。8.As you create a specific docume nt, such as a bus in ess letter or resume, Word provides wizards, whic

21、h ask questi ons and the n use your an swers to format the docume nt before you type the text of the docume nt.当你要产生一个文件,如一封商业信函或一份简历时, Word会提供向导,它先提出一些问题,然后在输入文字之前,根据你的回答规定该文件的格式。9.Users ofte n save their work freque ntly onto non volatile sec on dary storage devices such as diskettes or hard disks

22、.用户经常在保存工作在非易失性的二级存储设备上例如磁带或硬盘。10.Whe n edit ing in Word, a user can cha nge left and right marg ins with the Ruler.在Word中进行编辑时,用户可以用标尺改变左边距和右边距。(二) . Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.(将下列各段翻译成汉语)。1.The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. Among other th

23、ings, its configuration determines whether a computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system comp onen t, resp on sible for direct ing most of the computer system activities based on the in structi ons provided. As one computer gen erati on has ev

24、olved to the n ext, the physical size of the CPU has often become smaller and smaller, while its speed and capacity have in creased treme ndously. In deed, these cha nges have resulted in microcomputers that are small eno ugh to fit on your desk or your lap.中央处理器(CPU)是计算机系统的心脏。 一台计算机相对于其它计算机的速度是快还 是

25、慢,除了别的因素外, CPU的配置起着决定的作用。 CPU是最复杂的计算机系统设备,它根据提供的指令负责指挥协调计算机系统的全部活动。 当老一代计算机被新的一代计算机代替的时候,CPU的实际尺寸往往变得越来越小,而其速度和能力却增加了许多。这种变 化的结果就使得微机缩小得可以放在你的桌子上或你的膝上。2.Personal computer software is based on specific operating systems and machines. Operating systems software defines the personalityof the computer b

26、y specifying the way in which programs are con trolled, files are stored and retrieved, and how the system s hardware components are held together. Software written to run on a specific PC operating system can tun on another. To use PCs effectively, one mustun dersta nd the capabilities of their ope

27、rat ing systems software.个人计算机软件建立于特定的操作系统和计算机。 操作系统软件通过一系列措施定义了计算机的性能,包括如何控制程序执行、文件如何存储和读取、系统硬件组件如何管理等。基于某一特定的pc操作系统编写的软件不能用于其他操作系统。为了充分利用 pc机,用户必须了解操作系统的特性。3.An application software (also called end-user program) is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in s

28、ome cases, for another application program. Examples of application software include word processors; databaseprograms; Web browsers; developme nt tools; draw ing, paint, and image edit ing programs; and com muni cati on programs. Figuratively speak ing, applicati on software sits on top of system s

29、oftware because it is unable to run without the operati ng system and system software.应用软件(又称作终端用户程序)是直接为用户设计的具有专门功能的软件,或在某 些情况下,为另一种应用程序设计的。应用软件的例子有:字处理器,数据库程序,网络浏 览器,打发工具,绘图和图像编辑程序,通信程序等。比喻的说,应用软件坐在系统软件的 上面,这是因为如果没有操作系统和系统公用程序应用软件将不能运行。计算机专业英语作业 2第4-6章作业一.Vocabulary(词汇)(一) .Translate the following

30、 words and expressions into Chinese(写出下歹U词组的 汉语。)I. database 2. flat-file database 平面数据库 3. relational databas 4. data structur 5. built in 内置 6. coding 编码 7. machine languag 8. Property Windo 9. software crisi 10. object model 对象模式II. black box testing 黑盒测试 12. white box testin 13. Bug 错误 14. softw

31、are maintenance 软件维护15. Requirements Analysis & Specification 需求分析和说明 (二) .Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的 英语缩写。)2.1.结构化查询语言 SQL3.集成开发环境 IDE5.单文档界面 SDI关系型数据库管理系统 RDBMS4.多文档界面 6.面向对象分析 (三).Translate the following Chinese into English.(根据汉语写出相应的 英语。)Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F判断正误。)

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