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1、英语翻译题库(16)Agreat deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech.大量的交流是在人对人的基础上通过语言进行的。(17)Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominat

2、ing factors of contemporary society.面对面地接触怎么说也不是惟一的交流方式。在过去的两百年中,团体交流的艺术已成为现在社会的主导因素之一。(18)Secondly,speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to national news,which itself is often almost eclipsed by international news.第二,速度使

3、信息的传输和接收发生了革命性的变化,以至于地方消息往往滞后于国家信息,而国家信息又滞后于国际信息。(19)No longer is the possession of information confined to a privileged minority.对于自信的占有不再局限于少数优势群体。(20)The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information,education

4、 and entertainment.现代通讯工业影响了人们在社会上的生活方式,并拓宽了人们获得信息、教育和娱乐的途径。2、(16)It was a town of machinery and tal chimneys,out of which smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever.这是一座由机器和高大的烟囱组成的城镇,城镇外面永远笼罩一层烟雾。(17)The town contained several large streets all very like one another,and many small streets still mo

5、re like one another,inhabited by people equally like one another.这座城镇只有几条很相似的大街,还有几条很相似的小街道,住在镇上的人彼此也很相似。(18)You only knew the town was there,because you knew there could have been no such blotch upon the view without a town.你只知道那座城镇在那儿,因为如果没有那座城镇你的视野里就不会有那块斑点。(19)The whole town seemed to be frying

6、in oil.There was a stifling smell of hot oil everywhere.整座城镇好像都在油中煎烤,到处都弥漫着令人窒息的热油味儿。(20)Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate,in hot weather and in cold,wet weather and dry,fair weather and foul.无论在火热还是寒冷、湿润还是干燥的季节,好天气还是坏天气,它们疲惫的头颅总在以同样的速度上、下运动着。3、(16)The ants examined are the onl

7、y creatures other man have given up hunting and collecting for a completely agricultural way of life.被研究的蚂蚁是除了人类以外惟一放弃狩猎和采集,从事完全的农业活的动物。(17)The making and care of the gardens and the nursing of the young ants are smallest workers.建造和整理花园,以及照料幼蚁的工作是由最小的工蚁来做的。(18)To find out how good the various size-

8、groups are at different tasks,the scientist measured the amount of work done by the ants against the amount of energy they used.为了研究多大的群体适合做多重的工作,科学家把蚂蚁所做的工作量和所消耗的能量进行了对比。(19)In this he could see whether any group could do the job more efficiently than the group normally undertaking it.以这种方式他能知道是否其他

9、组的蚂蚁能够更有效地做原来那组蚂蚁通常在做的工作。(20)The intermediate-size that normally perform this task proved to be the most efficient for their energy costs,but when the scientist examined the whole set of jobs performed by each group of ants it appeared that some sizes of worker ants were not ideally suited to the pa

10、rticular jobs they performed.从能量消耗的角度来看,中等大小的蚂蚁组能够最有效地完成他们通常所做的工作。但是科学家们在检验各组蚂蚁所承担的整套工作时发现,有些工蚁组的大小并不是最适合于他们所承担的特定工作的。4、(16)People who have such an addiction(瘾)are compulsive(强迫的);i . e,they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy.有这种嗜好的人是一种强迫症的表现,就是说,他们有一种感觉必须满足的强烈心

11、理需求。(17)For compulsive spenders who buy on credit,charge accounts are even more exciting than money.对于具有强迫症的挥金如土的人来说,消费时使用信用卡要比现金令他们激动得多。(18)There is even a special psychology of bargain(特价商品)hunting.即使在购买特价商品时也存在一种特殊的心理。(19)Most people,experts claim,have two reasons for their behavior:a good reason

12、 for the things that they do and the real reason.专家们宣称,多数人的行为都由两个借口,一个是冠冕堂皇的,一个是真正的原因。(20)Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy(疗法)”to help individuals solve their personality problems.心理学家常用一种叫“行为疗法”的方法来帮助那些性格上有问题的人。5、(16)At an earlier period,our desire for material wealth may h

13、ave been justified.在早期,我们对于物质财富的欲望或许被认为是正当的。(17)They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth.他们认为社会正在接近某种增长的极限。(18)These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world.倡导经济增长的人认为,只有经济的增长才能创造更多

14、的资金来改善世界的生活质量。(19)This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry.关于对经济持续增长的好处的辩论对于工商业来讲是至关重要的。(20)To find a solution,economists and the business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one anothe

15、r.为了寻求一个解决办法,经济学家和商业界应该重视这些问题,并长期地互相讨论。6、(16)The simple reason for this is that there are mote different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society.简单的原因是,在第一种社会中有很多看待出现在那种社会里的事物的观点。(17)All these factors tend to promote social change,by opening more areas of life to decision.由于有更

16、多的生活的领域要去抉择,这些因素都会促进社会的变革。(18)Within a society,social change is also likely to occur,more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material,for example,in technology rather than in values;在一个社会里,社会的变革更有可能也更频繁地发生在文化的物质方面,而不是非物质方面,比如技术方面而不是价值方面。(19)Futrhermore

17、,social change is easier if it is gradual.For example,it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies(一分为二).而且,社会的变革如果是逐步地,那就更容易些。例如,有可能在人们的关系上发生持续的变化,而不是突然地发生一分为二的变化。(20)This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans

18、as compared to other American minorities,because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.这就是为什么同其他少数民族相比,变革没有更快地发生在美国黑人的身上的一个原因。因为黑人与白人的不同太明显了。7、(16)The first,the age of deference,when it was an honor to have you,the interviewee,on the program,lasted until the

19、 middle 50s.第一阶段,从顺从时期到50年中期,节目中有被采访者就是一种荣幸。(17)To the young of the 60s,the painstaking search for understanding of a given political problem may have appeared less fruitful and satisfying than the unfettered ventilation of emotion which the same problem generated.对于60年代的年轻人来讲,无拘无束地去释放同样问题所产生的感情要比煞费

20、苦心地去理解一个特定的政治难题要有成效和令人满意得多。(18)To this we must add the professional causes that have played their part.在这点上,我们必须加上职业的原因所起的作用。(19)When a broadcasting form ceases to develop,its practitioners tend to take it for granted and arelikely to sayhow rather than askwhy.当一种广播形势停止了发展,其参与者往往认为那是想当然的,它们往往爱问“如何”,

21、而不问“为什么”。(20)To be fair,there are compensating virtues in interviewing,such as immediacy and authority,yet in all honesty I must say that the spread of the interviewing format has led to a corresponding diminution of quality broadcasting.公平地说,采访有许多优点,比如说直接性和权威性。但我必须坦白说,采访这种形式的普遍使用会导致相应的广播质量的下降。8、(16

22、)From the dawn of history,man has felt the urge to communicate with his fellows through a more lasting medium than smoke signals and jungle drums.早在历史初期,人类就渴望用一种比烽火和丛林鼓声更为持久的媒介与同伴联络。(17)In mans continuing effort to create a material that would aid him in recordinghis history,and his philosophy of li

23、fe,the Egyptians began to produce papyrus(草纸)which continued in use until the tenth century AD.为了创造记录历史和人生哲学的材料,人类进行了不懈的努力,在这一过程中,埃及人开始制造纸草纸,并一直应有公元十世纪。(18)Important as these developments were,it is the Chinese who are responsible for the invention of paperone of the basic elements of world civiliza

24、tionalmost one thousand years before its first use in Europe.虽然这些进展很重要,但发明了纸张,并早于欧洲人一千年使用它的是中国人。纸张是人类文明的基本要素之一。(19)By the second half of the fourteenth century,the use of paper for literary purposes was well established in Western Europe.到了14世纪下半中,纸张在西欧的文化普及教育中占据了重要地位。(20)From this time onward,with

25、the use of this cheap and plentiful writing material,learning was more and more widely disseminated(传播)and,with the invention of printing,paper became one of the greatest contributions to the more rapid advancement of knowledge.从这时起,随着这种廉价,充足的书写材料的应用,知识得以更加广泛地传播。在发明了印刷术之后,纸张成了对愈加快速的知识进步做出重要贡献的因素之一。9

26、、(16)And when he learned this lesson,early man took a giant step forward because the use of fire dramatically changed his life.学会使用火是原始人的巨大进步,因为这从根本上改变了他们的生活。(17)In fact,when lightening or volcanic activity started natural fires,he must have been just as terrified as the wild beasts that ran panic-s

27、tricken before the flames.实际上,当闪电和火山喷发起自然火时,原始人肯定和野兽一样恐惧,被火焰吓得惊慌逃离。(18)In his travels from the African continent to Euroe and even to China,he found plenty of game,but he alsk encountered threat he had never known before-cold.从非洲大陆到欧洲乃至中国的跋涉途中,他们找到了许多猎物,但也遭遇了前所未有的威胁寒冷。(19)To survive,he had to overco

28、me his instinctive(本能的)fear of fire and bring it into his caves and shelters for heat.为了生存,只好克服对火的本能的恐惧,将火带进洞中取暖。(20)Thus,through the control of fire,man progressed from a slow-witted(低等智能的)gatherer of berries and roots to an intelligent and aggressive hunter whose prey included even the largest and

29、 most fearsome creatures on earth.因此,通过控制火,人类由愚钝的浆果、草根采集者进化成了聪明、勇猛的狩猎者,甚至敢于捕获地球上最大、最可怕的猎物。10、(16)Few discoveries in the history of mankind have had greater impact than the invention of the wheel,which is the basis for all progress in land transportation and for the growth of mechanized civilization.

30、历史上,很少有哪项发明像车轮的发明那样,为人类带来重大影响,车轮的发明是陆地运输和机械文明发展的基础。(17)Like many developments that took place before recorded history,the origin of the wheel remains as amyth.像许多史前的发明一样,车轮的起源至今仍然是个神话。(18)As the sledges(雪橇)were pulled forward,logs were picked up and moved to the front,a slow and backbreaking procedu

31、re that may have given rise to the wheel.随着橇车的前进,后面的圆木被抬起来移到前边,也许是这个缓慢而异常辛苦的过程促成了车轮的出现。(19)The wheel not only revolutionized land travel,but it caused equally total changes in mans methods of work,The wheels rotary motion was adapted to a series of labor-saving devices such as the water wheel and th

32、e windmill.车轮不仅为陆地旅行带来革命,也同样给人类的工作方式带来变革。(20)Ever since it was invented more than five thousand years ago,the wheel has had an enormous influence on the rise of civilization.It helped man spread his culture to distant of the world,and it became the basis for todays mechanized society.自从五千年前发明车轮以来,它对文明的兴起产生了重要影响。它帮助人类将文化传到遥远的地方,是今天的机械化社会的基础。11、(16)But there is every reason to think that as we learn more about the physiology of the brain,we shall do so,and that t

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