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1、模拟联合国大会主席团用语模拟联合国大会-主席团用语1 主席团用语 1( 主席团介绍 The Chair: Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is , the Chair of todays conference.(welcome). I would like to introduce the secretariats member of the commission. To my left, is the DirectorTo my right , is the Rapporteur 主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席。欢迎大家参加大会,在此对诸位代表的到来表示衷心的

2、欢迎。现在我将先介绍主席团成员。在我左边的是会议指导,右边的是主席助理。 The Director: Im, the Director of todays conference. All the files, including working papers, draft resolutions, amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome. 会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导。会议中的所有文件,包括工作文件、决议草案、修正案都应提交给我。同时也欢迎大家提问。 The Rapporteur

3、: Good afternoon, Im, the Rapporteur of todays conference. 主席助理:大家好,我是今天的主席助理。 2( 点名 Roll Call The Chair: Now the rapporteur will do the roll call. All delegates please raise your placard and say present when your nations name is called. 主席:下面进行点名。被点到国家名的代表请举牌并答“到”。 The Rapporteur: Afghanistan. Dele

4、gate of Afghanistan: Present. The Rapporteur: Afghanistan is present. 主席助理:阿富汗。 阿富汗代表: 到。 主席助理:阿富汗代表到场。 *点名结束之后,主席助理需要申明出席代表数目,是否符合召开会议的要求,简单多数、三分之二多数、百分之二十的代表数。并重申迟到的国家需要向主席团提交意象条,并随时更新相应代表数。 *正式辩论之前重申相应规则,如上台发言,正式辩论不可二次让渡时间等等。 3( 确定议题 Setting the Agenda The Chair: Since we have two topics: Topic A

5、 , Topic B, we are going to set the agenda first. Those countries in favor of discussing topic A first please raise your placardsChina, Russia Singapore, thanks. Those countries in favor of discussing topic B first please raise your placardsUK, Chile, Spain, thanks. Now delegate of China you have 90

6、 seconds to address the body. 主席:由于我们今天有两个议题,议题A,议题B下面我们将先确定议题。希望先讨论议题A的代表请举牌,中国、俄罗斯、新加坡,谢谢。希望先讨论议题B的代表请举牌,联合王国、智利、西班牙,谢谢。中国代表,现在您有90秒的发言时间。 The Chair: Since all the delegates have addressed their position, we now have to vote. All those delegates in favor of discussing topic A first, please raise y

7、our placard. (Counting) Thank you. And all those delegates in favor of discussing topic B first, please raise your placard. (Counting) Thank you. Within favor of discussing topic A and in favor of 2 discussing topic B, we will discuss topic area A first. 主席:各位代表发言结束,现在进行投票。希望先讨论议题A的代表请举牌,谢谢。希望先讨论议题B

8、的代表请举牌,谢谢。现有_代表希望先讨论议题A,_代表希望先讨论议题B。所以,我们将先讨论议题A。 *在此案例中,发言顺序应为中国联合王国俄罗斯智利新加坡西班牙,即支持不同观点的国家轮流发言。 *注意应该在事先记住讨论的议题。 4( 确定发言名单 Setting Speakers List The Chair: The Chair now will open the speakers list. All those delegates wishing to speak please raise your placard. (Calling the names of the countries)

9、 Thank you. If there are any other delegates wish to speak, please send a page to the chair and chair will add your countrys name at the bottom of the speakers list. And each delegate will have 2 minutes to address the body, and the chair will remind you of time with gavel when theres 30 seconds lef

10、t. Honorable delegate from , you have 2 min to address the body. 主席:下面将产生发言名单。希望发言的代表请举牌。谢谢。如果还有国家代表希望发言,请传意向条给主席,主席助理会把国家名添加在发言名单的最后。每位代表将有2分钟的发言时间,在还剩30秒的时候主席会敲桌提醒。尊敬的_国代表,您有2分钟的发言时间。 *注意点国家名时注意速度,以便主席助理记录 5( 发言以及让渡时间 Speeches and Yield 5.1让渡时间 让渡给主席 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have 40 sec

11、onds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢_国代表,您还有40s的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡发言时间, Delegate: I would like to yield my time to chair. 代表:让渡给主席。 The Chair: Thank you. 主席:谢谢。 让渡给代表 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have 30 seconds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢_国代表,您还有30s的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡

12、发言时间, Delegate: I would like to yield my time to India. 代表:让渡给印度代表。 The Chair: Thank you. Delegate of India, now you have 30 seconds. 主席:谢谢。印度代表,现在您有30s的发言时间。 让渡给问题 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have 40 seconds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢_国代表,您还有40s的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡发言时间, Delega

13、te: I would like to yield my time to question. 代表:让渡给问题。 3 The Chair: Thank you. All those delegates who want to ask questions to_, please raise your placards. 主席:谢谢。下面代表们可就_国代表发言提问,希望提问的代表请举牌。_国代表。 The Chair: Thank you, dear delegate. Your time is up. 主席:谢谢_国代表,您的发言时间结束。 5.2 动议和问题 Motions and Point

14、s 未见问题或动议 The Chair: Are there any points or motions of the floor? See none. Well go on the speakers list. Honorable delegate from , you have 2 min to address the body. 主席:请问场下有无问题或动议,未见问题或动议。下面继续进行发言。尊敬的_国代表,您有2分钟的发言时间。 问题 The Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor? 主席:请问场下有无问题或动议, Del

15、egate of Israel: Point. 以色列代表:问题。 The Chair: Delegate of Israel, to what point do you rise? 主席:以色列代表有何问题, , 个人特权问题 Delegate of Israel: Point of personal privilege. Israel feels a little bit hot, should we have opened the window? 以色列代表:个人特权问题。以色列代表觉得有些热,可否开窗, The Chair: Thank you, delegate. We are no

16、w sending our conference staff to open the window. 主席:我们现在让工作人员开窗。 , 程序性问题 Delegate of Pakistan: Point of order. Pakistan hasnt been added to the speakers list. 巴基斯坦代表:程序性问题。巴基斯坦未被列入发言名单。 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. The rapportuer will add Pakistan to the speakers list. 主席:抱歉。主席助理将把巴基斯坦列入发言名单。 ,

17、 咨询性问题 Delegate of Congo: Point of inquiry. Congo wants to make sure how many votes we need to pass a motion of suspend meeting? 刚果代表:咨询性问题。刚果代表想知道动议赞成中断会议需要多少代表投票通过, The Chair: Thank you, delegate. We need a simple majority. 主席:需要简单多数通过。 动议 The Chair: Are there any points or motions of the floor? 主

18、席:请问场下有无问题或动议, Delegate of China: Motion. 中国代表:动议。 , 动议更改发言时间 The Chair: Delegate of China, to what point do you rise? 主席:中国代表有何动议, 4 Delegate of China: China motion to set the speaking time to 1 minute. 中国代表:中国动议将发言时间缩短为1分钟。 The Chair: Thank you. Now theres a motion on the floor to set the speaking

19、 time to 1 minute. Is there a second? Thank you. We now have to vote. All those delegates in favor of this motion please raise your placards. All those oppose please raise your placards. Thank you. With 5 in favor and 13 oppose, this motion failed. 主席:谢谢。现在中国代表动议将发言时间缩短为1分钟。请问场下有无赞同,下面我们进行投票。赞成此动议的代

20、表请举牌。反对此动议的代表请举牌。谢谢。5票赞成,13票反对,此动议未通过。 , 动议自由磋商 The Chair: Delegate of China, to what point do you rise? 主席:中国代表有何动议, Delegate of China: China motion for an unmoderated caucus for 5minutes. 中国代表:中国动议进行5分钟的自由磋商。 The Chair: Thank you. Now theres a motion on the floor for an unmoderated caucus for 5 mi

21、nutes. Is there a second? Thank you. Is there opposition? Thank you. We now have to vote. All those delegates in favor of this motion please raise your placards. All those oppose please raise your placards. Thank you. With 13 in favor and 5 oppose, this motion passed. We are now in an unmoderated ca

22、ucus. 主席:谢谢。现在中国代表动议进行5分钟的自由磋商。请问场下有无赞同,谢谢。下面进行投票。赞成此动议的代表请举牌。反对此动议的代表请举牌。谢谢。13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过。我们现在进行5分钟的自由磋商。 The Chair: Delegates, you still have 1 minute. 主席:各位代表,你们还有1分钟的时间。 The Chair: All delegates, please be seated! 主席:代表们请就座。 , 动议有主持核心磋商 The Chair: Delegate of China, to what point do you rise?

23、 主席:中国代表有何动议, Delegate of China: China motion for a moderated caucus for 5minutes on the topic of Security Council reform and each delegate has 30 seconds speaking time. 中国代表:中国动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商。每位代表有30秒的发言时间。 The Chair: Thank you. Now theres a motion on the floor for a moderated caucus for 5minu

24、tes on the topic of Security Council reform and each delegate has 30 seconds speaking time. Is there a second? Thank you. We now have to vote. All those delegates in favor of this motion please raise your placards. All those oppose please raise your placards. Thank you. With 13 in favor and 5 oppose

25、, this motion passed. All those delegates wish to speak please raise your placard. Sudan. Now you have 30 seconds. 主席:谢谢。现在场下有一动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商。每位代表有30秒的发言时间。请问场下有无赞同,谢谢。下面进行投票。赞成此动议的代表请举牌。反对此动议的代表请举牌。谢谢。13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过。下面请希望发言的代表举牌。苏丹,现在你有30秒的发言时间。 The Chair: The Chair would like to ask a last

26、 delegate to speak. 5 主席:主席将请最后一位代表发言。 The Chair: Since we just have 20 seconds left. We wont have another delegate. And now we are going back to our speakers list. 主席:因为有主持核心磋商只剩20秒。我们现在回到发言名单。 , 主席建议动议 The Chair: The Chair now would like to encourage an unmoderated caucus for 5 minutes sinceAre th

27、ere any points or motions on the floor? 主席:鉴于主席现在建议代表进行5分钟自由磋商。请问场下有无问题或动议, *No “I think” or “in my opinion”,发言正式化。 *发起动议进入有主持核心磋商的国家在磋商阶段往往具有发言优先权。 *如果有主持核心磋商的标题较长则应该作相应记录。 *动议的唱票阶段主席助理协助主席数票。 *主席可以一次点几个代表提出动议,决定就某个动议进行投票。同时主席可以建议代表动议。 *优先回答问题。 *程序性问题可以打断代表的发言。(例如:代表发言超时) *程序性问题的投票需要所有代表进行表决。 6(工作文

28、件和决议草案的提交 The Chair: The chair would like to encourage the delegates to submit your working papers to the director now. 主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交工作文件 The Chair: The chair would like to see draft resolution submitted to the director now. 主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交决议草案 The Chair: Now we have working paper/ draft r

29、esolution1.1 submitted by China printed for every delegate, now are there any points or motions on the floor? 主席:中国代表提交了工作文件/决议草案1.1,现已印发给了各位代表。请问场下有无问题或动议, China: Motion to introduce working paper 1.1. 中国:中国动议介绍工作文件1.1。 The Chair: China motions to introduce working paper 1.1.Is there a second? Than

30、k you. We now have to vote. All those delegates in favor of this motion please raise your placards .Thank you. All those oppose please raise your placards. Thank you. With 13 in favor and oppose, this motion passed. _, now you have 3 minutes to introduce working paper 1.1. 主席:中国动议介绍工作文件1.1。请问场下有无赞成,

31、谢谢。现在我们进行投票。赞成此动议的代表请举牌。反对此动议的代表请举牌。谢谢。,票赞成,,票反对。此动议通过。_国代表,现在你有,分钟的时间介绍工作文件1.1。 _: Thank you Chair. Introduction. _代表:介绍工作文件。 The Chair: Now all delegates could ask 3 questions on the grammar of the working paper. All those delegates with questions please raise your placards. 主席:现在各位代表可就该工作文件的语法方面提出,个问题。希望提问的代表请举牌。 *工作文件和决议草案的介绍时间为,分钟。 *主席要提醒代表一旦决议草案被提交,正式辩论围绕决议草案展开,而非之前设定的6 议题。 *关于工作文件、决议草案的提问只限于语法、用词以及模糊不清的概念,而不可针对决议草案的内容。 *介绍决议草案仅限于行动性条款。 7(修正案 7(1友好修正案 The Chair: The Director: We now have a friendly amendment submitted by Cuba and

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