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1、出国推荐信重复出国推荐信重复出国推荐信重复篇一:几篇不错的出国留学导师信范文 出国留学导师信范文 1 To hom it ma Conern, I am riting this letter to attest to Pauls skills in language and publi relations. In the four ears I have knon him, I have been onsistentl impressed ith his abilit not onl to negotiate plex ideas in other languages, but also to

2、 relate these things in a personable, onsientious fashion. His manner in these ases is both professional and personal, to qualities hih I find partiularl valuable in a professional setting. He has personall helped me in professional negotiation for everthing from train tikets to ontrat information,

3、and I have alas been able to ount on him. I first met Paul in shool, here he as a student at the universit at hih I taught. He as ell-knon to most of the esterners in ton, ho ould all from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional douments,

4、and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone alls. Man of these esterners ontinue to all him toda, even though the live quite far XX from him, beause the have e to trust him ver muh. From this foundation in publi relations Paul has found positions in various professional apaities and has

5、been highl-valued in eah plae. He is generall the sort of emploee a pan finds most valuable in its dealings ith both foreign and domesti lients. He puts people at their ease ith his language abilit and manner, both of hih muniate to people that the an relax and simpl muniate.I ould highl remend Paul

6、 as an emploee. His experiene and manner are rare and ver valuable.Robert Moore Mentor 出国留学导师信范文 2 Dear Colleagues: MS. XXX requested a letter of referene from me to support her appliation for graduate studies at our universit. As her researh adviser hen she as a graduate student in m shool of siene

7、 Beijing Universit of Chemial Tehnolog, I am pleased to pl ith her request. I have knon Ms. Zhang sine 201X, hen she as admitted as a Master of Siene andidate into the shool. As her researh adviser, I direted her researh and found her a promising outh radiating ith intelligene and reativit. During h

8、er first ear, she got a ver good reord in major ourses and earned good sores major and general GPA 3.3. She partiularl enjoed hallenging areas of studies suh as Quantum Chemistr and Theor of Eletrohemistr. During the folloing to ears, Ms. Zhang orked on a putational theor stud of inorgani funtional

9、materials projet for his degree thesis “Theoretial Stud of Eletroni Strutures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hdrotalite Slabs”. To make the theor model meet the atual materials, she faed don man pratial problems, suh as building reasonable module of inorgani materials, and alulation

10、tehniques. Working hard and independentl, she raked the problems one b one, and ame up ith a thesis that as haraterized b XXdemi exellene. During her M.S. period, she had three papers published in international journals. Judging b her outstanding performane hile she studied ith me, I am onvined that

11、 Ms. Zhang has aquired the knoledge and intelletual sophistiation on the basis of hih she an undertake orld-lass training. I therefore lend her m enthusiasti support and ould appreiate our favorable onsideration of her appliation. From: x x x xDepartment of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS Univer

12、sit of Siene and Tehnolog Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China Jul 1,98 3 Dear Sir or x x x: I take great pleasure in remending Ren Ren, one of m favorite students, for admission into our distinguished graduate program. Mr. Ren as admitted in86 at 14 ears of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUT

13、HS, m universit's unique program that aters to the intelletual needs of unusuall talented Chinese oungsters. It as a rare privilege he earned ith his nearl impeable XXdemi performane through the ears of his elementar and seondar shool. He impressed me almost as he entered into m universit, a maj

14、or radle of China's sientifi and tehnologial talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studing b themselves the priniples of alulus and then take an exam so that e ould evaluate their self-stud apabilit. Mr. Ren sored the highest grade in that exam. He also

15、exhibited a keenl hetted mind during lass disussions. To m regret at the time, his English as not as good as his mathematis or phsis. But I notied he made a point of orking espeiall hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate ears ith us. B no, he seems to be at least as profiient in

16、 English as most of his former lassmates in the Gifted Class. In m experiene ith Mr. Ren, I as impressed ith not onl his extraordinar intelligene but also his ambitions and persistene. I am sure that Mr. Ren ill be an outstanding student in an dotoral program that he ma are to eoll in. So I ould lik

17、e to support him firml in his quest remendation into aount hen onsidering his appliation. I ould greatl appreiate it ou deide to aept him as he ishes. Yours sinerel x x x x Professor and Deput Head 4 Dear Admissions Committee, As Diretor of the State Ke Laborator of Eletrial Insulation at ABC Univer

18、sit in BLANK, China, it is m sinere and distint pleasure to remend Ms. Xiao Xiao for our graduate program in BLANK. I have knon Ms. Xiao sine 2001, hen she as one of eight students ho pleted their undergraduate thesis projets in m BLANK laborator. Ms. Juans enthusiasm for and diligene in learning he

19、lped her bee one of the most outstanding students in the entire group, making a strong, positive impression upon me. Ms. Xiao is a ver driven oman and student ho kno hat she ants to aplish and does not falter in her hosen path. Her intelletual uriosit and desire to aquire ne aknoledge ontinuousl hav

20、e led her to perform muh stud on her on outside the sope of her lasses and researh ork; oftentimes, I itnessed her onsulting sientifibooks and journals to help her disover ho she ould improve her knoledge and her ork in the laborator. Countless times, Ms. Xiao remained in the laborator for more than

21、 telve hours in a ro to plete her ork and make sure there ere no errors. With suh devotion and fortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me ith her superior performane on her thesis paper. In terms of her harater, Ms. Xiao is an amiable, ourteous, and helpful oung oman ho has man friends amongst our labo

22、rator personnel. Ms. Xiao is read to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate stud. Her XXdemi performane, researh ork, and upstanding personal harater have on her m highest remendation, and I hope ou give her appliation strong onsideration. Thank ou. Sinerel, NAME Diretor State Ke Laborator o

23、f Eletrial Insulation, ABC Universit 5 几乎所有的大学都会要求美国留学申请人提出信(Remendation Letter),评审委员借着者的文字描述,可以了解申请人的背景状况。它可说明各种成绩单数字以外的其它意义,补充过于计量化、公式化审核的一种评估方式。 美国留学申请研究所一般要求三封信人的身份可以是曾经教你的教授,或是现(曾)职工作单位主管,自已视需要组合。例如,如果你毕业十年,你的人可应有二封工作主管为宜,而毕业一两年顶多一封即足够。 人的职务,并不一定愈高愈有利,相反地,认识你愈久而职称不高,内容又适当地表达你的个性(Personalit),才是上

24、乘的。以下,我们将提供你信需注意的要点,帮助你着手起稿信:(一)不要拖时间,尽快起草:信需要时间写,何况又得配合老师的时间。所以尽快起草你的信,以便使你的者有充裕的时间,为你的信效力。 (二)提供充份的信息给者:如果你要者能掌握你的优点,你得提供充份的信息。自然,要尽量具体避免空洞地陈述。同时,你也该提供你申请学校截止日期给者参考,以免者耽误了你的申请。 (三)各信的打字书信字体,宜选不同的型式,以示不同的者。属需要圈选的表格者,可以直接以手稿填入。 (四)在逻辑推理下,者不可能知道或了解你的特质,请勿提及。譬如说,学生课外活动的表现就不适于平常教授正式科目的教授提及,除非教授也参与其中。又如

25、其它课堂的表现,除非其它教授曾经提及过,否则不适合此科教授评论学生在其它科目的表现。再如,学生如何在图书馆查数据、写报告花费的时间,一般老师是不可能知之甚详,除非实在太特殊而略有耳闻,故也不适合在信中提及。 (五)信的内容尽量简短有力:不要虚无空洞的形容词,例如他任职于某公司时,勤劳、负责、认真、为人谦虚、诚恳等语句,不宜多引用,最好讲出具体事实,才不流于形式,尤其不要抄袭市面的书信范例,以免流于陈腔滥调,落入俗套。 (六)如果可能的话,者最好与你修的科目或学校相关。譬如说:如果你将来计划主修英文,最好人之一是英文老师。又如,如果你申请常春藤名校(IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL),者若也是

26、常春藤名校出身,则其信将更有力。 (七)适当提及自己的“缺点”。一封信如果阐述的完全是被的同学的优点,不免让人觉得有粉饰之嫌,如果能恰当地加入一些“缺点”,不仅能令信真实,还会通过“似贬实褒”,反而突出了被人的特殊气质。例如计算机专业、数学专业乃至金融专业的同学,在信中可以考虑加入这样的词句:“该生有时因为过分专注于研究工作而难以平衡生活各方面的关系,这不失为一种美中不足”。这句话似乎是在谈“缺点”,但很明显这样的“缺点”其实正是很多专业最渴望的“缺点”废寝忘食的工作态度,从而使得“缺点”也为申请提供了巨大帮助。 信包含的主要题材 (一)与申请者的关系:表达清楚何种方式认识。譬如说是老师、指导

27、教授,老板等。说明交往多久,如果是教授学生关系,对教授的科目做一个简短的说明,如果信者是你的老板(主管),请详细说明你的工作职责。 (二)者对申请人人格个性特征的印象:譬如学习精神、工作态度、与同事(同学)相处的情形、组织领导能力、学术专长、研究能力、有无工作经验与否,并加注评语。 (三)者对你能否顺利完成学位的看法:譬如说,描述你对特别分配职务上的表现,以表现你的应变能力。又如,申请者是否有其它潜力未发挥? 如果申请者的成绩未尽理想,评述你对申请者的看法。解释申请者虽然形式上的成绩未尽理想,却有极深厚的潜力尚未发挥。如果申请者转系,也可以强调申请者有强烈的学习动机,根据者的观察,相信以申请者

28、的表现,一定可以成功完成学业。 (四)者对申请人人格个性特征的印象:譬如学习精神、工作态度、与同事(同学)相处的情形、组织领导能力、学术专长、研究能力、有无工作经验与否,并 加注评语。 (五)重述者对申请人的支持及能力的确认,以再次肯定对申请人的支持与。 美国留学申请信的模式 信的格式有些模式可循,以下将针对各段提供模式作参考:(一)抬头可用的格式有:Dear SirMadam; To Whom It Ma Conern: (二)第一段:引文句子可以引用如:“It is a pleasure to remend to ou program in is appling for admission

29、s to our graduate shool, and has requested that I rite this letter of remendation for herhim.” “In m apait as professor at xxxx Universit, I have knon xxx for three ears, as both hisher advisor and professor.” (三)第二段:这段可以提供最实质的内容。譬如,如果者是教授, 解释学生在他门下所修的课程。“took to of m ourses during the84-85 XXdemi e

30、ar, as follos; “xxxxx” and “xxxxx”.” “as eolled in three of lasses from September84 to June86 “xxx” and “xxx”.” 接下来,教授写一些有关申请人在课堂上的表现,如完成的研究计划、实验室研究、研究报告、考试的成绩、课堂态度、讨论课的参与等,举出实例。 “In m lass did exellent ork. She alas listened attentivel, partiipated ativitel in lass, and handed in ver good ritten as

31、signment. “In partiular, hisher researh paper on as of exeptionall high qualit, and shoed that she full understands and has a strong bakground in hisher field.” 如果人是工作主管,首先一定要仔细陈述申请人的工作职责,并对申请者工作表现作一评估。如果可能的话尽量列举实例。 “When held the position of in this pan she as one she as one of m best emploees. His

32、her job responsibilities inluded ranks in the upper 10%. 接下来,者可对申请人能否成功完成学业提出看法。举例:“Based on hisher previous performane, I am ertain that ould be a ver suessful student at our universit.” “I believe that possesses all the qualities neessar to make an exellent graduate student in hisher hosen field,

33、and am sure that she ill make a fine addition to our ampus.” (四)第三段:如果还有其它话想说,请另写一段.例如:英文能力、沟通技巧、领导才能、特殊学术或工作背景。譬如说,如果申请人欲申请的科系是企管系,者可着力描写他们有关申请人商业的专门技术、领导才能,以及申请者所参加的商业活动,例如,有关商业方面的组织社团。又如,申请人申请护理研究所,者可着力描写他们关怀的态度、处理实验室的技能,或是对病人的奉献。 (五)最后,以几句结尾作总结; “Therefore, I am happ to highl and ithout reservation remend for adm

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