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1、完整版人教版选修六短语归纳选修6 短语归纳1制作雕像2对信任3结果4起源于5带有的目的6代表宗教主题7很明显8用一种更现实的方法9代替10集中11用透视画法12采用更人道的人生态度13用画装饰他们华丽的家14拥有15凑巧16改变了很多17脱离/突破18在户外工作19一方面,另一方面20荒谬的21很多四十个鸡蛋22尝试做第一次尝试23影子24争论的25精致的26对过敏27在展览中28活着的/本人29敢做敢为的30一束花31林荫路32对有偏爱33有吸引力34精细的贝壳35博得名声36文明37视觉愉悦38香的39当代社会40永久的41区域42委员会43署名44艺术收藏品45艺术作品Unit 21把列

2、成一张表2表达思想 3押韵的词 4的一方面 5传达某种感情 6童谣 7使某人高兴 8进球 9没有留心看球 10不睡觉,熬夜11放松,不着急 12精疲力竭 13由组成 14呈现一幅清晰的画15洋溢着16改变,转变成17翻译成18恰当的结尾 19碰巧20注意到,留意到 21 嘲笑22无尽的工作23部分24文凭25弥补-26 在黑暗中27 测试,尝试28发出尖叫29与矛盾30装载31脑子一片空白32赢得奖学金33尤其 Unit 31抽烟2喝酒3.滥用麻醉药品4. 保持健康5. 在压力下强调有压力的,紧张的6.青少年7.禁止8 由于9 困难的10对上瘾11对习惯12脱瘾症状13易怒的14自动的15 陷

3、入困难16用生命冒险冒着的风险冒着感染病毒的风险17伸手去拿18尽管19想要做20对有影响21就做出决定22 对失败绝望23成功做某事24屏住呼吸25加强意志26对羞愧27怀孕28对有伤害29养成习惯30为生存而战31削弱免疫系统32找到治疗的方法33传播疾病34没有的证据35身体心理不健康 36阅读理解37戒烟38放松39对失望40对尴尬41因感激Sb 42尴尬的沉默43对有偏见44非法的 45不正常的46对判断47流产Unit41这件事怎么发生2消费者3一种无规律现象4同意这种观点5大量的6易于上升7进行精确测量 8导致9这种趋势是灾难10.反对计划11.对环境的影响不太坏12. 陈述/宣

4、言13.大量的动物 在范围内变化14. 即使15. 瞥了一眼16.平稳地变化 17.声明显赫18.有的倾向19. 大体上20. 按平均数21. 存在22. 外太空23.代表政府做研究 24.拥护某事25.做出承诺26. 忍受污染27. 电器28. 只要29. 对漫不经心30. 等等31任何情况下决不 32.微波炉33.你的贡献很重要34. 振作精神35你的报告很受欢迎36.有关系,有影响37.教育家/学者38.与某人 意见不和 39.核能40.机动车 Unit 51活火山2爆发3.自然力量4. 强有力的飓风5. 问卷6. 在旁边7.科技设备 8.被任命为9与有约10.数据库11. 收集和评估信

5、息12. 全部焚毁13 向sb挥手14 融化15 喷泉16绝对惊叹的场景 17.防护服18头盔和靴子19.前往;20有出息; 潜能21 实际上22 样品23候选人24 对-热情25对-惊叹 26在特殊场合27偶尔危险27烦得要命28亮如白昼29在熟睡中30对构成威胁31雷暴32珍贵的33小说家34雾气35文件36.不舒服的37 阳台38 对未察觉的39射中40 被吓得发抖41抹去脸上的汗42为忧虑 渴望 渴求知识43. 匆匆看一遍44. 由到不等 随着变化 在-变化在-和中呈现差异多种多样的45. 洗澡46. 成功的保证47惊慌48. 壮观的瀑布49. 有语言天赋和说服力50.怀孕和生51.最

6、令人欣赏的make sculptureshave faith inconsequently,as a consequencestart fromdate from/date back towith the aim ofrepresent religious themesIt is evident/obvious thatin a more realistic wayreplace/take the place ofconcentrate on/focus onin perspectiveadopt a more humanistic attitude to life decorate thei

7、r superb palaces with paintingsin possession of/ take ofbycoincidence/chance/accidentchange a great deal/a lotbreak away fromwork outdoorson the one hand,on the other handridiculousscores of 2 score ( of ) eggsattempt to do sth make an attempt to do sth in an attempt to do sth at his first attemptsh

8、adow controversial delicate be allergic toon show/exhibition/displayin the fleshaggressive a bunch of flowersavenue have a preference forappeal to ( arms )fragile seashellbuild up a reputationcivilization visual delightsfragrant contemporary societypermanentdistrict committee signature art collectio

9、nworks of artmake a list of express feeling rhyming words an aspect of convey certain emotions nursery rhymes delight sb. score goals take the eyes off the ballstay up take it easy run out of energy be made up of convey a strong picturebe brimful of transform into translate into appropriate ending b

10、y chance pay attention to tease endless worksection diploma make up forin total darknesstry outlet out a screambe contradictory toload A with BGo blankwin a scholarship in particular smoke cigarettesdrink alcohol/alcoholic drug abuse/ child abusekeep healthy/fit/in healthbe under great stresslay str

11、ess on/uponstressful/stressed adolescent ban sb from sth/ a ondue to/owing to/thanks totough be addicted toget/become accustomed toaccustom oneself towithdrawal symptomswithdraw/drew/drawnbad-tempered automaticallyget into troubletake risks with livesat the risk ofrisk getting the virusreach for sth

12、in spite of/despitefeel like doinghave an effect on/affectdecide onfeel desperate at the defeatmanage to do sth succeed in doinghold ones breath/breathlessstrengthen ones resolvebe ashamed of/ a shameget pregnantdo damage toget/fall into the habit offight for survivalweaken ones immune systemfind a

13、cure forspread diseasethere is no evidence ofphysically / mentally unfitreading comprehensionquit/quitting/quitted (quit)relax/relaxed/relaxation be disappointed withbe embarrassed aboutbe grateful to sb for sth an awkward silencehave a prejudice againstillegal/illogical abnormalmake a judgment on/a

14、boutabortionHow did it come about?consumer/customera random phenomenonsubscribe to the viewquantities oftend to go uptake accurate measurementslead to/result inThe trend is a catastrophebe opposed to the planbe mild with few bad environmental consequencesstate/statement a wide range of animalsrange

15、from to even if/thoughtake a glance at/glance atchange steadilya widespread famehave a tendency to doon the wholeon/below/above the averageexist/come into existenceouter spacedo a project on behalf of thegovernment about sthadvocate doing sth make a commitmentput up with pollutionelectrical applianc

16、e/equipmentas/so long as: on conditionthat: provided thatbe casual aboutand so onin/under no circumstancesheat it in the microwaveYour contribution countsrefresh your spirit/yourselfYour presentation is warmly receivedmake a difference toeducator/scholar in disagreement with sb on sth disagree with

17、sb.on sth nuclear powermotor vehiclesactive/live volcanoeserupt/eruption natural forcespowerful hurricanequestionnaire alongside /instrumentsscientific equipmentbe appointed as/to befix/have an appointmentdatabase collect/evaluate informationbe burnt to the groundwave to sb; give sb a wavemelt/melte

18、d/molten fountain an absolutely fantastic sightprotective suita helmet and bootsmake ones waypotential ability/talentsactually/in reality/in factsample candidate be enthusiastic aboutbe amazed aton special occasionsbe occasionally dangerousbore sb to deathas bright as daybe fast asleepbe a threat to

19、 sb/threatenthunderstorm/lightning precious/valuable novelist/novel fog/foggy/fog ones minddocument uncomfortable/comfort balcony be unconscious ofshoot/shot/a shooting startremble at/with fearwipe the sweat from facebe anxious aboutbe anxious forthe anxiety for knowledgeglance throughvary from to vary with the seasonvary invary between A and Ba great variety/diversity ofbathe=have a baththe guarantee of successpanic/panicked/panicked spectacular waterfallshave a gift for languages and persuasionget pregnant and give birth to a young babyarouse the most appreciation

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