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八年级英语8B Unit5教案.docx

1、八年级英语8B Unit5教案八年级英语8B Unit5教案B Uwelubjectives To understandandad it fluently To introduce studational chaProceduLead-What will you do to helau can?2 Land answWhich charity does Hobo walp? (Oxfam)Readagain and answer the qu) What does Oxfam need? 2) What does Eddie want Eddie to do?

2、3) Ww restaurant?Try to understand the following) You havleft. (haveleft 有留下、剩下) 2) I am not used to going out before lunch. (be used/doing sth.习惯于) 3) Hobo, you used to be very kind(used to do sth. 过去常常) 4) Im so weak that I cant walk any further. ( sothat如此以至于)Introduational charities andanswers t

3、o Part A on PagWhich chaan help them? 1) Proble: _aurants sell dishes made in rare animals which ad by law2) Proble: _ldareas in Africa dont have enough food to eaugh houses to blter. They are ill, buant gal. They are old enough, buant gl) Proble:_ Caas been blindwas sixteen years old. Now ten years

4、 has passedll cant see anything becauvand hauggalDo Part B on pagWairs and ask and answer l: A: What do youlud most? Why? B: Id most. BecauseHomew) Readluently and remember useful2) Try to sag abouau know. (8B) Unit 5 Reading (1) Objectiv To understand open quused in an interview  Tg

5、eneral meaningle and context  To predaningwordxt  Tunderstanding by linking pa To summaation by completingProceduTalk abouational charities accordinglog2assage and answer Wa plalogo? (a flyingal) What do ORBIS workers do every day? (operate on paaatients)aview and answllowing

6、 true or false qu)About 450 millle have heart probl2)Allases of blindness can not be cured or prevented. 3)ORBIS doctors do operala)All doctors and nurses glane to learn aboua)Dr Ma sausedard w)People can help by sending donaRBIareful reading 1) Read Lines 1-7, answllowing qua. How many people does

7、blindness affect around the world ? Where aly from? b. How male can be cured or prevented?Why donle receive medical treatment? 2) Read Lines 8-25, answllowing qua. Why do ORBIS dwork on a plane? b. How many operations did Dr Maduring his last visit?Is it hard w? d. Is the plane only a plaations? 3)

8、Read Lines 26-38, answllowing qua. How do people feel abouwork? b. What does ORBIS need to carry on wwork?What can we d?answers to Part B1 on Page 80Lding and praading aloudPart B2 on Page 80AnaluctuassagHomew) Read the text carefully. 2) Praading the new words and useful ex) Finish and discuxbook.

9、(8B) Unit 5 Reading (2) ObjectivTo get a thorough understandingview To retell the text with your own words To master useful ex-mail ProceduAsk and answer quabout an interview with a ORBIS d2 Complllowing passage. Amy told Danielg about ORBIS toadRBIS is a c 1 that wb 2 people

10、. Blindness a 3 about 45 millle around the world, mostluL 4 , 80ases can bHowever, maatients aaant aavelal, and there are still many who do not havaRBIS uses a flyingvulane volunteer d0 operations. Dr Ma, a doctor workingla0 patients during his last vThe plane is also used as a teachingL 12 doctors

11、and nurses calane to learn new s 13 and shaThey can also wavideo. Aare trainedan helle. ORBIS need enougwwork. We caby sending donaRBIarity 2. blind 3. aLuckily 5. curedvented 7. afford 8. medicalal 10ated 12. Localllwledge 15. waauxplalanguag(斜体部分为正确答案,见课件。) 1.失明影响着全球大约4,500万人,(他们)大都是在贫困国家,并且这些病例中约

12、有80%是可以预防或防止的。 Blindness affects about 45 millle around the world, mostluand about 80ases can be cured or prevented. 1) mostly adv. “主要地,大部分地” a. 我们星期日大多不在家。We are mostly out on Sundab. 她的假日大多在家中度过。dliday mostly a2) 80ases 80 80%的 a. 我们学校里百分之90%的教师是女教师。 90aur school are women teab. 地球的百分之六十被水覆盖。 60a

13、vered with wa2. 我们的很多病人很穷,连去医院的钱都没有,所以我们得去他们那。 Many of our patients aaant afford to travelal, so we have to g) afford “买得起,负担得起” afford sth. afford to d贫困学生买不起文具。 Tudents cant afford sta(afford sth.) Tudents cant afford to buy sta(afford to do sth.) 2) so that “那么以至于” so后面用形容词或副词, that后面加从句。 a. Hung

14、 that he cant gl. b. The old maweak that he cant do the wTavy that we cant movd. The maths probldifficult that he cant wuThe wordblackboardall that we canlearlThe ligwaat the duldnag. He ran so fast that we couldnt catch up w这幢房子的价格是那么高,一直于没有人买得起它。 Tugh that nobody/an afford (to buy)通过对当地医生和护士的培训,我们

15、希望去帮助更多的人。 By training local doctors and nurses, wlp evle. by doing sth. “通过, 靠的方法” a. 我们可以通过筹钱来帮助贫穷的女孩。We can help poor girls by raisingb. 通过努力学习,他通过了所有的考试。By working hard, he passed all the exa在我上一次访问期间,我在飞机上为150名患者做了手术。 During my last visit, I operated on 150 palaate on sb.= do an operab. “为某人做手术

16、” a. 张医生昨天给一个3岁的男孩做了手术。 Dr Zhang operated on a three-year-old bday. b. 那个人伤得严重。他必须立刻接受手术。 The man is badly hurt. He must be operated on a我过去常常一天只做两到三例手术。 I used to do only twations a daused to do sth. 过去常常做某事 a. 他过去常常8点上班。He used to go to work at 8 ab. 我过去常常在周末和我的朋友外出。 I used to go out wds at weeken

17、d我习惯它了。I am usedbe used/doing sth. 习惯某事/习惯做某事 a.We are usedweaangzhou. b.Are you usedlocal food in Beijing? c.Lilys faused to working far awad.He is used to goinglused to drinkingHe is used to living alg.我习惯于乘飞机旅行。I am used to travelling by pla你们做了如此重要的工作,人们肯定十分感激你们。uve done such aant job that peopl

18、e must be really grateful to you) such that “如此以至于” such后面用名词或名词短语,that后面加从句。 a.It is such aant match that we all want to wab.He is such a clever boy that we all lIt is suweather that we all like to go on ad. 它是如此重的一只包,以至于我提不动。It is such a heavy bag that I cant ca2) be grateful to sb. “对某人表示感谢” 她真诚地

19、感谢她的老师。uly gratefula能帮助这么多的人我感到很自豪。 I am proud to be able to help so many peoplbe proud to do sth. “为做某事感到自豪(骄傲)”我们所需要的是足够的钱,以继续我们的工作。 All we needarry on with our warry on warry on doing sth. “继续做某事,坚持做某事(尤指在中断后)” 让我们继续开会吧。 Lets carry on with oug./Lets caaving ougxUwords givllbla) Would you please t

20、ell ug about _ (blind). 2) This kind of disease can easily be _ (cure) in maal) The old man is _ (grate)licema) The med_ (most) sugar and wa) The accident could be _ (防止)driver was careful enoug) He used to _ (培训) local doctors and nurses and helped a l) Are you used to _ (捐赠)lareas? 8) Many people

21、dont have enougdical _ (治疗)an ten _ (病例) of bird flu wd here la0) Dr Bethune saved the soldier by _ (做手术)a2. Pullowinggl) 这些病例中约80%是可以治愈和防治的。 _ases can _. 2) 帮助处于困境中的人, 我们很自豪。 We are _ in troubl) 村民们很感激我们的捐赠物。 The villagers _) 现代科学正发生得如此之快,以至于更多的东西能被发明出来。d_ that even _) 它是如此重要的慈善机构,以至于它能改善贫困生的生活。 It

22、 is _ news that _ud) 我过去常常早起。 I _ earl) 他习惯生活在美国。 He _ in AmericaHomew) Remembant phrases you leala2) Rassage andll it with your own words (8B) Unit 5 Reading (3) Vocabulabjectives To develop an understanding of suffixes To use appropriate verbs and adjectivxt To use suffixat

23、e nouPresentaFill in aassage anduns by adding -ment, -ness or -ionverbs and adjectiv2 Understanduffixut the answers to Part A on Page 82Read the luns and adjectives in Part A and make sure you understand each wordWork out the rulTip:we need to changdingverb / adjective before we add the suffixxTullo

24、wing verbs or adjectivuby adding the suffixl) treat _ 2) careful_ 3) examine _ 4) agree _ 5 ) glad_ 6)affect _ 7)invite_ 8) blind_ 9)excite_Play a gaudent say a verb or an adjective and then audent sauverbadjective as quickly as possiblRead througxt of Part B and complete Daniels e-mail to Amy, usin

25、ggiven wordbox. Tansw0 Read loudly and then ask quabout Part Buffix) er/or 2) ing 3) 2. Group wake agrouur. Youuld include at least five words you learnedlesson. The words can be adjectives, verbs or nou2x) They want to have a meeting to make a _ (decide). 2) Bareful in your _ (act) The house walete

26、 _ (dark) Her _ (polite) and _ (kind) gave me a d) He is busy doing an _ (operate) now) All the world is surprised at the fast _ (develop)a during the past 20 yea) Pal _ (educate) I cannot go with you. I have to look aal becauus _ (sick)HomewRemember the words you learnedlesson (8B) Unit 5 Grammar A

27、 B Objectives To use used to to talk about a past habate To use be used to to talk aboug we have done regularly for a longRead througllowingand have an exact understanding of used to 1) I used to have breakfast at a.m. every day, but now I have breakfast at 6:30. 2) I used to study i

28、n a univbut now I work in a school) I used to ride a bl, but now I take a bul every da2 Go through Part A on Page 83 and understand how to mawith used toTalk abouangur school life, eating habits and life styles. Remember to use the used to to make up as maas you caanswxPagRead througllowingand have

29、an exact understanding of be used to 1) I have workedlars and I am usedbusy l2) The vare not used to eating wd becauare JapaGo through the table in Part B and understand how to mawith be used toTalk about your school life. Remember to use be used to to make up as maas you caanswxPaganswers to Part B2 and work out the rul0 More ex(见课件)Homew) 她以前经常花许多钱买零食。_ 2) 他过去常穿黑鞋子。_ 3) 当我还是个孩子时,我不喜欢吃苹果。_ 4) 他们过去常把钱花在书上吗? _ 5) 我已经习惯这里的天气了。_ 6) 我们习惯了乘飞机旅行了。_

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