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本文(学年度仁爱科普版初中英语七年级下Unit8TheseasonsandtheWeat.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年度仁爱科普版初中英语七年级下Unit8TheseasonsandtheWeat说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。2019-2020学年度仁爱科普版初中英语七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the WeatherTopic 3 Lets celebrate!习题精选五十 九A第1题【单选题】The students decorate the classroom colorful lights and stars. It looksbeautiful.A、 underB、 byC

2、、 withD、 for【答案】:c【解析】:【分析】句意:学生们用彩灯和星星装饰教室,看起来很漂定decorate.with. “用.装饰,故选C。 点评】考奁介词辨析,宇记固走搭配。【单选题】Please dorTt the old picture on the wall.Oh, lflm sorry.A、 put onB、 put upC、 putting onD、 putting up【答案】:说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。B【解析】:【分析】勾意:淸不要把旧照片挂在塢上. 1 .对不

3、起.put up “挂 put on 歹上;本匂是袄使旬r用动词 原形故选B。点评疑册短第3题【单选题】Many students show their love for teachers giving cards and flowers onTeachers11 Day.A、 toB、 byC、 atD、 with【答案】:B【解析】:【分析】许芻学生通过左教师节送卡片和鲜花来表达他们对老师的負 匕瘁借;通过作介诃r后接Aing形式,故选B。点评兑介词師Listen! Who the door? Please go and see, Jane.OK, Mom.A、knocks onB、kno

4、eked on 说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。C、knock onD is knocking on【答案】:D【解析】:【分析】勺奁:E斤r谀在敲门,去看看r Jane. 一好的r妈妈.knock on “敲f由Listen!可知本题应使用现在进行 叭故选D。【点评】考宜动词的时态。,第5题【单选题】When National Day comes, we have a holiday.A、 seven-dayB、 severvdaysC seven daysD seven day【答案】:A【

5、解析】:【分析】句意:当国庆节到来的时候,我们有一个7天的假期。数词+名词构成的复合形容词,名诃只用单数,战选A。 点评考查数词构成的复合形容词。第6题【单选题】Kangkang usually his homework at 7:00 p. m, but yesterday he started it at &00 p. m.A、do; doingB、 does; doC、 does; doingD、 do; do【答案】:c【解析】:【分析】句意:庚廉通弟在晚上7点做作业,但是腔天他8点才开始做.根廖干第F中uwally可知应使用一強现在时r而 Kdngkdng作主语居第三人称单数应用do

6、es。第二句使用了短吾stst doing/to do sth , “开始ft煤爭。故选C点评考奁动词的时态和动名词作宾语。,第7题【单选题】The little girl drew a tree and it The tree was nice.A、 colored; with greenB、 colors; greenC、 color; with greenD、 colored; green【答案】:D【解析】:【分析】勺意:小女孩面了一桓树并把它涂成绿色r树很好看.colors此作动词f “给上铉,后叢形容词,亘结构为 color sth. 色f又根裁句中dew可知用一股过去时,故选D。

7、点评考奁动词的时态。【单选题】A、 play tricks onB、 play a trick toC perform tricks onD perform a trick to【答案】:A【解析】:【分析】勺當:你最好别做晚上捉弄老人r很危险.had better not do sth最好别做其事.play a trick/tricks on sb.对呈人 普乍剧,如A。点评站殖短亿Merry Christmas!A、 Thank youB、 The same to youC、 Me, too.D、 No problem【答案】:B【解析】:【分析】Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐为

8、节曰问候r应说The same to you.效迭B。 点评齟交际用语。第10题【单选题】说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。Children often go to the movies the afternoon of June lAst.A、 inB、 atC、 onD、 /【答案】:C【解析】:【分析】句意:孩子们在六月一日下午经常去看电彩。在具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上应使用介词on ,故选C。点评】考童介词的用法辨析。第11题【填空题】Keep the windows (open), pl

9、ease lts a little hot in the room【答案】:【第1空】open【解析】:【分析】勺倉:诗让窗子开若,房间里有点热.keep+名词+形容词,使亘物傍諄种状态.open是形容词,作补i吾的时通章 用原形.故填opgn。【点评】呦緒词作补语。第12题【填空题】In China, many people think theylfll be (luck) in red clothes on NewYearf,s Day.【答案】: 说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。【第1空】

10、lucky【解析】:分析】句意:在中国,许多人认为他们在新年那天穿红鱼衣服会好运。be动词+形容词,故填lucky。点评】性转换。第13题【填空题】Do you like (grape)?Yes, theyre delicious【答案】:【第1空】grapes【解析】:【分忻】句意:一 欢葡萄吗?喜欢,他们很好吃。根轄回答中的they可知用复数形式,故填grapes。【点评】考直名词复数。第14题【填空题】Many students (believe) Kangkang will do well in the race.【答案】:【第1空】believe【解析】:分析】句意:许多学生认为康康

11、在赛跑中会表现好。根曙从句钓一1务时可知此处用一輙在时态,改填believe。 【点评】考奁动词的时态。第15题【完形填空】根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。The Spring Festival is our Chinese peopleHs special festival. Itl in January or February. There are twelve different animal names 2 each Chines

12、e year. They are mouse, tiger, rabbit, chicken, dragon3. This year is the year of snake(蛇)4 the Spring Festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.Every family5 many kinds of food and drinks. On the eve of the festival, there is6 a big family dinner. People like eating jiaozidumplin

13、gs. It7reunion (团聚)J/and good luck. After dinner all the family stay up8 the New Year. They often watch TV and playgames.On the first day of the lunar New Year, people9 their new clothes and go to visit relatives (亲戚)and friends. They say Happy New Year and give the best wishes tolO. Everyone has a

14、great time.A、will comeBn comesC、 cameD、 is comingA、 forB、 inC、 onD、 toA、 later onB、 right awayC、 and so onD、 as wellA、AfterB、 OnC、 WhenD、 BeforeA、 preparesB、 are preparingC、 prepare forD、 preparedA、 neverB、 seldomC、 sometimesD、 alwaysA、 meantB、 meansC、 likeD、 likesA、welcomeBn stopC、 to welcomeD、 to

15、stopA、wear inBn put onC、 dressD、 be inA、every otherB、 the othersC、 each otherD、 one other【答案】:(1)B; (2A; (3)C; (4)D; (5)A; (6)D; (7)B; (8)C; (9)B; (10)C;【解析】:【分析】(1)春节一月或二月来临r是一种常识,应便用一般现在时f故迭B。(2 ) for表示对象,对f给7 r for each Chinese year “对于每一个中匡年f故选A。(3) and so on 等帘 r 故选C(4 )在春节到来之前人们做各顶准备工作.故选D(5 )

16、 prepare for 为.倚准备 f prepare “准备.:z根据上下文可知此处用一肢现任时又因主语是Every family r应 用箪三人猱单数.故选A.(6 )除夕一冢人衆在FX吃一顿f改选D(7 吃“饺子为了囲园和来年的好运气r故迭B。(8 )动词不定式to welcome表示”熬夜”的巨的r故选C。(9 ) put on穷的动作f “穷上;we穷君的伏态f 穷肴;dress十oneself 穷衣服;be in十衣服,穿苕的状态r 根据句意可知厚调人们穿上新衣服的动作.然后去拜访亲咸 朋友。故选B。(10) each other 互恒 r 曄C。【点评】克型填空考查词汇*章中的

17、运用能力r做克型填空首先要因竝空格通塗丈章寧握亘大意r然辭读文章字斟句酌逐 (乍答汪意考處句型、语法.珞配、语境等因炭 最旨通渎一遍检亘验证。第16题【阅读理解】根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(A)In Thailand, the Water Festival is a very big festival. It is a very special festival for all their people. It is the beginning of their New Year. It is usually at the end of March or the beginning of A

18、pril. Before the Water Festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. When the Water Festival begins, people splash (泼) water over each other. Everyone gets very wet (湿的),but they are very happy.In Thailand, the is very special for all people.说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通

19、过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。A、New YearB、Water FestivalC Water DayD、Big FestivalBThe Water Festival in Thailand is like in China.A、 the Spring FestivalB.the Lantern FestivalC.the Dragon Boat FestivalD、 the Mid-autumn FestivalAWhen is the festival in Thailand?A、 At the end of April.B.At the beginning of March.C

20、 At the end of March or the beginning of April.D、From March to April.CWhat do people do before the festival?A、They splash water over each other.B. They clean their houses.说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。C、They cook nice food.D、B and C.DWhat do they think of being we

21、t?A.They are angry (生气的).B.They are not happy.C They are very happy.D. We dont know.C【答案】:【解析】:分忻】文本介绍秦国的泼水节。(1)细节理解。根据第二句It is a very special festival for all their people可知the Water Festival是泰匡一个特殊的节m f 故迭B。(2 )细节理解。根据第三句It is the beginning of their New Year;可知泼水节是新年的开始r而中国新年的开妲是春节。故 迭A。 (3 )细节理解。

22、根据第四句It is usually at the end of March or the beginning of April可知泰国泼水节在三月末或四月 初A是在四月未f B是在三月勿r都不正确f故选C前r人们打扫房子r制作可口的食物f故迭D.(5 )细节理解。根据最后FEveryone gets very wet, but they are very happy可知虽然皱水淋湿了,但是很高兴f【点评】列渎埋解考童对篇草的把握和对细节的识能力r答题时注意藝扣问题中的关键词在文草中寻找答氮第17题【阅读理解】根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B) 说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字

23、符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。There are many holidays and festivals. Dads have Fathers Day. Children have Children* Day. Is there a special day for old people?Double Ninth Festival is a special day for old people in China. It started long ago. The festival is on lunar September 9th. This

24、 year it is on October 13th. On this day, people show love for their grandparents.People do many different kinds of things on this day. They enjoy flowers, eat special cakes and drink wine(酒)ltHs very interesting. The best way to celebrate it is climbing hills or mountains. People think climbing wil

25、l bring them good luck and help old people live long lives. Double Ninth Festival is also a good time for a family get-together. And young people give their presents and best wishes to the old. is a special day for old people.A.Fathers DayB.Spring FestivalC Mid-autumn FestivalD. Double Ninth Festiva

26、lDWhat does Double Ninth Festival mean in Chinese?A、 重阳节.B、 寒食节.C、 端午节.D、七夕节. 说明:由于部分题中存在特殊符号,可能造成少量的字符乱码,如果你下载后才发现且对此 十分在意,可通过站内信息联系并为你找出正确的字符。A is the best way to celebrate it.A.Drinking wineB.Eating special cakesC Climbing hills or mountainsD. Enjoying flowersCWhy do people like climbing hills on

27、 Double Ninth Festival?A. Because they enjoy climbing hills or mountains.Bx Because they think climbing can bring them good luck.C Because they think climbing can help old people live long lives.D B and C.DWhich of the following is NOT true about Double Ninth Festival?A、 lts on October 13th this yea

28、r.B.Its on September 9th every year.C People show their love for their grandparents on this day.D. lts a good time to get together on Double Ninth Festival.B【答案】:【分析】本文介绍中国的重阳节。日节登山是因为他们认为能带来好运也能使老人长寿故选D。(5 )细节理爲 重阳节是在毎年的衣历九月初九,不是九月九日.【点评總渎埋解考童对简宜的把捱和对细书的识能力f答题时汪意紧扣冋题中的关键词f在丈車口寻找答氟,第18题【选词填空(词汇运用)】【

29、答案】:【第1空】(the) fifth【第2空】more【第3空】races【第4空】interesting【第5空】beginning【解析】:【分析】interesting有趣的,fiveSL begin幵治,racetLW. more更參1W怠:钱最宫欢的节日是端午节。它在衣历的五月初瓦 May the flfthn月初五。故填fifth。2句意:那天我可以多吃粽子。moe更多的。意:我也可以在我家附近看龙舟穽。dogon boot, races龙舟奏。故填4意:卿艮有趣。故填interesting。5句意:这个节日意味若夏天的幵始。the名词r故填beginning,点评】本题考直单

30、词在语境中的运用f需妾根垢单词在涪境中旳词性迸行必要的变形r同时熟记固走涪配和基本句型。第19题【补全对话】【答案】:【第1空】c【第2空】A【第3空】F【第4空】E【第5空】B分忻】玄是谈论元宵节的对话。1上文 Can you tell me something about the Lantern Festival?和F文的Well, when is the Lantern Festival?可免此处 涿最佳。2回答Well, when is the Lantern Festival?故选A,3t購上文What do people usually do on this day?可知此处谈论人们的活动故迭F4?購下文回答Yes可知此处是V疑问句,故选E。5此处补充苟关元肖节的知识故迭B. as well也点评】补全对话考直日常交际用语的应用r要紧扣话题f根捂上下文逻辑关泵进行准碓判断。第20题【任务型阅读】【答案】:【第1空】Months 【第2空】Red clothes【第3空】Febru

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