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牛津译林版英语八年级上册 重点单词短语句型背诵归纳.docx

1、牛津译林版英语八年级上册 重点单词短语句型背诵归纳8上重点单词、短语、句型背诵Unit 1 Friends【重点单词】1. thirsty adj. 口渴的2.honest adj.诚实的;正直的3.secret n.秘密 vi.&vt.关心, 关注, 在意5.yourself pron.你自己6.magazine n.杂志7.good-looking adj.好看的, 漂亮的8.make linking v.成为;适合 vt. 信任10. lie n.谎言11. joke n.玩笑12. true adj.确实的;的确13.any time adv. (= anyt

2、ime) 在任何时候14. voice n.嗓音15. almost adv.几乎, 差不多16. round adj.圆形的17.sense n.感觉;观念, 意识18. bored adj.无聊的 vi.可容纳, 装进20.knock vt.碰, 撞;把撞击成21.straight adj.笔直的22. sweet adj.可爱的, 惹人喜爱的23. choose vt.&vi.选择;挑选24. sec. abbr, (= second) 秒25. competition n.竟赛, 比赛;竟争26.test, 考查27. plan n.打算, 计划28. socia

3、l worker n.社会工作者29.shy adj.害羞的30. square adj.方形的31. handsome adj.英俊的32.fat adj.胖的33. hard-working adj.勤奋的, 工作努力的34. excellent adj.杰出的, 极好的35. humorous adj. 幽默的humour n. 幽默36.polite adj.礼貌的impolite (反义词) 不礼貌的politely adv.礼貌地37.tidy adj.爱整洁的, 整洁的untidy (反义词) 不整洁的38. singer n.歌手sing v.唱歌39.height n.高,

4、高度high adj.高的40.weight n.重量weigh v.重;有重41.swimmer n, 游泳者swim v.游泳 adj.社会的society n.协会;社会43. patient adj.耐心的impatient (反义词) 不耐烦的44.unhappy adj.不快乐的, 悲伤的happy (反义词) 高兴的;幸福的happily adv.快乐地;高兴地happiness n.快乐;幸福45. smile n./vi.微笑smiling adj, 微笑的, 带着笑意的46.worse adj. (bud的比较级) 更差, 更糟, 更坏worst (最高级

5、) 最差, 最糟, 最坏【重点短语】1.keep a secret/keep secrets 保守秘密2. have something to eat/drink来点吃的/喝的东西3. have some more food 吃更多些食物4. believe what she says 相信她说的话5. have problems 有问题6. share ones joy 分享某人的快乐7.make sb.happy 使某人高判8. care about 关心, 关怀9. write to sb.about sth. 写信给某人关于某事10. tell lies/tell a lie 说谎11

6、. give her seat to someone in need 把她的座位让给有需要的人12.have a good voice 有一副好噪子13.want to be a singer 想要成为一名歌手14.wear small round glasses 戴小小的圆眼镜15.make him look smart 使他看起来精神16. have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感17.a social worker 一名社会工作者18.feel bored 感到无聊19. have long straight hair 留着长长的直发20. say a bad

7、word about anyone说任何人的坏话21. be good at telling jokes 擅长讲笑话 willing/ready to do sth. 乐于做某事23. knock sth onto the floor 把某物撞翻到地板上24.a drawing competition 一个绘画比赛25.among the six students 在这六个学生中26.the slowest swimmer 最慢的游泳者27.have an English test 进行一次英语测试28. make friends with sb.和某人交朋友29. help peo

8、ple with their problems 帮助人们解决他们的问题30.listen to others carefully 认真倾听别人31.learn more about art 更多地了解艺术 around the world 环游世界33.our future plans 我们将来的计划34.have a square face 有一张方脸 with children 和孩子们一起工作36.have a smile on her face 她的脸上带着微笑37.smiling eyes 带着笑意的眼睛38.make an excellent tea

9、cher 成为一名优秀的老师39. look really pretty and kind 看起来真的漂亮和善良40.among all the Chinese artists 在所有的中国艺术家之中41. listen to people carefully 仔细地听人们说【重点句型】1. Is he ready to help when you have problems?当你有问题时, 他愿意帮助吗?2. What makes your friend so special?什么使你的朋友如此特别?3. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.

10、她长大后想成为一名歌手。4. They do not fit well under his desk.它们在他的课桌底下伸不开。5. When something worries me, I can always go to her, 当有事让我烦恼的时候, 我总是可以去找她。6. She is willing to share things with her friends.她乐意和朋友分享东西。7. You can trust them because they never tell lies.你可以信任他们, 因为他们从不说谎。8. Kate is both my neighbour a

11、nd my best friend.凯特既是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。9. Who would you choose as/to be your best friend?你会选择谁作为你最好的朋友?10. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.他讲滑稽的笑话, 总是使我大笑。11, Millies drawing is more beautiful than Peters.米莉的绘画比彼得的漂亮。12. I think she will make an excellent teacher.我认为她将成为一名优秀的老师。Unit 2 Sch

12、ool life【重点单词】1.biscuit n.饼干2.rubber n.橡皮3.eraser n.橡皮4.vacation n.假期5.cookie n.饼干6.fall n.秋天 n.商店8.truck n.卡车9.yard n.院子 n.电影11.language n.语言12.during prep.在期间13.offer vt.主动提出, 自愿给予14.end vi.&vt.结束 n.棒球16.least adj.最少的;最小的17.further;farther adv, (far的比较级) 较远18.furthest;far

13、thest adv, (far的最高级) 最远19.spend vt.花费 (时间或金钱) 20.chess n.国际象棋21.real adj.真实的, 真的22.finish vi.&v t.完成;结束23.lunchtime n.午餐时间24. physics n.物理 (学) 25.British adj.英国的Britain n.英国26.American adj.美国的America n, 美国;美洲27.French n.法语France n.法国28.foreign adj.外国的foreigner n.外国人29.discuss wt.讨论, 议论discussion n.讨

14、论 vt.&vi.赢得;赢, 获胜winner n.获胜者31.daily adj.每日的, 日常的day n. (一) 天32. weekly adj.每周的week n.星期, 周33.quick adj.快的quickly adv.迅速地, 飞速地【重点短语】1.British English 英式英语2.American English 美式英语3.have some plans for 有一些的计划4. have an important match有一场重要的比赛 Year 8/in the eighth grade 在八年级6.a mixed school一所

15、男女混合学校7.among all my subjects 在我所有的科目中8.learn foreign languages 学习外国的语言9.a Reading Week 一个读书周10.bring in books and magazines 带来书和杂志11. near the end of the week在这一周即将结束的时候12.discuss sth. with sb.和某人讨论某事13. in class 在课堂上14. seem to go faster 似乎过得更快15.go to the Buddy Club 去同伴俱乐部16.offer me help 主动给我提供帮

16、助 baseball after school 放学后打棒球18. read an article by a boy from the USA读一个美国男孩的一篇文章19. the number of students 学生人数20. spend time on/doing sth. 花时间做某事21. wear school uniforms 穿校服22. have more weeks off 有更多星期的休假 most 至多, 不超过24. at least 最少25. a monthly test 每月的测验26.look through 浏览, 快速查看27.

17、 at first起初, 首先28. keep(on) doing sth. 继续, 重复做某事29. have a lovely time 有美好的时光30. my ideal school我理想中的学校31. have lots of time for after-school activities有很多时间参加课外活动32. have an hour of homework 有一个小时的家庭作业33. at lunchtime在午餐时间34. choose subjects to study选择科目学习35. go on a school trip 参加学校旅行36. end earli

18、er than usual 比往常结束早点37. the fewest tomatoes最少的西红柿38. have less free time than John比约翰的空余时间少e first in the race在比赛中夺得第一名40.keep writing in English about my daily lie坚持用英语写我的日常生活41. learn to use English学会用英语【重点句型】1.Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie? Because were cleverer than people. They have to wor

19、k harder.“为什么狗不去上学, 埃迪?” “因为我们比人更聪明。他们必须更加努力工作”2. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class.在这一周即将结束的时候, 我们在课堂上与同班同学讨论这些书。3. Among all my subjects, I like French best.在我所有的科目中, 我最喜欢法语。4. Learning foreign languages is fun 学习外国的语言是有趣的事。5. During the week, we can borro

20、w more books from the school library.在这一周, 我们可以从学校图书馆借更多的书。6. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.当我们阅读有趣的书的时候, 时间似乎过得更快。7. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual在星期五下午, 我们比平常早一些放学。8. Millie has less rice than Daniel.米莉的米饭比丹尼尔少。9. British students spend les

21、s time doing homework than Chinese students.英国学生比中国学生花更少的时间做家庭作业。10. I looked through the questions quickly.我迅速地浏览了这些问题。11.I also keep writing in English about my daily life.我也一直坚持用英语写我的日常生活。12. Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. 中国学生比英国学生暑假多休几个星期。Unit

22、 3 A day out【重点单词】1.ourselves pron. 我们自己2.Australia n.澳大利亚3. coffee n. 咖啡 n.顶部, (物体的) 上面5.president n.总统, 国家主席6.wide adj.宽的;宽广的7. ton n.吨8.fine adv.够好, 蛮不错9.join vt.& vi.加入, 参加10.myself pron.我自己11.shine vi.照耀, 发光 n.天, 天空13.journey n.旅行, 旅程14.boring adj.乏味的15.arrive w.到达16. culture n.文化17.

23、Internet n.网络 n.页, 页面, 页码19. home page n.主页20.yourselves pron.你们自己21.themselves pron.他们自己22. itself pron.它自己23. pull vt.& vi.拉;拖;移开24.rock n.岩石25.reach w.到达26.cost n.费用, 价钱27. rest vi.休息, 歇息 adj.免费的29.ticket n.票, 入场券30.keep vt. 留着;不退还31.square n.广场32.clear adj.晴朗的;清晰的clearly adv.清晰地33.

24、finally adv.最后final adj.最终的, 最后的34.interest n, 令人感兴趣的事 (或人) ;兴趣interesting adj.有趣的interested adj.感兴趣的35.main adj.主要的mainly adv. 主要地;大部分36.luckily adv.幸好, 幸运的是lucky adj.幸运的luck n.好运, 幸运37.climber n.登山者, 攀爬者climb v.爬, 攀登 n.支持support v.支持supporter n.支持者39.cheer vi.&vt.欢呼, 喝彩cheer n.欢呼声, 喝彩声ch

25、eerful adj.兴高采烈的40.hope n.希望hopeless adj.无望的hopeful (反义词) ) 有希望的41.useful adj.有用的, 有益的useless (反义词) 无用的42.meaning n.意思meaningful adj.有意义的43.taste n.味道;品味tasty adj.味道好的44. colourful adj.多彩的colour n, 颜色【重点短语】1. need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼和保持健康2. come on 来吧;赶快3.enjoy oneself 玩得愉快4.take a boat tri

26、p 坐船旅行5. the President of the USA美国总统6. be made of. 制成7.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事8. a fine warm day一个晴朗温暖的日子9.a lot of traffic 很多车辆10. arrive at/in 到达11. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地去做某事12.get off 下车13. place of interest 景点14.all over the world 全球, 全世界15. not believe ones eyes不相信自己的眼睛, 非常惊讶16.the m

27、ain sights of 的主要风景17. by oneself 独立地, 独自18. pull himself up the rocks 他自己往岩石上爬19.keep the secret to oneself 保守秘密20. get to the final 进人决赛21.take place 进行, 发生22.cheer for, 为喝彩23.with your support 在你的支持下24. get on 上车25.the cost of the trip 旅行的费用26. a group of 30 or more students一组30个或更多的学生27.feel exc

28、ited and cheerful感到兴奋和高兴28. see the biggest city square in the world看见世界上最大的城市广场29. plan a day out计划外出一天30. put them on ones home page 把它们放到某人的主页上31. take a look at their plan看看他们的计划【重点句型】1.Well, this hill isnt as high as a real one!嗯, 这座山不像真的山那么高!2. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the jou

29、rney was a little boring. 路上有很多车辆, 旅途有点无聊。3. All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。4. Simon and Linda looked at each other. They kept the secret to themselves西蒙和琳达互相看了看。他们保守着秘密。5. Our school basketball team needs your support!我们学校的篮球队需要你的支持!6. We are planning a day out on Saturday

30、, 16 October.我们计划在十月十六日, 星期六外出一天。7.The cost is about ¥ 50 per student. 这次花费大约是每个学生 50元。8. My ticket is useless now, but Ill keep it!我的票现在没有用了, 但我将保留它!9. The match takes place on Sunday.这场比赛在星期日进行。10. Simon is trying to pull himself up the rocks.西蒙正尽力自己往岩石上爬。11. Mr. Wu is as happy as the two girls.吴老师与两个女孩一样高兴.12.Yesterday Kittys teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park. 昨天凯蒂的老师吴老师邀请我加入他们去世界公园的学校旅行。13. There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world. 这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。14. It is

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