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1、深圳牛津八年级下Unit12测试题八年级(下)Unit l-2综合能力提升卷第一卷 选择题I选择填空(1 5分)i)根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项(共8小题,每小题1分)( ) l. What did you see just now? I saw a red car run towards the house. A. to B. in C. up( ) 2.What a long speech! Many students look bored. A. cheerful B. uninterested C. Pleasant( ) 3. Whats wrong with that

2、woman? The death of her son brought her great pain . A. joy B. present C. sadness( ) 4. Who is the lady in the red dress? She is our new teacher. A. madam B. teenager C. man( ) 5. How is your Chinese? I used to be poor in it, but now my Chinese has improved a lot. A. failed B. got better C. got wors

3、e( ) 6. I have difficulty understanding this sentence. Could you explain it to me? Yes. Its my pleasure. A. fun B. time C. trouble( ) 7. When did the accident take place ? Last night. A. happen B. suffer C. practise( ) 8. What should we do first to help these patients? We should raise their spirits

4、first. A. as permission B. collect money for them C. encourage themii)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共7小题,每小题1分)( ) 9. People who are _ have difficulty moving around. A. disabled BworriedC. frightened( ) 10. A(n) _ is a movement that you make with your hands to express feelings or information. A. gesture

5、B. expression C. mark( ) 11. How will you celebrate you brothers birthday? Ill _a party for him. A. Lend B. organize C. produce ( ) 12. Whats wrong with Lucy? I havent seen her for a long time. She has been _from the illness for two weeks. A. staying B. stopping C. Suffering( ) 13.The girl read the

6、Chinese story. But she couldnt understand its _. I saw Mr Li offer to help her. A. meaning B. courage C. Friendship( ) 14.The old couple always feel _ because their children don t live with them. Let s go to see them often. A. lonely B. happy C. Tired( ) 15. I have a bad memory. I may forget to wate

7、r the flowers tomorrow. Don t worry. Ill _ you to do it. A advise B. remind C. Allow完形填空(1 5分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意;然后从短文后所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳答案(共1 0小题,每小题1.5分) Any kid would be a little nervous to study at a school, but Daniel was really worried because he used a wheelchair. He 16 how the other kids would rea

8、ct. Would they look at him and make fun of him? On the first day of the 17 , he met his new teacher - Mrs Boyle. She asked if (是否) it would be OK to talk to the class about hiswheelchair and Daniel 18 . He felt so relaxed when he did that. Mrs Boyle told everyone that the wheelchair was just a 19 wa

9、y of getting around if a person had trouble 20 .Its helps Daniel be independent, she said. People who use wheelchairs can shop, work, go to school, play and drive cars, But life can be 21 for someone who uses a wheelchair. Next time you see a kid using a wheelchair, try to be 22 .Kids in wheelchairs

10、 usually dont need to be 23 around, but they might need other kinds of help. Opening a door is good. But the 24 help of all is to be kind and friendly and not to make fun of them. People who use wheelchairs are the same as 25 else. They just get around on wheels instead of feet! ( ) 16. A. changed B

11、. hoped C. wondered ( ) 17. A. work B. school C. trip( ) 18. A. disagreed B. decided C. agreed( ) 19. A. strange B. good C. relaxing( ) 20. A. walking B. swimming C. eating( ) 21. A. easy B. hard C. interesting( ) 22. A. friendly B. lonely C. lovely( ) 23. A. pulled B. trained C. pushed( ) 24. A. be

12、st B. worst C. fewest ( ) 25.A. someone B. everyone C. no one阅读理解(共5小题,每小题2分) 阅读下面短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Its said that the eyes are the tie windows of our souls(灵魂). Among all the ways which we use to communicate with people, eye contact is the most useful one. According to a research, the eye

13、 contact between teachers and students should take up 60% - 70% of the time m class to attract students interest. The longer the eye contact lasts, the morethe teacher will be thought trustful (信任的) Its said that looking at peoples eyes is the first step to build up friendship. Researches show that

14、speakers who look at others are often thought as more favorable, confident and faithful than those who avoid eye contact. Its also true in the classroom where students always feel more willing to pay attention to the lessons taught by teachers who often keep eye contact with them. A research by Bree

15、d, Chreistiansen and Larson shows that students who are looked at often by teachers canget higher scores in exams. Its often said that the eyes of human beings can speak. So teachers can understand what students are thinking better through the movements of the eyes. Firstly, teachers can know the ef

16、fect of their lesson and this will help them know the situations(情况) of the students. Secondly, teachers can know whether the students pay their attention to the lesson through their eyes. So we can easily learn that eye contact is important in teaching.( ) 26what do you know from the underline sent

17、ience in Paragraph l? A. Eyes can show our feelings. B. We should protect our eyes and souls. C. Eye contact is very important. D. Eyes are the protection of our souls.( ) 27. How long should the eye contact between teachers students take up in a class? A. 60% - 70% of a day. B. 30% - 40% of a day.

18、C. The whole class. D. About two thirds of a class.( ) 28. What will the listeners think of you when you look at them during your speech? A. Confident. B. Funny. C. Serious. D. Frightened.( ) 29. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. We can build up friendship by eye contac

19、t in the first step. B. People can communicate with each other by eye contact. C. Teachers can know about students situations through eye contact. D. Eye contact can help students get first prize in exams.( ) 30. Why did the writer write this passage? A. To tell us to improve students scores. B. To

20、introduce the importance of eye contact. C. To show us the best way to use eye contact. D. To teach us to make friends by using eye contact7、硫酸铜溶液与铁钉的反应属于化学反应。硫酸铜溶液的颜色是蓝色,将铁钉浸入硫酸铜溶液中,我们发现铁钉变红了。第二卷 非选择题20、在观星过程中,我们看到的天空中有一条闪亮的“银河”光带,实际是由许许多多的恒星组成的一个恒星集团,被人们称为银河系。我们生活的地球在银河系。语法填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据

21、上下文填入适当的词(共 1 0小题,每小题1分) American football is (31)_ (difference)from soccer. Players kick the ball throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four (32) _ (chance) to move the ball ten yards(码) They can carry it or throw it. (33) _ they move it to the

22、 end of the field, they will get six points. Its difficult (34) _ (move) the ball. The members of the other team try to stop the man with the ball. (35) _ (he) team will kick the ball to the other team if he doesnt move the ball ten yards, People all want their team (36) _ (win). They dance and jump

23、 when they yell(欢呼)for their team Each team (37) _ (play) ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September (38) _ends in November. If a team plays very (39) _ (well), it may play another game after the season endsThe best team plays again on January 1st,(40) _first day of the New Year

24、. Many people will go to see the game.V用所给词造句。(共5小题,每小题2分)4、日常生活中我们应该如何减少垃圾的数量?用下面的关键词,结合所学词法和句式结构组成通顺的句子,标点已给出。22、绿色植物的一些细胞能进行光合作用,制造养料,它们好像是一个个微小的工厂。 41. make teacher he new good his impression wants(.) _ 42.need they help hold people party in yesterday(.) _二、问答: 43 take homework last Dove hour ev

25、ening finish one It (.) _ 44. watch is film worth(?) 5、月球在圆缺变化过程中出现的各种形状叫作月相。月相变化是由于月球公转而发生的。它其实是人们从地球上看到的月球被太阳照亮的部分。 _45.46.9、月球地貌的最大特征,就是分布着许多大大小小的环形山,环形山大多是圆形的。关于环形山的形成,目前公认的观点是“撞击说”。week skating us what going next about (?) _VI书面表达(共1题,1 5分)一、填空: 根据以下提示写一篇作文,介绍上个月你和你的同学拜访了社区里的一位孤寡老人。要求:80词左右;可适当发挥。一、填空:提示:1你们为老人唱歌、表演节目; 2老人很高兴希望你们还可以去看他;8、地球自转一周的时间是一天;地球公转一周的时间是一年;月球公转一周的时间是农历一个月。 3通过这件事情你认为_

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