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1、贵州省黔东南州黄平民族中学学年高二分科考贵州省黔东南州黄平民族中学2020届高二分科考试试卷高二英语 (考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 本试卷由三个部分组成。其中,第一和第二部分的第一节为选择题。第二部分的第二节和第三部分为非选择题。2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。4测试范围:人教选修7 和选修8。5考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满

2、分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOverview of the recommended travel guidesAmsterdam Destination Guide Amsterdam is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world, famous for its beautiful canals, top art museum, cycling culture. Most visitors begin their Amster

3、dam adventure in the Old Centre,which is full of traditional architecture, shopping centers ,and coffee shops. The top museums to visit are the Rijksmusuem, the Ann Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum.Copenhagen Destination Guide Like Amsterdam, Copenhagen is one of the worlds best cycling cities.

4、To see the city with ease, rent a bike or take a small group tour to see the sights, including the Little Mermaid, the island Amager, and the community of Christiania. You can also take a canal boat tour to see the city from a unique perspective. There are some excellent museums to explore.Bangkok D

5、estination Guide Travel in Bangkok is often described as a whirlwind(旋风)Its hot, crowded and full of unusual and exciting energy. This popular tourism destination is a city of extremes with grand temples, floating markets, romantic rooftop restaurants, and a wide range of accommodations to suit ever

6、y budget.Bangkok is sometimes referred to as the “Venice of the East” because of is network of canals, so take a boat tour to see sights like the Khmer wats and the riverside dwellings.Azores Destination Guide The Azores is a charming region of Portugal thats made up of nine volcanic islands in the

7、North Atlantic Ocean. Compared to many island destinations, the Azores arent touristy, noisy, or polluted. Instead, travelers can expect to discover untouched nature, and charming villages with rich cultural traditions. Nature lovers will be thrilled to discover all of the outdoor shot trips availab

8、le to them in the Azores.1. Which of the following can visitors enjoy more natural beauty? A. Amsterdam. B. Azores. C. Bangkok. D. Copenhagen.2. What do you know about Bangkok? A. It has pleasant weather. B. Its buildings are similar to Venice. C. Every visitor can find proper hotels. D. Visitors ca

9、n see sights only by boat.3. What do the four destinations have in common? A. They have cycling culture. B. They are very noisy places. C. They have many famous museums. D. They have convenient water transport.B A Song of Ice and Fire is a seven-part series of fantasy written for adults. George R. R

10、. Martin writes each chapter from the perspective of a specific character, providing a limited point of view for each section. The reader is able to understand the inner workings of the individual, but the reader is barred from a whole understanding of the text. The world he has created has magic, b

11、ut there is much more than that. While magic exists, it exists on the edge, and the inner unrest of the characters is much more important. His work also has a level of realness that is astonishing in a work of fantasy. Characters are imperfect, and many make questionable moral choices. In the end, h

12、owever, Martin shows that both good and bad happen to both the people of high moral standard and the corrupt. He has made it clear that any character can die at any point, which has led to a lot of heartbreak from readers. In 2011, A Song of Ice and Fire became a television series titled Game of Thr

13、ones. Martin has been closely involved with the production. It has currently run for seven seasons, and viewers anxiously await the eighth season to answer their questions from the season seven finale. His fans are also waiting for The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, the next books in the ser

14、ies, to answer the questions Martin and the television show have not yet addressed. Martin, however, has no plans to rush. He has made it clear that he will continue to write the books while working on the television show and writing other novels. But how will the story continue? What is going to ha

15、ppen in Westeros, and more importantly: when are we going to find out? Martinis skill as a writer has kept readers and viewers spellbound. Many hope he will finish the next book before the next season of the show begins, but no one knows with Martin. He always keeps his readers guessing.4. One of th

16、e characteristics of A Song of Ice and Fire is _. A. each chapter is written from a limited point of view B. magic is the center of the story C. Martin has made imperfect characters die at any point D. many characters make astonishing choices5. What is George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire con

17、sidered to be? A. One of his masterworks of fantasy. B. An unsuccessful screen adaptation. C. An artistic creation for the TV. D. One of the best TV programmes.6. What does the word “address” in the fourth paragraph mean? A. written B. spoken C. solved D. directed7. How will the ending of the story

18、be? A. Interesting. B. Confusing. C. Novel. D. Unknown.C As the parent of two teenagers who have played multiple sports over the years, Ive seen the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolutely cruel. I realize However, when I think about the value of sports and why my kids continue to play sports tea

19、ch kids lessons to become successful adults. Through sports, kids learn how to work in teams, how to take risk, how to challenge themselves to be better, and how to behave when they loseand when they win. Whether kids play soccer, baseball, football, or cheer, they learn they are part of a team wher

20、e one person depends on another. When my son plays baseball, hes not the only one who needs to play well; he depends on his defense to make the plays in the field. When my daughter plays tennis, she depends on her partner to cut off the ball at the net and win the point, and the tennis team depends

21、on each person in order to win the overall match. Sports also teach children to trust and respect the decisions of someone who understands how the entire team needs to work in order to succeed. Sadly, though, youth sports have suffered from the “winning isnt everything; its the only thing” attitude.

22、 They have become too much of a reflection of professional sports. Winning is a happy result, but the lessons from losing are even more important. When my daughter loses tennis match, her coach reminds her that you learn more from losing than from winning. Losing makes you focus on improving your sk

23、ills and your strategy. Were going to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. I believe that participating in youth sports is much more than building a sound body winning a scholarship to college. Sports are the best way to shape and build more self-motivate and happier children and help them b

24、ecome more self-motivated and happier adults.8. What is the authors attitude to youth sports? A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.9. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about? A. What sports the authors kids take. B. What the authors kids do in sports. C. How sports benefit the authors k

25、ids. D. How the authors kids continue to play sports.10. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Teenagers dont have to win every time. B. Winning is the only goal for teen players. C. Teenagers should work together to succeed. D. Winning is not the most important in sports.11. Wha

26、t is the best title for the text? A. Youth Sports Build Better Adults B. Teenagers Suffer from Youth Sports C. Losing Brings More than Winning Does D. Teenagers Perform Better than Adults in SportsD Nowadays, social media like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter are becoming increasingly popul

27、ar. People have completely made social media part of their daily lives. As a result, many people have developed an Internet personality. The Internet personality I am talking about is the one we shape on our social media sites. We are always posting information about ourselves for other people to kn

28、ow even when it can be completely untrue. Some people even go so far as to spend money in buying flowers or “likes” or buying a very expensive camera for their friends to take photos of them. I find it unbelievable. The time and energy spent on these silly things can only make us want to be accepted

29、 by more people. Social media are also a modern cause of depression: People see the perfect lives of others and consider their own imperfect lives as bad. Even kids deal with this. They dont realize that the reason why they struggle to love themselves is that they spend all day receiving untrue info

30、rmation. I find that many people spend more time and energy in making sure that their online personality is worth accepting than caring for their real presence. So many times I have seen confident and beautiful girls on social media. But in the real world, they are extremely shy. They hardly talk to

31、 anyone and spend all their time using the phone. Social media have gone so far as to even negatively affect marriages. This is because of the fact that there are now “Instagram husbands”people whose use is to take perfect photos of their partners throughout the day. They spend a lot of time doing t

32、hat whether they like it or not. Needless to say, social media likely influence relationships in a negative way. I think everyone should not use social media at least for a few months to experience the difference it makes to them. They may find life is very different and much better.12. What does “the Internet personality” in the passage refer to? A. The hope to develop a better personality. B. The personality develope

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