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1、大学英语三综合复习资料大学英语(三)综合复习资料I.Read ing Comprehe nsionPassage 1I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane Ianded at Kenn edy Airport at three o clock in the after noon. The weather was very coldand it was sn

2、owing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friendand I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyli ne of Man hatta n for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me un pack at the hotel and the n left m

3、e because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the n ext day.Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaura nt n ear the hotel to get something to eat. Because I c ouldn t speak a word of English, Icould n t tell the waiter what I wan ted. I was very upset and started to make som

4、e gestures, but the waiter did n t un dersta nd me. Fin ally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights , and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I contin

5、ued to walk aro und the city. I wan ted to see everythi ng on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wan ted to try.WhenI returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn t sleep because I kept hear ing the fire and police sire ns duri ng the ni ght. I lay awake andthought about NewYork.

6、It was a very big and interesting city with many tallbuildi ngs and big cars, and full of no ise and busy people. I also decided right the n that I had to lear n to speak En glish.1.February 6,1966 a day unforgettable to the writer because was his first day in New was very clear that

7、dayC.that day he took a pla ne and Ian ded at Kenn edy was snowing and cold that day2.On the way to his hotel, the writer .A.was sile nt all the timeB.kept talking to his friendC.looked out of the wi ndow with great in terestD.showed his friend somethi ng he brought with him3.He did not

8、have what he really wan ted, because .A.he only made some gesturesB.he did not order at allC.he could not make himself un derstoodD.the waiter was un willi ng to serve4.After dinner, he .A.walked back to the hotel right awayB.had a walk ing tour about the cityC.went to the moviesD.did some shopp ing

9、 on Broadway5.That ni ght he could not sleep, because .A.he did not know what to do the next dayB.he was not tired at allC.he kept heari ng the fire and police sire nsD.he was thinking about this great cityPassage 2A man mayusually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; f

10、or there is a compa nion ship of books as well as of men. And one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today as it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions.

11、 It does not turn its back upon us in times of misfortune or suffering. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing andin struct ing us in youth, and comfort ing us in age.A good book is ofte n the best container of a life, containing the bestthat life could think out, for the world of a m

12、an s life is, for the mostpart, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words and golde n thoughts, which, remembered and cared about, become our lasti ng compa nions and comforters.Books possess an esse nee of immortality. They are by far the most lasti ng products

13、 of humaneffort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when theyfirst passed through their author s min ds, ages ago. What was the n said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the prin ted page.The great

14、and good do not die eve n in this world. Well preserved in thebooks, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is anin tellect to which one still liste ns. Hence we ever remai n un der the in flue neeof the great men of the past. The imperial in tellects of the worlds are asmuch aliv

15、e now as they were ages ago.6.The relationship between a man s friends and his books is that .A.his books are as good as his friendsB.his books are better than his friendsC.his books are not as good as his friendsD.his books are worse tha n his friends7.A good book is our best friend because it is .

16、A.always sile ntB.most beautifully prin tedC.most patie nt and cheerfulD.the best liste ner8.According to the author, the world of man s life is the world of .A.his willB.his behaviorsC.his opinionsD.his thoughts9.For books the effect of time is make a book disappear as time goes decide

17、 the content of a separate the bad books from the good find the practical use of books10.“Their spirits walk abroad ” means that .A.the author s thoughts are widespreadB.the author goes abroad with his bookC.the author of a book will n ever dieD.readers can read books of other coun

18、 triesPassage 3Pige ons have bee n used as messe ngers for 500 years, because of theirspecial ability to find home. The mystery of the homing pigeon is on how itn avigates and how it finds home. We now know that there are two ways thatpigeons tell directions. First, they use the sun. Just getting ro

19、ughdirecti ons from the sun is easy. However, gett ing accurate directi ons from the sun takes more care. To tell directi on accurately from the sun, one n eedsto know the exact time.All plants and animals seem to have built-in clocks. Usually these biological clocks are not quite exact in measuring

20、 time. However, they workpretty well, because they are “reset ” every day, maybe when the sun getsup.Do pige ons use their biological clocks to help them find directi on fromthe sun? Wecan experiment to find out. Wecan keep pigeons in a room lighted only by lamps. And we can time the lighting to mak

21、etheir artificial “days”start at somedifferent time from the real outside day. After a while we have shifted their clocks. Now we take them far away from home and let them go on a sunny day. Most of them start out as if they know just which way to go, but choose a wrong directi on. They have picked

22、a directi on that would be correct for the position of the sun and the time of day according to their shifted clocks.The above experiment shows that homing pigeons can tell directions by thesun. What happe ns whe n the sky is darkly overcast by clouds and no one can see where the sun is? The pigeons

23、 still find their way home. So it seems that pige ons also have some extra sense of directi on from the earth s magn eticfield whe n they cannot see the sun.11.Pige ons have bee n used as messe ngers, for they have special send find carry food for lead the wa

24、y for people12.The secret of the homing pigeons is they find they find they take a they take care of childre n13.All plants and animals reset their biological clocks when .A.the sun risesB.the sun setsC.the moon risesD.the moon sets14.The experiment tells us th

25、at the pigeons fly because of the shiftedbiological a wrong directi a correct directi all directi onsD.i n a circle15.Pige ons have to tell the directi on whe n it is cloudy by using theearth s magnetic eyesB.sen sitive heari ngC.sense of directi onD.brain wav

26、esPassage 4My surname is “SurT , which happens to be spelt exactly like the English word “Sun” .It interested quite a few people on my way to London.At London Airport a tall policema n took my passport to check the visa.“Your nameis S, U, N Sun,” he pronounced it just as any other Englishman would.

27、“ You are wan ted, young man! ” Sudde nly he took hold of my arm, and looked at me seriously.It was a great shock to me, for I knew if a pers on is wan ted by the police, he must have broke n the law in some way. I protested: “ What are you doing?Why should I be wan ted? I ve n ever done any harm to

28、 an ybody. ”“ Y es, you are wan tedthere s no doubt about it. ” Hetighte ned his grip.“ Is there anything wrong with my passport or the entry visa? Do I haveto go back to China? ”“Go back? Now that you are here, we ll never let you run away. ”“ But what s happened? What have I done? ”“Don t you know

29、 yourself? ” he looked as if he was really surprised.“ Of course not. Before you arrest me, you must let me know exactly howI happe ned to have broke n the law! ”It was not until then that a smile appeared on his face. He let go my arm and said: “It s very simple, Mr. Sun. England is a country with

30、littlesun shi ne. Since your n ameis Sun, you are wan ted here. Nowthat you ve come, of course we don t want you to go away. But I have to give back your passport all the same. Here you are.So this was English humor, I thought, as I wiped the sweat on my forehead.16.The author s surname is the same

31、as the English word “SurT in A.pronun ciati onB.spelli ngC.meaningD.both B and C17.In London it is usually .A.wi ndyB.snowyC.cloudyD.sunny18.By say ing “ you are wan ted ” , the policema n really wan ted to .A.arrest the authorB.have a joke with the authorC.ask the author to do someth ingD.send the

32、author back to China19.When “caught ” by the policeman, the author thought .A.he must have stole n someth ingB.he must have bee n cheatedC.there must have bee n someth ing wrong with his passportD.there must have bee n someth ing wrong with his package20.For the En glish humor the author felt .Passage 5Jobs and work do much more tha n most o

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