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1、高考英语作文考纲话题及范文2021高考英语作文考纲话题及范文L 个人情况 Personal information范文:Dear Mr. Smith,r m Li Hua, a student from Hongxing Middle School. T m writing to apply for the position of volunteer you advertised on China Daily.My experience has made me a qualified volunteer for your activity. First, Im not only fluent

2、in English but alsohave a good sense of cross-cultural communication, which enables me to provide a good service. Second, I am familiar with the history of the ancient Silk Road and know many stories about it. Third, as an outgoing member of the Students, Union, I have gained much experience in orga

3、nizing social activities. In a word, I think I wouldn,t let you down if I were given this opportunity.Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua参考译文: 亲爱的史密斯先生,我叫李华,是红星中学的学生。我写信是想应聘你们之前刊 登在中国日报上提到的志愿者职位。我有足够的经验,能担任该活动的合格志愿者。首先,我不 仅英语流利,而且有良好的跨文化交际意识,这使我能够提供良 好的服务。第二,我熟悉古代丝绸之路的历史,知道很

4、多相关的 故事。第三,作为一个外向的学生会成员,我有很多组织社会活 动的经验。总之,我认为如果我有这个机会,我不会让你失望。期待您的早日回复。祝好!你的朋友:李华2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 Family, friends and people around 范文:Dear Peter,I,m Li Hua. Learning that you want to learn Mandarin and are in search of a teacher, Id like to recommend my friendLi Ming to you.Li Ming is a 20-year-old you

5、ng man who studies in Zhejiang University, majoring in Chinese. Xot only can he speak Standard Mandarin, but also he is able to speak fluent English. Having been the winner of both English and Chinese speech contests several times, he was awarded the Image Ambassador of his university. So with a goo

6、d command of English, he surely has no difficulty in communicating with you. And when knowing that you want someone to help you with Mandarin, he is quite willing to offer help.I would appreciate it if you could take my recommendation into consideration.Yours truly,Li Hua参考译文亲爱的彼得,我是李华。得知你想学中文,正在找老师

7、,我想向你推荐我 的朋友李明。李明是一个20岁的年轻人,在浙江大学学习中文。他不仅 能说一口标准的普通话,而且能说一口流利的英语。曾多次获得 英语和汉语演讲比赛的冠军,并被授予“学校形象大使”的称号。正因为有良好的英语水平,所以他和你交流不会有什么困难。如 果你需要的话,他会很乐意帮你的。如果您能考虑我的建议,我将不胜感激。你的朋友:李华3.周围的环境 Personal environments范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, an exchange student from China. Having learned that you,re looking fo

8、r volunteers to monitor the water quality of the river, Id like to be one of them.In my hometown, my family have lived on a river for decades. I know how important the river is to people. The river to us is what milk to a baby. That is why Im willing to join you in helping protect the river from bei

9、ng polluted through monitoring its water quality. I promise I will spare no effort to do the job and do it well.I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity to do something for us all.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考译文:尊敬的先生或女士:我是李华,一名来自中国的交换生。得知你们正在寻找志愿 者来

10、监测这条河的水质,我想加入你们。在我的家乡,我的家人已经在河边生活了几十年。我知道这 条河对人们是多么重要。这条河对我们来说就像牛奶对婴儿一样。 这就是为什么我愿意和你们一起,通过监测河流的水质来保护河 流不受污染。我保证我将不遗余力地做好这项工作。如果您能给我机会,让我为大家做点什么,我将不胜感激。期待您早日回复。你的朋友:李华4,日常活动 Daily routines范文:Dear Peter,Im glad that you will come to study in our school as an exchange student. You want to learn about o

11、ur daily life in school. Id like to take Monday for example.As boarding school students, we get up at 5:40 am, doing morning running and reading until 7:00 am. Four classes, Chinese, Maths, Physics and English, are arranged from 7:40 to 12:00. There are three classes lasting from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

12、 School is over at 5:00 pm, which is the time to throw ourselves into the after-school activities, like doing sports or reading in the library. At night, having finished our homework, we will stay in the dormitory, sweeping, washing clothes and chatting. Then, we 11 go to bed before 10:00 pm.Though

13、we are busy, we feel fulfilled at school every day.Yours truly,Li Hua参考译文:亲爱的彼得,我很高兴你作为交换生来我们学校学习,在这里我就以星期 一为例,让你了解一下我们在学校的日常生活。作为寄宿学校的学生,我们早上5点40起床,开始晨跑和 早读,一直到早上7点。语文、数学、物理和英语四节课安排在7:40到12:00。下午14:00到17:00有三节课。下午17: 00放 学,之后就到了我们课外活动的时间,如做运动或在图书馆阅读。 晚上,做完作业,我们会呆在宿舍、扫地、洗衣服、聊天。然后, 我们在晚上10点前睡觉。虽然我们很忙

14、,但我们每天都很充足。你的朋友:李华5.学校生活School life范文:Today, a high school delegation from the UK came to our school to have a cultural exchange activity, which offered us a good opportunity to learn more about each other.At first, we showed the delegation around our cultural corridor where pictures and art works a

15、bout Chinese and English culture were exhibited. Thena cultural lecture was held at the lecture hall, during which students from both countries introduced the development of their own culture. Finally, the art performance that represented Chinese and English culture turned out to be the highlight of

16、 the activity.Through the cultural exchange activity, we have enhanced the understanding of different cultures and promoted the friendship between the two schools.参考译文今天,一个来自英国的高中代表团来到我们学校进行文化交 流活动,这给了我们一个很好的机会去了解彼此。首先,我们带领代表团参观了我们的文化走廊,那里展出了 中国和英国文化的图片和艺术作品。随后在报告厅举行了一场文 化讲座,来自两国的学生介绍了各自文化的发展。最后,代表中

17、、 英两国文化的艺术表演成为活动的亮点。通过文化交流活动,我们增进了对不同文化的了解,增进了 两校之间的友谊。6.兴趣与爱好 Interests and hobbies范文:Dear Peter,How are you doing? Knowing that you are interested in astronomy, Im writing to invite you to attend a lecture on astronomy given by Mr Green, a professor in a famous university.The three hour lecture wi

18、ll start at 8:30 am on Thursday next week in the lecture hall. Mr Green will not only talk about how life began on the Earth, but also introduce some great astronomers as well as the great achievements they have made. In addition, there will be a question-and-answer period when we can ask Mr. Green

19、any questions about astronomy.I believe we can learn more about astronomy from the lecture. Looking forward to your coming.Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考译文:亲爱的彼得,你好吗?得知你对天文学感兴趣,我写信是想邀请你去听一位 著名大学教授格林先生关于天文学的讲座。讲座将于下周四上午8:30在报告厅开始,持续三小时。格 林先生不仅会讲述地球上生命是如何开始的,而且还将介绍一些 伟大的天文学家以及他们所取得的伟大成就。此外,还有一个问 答环节,我们可以向格林

20、先生提问任何有关天文学的问题。我相信我们可以从讲座中学到很多关于天文学的知识。期待 你的到来。你的朋友:李华7.个人感情Emotions范文:Hi, Painful,The problem you are facing is quite common among us teenagers. As a student of your age, I quite understand you, and I have some advice for you.Firstly, you should understand that your parents care about you. They oft

21、en compare you with others perhaps because they want to let you be aware of your disadvantages and help you become better. If you dont like it, you can tell them about your feeling, saying that you feel stressed out. Secondly, you can tell them that you have the confidence to improve yourself in som

22、e areas. And meanwhile, let them know that you want to be yourself. I believe your parents can understand you and make some changes.Hope what I said above can be of some help to you.Yours,Li Hua参考译文嗨,痛苦,你所面临的问题在青少年中很普遍。作为同为这个年龄的学 生,我很理解你并有一些建议给你。首先,你应该明白,你的父母关心你,经常拿你和别人比较, 也许是因为他们想让你意识到自己的缺点,帮助你变得更好

23、。如 果你不喜欢,你可以告诉他们你的感受,说你感到压力很大。其 次,你可以告诉他们,你有信心在某些方面提高自己。同时,让 他们知道你想做你自己。我相信你的父母能理解你,并做出一些 改变。希望我上面所说的对你有所帮助。你的朋友:李华8.人际关系 interpersonal relationships范文:Dear Mike,I quite sympathize with you and understand how you feel. To help you save your friendship, here is my advice.To begin with, having been fr

24、iends with him for so many years, you should trust him. Maybe something happened to him or his family. He probably doesnt want you to get involved in it. So it may be a good idea to give him some time to be alone. Finally, you can ask another friend to help find out the reason, which is the key to s

25、olving the problem.I hope these suggestions are helpful and that you and Tom are on good terms as before.Yours truly,Li Hua参考译文亲爱的迈克,我很同情你,也理解你的感受。为了帮助你挽救你的友谊, 下面有几个建议。首先,和他做了这么多年的朋友,你应该相信他。也许他或 他的家人出事了,他可能不想让你卷入其中。所以一个好办法是 给他一些独处的时间。最后,问题的关键是,你可以请另一个朋 友帮忙找出原因。我希望这些建议对你有帮助,希望你和汤姆像以前一样相处 得很好。你的朋友:李华9

26、.计划与愿望 Plans and intentions范文:Dear Alex,r m glad to learn from your letter that you, re going to pay a visit to Beijing recently. T d like to be your guide and give my suggestions for your two-day trip here.On the morning of the first day, I suggest we climb the Great Wall, which is famous all over

27、the world. After lunch, we can enjoy the Birds Nest and the Water Cubic where the 2008 Olympics was held.Next day, I recommend we go sightseeing in the Peking University and Tsinghua University, the two most noted universities in China. Wed better visit the Forbidden City in the afternoon, so you ca

28、n appreciate the splendid royal palace.r d be happy if my suggestions are helpful to you. And r m looking forward to your coming.Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考译文: 亲爱的亚历克斯,我很高兴从你的信中得知你最近要来北京访问。我愿意做你 的向导,给你两天的旅行提些建议。在第一天的早上,我建议去爬世界著名的长城。午餐后,我 们可以欣赏2008举办奥运会的鸟巢和水立方。第二天,我推荐去参观中国最著名的两所大学一一北京大学 和清华大学。下午最好去参观故宫,

29、这样你就能欣赏到富丽堂皇 的皇宫了。如果我的建议对你有帮助,我会很高兴。期待着你的到来。你的朋友:李华1。.节假日活动 Festival, holidays and celebrations范文:Dear Peter,With Chinese Xew Year drawing near, Id like to invite you to celebrate it at my home.Chinese New Year is regarded as one of the most important festivals in my country. On the New Years Eve, f

30、amilies and relatives will gather together to have a big dinner. When it comes to the reunion dinner, people often think of dumplings. But actually, the reunion dinner is usually served with abundant foods, such as fish, chicken, beef aswell as many other dishes. Some foods can have special meanings

31、 expressing peoples good wishes for the coming new year. All my family will be excited about your coming. Im sure you 11 have a good time with us.Looking forward to your coming.Yours truly,Li Hua参考译文亲爱的彼得,随着中国新年的临近,我想邀请你来我家庆祝。中国新年被认为是我国最重要的节日之一。在除夕夜,家人 和亲戚会聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。说到团圆饭,人们经常想 到饺子。但实际上,团圆饭通常有丰富的食物,如鱼、鸡、牛肉 以及许多其他菜肴,一些具有特殊意义的食物用来表达人们对新 年的美好祝愿。我全家都会为你的到来而兴奋。我相信你会和我 们玩得很开心的。期待你的到来。你的朋友:李华

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